Obtaining GCC for OSX with Developer Tools installed - macos

I want to start working with C++0x. I see that GCC 4.7 has a fair amount of functionality available. I already have XCode 3.2 installed in /Developer
I downloaded: http://fileboar.com/gcc/snapshots/LATEST-4.7/gcc-4.7-20110528.tar.bz2
Can I somehow compile this in /opt/gcc-4.7? How do I then work with my path so I can compile with GCC 4.7 from the command-line but have OSX use the version it needs?

OSX does not need gcc to run - the Developer tools are optional. So you only need to choose between gcc's when you compile. In Xcode you chose explicitly the gcc andin Makefiles you can set $(CC) or similar to the full path.
Alternatively rename the gcc-4.7 gcc to gcc-4.7 and use that so gcc is always the Apple one.
For ease of using multiple C++ compilers I use macports (or fink or homebrew) which will compile the compilers with the correct patches and also has a port select command to switch between the C++ compilers


Can't compile with gcc-4.9

I eventually want to use valgrind to find what is causing the occasional bizarre output in a C program which refines a model against experimental data using OpenMP parallel programming.
To avoid the use of the nominal gcc (ie clang) compiler, I used brew to install gcc-4.9 on my MacPro running Yosemite (OS x 10.10.5). However, when trying to compile my program with gcc-4.9, with or without -fopenmp, I get numerous error messages of the type:
or operands invalid for `movq'
I have no idea what the problem triggering these error messages is. Can anyone help?
The following summarises what was worked out in the comments section and did lead to the issue being resolved. Not all steps may be necessary, but most are probably good practice.
Step 1 - Clean up
If you have been trying lots of different, potentially incompatible, methods to get OpenMP set up, it is probably a good idea to clean them up first. So, something like:
brew rm --force gcc # or maybe gcc#4.9
Step 2 - Update Xcode and Command Line Tools
If you have upgraded macOS since installing Xcode, it is probably advisable to update Xcode and its "Command Line Tools"
Consider uninstalling and re-installing Xcode - it is available for free from the App Store.
Update/install the "Command Line Tools" after installing/updating with:
xcode-select --install
Step 3 - Install gcc
Now, try installing gcc afresh, ensuring that you use the --without-multilib option:
brew install gcc#4.9 --without-multilib
Hopefully you can now compile OpenMP code with:
/usr/local/bin/gcc -fopenmp program.c -o program
I am unsure exactly why the --without-multilib option is needed and prefer to quote #hristo-iliev:
Multilib usually refers to the coexistence of both 64-bit and 32-bit
versions of each library so that 32-bit software could be run on
64-bit OS. In the GCC case that probably refers to having all GCC
runtime libraries in "fat" Mach-O format, i.e. versions for both i386
and x86_64 in the same shared library file. It could be that libgomp
(the GNU OpenMP runtime library) cannot be built in such a way.
See this question.
Keywords: gcc, g++, GNU Compiler, OpenMP, fopenmp, -fopenmp, Xcode, multilib, Command Line Tools, macOS, OSX, homebrew, brew

CUDA version X complains about not supporting gcc version Y - what to do?

The question is about a specific combination of versions but is relevant more generally.
I've just dist-upgraded from Kubuntu 12.04 to 14.04. Now, when I want to compile CUDA code (with CUDA 6.5), I get:
#error -- unsupported GNU version! gcc 4.9 and up are not supported!
I installed gcc-4.8 (and 4.7), and tried to use the symlinks-in-/usr/local/cuda/bin solution suggested here:
CUDA incompatible with my gcc version
but this doesn't work. What should I do?
This solution is relevant to multiple combinations of CUDA and GCC versions.
You can tell CUDA's nvcc to use a specific version of gcc. So, suppose you want gcc 4.7 for use with CUDA 6. You run:
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.7 g++-4.7
and then add the following switch to your nvcc command-line:
nvcc --compiler-bindir /usr/bin/gcc-4.7 # rest of the command line here
If you're building with CMake, add an appropriate setting before looking for CUDA to your CMakeLists.txt, e.g.:
set(CUDA_HOST_COMPILER /usr/bin/gcc-4.7) # -> ADD THIS LINE <-
Also, it seems clang can compile CUDA as well, maybe that's worth experimenting with (although you would have to build it appropriately).
Note: Some Linux (or other OS) distributions don't have packages for multiple versions of gcc (in the same release of the OS distribution). I would advise against trying to install a package from another release of the distribution on an older release, and consider building gcc instead. That's not entirely trivial but it is quite doable - and of course, it's your only option if you don't have root access to your machine.
Switch back to a supported config. They are listed in the getting started document for any recent CUDA distribution.
For your particular configuration you have currently listed, you might have better luck with CUDA 7 RC, which is now available to registered developers.
I had a similar issue with CUDA Toolkit 7.5 and gcc 5.2.1.
I did modify the host_config.h file in /usr/local/cuda/include/:
Just remove the lines where it check the gcc version. It did solve my problem.
Credits goes to Darren Garvey (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/torch7/WaNmWZqMnzw)
Very often you will find that CUDA has had newer releases by the time you encounter this problem. For example, the original formulation of the question was about CUDA 6 and GCC 4.9; CUDA 7 supported GCC 4.9. CUDA 8 supports GCC 5.x . And so on.

Using gcc instead of clang in ghci or ghc

On Mac OSX 10.9, the default c compiler bundled with Xcode is clang. I installed gcc-4.9 with homebrew. Now I have two different gccs, one is clang, the other is gcc. The default is clang.
I want to use gcc when compiling Haskell files with ghc, and I want also gcc when I launch ghci. How to do this change?
Reproducing my directions I've been sharing with haskellers for the past few months via https://gist.github.com/cartazio/7131371
Type ghc --print-libdir
The output will be a path like /Library/Frameworks/GHC.framework/Versions/7.6.3-x86_64/usr/lib/ghc-7.6.3
Go to that directory and edit the settings file.
There'll be a line indicating the path to the C compiler. It'll probably say /bin/gcc
Change that line to /usr/local/bin/gcc-4.8 (or whichever gcc version you brew installed, such as /usr/local/bin/gcc-4.2)

GCC upgrade and shared libraries

I'm on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks with command line tools installed, so I got clang-500.2.79. However, some software does not build with clang, hence I want to install GCC. So I got a question about GCC, specifically what will happen later when if I decide to upgrade GCC.
Suppose I install current version of GCC in /usr/gcc-4.8.2. Suppose I also use this gcc to build and install some software on my system that links against shared libraries in /usr/gcc-4.8.2/lib (in addition to system libraries in /usr/lib).
Suppose also I later decide to upgrade GCC to say version 4.9 and install it in /usr/gcc-4.9 and remove the old version in /usr/gcc-4.8.2.
Will the software that linked against shared libraries in /usr/gcc-4.8.2/lib continue to work i.e. will it magically (libtool?) find shared libraries in /usr/gcc-4.9 now? Or will everything I ever built with gcc-4.8.2 have to be recompiled after gcc upgrade?

Does it matter that I update the gcc 4.6 to 4.7 or higher in Ubuntu 12.04(LTS)

I found that more and more open source libraries will use C++11 features, and my Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 just has gcc 4.6, I want to use the update-alternatives to change the default gcc version into 4.7 or 4.8. I wonder that, if the libraries in the /usr/local/lib compiled by gcc 4.6 will need to be recompiled by the new gcc 4.7/4.8. In my opinion, if the dependency libraries are still in the system, there is no need to recompile. But, If one dependency library compiled by the new gcc 4.7, is the dependency among libraries still right? Sorry for my poor English.
Just update to 13.04 (and soon 13.10). From my 13.04 development box:
edd#max:~$ ls -1 /usr/bin/g*-4.*
Make sure you upgrade one-by-one and not in jumps. It usually a very smooth process.
