How to update project minus one file in subclipse - subclipse

Is there an easy way to use subclipse (svn) to update an entire project, but exclude one file from the update? I need this because there is one file which has computer-specific constants (mostly paths).

Is this file checked in in some changeset? If so, you can update your project then 'revert' it back to that existing revision with 'Team => Update to Version'. Tedious but until this file syncs up with the head...


Visual Studio Setup Project not updating Content File

I have a Visual Studio Setup project which includes a .SQL file from my project which should always overwrite the existing file if I run the installer on the same machine to update to a new version. The problem is that doesn't always seem to happen. Under File System > Application Folder > File Installation Properties, which property would tell the installer to always overwrite the existing .SQL file on an install?
The upgrade is an install of the new files on top of the older files, during which file overwrite rules are followed. The rule for data files is that they will not be overwritten if they've been updated since they were installed. If you've installed a database that's now full of customer data it's usually a bad idea to just replace it with a new empty database:
Among the ways to solve your problem are:
Update the existing file with the new data using a custom action.
Avoid the problem in the first place by having the installed file copied to a location where it can be used, updated etc by the application. The original can then be overwritten by the upgrade, and the application detect that there is a new one to use, that it copies to replace the previous copy. It maybe too late for this.
Have the application make the creation date and modify date of the file have identical values so that the upgrade will think it's not been updated.
Install the new file to a different location (and use 1. from now on). The older file will be removed by the upgrade.
Edit the MSI file (with a tool like Orca) to move the location of RemovePreviousVersions (in the InstallExecuteSequence) so that it is immediately after InstallInitialize. This will completely remove all of the old files before installing the new ones, so it won't help if you have that database full of customer data mentioned in the opening paragraph.

How to delete file from TFS and exclude from source control?

I'm working on a project where I'm writing a library. I have a file, lets call it... tester.cs which I use for testing the library. Now, I'm only supposed to check in the library but i accidentally also checked in tester.cs. Is there any way I can delete it from the remote server without deleting it locally? and also ultimately removing it from source control? Thank you in advance.
If you want to delete files on the TFS server and leave them locally. There's the obvious brute-force solution of copying the files to a temporary location, fixing source control, then adding them back in to your project.
And also here is a similar question for your reference: How to delete a file from TFS repository without deleting local file
It depends really on what you mean by 'delete'. TFVC has the concept of delete which flags a file as deleted in the Project Collection database (and removes it from your workspace etc.). And you have the concept op 'destroy' which means the file will be removed from the Project Collection databases, and action that is unrecoverable except by restoring a backup of TFS. But this will leave your local file in place and erase all traces of the file in source control.
However, if you added it to your project in VS (.proj file) then there will be a reference to the file in there as well for compilation etc. This will cause issues when other users perform a Get-Latest of your solution.
Also if you are using a local workspace you can use .tfignore files to prevent such files from being added into the local workspace in the first place. See this page, near the bottom there is some information about the .tfignore file and how they work.
I think it's as simple as making a local copy of a file, deleting it in TFS and moving the local copy back to the original location. Visual Studio does not allow you to do that in a C# project or Source Control Explorer.

I forgot to select option of 'Copy items into destination group’s folder' while adding files from a different project

I copied files from an old Xcode project and used it in my current one. I made a lot of changes in my current project, including in the files copied from the old project. Now I can't run them on another computer without including the old project.
Is there any way I can separate them now ?
I don't want to delete the files and add it again in the project.
Save a copy of the files in their current state. Then remove the references to the files in the new project. Now add the copies you saved off (and choose to copy them). Once done you can delete the copies you made earlier.
But keep in mind that this leaves the files from the original project with all of the changes you have made. Unless you have made proper use of source code control of you have backups, there is no way to revert the files in the old project back to their proper state.

Add as link with VisualSVN

I've got a solution in which I'm trying to create a 2nd executable. These two executable share most of the same files, but have a few different ones including resources and application icon, etc.
I created the 2nd project, and added the items as links.:
Right-click "Add existing item",
Browse to it,
Click the "Add" drop-down and select "Add as link".
Adding as links means that it just references the other file in the other folder and does not copy it.
Now, when I tried to commit my project VisualSVN / SVN tried to do an SVN add on those files in the logical path they belong to resulting in lots of errors that the file was not found. It caused the entire commit to fail and was a major pain in the ass.
Is there a good way I can add links to files without side-effects? All the files I'm trying to link to are already in the same repo.
Maybe I should add more information about what I'm trying to accomplish because I'm open to any suggestion which helps me accomplish it.
I have a project structure something like this... Or I want it to be like this...
BusinessDataObjects (svn:external)
ControlsLibrary (svn:external)
OtherCommmonLib1 (svn:external)
OtherCommonLib2 (svn:external)
Application2 (shares all App1's files, except different .resx, icon, name, other minor differences)
SetupProject1 (includes app1 and certain module dlls)
SetupProject2 (includes app2 and certain module dlls)
The application is basically an empty shell (using Prism) which loads the modules installed in a /modules folder. I want both applications to be almost identical, but I want them to have different names and a different icon. I thought I could accomplish this by adding the files from the first project to the second as a link, and simply swapping a resource file which included the strings for the application window title, About dialog, etc. But then VisualSVN or whatever tried to SVN Add those items which I wasn't expecting.
I need to be able to develop the modules and the application's shell project. They are not stable in any way yet. I just want them to near copies of each other but with minor naming differences. I figured with two application projects, I could have two setup projects that included the output from each application and whichever modules are supposed to be included in that version of the software program.
I was trying to make this as foolproof as possible, and I'd like to avoid having to update external references to the same project. (I'm a bit confused about that as well, would I svn:external to the same repo?) That doesn't sound good, but this was my main idea on how to create two almost identical apps. I'm not sure how else I'll do it if I can't get my version control software to behave.
I had suggested oringally we only have one version of the software and have certain modules be upgrades, but there are some good reasons they can't really do that.
When you add a file to a Visual Studio project with "Add as link" it's expected that the file is not copied to the project's folder.
VisualSVN considers status of items in your working copy, even files which are not included in the current solution. However a linked file does not exist in a working copy, thus can't be tracked. It's out of version-control.
Since the files you attempt to link are already version-controlled (i.e. they exist in the SVN repository) it makes sense to use Externals Definitions (svn:externals property) to link them.
Also see TortoiseSVN Manual; it's description of svn:externals is really good.
You don't mention your environment. However, you mention you have a Solution. I'm assuming it's VisualStudio you're using.
Have you tried AnkhSVN which is a Source Control Provider for Subversion for VisualStudio? AnknSVN integrates into VisualStudio much like Microsoft's native version control systems of Visual SourceSafe and TeamFoundation. I believe you can use AnknSVN to do the linking you want since these links are really internal VisualStudio structures and not actual symbolic or hard links like you find in a Unix system.
I usually avoid links (I believe they're called Junctions on Windows) because they simply don't work across operating systems. Instead, you can use one of the following methods:
Use your build system to copy the files, or create the required links rather than your version control system.
Use svn:externals to do the linking. Careful with this because svn:externals are pointers to a Subversion URL.
For example, if I setup to have a svn:externals link to the head of, and I create a tag for Project 1 by copying to, that project is still pointing to the head of the trunk of proj2. Changes in Project 2 will change what I thought was a stable tag. Always point your svn:external to a stable revision.
I have no experience with VisualSVN, we use Ankhsvn which does not have that problem.

How to use assemblies in a VS solution under source control and keep assemblies updated?

(I no longer want an answer. OML, my English has surely improved...)
How to use assemblies in a VS solution under source control and keep assemblies updated?
(Source control is provided by the codeplex and VS default options for it.)
I mean,I have a project named HyperAero.
I have another project named TestAnimation.
TestAnimation is under source control and needs hyperaero.
When I check in,HyperAero.DLL will not be saved in server.Of course,I can add hyperaero.dll to my solution as a file but I want it to stay updated with my changes in HyperAero project automatically.
What should i do?
Answer (Got it myself):
robocopy "E:\Documents\My VS\Fix soft HyperAero Form\Fix soft HyperAero\bin\Release" "E:\Documents\My VS\Fix soft Animation Maker\Test of Animation Maker\DLLs" "*.DLL"
set rce=%errorlevel%
if not %rce%==1 exit %rce% else exit 0
Similar Question (Remember that i want my assemblies to stay updated):
When using custom assemblies in a visual studio project. How does one check in those assemblies in source control with the project so that anyone can download the project and build right away.
There are two way to approach this:
1/ Don't put the assembly dependencies in source control and always include in your solution their Visual Studio project instead. In your case you'd have a solution with the Hyperaero project and TestAnimation project with a project dependency to the Hyperaero project.
This way you don't have to put the generated DLL in source control and keep it updated each time you change something in the code.
2/ If you really want to dissociate both projects, then I'll recommend you to use Nuget and build a Nuget package for the Hyperaero project and then reference the Nuget Package in you TestAnimation project. This approach is the cleanest one, but it may be overkill and at last it's not something you'll setup quickly (compared to 1/).
Put both projects in the same solution and add a project reference.
Use your source control's UI / command-line to add the DLL files.
What source control software do you use?
If you are using subversion:
ankhsvn (Visual Studio plugin) can handle multipe repositories in one solution.
I have the following structure.
- App1\
- App2\
Now If I open App1.sln and add App2Dll, which is outside the folder structure, as a project, the project gets linked as a relative path. I am fine, if I check out both sources to the same parent directory.
Ankh is aware of that and If I hit update both projects gets updated.
If I want to commit changes I am only allowed to commit to one repository at a time, but again, ankh informs me about that.
Another way is to use svn-externals
which will transparently include one repository inside another.
