I have a function to validate all fields in a form:
validateForm: function() {
var validator = new Validation(this.form);
There are two controls. First control need to validate only a,b,c fields. Second control need to validate only d,e,f fields. How can I achieve this?
To validate only a certain field, you can use:
I have more than 50 fields those are input text and dropdowns in the reactive form. The fields are dependent to each other's value changes in order to trigger validation and to display related field after the selection.
I subscribed to the value changes in ngOnInit() as below:
ngOnInit() {
setPageValidation() {
this.NameSubscription = this.FormGroup.get('personnel').get('name').valueChanges.subscribe(data
=> {
this.StateSubscription = this.FormGroup.get('personnel').get('state').valueChanges.subscribe(data
// more value changes subscription like 40 fields ............................
While loading the form, it is taking longer time to load due to subscribing for the value changes when the form loads.
I tried implementing it to move the code to ngOnChanges() but it is not triggering the enable and display of other fields depending on it's initial value that are filled from the table if there are values for those fields. It is just populating the first field and the rest does not display depending upon on its value.
I would like to thank you in advance. I really appreciate your help if there is any best approach to it to resolve without performance issue.
You can do with a single subscription.
this.personnelSubscription =
this.Formgroup.get('personnel').valueChanges.subscribe(data => {
if (data) {
//Console log the data here. It will print the formGroup of personnel
// then select the control and add your validations
// like this data.controls.state
I have a view about holidays where a user uses a form to choose a place to travel and a hotel. It has two models: HolidaysPlaces and HolidaysHotels.
The user have to fill the form in this order using the view:
The user completes the fields called Place and City (related with the HolidaysPlaces model).
The user checked a checkbox if he/she wants to choose a hotel. It able a field called Hotel (related with HolidaysHotels model).
The user completes that field.
The user press a Create button.
The controller receives and saves both models.
But the problem is when the user doesn't select the checkbox (number 2 of the list): The Hotel fieldis still required (with the red asterisk as defined in its model file). So the Create button doesn't work in this case.
How can I disabled the required feature?
Add a scenario for this case in your HolidaysHotels model, and include only the fields that you want checked.
Example: If you have 3 fields name, date and age that are required, create a scenario for two only, and set the scenario in the controller. Only those two fields will be checked.
In model:
public function scenarios(){
$scenarios = parent::scenarios();
$scenarios['create'] = ['name', 'date'];
return $scenarios;
In controller:
$holiday = new HolidayHotels();
$holiday->scenario = 'create';
To know more about scenarios: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-structure-models.html#scenarios
You can add some condition based validation in your model rules. Here is the snippet for both client and server validation. You can many conditions inside the function block.
['field-1', 'required', 'when' => function ($model) {
return $model->check_box == '1';
}, 'whenClient' => "function (attribute, value) {
return $('#checkbox-id').is(':checked') ';
The easiest way to solve it is to send the model with empty strings. Then the controller checks if the strings are empty. If so, the model is not saved. Else, it is saved.
It was the only way that works for me.
In my model (In yii2 project) I have two columns called product and code. And the issue is how to validate only code not product. We know that $model->validate() validates entire model. But I need only one input field: code. Is it possible??
More clearly, In my input form I'm using 3 models. How to validate these 3 models in my controller. That's why I'm trying to validate fields of each model separalety? I meant to validate like:
Is this possible??
You can replace this function with model. also show what you have tried so far?
public function rules()
return [
[['code', ], 'required'],
You can use scenario approach in validations rules, and validate only needed fields, by passing appropriate scenario.
More info about scenarios:
I am trying to accomplish the following:
I have a form that starts with a combo box, let's say that the user will have to pick either "Student" or "Teacher".
Both "Student" and "Teacher" will have the same fields displayed in the form, but if "Teacher" is checked, I will have more fields being displayed (that are hidden at first and that I will show with jQuery when the user select "Teacher").
The problem is that I want those fields to be mandatory only if "Teacher" is selected.
I have no idea to manage that, I don't think it's gonna be possible using annotations such as:
private String teacherCourse;
since this field will always be blank when the user will have selected the "Student" radio button.
Any idea? Can I do a custom validation method and how?
I've taken two approaches with this in the past.
Use an enum field on the submission to determine which type of validation to perform. This is flexible and allows for any number of custom validation methods.
An alternative is to use a base command object which both student and teacher classes extend. This allows both types to extend and override validation and fields. This requires that separate methods are used to bind each type.
You could use validation groups to differentiate between constraints applying to both entities and those applying to only one of them:
public interface TeacherConstraints {}
private String teacherCourse;
When validating your object, specify the group to validate depending on the type selected in your combo box:
Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validator.validate(object, TeacherConstraints.class);
Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations = validator.validate(object, Default.class);
You can use javascript or JQuery for front side validation... depending upon your combo box value. If it's a teacher or student
function validate(){
var combox_value = document.getElementbyID("combo_box").value;
if(combox_value == "Teacher"){
//Validate for Teacher fields
var input_text1 = document.getElementbyID("input_text"2).value;
if(input_text1=="" || input_text1==null){
alert("Field cannot be empty");
return false;
return true;
else if(combox_value == "Student"){
//Validate for Student fields
var input_text2 = document.getElementbyID("input_text2").value;
if(input_text2=="" || input_text2==null){
alert("Field cannot be empty");
return false;
return true;
For JQuery try these links for live examples...
Using Asp.Net MVC3, I have many steps in a wizard where after every step I do a $.post to capture what was entered. The first two steps are simple and all fields are required no matter what.
The rest of the steps are not required. However, if step 3 has 10 input fields and entered values for 5 out of 10, then validations have to kick in (just for the 5 fields and display the errors for those 5 only). So in essense, things like [Required], [StringLength] and [RegEx] should kick in only if someone actually entered anything for those 5 fields. If nothing is entered, validations should be skipped.
I was thinking of naming or prefixing each step (div) with Required or Optional as
Hope there is an answer.
If you divide each step on your wizard into a separate form, then validation can be performed when necessary on that step's form.
Please be aware that BY DEFAULT StringLength and RegEx attributes will only be validated when information is entered in that particular field. If the fields are blank, validation of those attributes will not occur.
As far as Required attributes, I am unclear what you are asking. Are you saying that there are fields in a particular step which will be required based on a condition in another field? If so, then you must implement a conditionally required validator.
You can make your viewmodel implement IValidatableObject. The interface requires one function, IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext). MVC will validate the model first from any DataAnnotations, then on the Validate function on the model (so twice, which isn't always what you want).
For example,
public class Input : IValidatableObject
public string Name { get; set; }
// ... Other fields ...
public virtual IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
var results = new List<ValidationResult>();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
// ... Validation rules ...
results.Add(new ValidationResult("Please enter a name.", new[] { "Name" }));
return results;
More information from Scott Guthrie's blog.
You could write custom a validation attribute and perform this validation logic in the IsValid method where you have access to the value and could check whether the value is not null or empty and only then proceed with the default validation.