how to calculate the dist() from mouseX, mouseY to a rectangle in Processing - processing

If it was the dist to a point it would be
dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y)
but how can I calculate dist() from the mouse's current position to

Something like this should do it:
float distrect(float x, float y, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2){
float dx1 = x - x1;
float dx2 = x - x2;
float dy1 = y - y1;
float dy2 = y - y2;
if (dx1*dx2 < 0) { // x is between x1 and x2
if (dy1*dy2 < 0) { // (x,y) is inside the rectangle
return min(min(abs(dx1), abs(dx2)),min(abs(dy1),abs(dy2)));
return min(abs(dy1),abs(dy2));
if (dy1*dy2 < 0) { // y is between y1 and y2
// we don't have to test for being inside the rectangle, it's already tested.
return min(abs(dx1),abs(dx2));
return min(min(dist(x,y,x1,y1),dist(x,y,x2,y2)),min(dist(x,y,x1,y2),dist(x,y,x2,y1)));
Basically, you need to figure out if the closes point is on one of the sides, or in the corner. This picture may help, it shows the distance of a point from a rectangle for different positions of the point:

Here's a somewhat interactive program which accomplishes what you're looking for. You can drop it into Processing and run it if you would like.
EDIT: Here's a screenshot:
// Declare vars.
int x_click = -20; // Initializes circle and point off-screen (drawn when draw executes)
int y_click = -20;
float temp = 0.0;
float min_dist = 0.0;
int x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4;
// Setup loop.
void setup() {
size(400, 400);
// Calculate the points of a 40x40 centered rectangle
x1 = width/2 - 20;
y1 = height/2 - 20;
x2 = width/2 + 20;
y2 = y1;
x3 = x1;
y3 = height/2 + 20;
x4 = x2;
y4 = y3;
// Draw loop.
void draw(){
// Draws a purple rectangle in the center of the screen.
fill(154, 102, 200);
rect(width/2, height/2, 40, 40);
// Draws an orange circle where the user last clicked.
fill(204, 102, 0);
ellipse(x_click, y_click, 10, 10);
// Draws black point where the user last clicked.
point(x_click, y_click);
// Draws min dist onscreen.
text("min dist = " + min_dist, width/2, height/2 + 150);
void mousePressed(){
x_click = mouseX;
y_click = mouseY;
// If the click isn't perpendicular to any side of the rectangle, the min dist is a corner.
if ( ((x_click <= x1) || (x_click >= x2)) && ((y_click <= y1) || (y_click >= y3)) ) {
min_dist = min(min(dist(x1,y1,x_click,y_click),dist(x2,y2,x_click,y_click)), min(dist(x3,y3,x_click,y_click),dist(x4,y4,x_click,y_click)));
} else if( (x_click > x1) && (x_click < x2) && ((y_click < y1) || (y_click > y3)) ) {
// outside of box, closer to top or bottom
min_dist = min(abs(y_click - y1), abs(y_click - y3));
} else if( (y_click > y1) && (y_click < y3) && ((x_click < x1) || (x_click > x2)) ) {
// outside of box, closer to right left
min_dist = min(abs(x_click - x1), abs(x_click - x2));
} else {
// inside of box, check against all boundaries
min_dist = min(min(abs(y_click - y1), abs(y_click - y3)),min(abs(x_click - x1), abs(x_click - x2)));
// Print to console for debugging.
//println("minimum distance = " + min_dist);

This is what I use. If you are only interested in the relative distance there is probably no need to take the square root which should make it slightly quicker.
- (NSInteger) distanceFromRect: (CGPoint) aPoint rect: (CGRect) aRect
NSInteger posX = aPoint.x;
NSInteger posY = aPoint.y;
NSInteger leftEdge = aRect.origin.x;
NSInteger rightEdge = aRect.origin.x + aRect.size.width;
NSInteger topEdge = aRect.origin.y;
NSInteger bottomEdge = aRect.origin.y + aRect.size.height;
NSInteger deltaX = 0;
NSInteger deltaY = 0;
if (posX < leftEdge) deltaX = leftEdge - posX;
else if (posX > rightEdge) deltaX = posX - rightEdge;
if (posY < topEdge) deltaY = topEdge - posY;
else if (posY > bottomEdge) deltaY = posY - bottomEdge;
NSInteger distance = sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
return distance;


Drawing two parallel lines with a certain distance away

I made a program that creates parallel lines from the mouse coordinates with a certain distance away which can be modified by the distance variable at the beginning of the code. The problem is that it does not work as it should when drawing.
Line 1 and Line 2 are the lines that are parallel to the line formed from the mouse coordinates, the "pointSlope" variable.
distance = 30
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
function draw() {
lineCreate([pmouseX,pmouseY], [mouseX,mouseY])
function lineCreate(point1, point2) {
x0 = point1[0];
x1 = point2[0];
y0 = point1[1];
y1 = point2[1];
if (abs(x1 - x0) > abs(y1 - y0)) {
if (x0 > x1) {
let t = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = t;
t = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = t;
for (let x = x0; x <= x1; x++) {
let slope = (y1-y0) * (x-x0) / (x1-x0)
let y = y0 + (y1-y0) * (x-x0) / (x1-x0);
line1 = y + distance*Math.sqrt(1+pow(slope,2))
line2 = y - distance*Math.sqrt(1+pow(slope,2))
circle(x, line1, 2, 2);
circle(x, line2, 2, 2);
} else {
if (y0 > y1) {
let t = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = t;
t = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = t;
for (let y = y0; y <= y1; y++) {
let x = x0 + (x1-x0) * (y-y0) / (y1-y0);
circle(x, y, 2, 2);
I think that using vectors may help you in this situation, try this code as example:
let dist = 40;
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
v = createVector();
function draw() {
function lineCreate() {
v.x = mouseX-pmouseX; v.y = mouseY-pmouseY;
h = v.heading();
LX = dist*cos(h+PI/2); LY = dist*sin(h+PI/2);
RX = dist*cos(h-PI/2); RY = dist*sin(h-PI/2);
for (let i=0; i<v.mag(); i++) {
Here we are drawing two parallel lines in road-like path, but as you can see there are gaps in turns caused by using pmouse. I think, that it will not be possible to get rid of these artifacts, if you not move away from using the pmouse to more complex ways of calculating the trajectory.

What is the problem with my midpoint algorithm?

I just started to learn processing and I have a few problems that I couldn't solve. I hope someone could help me. This should draw lines where i could choose the starting and finishing points with mousePressed(), but I failed before trying implementing that.
//int x1, x2, y1, y2;
void setup() {
size(640, 480);
void draw() {
midpoint(0, 0, 100, 100);
//void mousePressed() {
// pmouseX =x1;
// pmouseY =y1;
// mouseX =x2;
// mouseY =y2;
void midpoint(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
int dx, dy, d, x, y;
dx = x2-x1;
dy = y2-y1;
d = 2*dy-dx;
x = x1;
y = y1;
for (int i = 1; i <dx; i++) {
point(x, y);
if (d>0) {
} else {
My problem is that it will not always draw the line.
it will draw it
it draws nothing.
It should draw the same line if I exchange the points coordinates, or draw a single point if the coordinates are the same.
In Bresenham's midpoint line algorithm you have to be careful with the gradient of the line drawn, the base algorithm you described only works for gradients between 0 and 1. In order to deal with gradients that are steeper (m > 1 or m < -1), you have to switch the roles of the x and y values, therefore you have to step in y and then calculate x. Also to deal with negative steps just switch the point order.
void midpoint(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
// Is gradient of line greater than 1
boolean steep = abs(y2-y1) > abs(x2-x1);
int temp;
if (steep) { // If gradient > 1
// Swap roles of x and y components to step in y instead
temp = y1;
y1 = x1;
x1 = temp;
temp = y2;
y2 = x2;
x2 = temp;
if (x2 < x1) {
// Swap points such that step in x is positive
temp = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = temp;
temp = y1;
y1 = y2;
y2 = temp;
// Change in x and y which are now both positive
int dx = x2 - x1;
int dy = abs(y2 - y1);
// Step in y
int sy = y2 > y1 ? 1 : -1;
int y = y1;
// Decision variable
int d = 2*dy-dx;
// Small step in x
for (int x=x1; x<=x2; x++) {
// Depending on gradient plot x and y
if (steep) {
point(y, x);
} else {
point(x, y);
// Update decision parameter
if (d>0) {
y += sy;

How to create gravity function on mousepress()?

I need to make the mousePressed() function act as a source of gravity and impact the rest of the double pendulum.
Ideally it will "push" the pendulum circles like wind with strength depending on distance. I have included the code i have so far for the double pendulum, it includes a tracer that follows the end of the pendulum with a line, the gravity function will allow the user to create their own lines with some form of control.
float r1 = 200;
float r2 = 200;
float m1 = 40;
float m2 = 40;
float a1 = PI/2;
float a2 = PI/2;
float a1_v = 0;
float a2_v = 0;
float g = 1;
float px2 = -1;
float py2 = -1;
float cx, cy;
PGraphics canvas;
void setup() {
size(1024, 768);
cx = width/2;
cy = 200;
canvas = createGraphics(width, height);
void draw() {
image(canvas, 0, 0, width, height);
float num1 = -g * (2 * m1 + m2) * sin(a1);
float num2 = -m2 * g * sin(a1-2*a2);
float num3 = -2*sin(a1-a2)*m2;
float num4 = a2_v*a2_v*r2+a1_v*a1_v*r1*cos(a1-a2);
float den = r1 * (2*m1+m2-m2*cos(2*a1-2*a2));
float a1_a = (num1 + num2 + num3*num4) / den;
num1 = 2 * sin(a1-a2);
num2 = (a1_v*a1_v*r1*(m1+m2));
num3 = g * (m1 + m2) * cos(a1);
num4 = a2_v*a2_v*r2*m2*cos(a1-a2);
den = r2 * (2*m1+m2-m2*cos(2*a1-2*a2));
float a2_a = (num1*(num2+num3+num4)) / den;
translate(cx, cy);
float x1 = r1 * sin(a1);
float y1 = r1 * cos(a1);
float x2 = 0;
float y2 = 0;
x2 = mouseX - cx;
y2 = mouseY - cy;
x2 = x1 + r2 * sin(a2);
y2 = y1 + r2 * cos(a2);
line(0, 0, x1, y1);
ellipse(x1, y1, m1, m1);
line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
ellipse(x2, y2, m2, m2);
a1_v += a1_a;
a2_v += a2_a;
a1 += a1_v;
a2 += a2_v;
// a1_v *= 0.99;
// a2_v *= 0.99;
//canvas.background(0, 1);
canvas.translate(cx, cy);
if (frameCount > 1) {
canvas.line(px2, py2, x2, y2);
px2 = x2;
py2 = y2;

How to remove old lines when new ones heve been drawn?

I am experienced in Web Development but new to Processing.
I have come up with a simple sketch that draws some lines, making nice spirograph-like images:
float x1 = random(width);
float y1 = random(height);
float x2 = random(width);
float y2 = random(height);
float speedx1 = random(5,20);
float speedy1 = random(5,20);
float speedx2 = random(5,20);
float speedy2 = random(5,20);
void setup() {
size(640, 360);
void draw() {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
if ((x1 > width) || (x1 < 0)) {
speedx1 = speedx1 * -1;
if ((y1 > height) || (y1 < 0)) {
speedy1 = speedy1 * -1;
if ((x2 > width) || (x2 < 0)) {
speedx2 = speedx2 * -1;
if ((y2 > height) || (y2 < 0)) {
speedy2 = speedy2 * -1;
x1 += speedx1;
y1 += speedy1;
x2 += speedx2;
y2 += speedy2;
line(x1, y1, x2 ,y2);
if (frameCount%500 == 0) saveFrame("spirograph-#####.png");
This is fine, but after a while the image is cluttered with lines because they don't go away. So I'd like to keep some lines (maybe 15) and delete the old ones.
I could of course write the coordinates of the old ones to an array and make a white line of the first element over the black line, then delete the first element of the array and create a new array element at the end. But this would draw white pixels over the newer lines, whic is undesirable.
Is there a way to solve this?
Maybe create objects that are later being cleared?
I recommend to create a class CLine, which can holde the coordinates of a line and draw a line:
public class CLine {
public CLine() {}
public float _x1 = 0, _y1 = 0, _x2 = 0, _y2 = 0;
public void set( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 ) {
_x1 = x1; _y1 = y1; _x2 = x2; _y2 = y2;
public void draw() {
if ( _x1 != _x2 || _y1 != _y2 )
line(_x1, _y1, _x2 , _y2);
Create an array of CLine objects and initialize it in the the setup function:
CLine [] lines;
int current = 0;
void setup() {
int no_of = 15;
lines = new CLine[no_of];
for (int i = 0; i < no_of; ++ i )
lines[i] = new CLine();
size(640, 360);
Create a new line in every draw and store the coordinates to the array of CLine objects. Use a control variable next_line_index, to hold the index of the array element where the next line to be stored. If the counter reaches the end of the array, it has to bes et to 0.
Now you can clear the screen in every frame and you can draw all the lines which are stored in the array to a clean view:
float x1 = random(width);
float y1 = random(height);
float x2 = random(width);
float y2 = random(height);
float speedx1 = random(5,20);
float speedy1 = random(5,20);
float speedx2 = random(5,20);
float speedy2 = random(5,20);
int next_line_index = 0;
void draw() {
if ((x1 > width) || (x1 < 0)) {
speedx1 = speedx1 * -1;
if ((y1 > height) || (y1 < 0)) {
speedy1 = speedy1 * -1;
if ((x2 > width) || (x2 < 0)) {
speedx2 = speedx2 * -1;
if ((y2 > height) || (y2 < 0)) {
speedy2 = speedy2 * -1;
x1 += speedx1;
y1 += speedy1;
x2 += speedx2;
y2 += speedy2;
lines[next_line_index++].set(x1, y1, x2, y2 );
if (next_line_index == lines.length) next_line_index = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < lines.length; ++ j )
if (frameCount%500 == 0) saveFrame("spirograph-#####.png");
I could of course write the coordinates of the old ones to an array and make a white line of the first element over the black line, then delete the first element of the array and create a new array element at the end. But this would draw white pixels over the newer lines, whic is undesirable.
You're on the right track. You want to store the coordinates of your lines in an array (or better yet, in an ArrayList of Line instances). But you don't want to "erase" the lines one at a time.
Instead, you probably want to clear out everything! You can do this by calling the background() function. Then redraw the lines that you want.
Here's a very basic example:
void draw(){
for(Line line : lines){
void mousePressed(){
lines.add(new Line(0, 0, mouseX, mouseY));
if(lines.size() >= 10){
This code assumes you've created a Line class, but more importantly notice how previous frames are cleared out every time draw() is called. This is a very standard approach and is probably what you want to do for most Processing sketches.

How to rotate a square in processing?

I've been trying to rotate a square for a project, I've done research and think I have the right formula to calculate the rotated points. I calculate the points as if they're individual around the center of the square. How to fix it?
//Declaring variables
float x0, y0, xo, yo,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3, theta, newx, newy, s, c;
void setup() {
size (800,800);
//To debug
//Initializing variables
xo = 400;
yo = 400;
x0 = 350;
y0 = 450;
x1 = 350;
y1 = 350;
x2 = 450;
y2 = 350;
x3 = 450;
y3 = 450;
theta = radians(5);
s = sin(theta);
c = cos(theta);
void draw() {
//Reseting the background
//Drawing the square
//Doing the rotations
x0 = rotateX(x0,y0);
y0 = rotateY(x0,y0);
x1 = rotateX(x1,y1);
y1 = rotateY(x1,y1);
x2 = rotateX(x2,y2);
y2 = rotateY(x2,y2);
x3 = rotateX(x3,y3);
y3 = rotateY(x3,y3);
//Rotate x coordinate method
float rotateX(float x, float y) {
x -= xo;
newx = x * c - y * s;
x = newx + xo;
return x;
//Rotate y coordinate method
float rotateY(float x, float y) {
y -= yo;
newy = x * s - y * c;
y = newy + yo;
return y;
There are two things:
1) You have a sign error in rotateY(). The y term should have a positive sign:
newy = x * s + y * c;
2) When you do this:
x0 = rotateX(x0,y0);
y0 = rotateY(x0,y0);
... then the first call modifies x0, which the second call then uses. But the second call needs the original coordinates to rotate correctly:
float x0Rotated = rotateX(x0, y0);
y0 = rotateY(x0, y0);
x0 = x0Rotated;
The same thing for the other points.
