Log in to Facebook with a specific account via OAuth 2.0 - cocoa

I'm working on a facebook client project on mac using cocoa. i'm following the oauth flow to log in. My problem is that i'd like to log in to a specific account, and not the last account that was saved in a cookie (this happens even from any webrowser). can you help me to find a solution?
thanks in advance.

What framework do you use?
Maybe you can use "FBCocoa", when you want to change your login account, logout the saved account,i'm learning to use it now.
You can download the fbcocoa framework on github


LDAP SSO between portal built in Laravel and SAS

We have built a portal in PHP(Laravel) + Angular for a client. User Authentication is done through LDAP.
Client also has a SAS solution for Analytics and it also has LDAP Authentication (SAS Viya).
We need to redirect the user from our portal to SAS portal and the user should get logged in automatically as both portals are authenticating the users through same LDAP.
We tried a few things, but it didn't help.
I am looking for some guidance on how to implement this and if there is any programming/configuration required on our side or on SAS side.
Hard to be specific without fully understanding your use case, but you could look to handle authentication to Viya using the SASjs Adapter (disclaimer - my team built it)
Just set the LoginMechanism to REDIRECTED in the config object to support SSO or alternative login flows. If you need help, my team can be contact on https://sasapps.io/contact-us, else just raise an issue on the github.
We have an implementation on Angular that may help: https://github.com/sasjs/angular-seed-app
We have integrated a VIYA Visual Analytics report into a corporate web application, using the SDK (so not realy a redirect) with single sign on.
(I don't know all the details about how we did it. my roll was in the personalization of the report, where we went further than ordinary row level security.)

Okta sign-in widget with PHP does not work

I was trying to setup OAuth workflow using the sample application as given here
However for some reason, after I enter my okta user Id and password, I never gets the control back on my call-back URL and application just hangs indefinitely.
However the normal Javascript Singn-in widget (check this link) with the minimal authentication does work and I get the control back to the redirect URL. But this is not for an OAuth2 workflow... which is completely useless for me. Because all it does is provide authentication service using Okta tenant app and it will redirect you to your App URL. This does not provide any authorization grant workflow or other OAuth2 complex workflow. May be useful for some application but not for enterprise app where you want to retrieve user profiles, and create a login session based on user profile data retrieved from OKTA.
So my question is why is the OAuth workflow not working using the PHP application that uses JS sign-in-widget? And why there are no instructions or warning on this page for this costly service (this is not free and many org is probably paying for this)?
I spent almost a day trying to setup my Authorization server as per the instruction given on this link, but nothing works. Any idea what must be going wrong ?
Does this entire example works only after contacting OKTA support to enable the Authorization server feature? Because, I also saw a documentation here that says that this is Early Access (EA) feature (and it is probably recently added in OKTA? Extremely frustrating experience).
BTW I sent email to their customer support to enable this Authorization server feature just in case if I am missing something. If this does not work then I will have to create my own OAuth2 server using Laravel 5.4 PHP framework, which is probably the quickest solution and 100% free.
I also tried to test the Authorization server setup as per the instructions provided here.
I was successful in getting the following end point working:
But I am unable to get any scope and claims using api end-point:
So in short, I am so far unable to test my Authorization server to get my authorization grant workflow working.
Where can I look for some troubleshooting advice?
Is there another way to check whether I have configured my OKTA Authorization server properly?
I found out that the JS script provided for the PHP sample is not right for the workflow I am working on. So after changing that JS Script, things started to work.
Edit: Also please note that Setting up Authorization server is a new feature (It is Early Access feature) in OKTA. It is not enabled by default. So you need to contact OKTA support team to enable the Authorization service endpoint and functionality provided by it.

Getting error from Parse while debugging Google login

So I'm trying to integrate Google login with Parse using the "Bring your own login" system. I was able to get the basic authorization functionality to work using the code snippets at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/parse-developers/UUvTreGYOrI.
Now, to do some testing, I went ahead and manually deleted the user object via the Parse dashboard. However, I am now getting the following error when trying to access go through the signup workflow:
com.parse.ParseRequest$ParseRequestException: {"code":101,"message":"object not found for get"}
I tried clearing the cache and uninstalling the app, but the issue persists. Can anyone help me how to get around this and start the registration process afresh?
On a more fundamental note, this is my first time implementing code OAuth, logins, and ACLs. As such, any resource/tutorial that can give me code examples of this integration with Parse on both the CloudCode and the client (app) side would be highly appreciated (I believe the current official Parse tutorial uses Git and only has samples of the server side CloudCode).
Nevermind - I figured it out.
I had to delete the entry in the TokenStorage class on the Parse dashboard. I guess that's storing the token that links the login with the User object.
Anyway - I'm keeping this open to see if someone can point me to a good sample code for this workflow.

How do I find the time the user changed their password using the Google APIs?

This is for users in Google Apps for Business or Education.
Using the Reports API in the Admin SDK I can see when the admin changed another user's password, but I cannot find an API that will tell me when a user has changed their password. I have changed mine twice in the past couple days and it does not come up in Reports API any where. Thanks for the help.
You cannot, that's the answer.

How to create FacebookSession manually when authenticating with FB.login JavaScript SDK

I am currently using Facebook C# SDK most recent version with Facebook's JavaScript SDK framework. I am doing a combination of AJAX for a registration form. I can see that in the FacebookWebContext.Current there is a method for deleting the FacebookAuthCookie. The problem is when I login with FB.login function. I am not sure how to create a FacebookSession so that it works the way it should so that I can use FacebookWebContext.Current.IsAuthenticated to deteremine if they are logged in on the server side.
How can I go about this? I have looked all over the place and find no good examples of how to create the Facebook Session Cookie...
Any pointers? Thanks!
When you login using FB.login() and it is successful, it automatically generates your session. You can get it in the callback you specified in the FB.login, see here. It is the response.session object.
