Xcode4, I use to be able to select some text and right click and search on that text in xcode3? - xcode

In Xcode 3 I use to be able to select some text, right click and search for that text.
However in Xcode 4 this seems to have disappeared ?
Is there a quick alternative instead ?
I'd select some source code and it would find all occurences in the rest of the source code.

Select text; cmd-E
Then Shift-cmd-F; return

Select your text, hit command-E ("use selection for find") and command-G to iterate through results.

Find in Workspace appears to be fundamentally broken in Xcode 4.
Someone else posted a workaround: toggle the Assistant Editor button to enable the menu item. However it still is not available for text in the debug output area.

Search in workspace (you can read the keyboard abbreviation in Edit -> Find -> find in workspace

You can always try some keyboard shortcuts combination once your text is selected:
command+F (if you want to
search in the current file, otherwise
shift+command+F to look into the
whole project)
Then you can iterate through the results with command+G to go forward or shift+command+G to go backward.
Hope this helps.


How to indent my code in codeblocks?

What are the best code blocks short cuts ? Also is there some way we can directly indent all our code ? In addition how can we move through the active tabs in codeblocks ?
Tips about tab identation are helpful when you write your code from begining. But if you paste code in CodeBlocks from some external source, like PDF document, that code often will not have good identation.
In this case, you need to select code, right click on it, and choose Format use AStyle option.
This is a plugin for CodeBlocks for right text formatting.
I hope this will help someone!
You (these are the default settings I believe) can select a block of code and press the Tab key. This will indent the entire block.
So for indenting a whole file: Ctrl + A, then Tab.
In addition, you can use Shift + Tab on a selected block to "unindent"
You can move through the open tabs with Ctrl + Shift + Tab.
As for the best shortcuts:
I like Ctrl + D to duplicate a line and
Ctrl + L to copy it.
Anyway, you can set whatever shortkeys you like in the Editor menu (there you will also be able to find all shortkey currently set).
Add shortcut as you wish from Settings->Editor->Keyboard shortcuts->plugins->Source code formatters(Astyle) or use Plugins->Source code formatters(Astyle)
CTRL+A to select the code and TAB for alignment.
I have not had much luck with the code formatter in C::B. I like my code to look like this...
if (blah..) {
} else {
it allows more code to fit on a screen, and is still reasonably readable.
After trying to tweak the settings in Settings->Editor, then Source Formatter tab, when I went to format my code, it removed the if line entirely, and I have not been able to unset my tweaks to make it work.
Fornatually, ctrl-z still works.
The code formatter should never remove code, only play with white space.
Maybe there is a better plugin.
In addition in How to switch between tabs in codeblocks.
codebocks 20.03
Linux (KDE Neon)
To switch between tabs.
Activate this with CTRL+SHIFT+TAB, then you can use the know options:
CTRL+TAB , to switch to the right tab.
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB , to switch to the left tab.
Or this other option, but this is not in the keyboard shortcuts, this option doesn't work in a cycle mode, when your get the last right tab, it jump to the bottom tabs:
CTRL+ right-arrow-key , to switch to the right tab.
CTRL+ left-arrow-key , to switch to the left tab.
Remember to activate with CTRL+SHIFT+TAB.
After you land in the desire tab you can type TAB to begin to start writing code.

How to select non-url text with Vimperator?

I'm using vimperator 3.5 with firefox 17. Everything goes well except non-url text selecting. It seems that nothing about this described in the official help document. Everytime when I want to select some non-url texts I have to use my mouse to finish it. It's really annoying.
Jumping to the point to start your select
You can use / to find whatever you want to search and use n to go to specific locations.
Once you are there, type c to enter CARET mode where you can use hjkl to move around and use v to select just like vim.
Also use y to yank. Happy vimp!
If you select wanted text with mouse, use
to copy selected text.
Good cheatsheet:http://sheet.shiar.nl/vimperator
The answer by xxinerKYU is great but according to the reference page at liberator://help/various#various is seems that i is the key to caret mode.

Visual studio Reformat Code/Document

I can't find the Reformat button, I know I can use ctrl+k+d, but I wish to have also the toolbar with the button. can someone help me ?
You can use Edit > Advanced > Format Document and you can also move this as a button to any toolbar. Go to Tools > Customize > Commands, select Toolbar and push Add Command button. Then select Edit category and find Document Format.
Apparently VS2010 (maybe others) hide certain commands depending on the style you choose. I chose Web Dev (code) as my choice and the Document Format is not present to be added to a toolbar. But, if I change to C# Code (tools>Import/Export) then the Document Format command is right there in the Edit menu where others here have said it is.
I had to import the C# Dev layout, but unchecked colors and code formatting options (so it won't overwrite those). What section you must import to get the format document button, I don't know, I didn't experiment that deep.
Seems stupid MS chose to force us down specific paths for layout with no convenient way to get out of it.
If you can't find it in the Edit menu: you can also find it if you press CTRL + P and then type >format. The shortcut is SHIFT + ALT + F

How can I find and replace inside a selection in Xcode?

In Xcode < 4, you could hold the "option" key, and the "Replace All" button would change to "Replace in Selection". As of Xcode 4, this does nothing. Anyone know if there's a new way to do it, or is it bug filing time?
This appears to be working again now, at least in Xcode 4.4.1.
When the find/replace bar appears at the top of the editor, holding down the option key on the keyboard causes "Replace in Selection" to appear in lieu of "Replace All."
I'm glad, because this was an ANNOYING omission.
Another workaround:
In Xcode, select the text, press copy
In a terminal session:
pbpaste|sed 's/SOURCETEXT/NEWTEXT/g'|pbcopy
Return to Xcode window, press paste
Since the original should still be selected, it will just be replaced. You could probably build a simple shell script to do this.
An few images to supplement the chosen answer:
And holding down Option:
See also
Find/Replace in Xcode using Regular Expressions
Seems like missing functionality. You should file a bug report.
I'm upset that they took out this functionality, as I used it constantly, but here's my workaround. Copy your selected text from Xcode4 to TextEdit or some other word processor, do the find and replace there, and then copy the results back into Xcode.
It's not sexy but it's worth it if you do a lot of these "find and replace on my selection", and you leave the word processor open in Spaces as you work.
They should add "my selection" as an alternative to "workspace" and "my scope".
There is another way only replace the matches you find, rather than just this one or all of them.
I suggest you save a copy first, just in case....
In Find and Replace, Show Find Options (you can do this by pressing the magnifying glass).
Press Preview.
Uncheck all the ones you don't want replacing.
Press Replace
Hope that helps, it did me.
Not ideal, but not too bad:
Do a find and replace in workspace (cmd-opt-shift-f) enter your desired find/replace
Enter your desired search term and hit return
Select the range of replacements from the list of matches on the left
Hit replace (not replace all)
To replace text in a selection using Xcode 9
Press Option-Command-F to bring up the find/replace box.
Enter the search and replace string. Changing the search string will lose any existing selection, so..
Make your selection (again). (If you don't do this, the selection will be the first search string found only)
Hold down the key and "Replace All" will change to "Replace Selection", then click it.
Once you understand that you make your selection AFTER you have entered the search string, then this is not that clumbersome and works fine.
I find alt-command-f easier for local find and replace (4.3) and then working around your selection.
EthenA.Wilson asked in a comment to the OP a couple of days ago:
"Is there a way to do this in Xcode 5?"
For the benefit of those who, like me, had been searching for it, here's how:
After you put your Find and Replace terms in the bars at the top left-hand side of the editor page, select the text you want to search in, then look at the top right-hand side (same bar). You'll see where it says "All", right next to "Replace." Now press the Option key. "All" will change to "All in Selection." Click it, and you're done. Could be a bit more intuitive, but the functionality is there in Xcode 5.
Naturally, good idea to take a snapshot before you click!
Not sure which feature prior to Xcode 4 you're referring to, but the shortcut Command+Shift+E gives you "Use Selection for Replace". If you're talking about "Find and Replace in Workspace" (Command+Option+Shift+F), then what you need to do is run your find and then hold down "Shift" or "Command" on the selections shown and then hit "Replace".

Xcode find caller functions

In Xcode, how can I find all caller functions of a specific function?
Xcode 4.5 (in beta) has this functionality. when you highlight say... a function, you can check the "caller" and "callee"
edit i believe it's located at the top left of the file panel for that file... so double click on the function to highlight it, and you click on on the file panel options (the one that has the "open recent, open unsaved...etc" drop down
here's a picture to clarify (since i dont know what this menu button is called):
ALSO - XCode 4.5 is no longer beta, i believe, and is actually out in public
also note that this caller thing does NOT search for being called under the performSelector method, as in, the particular caller that has this performSelector won't show up if you had done something like:
[self performSelector:#selector(checkIfShouldStopMovement) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.25];
In Xcode, the quickest method is this:
Select method in code (double click or mark using your mouse cursor)
Press Ctrl+1
Select "Callers" from the pop-up menu.
This is the shortcut for going View -> Editor -> Show Related Items in Xcode's menu.
use ⌘+Ctrl+Shift+H key combination on Xcode 7 onwards.
This can also be accessed via the assistant editor, as shown in the screenshot below. Whichever method you have the insertion point in in the main editor on the left will have its callers displayed in the assistant editor. I've found this to be the best way of looking through each caller in succession, since once you have "Callers" selected, you can then select the next caller via the next pop-up menu to the right in the jump bar.
In Xcode-7 you have the functionality of getting call-heirerchy. Right-click on the function and click "Find Call Hierarchy":
image reference:
Xcode 10 upwards seems to have made it easier. Just Command Click on the function and you should see it in the drop down.
Press ⌘+Ctrl+Shift+H shortcut when a method of interests is selected (with a mouse or cursor). (as per #uiroshan 's answer)
But you can also specify any another shortcut in XCode -> Preferences -> Key Bindings
Use Find in Project as Text or as Symbol.
AFAIK, there's no equivalent to e.g. Call Hierarchy known from Eclipse or NetBeans.
Strangely the refactoring tool can detect all method calls but not the search.
So I simply use it to rename my method to a unique name (eg. reset to resetPlayer) and then use the new name in a regular textual search.
1.) Menu > Edit > Refactor... > Rename to unique name
2.) search for the new name
The functionality is available in XCode 4.4.1, see this: http://smilingfinney.blogspot.de/2012/09/method-callers-in-xcode-44.html
