new XmlSerializer().
I typed the code above, and an Intellisense menu appears. One of the options in the menu is the Serialize method. I navigate to that using my keyboard.
Once Serialize is selected, a submenu appears to the right of the main Intellisense menu, showing several signatures for the Serialize method.
How can I navigate this signatures submenu without using my mouse? How can I look through these signatures using my keyboard?
I've just tried using the up and down arrows on my keyboard and it seems to do the trick just fine.
Is there a way to list all classes implementing a given interface in ReSharper?
I usually find ",interfacename" to accomplish that but it is not a terrible solution.
In Resharper you can use Go to Implementation (Ctrl+F12, or click the symbol holding Ctrl+Alt keys) and use "Show in Find Results" option to show the results in the find results window.
Not resharper related, but Visual Studio 2015 after Update 1 allows you to right click the interface and select "Go To Implementation". With Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 they have added a shortcut Ctrl+F12.
Sure, put the text caret on the interface name and invoke Go to Derived Symbols - either Alt+End or Ctrl+Alt+B, depending on the keyboard scheme.
Note that you can also hit Alt+Enter on the interface name and type "derived" to get to the Go to Derived Symbols action a little quicker. Or use the Navigate To context menu to show all the navigation options for the interface name (Alt+~ or Ctrl+Alt+G)
Also, when the popup menu shows listing the interfaces, click the icon in the top right, and it will open the list in the Find Results window.
I'm using VS2010, VS2012 & VS2013.
I want to assign a keyboard shortcut to the back/next navigation buttons to be set to View.NavigateBackward and View.NavigateForward.
In the toold->options->keyboard I can't bind a command shortcut to a mouse-previous nor mouse-next button. Maybe because they are not keyboard-shortcuts...
Is there any way to assign a shortcut to those? (or to any mouse+keyboard shortcuts)
I know they are set by default to do almost the same thing but still I find the Ctrl+- and Ctrl++ (NavigateBackward and View.NavigateForward respectively) to be much more predictive and so much more usefull.
I saw this post (which also writes how the mouse-previous and mouse-next button work in VS by default):
How do Visual Studio 2012's navigation buttons behave?
and also the link there on the answer is broken.
This is not possible without a VS extension, which can be found here: Link. Sometimes though, the navigation backwards does not work with the mouse, but works when pressing the button in the interface.
Where is the word-wrap icon to toggle back and forth in Visual Studio 2010? I want it in the toolbar or have a shortcut for it.
I see the option in the tools dialog box, but I switch back and forth constantly. I shouldn't have to dig through deep options to toggle this option on and off. Most editors have this option, but for some crazy reason, I can't find it in Visual Studio here...
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can't find a solution online, and word wrap isn't even showing up in the program's help menu.
You can add the word wrap to any toolbar or menu via the Customize functionality in Visual Studio. You need to use the Edit > Toggle Word Wrap command. Here's how you can add it to a new toolbar.
Right-click the toolbar and click Customize in the menu.
In the Customize dialog click on the new button to create a new toolbar.
Give the toolbar a name and click OK.
Click on the Commands tab and click on the Toolbar radio button, then select the toolbar you just named.
Click on the Add Command button.
The Add Command dialog will appear and select the Edit selection in the Categories list box. Then select the Toggle Word Wrap command in the Commands List Box. Click OK to close the dialog.
In the default keyboard mapping scheme the Edit.ToggleWordWrap command has the shortcut Ctrl+E, Crtl+W predefined for the Text Editor.
Is there any way to Rename ASP.Net Controls without searching the complete Markup or Codebehind.
In Visual Studio there is Refactor Rename but this only works in Codebehind I still have to search the Markup code.
I'm using VS 2008.
Yes. I've found that the easiest way to do this is from the code behind.
There exists a shortcut called Rename Refactoring that is bound to the keyboard combination (Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R). The combination is listed as "Refactor.Rename" in the keyboard settings, if you want to change the shortcut (or if it's not bound, for some reason, you can set it yourself.)
To rename your ASP.NET control, navigate in the aspx.vb file to a reference of the control. Put your mouse cursor on the variable name. Press the keyboard shortcut. Now, you can either start typing (will erase the previous name and start typing a new name), or click somewhere or use the arrow keys to navigate to a specific position in the variable, after which you can add/remove/change the name as you please.
Clicking elsewhere will not apply the changes. To apply the operation, either click "Apply" in the dialog at the top-right that appeared, or press Enter.
The ASP control will be renamed in the VB code, and in the aspx code!
Note that there are certain file types where Refactor.Rename is "not available", such as .ashx or Visual C++ files.
Does Xcode have a code navigation feature? Like unix's cscope type of tool which I can enter the name of a class and it will open the file for me? Or find out the caller of a particular method of a class? Or show the type hierarchy of a class?
command-shift-D (Xcode 4: command-shift-O) opens a Quick Open window where you can type a partial class name and hit enter to open the file. As far as more complex versions such as what Eclipse offers (method names, symbol names, etc), I don't believe anything like that is built into XCode.
In addition to the Quick Open window, there is the class browser. The class browser allows you to view the class hierarchy. The Class Browser can be found under the Project menu.
The "Jump To Definition" item is accessible through CMD + double click, which takes you directly to the relevant code
Also, you can "Jump To Documentation" by (Option or ALT) + double clicking on a class/method/property
Option + double click no longer takes you directly to documentation in Snow Leopard. Now it opens up a little documentation "bubble", with the option to jump to the documentation browser if needed.
If you Ctrl click a class name, method name or function name you will get a long meny where you can find the Jump to Definition item.
From XCode 4.4 upwards, you can find callers and callees by opening the "show related items" pop-up for a selected (highlighted) method:
Mark method in code (using your cursor or double click name)
Press Ctrl+1
Select "Callers" from the pop-up menu
You can also go View->Standard Editor->show related items or press the tiny button just left of the arrow buttons in the line just above the editor window (where it shows your currently selected file and method).
Also: select an identifier, right-click on it, and choose Find in Project > As Symbol (or Find in Project and choose Symbol as the search type) shows all symbolic uses, that is, declarations, definitions, and call sites.
There should opens up something like an element preview window or bubble when the user point to a method or item. The "Jump to Definition" change the users focus and take 2 steps to go to the target.
The relation window and context window in Source Insight is a good example,but I can't find them in Xcode and other dev tools for the mac.
By the way,the context window should have multiple layers to trace a deep referenced method like the split window in Xcode, not only one layer in the source insight.