Split Development Directory Environment in JDeveloper - weblogic-10.x

How do I create a Split Development Directory Environment? I want to use this in JDevloper

Creating a Split Development Directory Environment


How to set up sbt on Windows to select a specific JDK (among available JDKs)?

Is there a way to tell SBT which (locally) installed JDK to use?
I am quite certain I could change PATH and JAVA_HOME but I'd rather not change those settings since they apply for the whole system (Windows in that case).
I am more looking for a command line parameter of some sort.
If you're looking to specify a JDK for running SBT (rather than a JDK to use for running your code and/or tests from within SBT), you can make use of the JAVA_HOMES environment variable, plus a .java-version file in your project.
This is described in SBT's sbt.bat file (typically installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\sbt\bin) as a "poor man's jenv", which isn't currently available on Windows.
(If you're looking for a similar solution for Linux or MacOS, you can either use jEnv, or specify the Java home directory via the -java-home SBT command line option—which also, sadly, isn't currently implemented on Windows.)
The JAVA_HOMES environment variable (not to be confused with JAVA_HOME) is used by SBT to identify a directory that contains one or more JDK installations. For example, if you're using AdoptOpenJDK's JDK distributions (recommended on Windows, if Oracle's new licensing restrictions are a problem for you), then this would typically be defined as C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK.
Let's say that you have two such JDK installations in the JAVA_HOMES directory: one in a subdirectory named jdk-; another in the jdk- subdirectory. You can select which JDK you want to use, on a project-by-project basis, by creating a file called .java-version in the root directory of each SBT project. To use the JDK in the jdk- subdirectory, this file should then contain:
When you run the sbt command, if you have JAVA_HOMES defined, SBT will look for a .java-version file in the project's root directory. If it finds it, it creates a local version of JAVA_HOME that is defined as JAVA_HOMES plus the last line of .java-version. It also adds this JAVA_HOME's bin directory to the path. (It also creates a JDK_HOME process-local environment variable with the same value.)
This should do what you want. Although it's not a command line-based solution, it doesn't adversely affect other users, and allows each SBT project to be configured individually. If you do not have permission to create a system-wide environment variable, you should still be able to create a user-specific JAVA_HOMES environment variable. Note that when using this solution, the JDK that SBT uses is then not necessarily the one identified by your system-wide (or user-specific) JAVA_HOME environment variable. (If you have not defined JAVA_HOMES, then SBT will expect you to have defined a valid JAVA_HOME variable.)
One word of caution: if you commit .java-version to source control, you must ensure that everyone defines a valid JAVA_HOMES environment variable, and has a JDK with the exact same name installed in that directory.

Adding file into to an existing .war file

My automation deployment environment I have web.war file deployment under tomcat.
Lets assume this web.war application contains mix.jar file which is under /lib directory of web.war archive file.
(mix.jar releases giving by different DEV team and they don't responsible for giving web.war and the organization practice is putting the latest mix.jar file into the web.war archive file manually )
Can anyone help me to automate this process from CHEF recipe ?
Basically what I need during the chef deployment is, putting the mix.jar file into the web.war/lib directory under tomcat container.
Our current practice is open the web.war file from Winrar and put the mix.jar file into it and redeploy it into tomcat.
But I want to automate this process.
Jar files are just zip files so you can probably write some code using either the zip command line tool or the RubyZip gem (I would go for the latter but depends on your comfort level with Ruby code) to do this on the fly, but please don't. Chef is really not built for this kind of task and it will be very frustrating to build the code in a robust manner. If you need it ASAP and want to build a fragile version now and fix the process afterwards that's more understandable, but otherwise probably just talk to your dev team about what this is and why you need it added to their build process. Some problems are best solved with communication rather than code.

Deploy a Copy of the nupkg to a file share

Is it possible to output/deploy a .nupkg file that is downloaded from a teamcity server. Currently it extracts the .nupkg that is downloaded from the teamcity server. The file that is extracted into the Applications folder is stored in the Octopus\Applications.Tentacle\Packages folder but it has an internal name which is not very user friendly.
My only option at this point is to run a custom powershell script that copies the file and renames it, but this seems like a rather crude hack.
Use the system variables to access the internal values set within Octopus to find what the name and path of the nuget package you want. This list of system variables on the Octopus Deploy site is where'd I'd start to look first. I don't know how complete the list is but there are a consider number of variables you have access to in Octopus Deploy.

Path for persisting files between Capistrano deployments in a Ruby app

Where is the proper path for creating files using Ruby on a *nix environment? The files must persist between restarts and releases. Obviously using the project path doesn't work as Capistrano will create a new folder for each push.
Capistrano has a system directory created by default that should be linked to the shared/system directory at the root of your release path. This will persist between deployments.
You should put anything there that is not specific to your deployment, for example, attached files or other user uploads.
In your version control system you should be sure to not deploy this directory as to avoid packaging up your development-specific content. Generally it should be ignored, not included in your version control.

Environment Variable for AppData\Local / Access Downloaded custom assemblies

I am trying to setup my TFS2010 Build and I want to access the files that are downloaded via the "Version control path to custom assemblies".
From what I can tell those files are downloaded to:
C:\User\<Build User>\AppData\Local\BuildAgent\<Built Agent Number>
I can directly access that folder via the above path, but it would be nice if there was an environment variable (or something I can use in the build) to access that folder indirectly.
Or... Is there a better way to get at these files? (I am putting a version file in there to be downloaded every time the build is run).
You can use %LOCALAPPDATA% environment variable. It expands to
Example: %LOCALAPPDATA%\BuildAgent
Note that %APPDATA% will expand to
