ShowWindowAsync() don't show hidden window (SW_SHOW) - windows

i'm using Visual Basic 2008
here is part of my code:
Private Const SW_HIDE As Integer = 0
Private Const SW_SHOW As Integer = 5
<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> _
Private Shared Function ShowWindowAsync(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal nCmdShow As Integer) As Boolean
End Function
button1 code:
Dim p() As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad")
Dim mwh = p(0).MainWindowHandle
ShowWindowAsync(mwh, SW_HIDE)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
button2 code:
Dim p() As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad")
Dim mwh = p(0).MainWindowHandle
ShowWindowAsync(mwh, SW_SHOW)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
when i click button 1 ( to hide the window ) it works good, but then when i want to display window back ( by clicking button 2 ) the function returns FALSE, who can tell me why? and how to get it to work, to hide window and then to show it again?

Because ShowWindowAsync() returns zero when the window was previously hidden according to the MSDN documentation, and zero is interpreted as FALSE. The return value does not indicate whether the function succeeded or not.
So the first time you call ShowWindowAsync(mwh, SW_HIDE) on a visible window the function returns TRUE because ShowWindowAsync() returns a non-zero value indicating the window (that is now/will be hidden) used to be visible.
Then the second call ShowWindowAsync(mwh, SW_SHOW) on a hidden window returns FALSE because ShowWindowAsync() returns a zero value indicating the window (that is now/will be visible) used to be hidden.
In other words, this is by design and the function should work as intended (unless the mwh window is not responding to messages or is invalid).
But the real problem here is that once you hide a window, Process::MainWindowHandle property doesn't have the handle anymore.
A process has a main window associated
with it only if the process has a
graphical interface. If the associated
process does not have a main window,
the MainWindowHandle value is zero.
The value is also zero for processes
that have been hidden, that is,
processes that are not visible in the
taskbar. This can be the case for
processes that appear as icons in the
notification area, at the far right of
the taskbar.
What you should do is to obtain the window handle via p(0).MainWindowHandle once and save the returned handle somewhere, so that you can show/hide the window. Of course, you should make sure that you zero out the saved handle when the window gets destroyed by the target process. In Notepad's case, you can use the Process::Exited event.

Sounds like "by design". Don't treat the return value of "false" as an error.
As per MSDN:
If the window was previously visible, the return value is nonzero.
If the window was previously hidden, the return value is zero.
You could likely block the exception from occurring by declaring the interop import of the function as a 32-bit integer type instead of a Boolean.
Private Shared Function ShowWindowAsync(ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, ByVal nCmdShow As Integer) As Integer

When hiding I did :
WindowHandle = Proc(0).MainWindowHandle
ShowWindowAsync(Proc(0).MainWindowHandle, ShowWindowConstants.SW_HIDE)
Then when showing I used the WindowHandle variable:
ShowWindowAsync(WindowHandle, ShowWindowConstants.SW_SHOW)

To Maximize a hidden window of another process you must do this 3 steps (very easy):
1- Get the MainWindowHandle
Because the application is hidden the MainWindowHandle is 0 (false). To overcome this problem you can use the FindWindow
//Get the MainWindowHandle
IntPtr hwnd = FindWindow(null, <WINDOW TITLE>);
2- Use ShowWindowAsync()
bool result = ShowWindowAsync(hwnd, 3); //3= Maximize application
3- Implement one of this application events: "GotFocus", "Activated" or "IsVisibleChanged"
(I only tested the "Activated" event)
private void WindowApplication_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
You can find more information on this url:
Hope this information can help someone!


'Close' option is not available when program minimized to the taskbar?

I am programming VB6 in Win7. I have a program with a borderless window, no caption, no icon, no control box, etc. just a window. Using a command button, I can minimize the window to the Task Bar, and from there return it back.
My problem is, when minimized to the Task Bar, I right-click on the icon, and I wish to close the program from there. Win7 won't let me close the program via the pop-up menu. The close option is on the menu, but it does nothing.
How can I close this program from the task bar menu?
This seems to be a bug in VB6 Forms subsystem -- when form's BorderStyle is set to none Close menu on the taskbar and Alt+F4 shortcut as well just stop working as there is no system menu on the form.
Unfortunately a workaround involves subclassing and here is one way to deal with the issue:
Option Explicit
Private Const WM_SYSCOMMAND As Long = &H112
Private Const SC_CLOSE As Long = &HF060&
Private m_pSubclass As IUnknown
Private Property Get pvAddressOfSubclassProc() As Form1 '-- change Form1 to current form name
Set pvAddressOfSubclassProc = InitAddressOfMethod(Me, 5)
End Property
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set m_pSubclass = InitSubclassingThunk(hWnd, Me, pvAddressOfSubclassProc.SubclassProc(0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
End Sub
Public Function SubclassProc(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long, Handled As Boolean) As Long
Select Case wMsg
If wParam = SC_CLOSE Then
Unload Me
Handled = True
End If
End Select
End Function
This will need mdModernSubclassing.bas from Moderen Subclassing Thunk repository added to your project for the IDE-safe subclassing implementation.

Icon added to notification tray disappears on mouse over

I want my application to have an icon in the notification area in Windows 7. I used Shell_NotifyIcon to add the icon. The icon appears, but when I bring the mouse pointer over the icon, the icon disappears. The application is running the whole time. The icon isn't hidden, it just disappears.
Shell_NotifyIcon returns a non-zero value, which means it succeeds.
Here's the relevant code:
static const int ID_TRAYICON = 300;
static const int MSG_TRAYICON = WM_USER + 1;
void InitTrayIconData()
memset(&nid, 0, sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA));
nid.cbSize = sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATA);
nid.hWnd = hwnd;
nid.uCallbackMessage = MSG_TRAYICON;
nid.hIcon = LoadIcon(nullptr, IDI_APPLICATION);
//nid.uVersion = NOTIFYICON_VERSION_4;
lstrcpy(nid.szTip, TEXT("Data Aggregator in-dev version"));
Then while processing the WM_CREATE message:
Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, &nid);
And while processing WM_DESTROY:
Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, &nid);
I've also noticed that for some reason the MSG_TRAYICON message is never called.
I figured it out. When I called InitTrayIconData() in WM_CREATE, the global hwnd hadn't been assigned the value returned from CreateWindowEx yet (the WM_CREATE message wasn't sent after the CreateWindowEx call, but during it, which I didn't know). So the line,
nid.hWnd = hwnd;
just equated nid.hWnd to nullptr (which is what I had initialized hwnd to).
I fixed the problem by passing the hwnd argument in WndProc to the InitTrayIconData(), so it would use that hwnd instead of the global hwnd.
This happens when the system can't communicate with the application that owns the notification icon.
Normally this is because the process has terminated abnormally. In your case you state that the process is running the whole time. Thus I can only conclude that the window handle associated with the notification icon has been destroyed, or is not responding to messages correctly. That diagnosis also tallies with your observation that you do not receive MSG_TRAYICON.

Capture Access-Application Window Restore/Maximize Event

Scenario: In an Access project a main form has to be positioned and rearranged depending on the size of the Access-Application window. This should be done using VBA.
As far as I know there is no way in Microsoft Access VBA to capture the Restore/Maximize-Event of the Access-Application window (I refer to the Access Window itself not any form inside this).
Is there a way to solve this issue using WIN32 API?
I don't know of any way to use the WIN32 API to capture the Restore/Maximize Event. The best workaround I can think of is to use the Win32 API in conjunction with the Timer event of a form that is always open (either the Main Menu or some hidden form) and periodically poll the main access window to determine whether it's currently maximized.
Enum WindowSize
wsMax = 1
End Enum
'Functions return 1 for true and 0 for false; multiply result by -1 to use as Boolean'
Private Declare Function IsZoomed Lib "User32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Integer
Private Declare Function IsIconic Lib "User32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Integer
Function IsMaximized(hWnd As Long) As Boolean
IsMaximized = IsZoomed(hWnd) * -1
End Function
Function IsMinimized(hWnd As Long) As Boolean
IsMinimized = IsIconic(hWnd) * -1
End Function
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Static PrevWinSize As WindowSize
If IsMaximized(hWndAccessApp) Then
If PrevWinSize <> wsMax Then
'Window has been maximized since we last checked'
MsgBox "Main Access window is maximized"
PrevWinSize = wsMax
End If
ElseIf IsMinimized(hWndAccessApp) Then
If PrevWinSize <> wsMin Then
'Window has been minimized since we last checked'
MsgBox "Main Access window is minimized"
PrevWinSize = wsMin
End If
If PrevWinSize <> wsRestore Then
'Window has been restored since we last checked'
MsgBox "Main Access window is restored"
PrevWinSize = wsRestore
End If
End If
End Sub
You'll need to set an interval in the form's TimerInterval property to control how frequently you need to poll the window size.
EDIT: Obviously you'll want to keep track of the main window's previous state so that you don't do any unnecessary processing. The code as posted reflects this.

Programmatically prevent Windows screensaver from starting

Is there a recommended way to prevent the Windows screensaver from starting? The closest thing I've found is this article, but what I would really like to do is just tell Windows that the computer isn't idle rather than fooling with the currently set screensaver values.
For testing, I set the screensaver to 1 minute and required a password.
I tried capturing SC_SCREENSAVE and returning -1 in VB .Net. As commented, it works when there is no screensaver password but fails if the screensaver password is active. (I tried it in Windows XP). I also put this into a Timer's tick event, every 1000 milliseconds:
Static dir As Integer = 4
Cursor.Position = Cursor.Position + New Size(dir, dir)
dir = -dir
It doesn't work. The cursor jiggles back and forth and after 1 minute the screensaver flashes on for a short instance and then turns off. The screensaver turns on for only a moment, not long enough to require a password. But still, the flash is ugly.
Then I tried using user32.dll's SetCursorPos and GetCursorPos. You can look them up at pinvoke. Same result as above.
Then I peeked at the code of "JiggleMouse" mentioned elsewhere in this question. JiggleMouse uses SendInput. SendInput works! No flash of the screensaver. I put a call to SendInput inside of a Timer that triggers every 50 seconds (just less than the minimum screensaver timeout of 60 seconds). It's sufficient to move the mouse by a delta of 0,0, no real movement. That does work. The code to put in the Tick event:
Dim i(0) As INPUT
i(0).dwType = INPUT.InputType.INPUT_MOUSE
i(0).mkhi.mi = New MOUSEINPUT
i(0).mkhi.mi.dx = 0
i(0).mkhi.mi.dy = 0
i(0).mkhi.mi.mouseData = 0
i(0).mkhi.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEINPUT.MouseEventFlags.MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE
i(0).mkhi.mi.time = 0
i(0).mkhi.mi.dwExtraInfo = IntPtr.Zero
SendInput(1, i(0), Marshal.SizeOf(i(0)))
This comes from
Public Declare Function SendInput Lib "user32" (ByVal nInputs As Integer, ByRef pInputs As INPUT, ByVal cbSize As Integer) As Integer
Public Structure INPUT
Enum InputType As Integer
End Enum
Dim dwType As InputType
End Structure
Public Structure MOUSEINPUT
Enum MouseEventFlags As Integer
End Enum
Dim dx As Integer
Dim dy As Integer
Dim mouseData As Integer
Dim dwFlags As MouseEventFlags
Dim time As Integer
Dim dwExtraInfo As IntPtr
End Structure
Public Structure KEYBDINPUT
Public wVk As Short
Public wScan As Short
Public dwFlags As Integer
Public time As Integer
Public dwExtraInfo As IntPtr
End Structure
Public Structure HARDWAREINPUT
Public uMsg As Integer
Public wParamL As Short
Public wParamH As Short
End Structure
Const XBUTTON1 As UInt32 = &H1
Const XBUTTON2 As UInt32 = &H2
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)> Public Structure MOUSEKEYBDHARDWAREINPUT
<FieldOffset(0)> Public mi As MOUSEINPUT
<FieldOffset(0)> Public ki As KEYBDINPUT
<FieldOffset(0)> Public hi As HARDWAREINPUT
End Structure
Subtle. The official way to tell Windows that the system is not idle is SetThreadExecutionState. This resets the idle timer, (or turns it off, if you pass ES_CONTINUOUS ). However, even though SetThreadExecutionState resets the idle timer, it does not stop the screensaver!
Specifically, the SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE parameter.
Does this not work? I was surprised that I did not see it here. Note that SetThreadExecutionState will not affect the screen saver at all, just the sleeping of the display.
I use Mouse Jiggler to reset the idle state. This gets around a Group Policy that tends to start my screensaver (and lock the machine) at inopportune times: when I'm reading a long document, studying a complex chunk of code, or talking/listening/not-constantly-typing during a meeting.
As it can be slightly annoying to have the mouse jump 1px diagonally every second, I intend to use AutoHotKey to write a script that does basically the same thing, but only after a configured keyboard/mouse idle timeout, and maybe use the Shift key (or Scroll Lock) instead of a mouse move.
From MSDN:
Windows does not start the screen saver if any of the following conditions exist:
The active application is not a Windows-based application.
A CBT window is present.
The active application receives the WM_SYSCOMMAND message with the wParam parameter set to the SC_SCREENSAVE value, but it does not pass the message to the DefWindowProc function.
There's a caveat though:
Windows Vista and later: If password protection is enabled by policy, the screen saver is started regardless of what an application does with the SC_SCREENSAVE notification.
That seems to apply even if you use the SetThreadExecutionState with ES_CONTINUOUS.
So, if it weren't for the caveat, your choices would be:
SetThreadExecutionState with ES_CONTINUOUS (as described in other answers).
Put up a computer-based training window (which requires hooks).
Don't let the WM_SYSCOMMAND with SC_SCREENSAVE be passed onto DefWindowProc. (Assuming you care only when your application is the active application.)
Install a dongle that simulates mouse jiggle.
The last option is nice in that it works even with the password protection policy.
In Windows 7+, use the Power Management API's PowerSetRequest() with PowerRequestDisplayRequired
In previous versions of windows, intercept the WM_SYSCOMMAND - SC_SCREENSAVE message as detailed in Eddie Parker's answer.
This blog post details what you need to do in C++.
The actual code snippet from the website:
switch (uMsg)
switch (wParam)
return 0;
return 0;
case WM_CLOSE:
return 0;
return DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam);
Can't believe no one has pointed out the easy and obvious solution:
#include <windows.h>
void main()
INPUT input;
input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
input.mi.dx = 1;
input.mi.dy = 1;
input.mi.mouseData = 0;
input.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE;
input.mi.time = 0;
input.mi.dwExtraInfo = 0;
SendInput( 1, &input, sizeof(input) );
As Adrian McCarthy mentioned from MSDN that :
If password protection is enabled by policy, the screen saver is started regardless of what an application does with the SC_SCREENSAVE notification.
So catch the event from WM_SYSCOMMAND using UINT SC_SCREENSAVE and discarded it by returning 0 or by creating a fake mouse move ("mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, 0, 1, 0, 0)") will not work properly if the user enabled password-protected screen saver option.
Use SetThreadExecutionState winAPI to tell the operating system that the thread is in use, even if the user is not interacting with the computer. These will prevent to appear screen saver and stop the machine from being suspended automatically.
There are series of flags to specify a new state for the current thread:
ES_AWAYMODE_REQUIRED (0x00000040) : Enables away mode.
ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED (0x00000002) : Forces the display to be on by
resetting the display idle timer.
ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED (0x00000001) : Forces the system to be in the
working state by resetting the system idle timer.
ES_CONTINUOUS (0x80000000) : Informs the system that the state being
set should remain in effect until the next call that uses
ES_CONTINUOUS and one of the other state flags are cleared.
As it's a winAPI, you can call this directly in win32 or mfc application
//To stop/start screen saver and monitor power off event
void SetKeepScreenOn(BOOL isKeepScreenOn)
if (isKeepScreenOn == TRUE)
If someone wants to use this in C#, must have to PInvoke this :
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto,SetLastError = true)]
static extern EXECUTION_STATE SetThreadExecutionState(EXECUTION_STATE esFlags);
User-Defined Types:
public enum EXECUTION_STATE :uint
ES_CONTINUOUS = 0x80000000,
Here below is the calling procedure:
void SetKeepScreenOn(bool isKeepScreenOn)
if (isKeepScreenOn == true)
//You can combine several flags and specify multiple behaviors with a single call
//To reset or allow those event again you have to call this API with only ES_CONTINUOUS
According to MSDN this API is safe also to use.
The system maintains a count of applications that have called SetThreadExecutionState. The system tracks each thread that calls SetThreadExecutionState and adjusts the counter accordingly. If this counter reaches zero and there has not been any user input, the system enters sleep.
If the Application crashed before resetting flag, the System will adjust and will reset automatically.
You can use SystemParametersInfo
to get the SCREENSAVETIMEOUT and then immediately set the timeout back to the same value. Do this periodically on a timer for as long as you want to prevent the screensaver from going on.
This has the effect of resetting the current countdown timer without actually changing the system setting.
You probably also want to call SetThreadExecutionState to affect the power as other answers mention.
Just reset the timeout counter with
From JD Design Freeware - Flipss.exe (download 12kb) is a command line utility that will set SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE for you.
"FlipSS.exe -h" to see the current state.
"FlipSS.exe /on" to set the screensaver on.
"FlipSS.exe /off" to set the screensaver off.
AutoHotkey can set SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETSCREENSAVEACTIVE) with a 1-liner DllCall in script to easily accomplish this with a .ahk script.
AutoHotkey code to disable Screensaver:
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", Int, 17, Int, 0, UInt, NULL, Int, 2)
AutoHotkey code to enable screensaver:
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", Int, 17, Int, 1, UInt, NULL, Int, 2)
Reference Forum Threads:
F13Key - Toggling Screen Saver with SystemParametersInfo
SKAN - How to Disable Screen Saver Temporarily
I realize this is an old thread, but I'm faced with this issue for the first time (work machine is totally locked down, as far as changing super short sleep time, screensaver, etc. - I can't even change my desktop background). I've looked around at solutions, some seemingly way overcomplicated and some...not so much.
Some of my colleagues are using Caffeine. But that is surely some kind of spyware, etc., as it refuses to run if there is not an open internet connection.
So I found this (and modified it slightly), which is exactly what Caffeine does (except Caffeine does it every 59 seconds), without all best, bloatware.
In PowerShell, execute the following 2 command lines:
$WShell = New-Object -Com "Wscript.Shell"
while(1) {$WShell.SendKeys("{F15}"); sleep 200}
Or you can make it a one-liner if you like:
while(1) {(New-Object -Com "Wscript.Shell").SendKeys("{F15}"); sleep 200}
(the latter of which seems like it would leak memory, but it does not seem to at all)
Once you run either of those, your screen will NOT lock, until you do ctrl-c, or close the Powershell window (in the latter version only, it seems, the ctrl-c may not happen until the sleep interval elapses).
Note that there is no F15 key, at least on any keyboard I've ever seen (but it's a legit windows keystroke), so there are no side effects. Now, if you your IT dept. is exceptionally paranoid, they may flag an F15 keystroke (mine is super paranoid, but they haven't noticed anything for months). If so, use something like scroll-lock instead.
Both of these 100% work on my win10 machine. Simple is good!

How do I click a button on a vb6 form?

I have a vb6 form with an ocx control on it. The ocx control has a button on it that I want to press from code. How do I do this?
I have:
Dim b As CommandButton
Set b = ocx.GetButton("btnPrint")
SendMessage ocx.hwnd, WM_COMMAND, GetWindowLong(b.hwnd, GWL_ID), b.hwnd
but it doesn't seem to work.
I believe the following will work:
Dim b As CommandButton
Set b = ocx.GetButton("btnPrint")
b = True
CommandButtons actually have two functions. One is the usual click button and the other is a toggle button that acts similar to a CheckBox. The default property of the CommandButton is actually the Value property that indicates whether a button is toggled. By setting the property, the Click event is generated. This is done even if the button is not styled as a ToggleButton and therefore doesn't change its state.
If you have access to the OCX code, you could expose the associated event handler and invoke it directly.
Don't know if an equivalent of .Net Button's Click() method existed back in VB6 days
For keypress you can also use sendmessage sending both keydown and keyup:
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Long) As Long
Const WM_KEYDOWN As Integer = &H100
Const WM_KEYUP As Integer = &H101
Const VK_SPACE = &H20
Private Sub cmdCommand1_Click()
Dim b As CommandButton
Set b = ocx.GetButton("btnPrint")
SendMessage b.hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SPACE, 0&
SendMessage b.hWnd, WM_KEYUP, VK_SPACE, 0&
End Sub
Dim b As CommandButton
Set b = ocx.GetButton("btnPrint")
b = True
does work. Completely unintuitive. I'd expect it to throw an error since a bool is not a valid CommandButton, but it is because of the default property thing.
WM_LBUTTONDOWN would be a mouse click, what I want is a button click (button as in a hwnd button, not a mouse button).
I don't have access to the source of the ocx (it's a 3rd party control). If I did, I would expose the function that I wanted to call (the original writer of the ocx should have exposed it).
Do you have access to the OCX code? You shouldn't really be directly invoking the click of a button. You should refactor the code so that the OCX button click code calls a function, e.g.
Then from your VB6 app, directly call the FooBar method. If you can't directly call functions from VB6 you can wrap the FooBar() method with a windows message proc function, e.g.
#define WM_FOOBAR WM_APP + 1
Then use SendMessage in the VB6, like SendMessage(WM_FOOBAR, ...)
