Zune software is not launched (WP7) - windows-phone-7

I installed VS 2010 Express + WP7 SDK, it worked perfectly. Now I need to use unit-tests, and installed VS 2010 Ultimate (and reinstalled WP7 SDK). WP7 plugin seems to be installed (there are WP7 project types in "New Project" dialog), but when I'm trying to launch my software for debug, VS says that "Error 1 Zune software is not launched. Retry after making sure that Zune software is launched.". WP7 emulator is already launched (and Zune too, but Zune says, that there is no device connected). Expression Blend works with emulator perfectly (it runs the emulator by itself). Where is a mistake?

It seems like Visual Studio tries to deploy to a device.
Did you select "Windows Phone 7 Emulator" in the "Target Deployment Device" dropdown?

First of all, make sure that you have the Standard toolbar visible. That's where you select the Target Device. To do this: View -> Toolbars -> Standard. Since Expression Blend detects the emulator, then there is a problem with Visual Studio, that tries to deploy to a device by default.
REMEMBER: Zune Software is not required to be running when you are deploying to an emulator.
Second, try to create a new Windows Phone 7 project and try deploying it from Visual Studio to see how it works.


Xamarin Native iOS breakpoints not getting hit VS2017

I cannot hit a breakpoint in VS when debugging any native iOS app through VS2017 Pro. I have trawled the Xamarin/Stack forums and seen this has been a problem in the past and I have tried the suggestions but they relate to a 3.xxx version of Xamarin. Even an out-the-box new project untouched except for placing a breakpoint still does not hit, the build server pops up the simulator and runs as expected. Android is fine
This was working, I have recently downgraded from Enterprise to Pro but think this may be a red herring. I have 2015/13 pro installed with the same problem.
Is this an issue build server side or the windows side? I get the following generated in my bin App.app, App.exe, App.pdb but no app.mdb i do get the referenced dll.mdb files.
Current vs setup...
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2017 (2)
Version 15.1 (26403.7) Release
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.6.01586
Installed Version: Professional
Visual Studio Tools for Universal Windows Apps 15.0.26403.07
The Visual Studio Tools for Universal Windows apps allow you to build a single universal app experience that can reach every device running Windows 10: phone, tablet, PC, and more. It includes the Microsoft Windows 10 Software Development Kit.
Xamarin (3f99c5a)
Visual Studio extension to enable development for Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android.
Xamarin.Android SDK (b16fb82)
Xamarin.Android Reference Assemblies and MSBuild support.
Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac SDK (7656cc6)
Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac Reference Assemblies and MSBuild support.
The Mac
Xamarin Studio 6.3
VS for Mac 7
See this similar answer: Xamarin iOS debugger not hitting breakpoints
Also, make sure you don't have a firewall blocking Port 10000.
I ran into something similar, and it turns out my debug settings for my physical device had some defaults that prevented debugging from working. This may not fix your issue, but you might want to at least check your project settings for a few things.
Under iOS Build I changed my Linker Behavior from Link All to Link Framework SDKs Only. Also, for some reason in a default debug profile, the Strip native debugging symbols option on that same page was checked. Make sure it's unchecked.
This one was already enabled for me but you should verify anyway: double check that on the page iOS Debug that Enable Debugging is checked.
I faced a similar issue but on Android application: I solved by uncheck the option "Code Optimization" from Project >> Options >> Build and set the DebugType to Full
Same here, windows 10, VS 2017 -> MAC -> iPhone
Somtimes I got Debug-Log and can hit breakpoints but mostly not.
A solution / workaround which at least works for me.
Setup: Windows 10 with VS2017, Mac-Book, iPhone connected to Mac-Book.
Debug-Log / Breakpoint-Hitting seams to work sometimes (seldom) / non deterministic.
Solution / workaround:
Verify: In case no Debug-Log occurs (e.g. no "Loaded assembly:..." lines etc.) the "Choose Device" drop-down box in the "Tools >> iOS >> Device Log" window shows TWO times the name of the iOS-device.
Stop the debug and explicitly stop the app on the iOS-device (if necessary also delete it for re-deploy)
Via "Tools >> iOS >> Xamarin Agent" disconnect from your Mac and then reconnect again.
Verify: the "Choose Device" drop-down in the "Tools >> iOS >> Device Log" window now shows only ONE times the name of the iOS-device.
Debug the App - it now should work.
See also XamarinForum
Hope it also works for you.

Visual Studio Android Emulator Is Not Running the Application

When I deploy/run the Xamarin.Android app in Visual Studio (either pressing ctrl+F5 or play-button in toolbar), the Visual Studio launches its emulator for android (Note: It is "Visual Studio Emulator For Android", not SDK or any other emulator) without any difficulty and within a reasonable amount of time which works fine. But the problem is that it does not automatically run that app. Neither does it show any icon to run it.
I have not had much success with the emulator built in to VS.
However, you need to switch your output to "verbose" and monitor the output window while it is attempting to deploy. This will give you a wealth of information during the deploy. Likely, your deploy is failing, this will help you figure ouy why.
As a side note, the free Genymotion is a much faster Android emulator that I have had great success with.

Getting Visual Studio Android Emulator for Lollipop & marshmallow

I've installed Visual studio 2015 & xamarin and I see that the visual studio emulator only has kitkat and nothing else.
Their website claims that lollipop is supported but I don't have the foggiest idea on how to get it.
EDIT: Should probably mention this, when I open up the visual studio emulator window I see the following error:
Unable to establish a connection to Internet. Only device profiles for acquired platforms are shown
In Visual Studio 2015, you can install, uninstall, and start device profiles using the Emulator Manager. Access the Emulator Manager by choosing Tools, then Visual Studio Emulator for Android.
By default, there are four pre-installed device profiles (KitKat and Lollipop phone/5" and tablet/7" configurations), as indicated by the white text and icons. Other profiles in the list will appear grayed out until you choose the Install Profile button and the installation completes. You can filter the list by API Level and click the details arrow on the bottom right-hand side of a profile to view its full configuration details.
Once you've installed the set of profiles that you'd like to target, you can start these new profiles directly from the manager by pressing the green Play button. They will also appear in the debug target dropdown menu in any Visual Studio cross-platform mobile project type.
I fixed it, A spybot tool I installed to disabled some windows 10 stuff was blocking things needed for this tool, unblocked it and it works now.

wp7 sdk and wp8 device

I'have windows phone 8 device(lumia 620). I'm working on visual studio 2010. My problem is that I cannot run my XNA app with my phone. Every time I click start debugging, this error pops up
Error 1 Zune software is not launched. Retry after making sure that Zune software is launched. 0 0
Zune is working but zune says no devices connected. The windows phone desktop application is working fine and connects to my phone. What should I do. What is my fault.
You can't deploy to wp8 device from vs2010, you need vs2012 and wp8 sdk even if the app is developed for wp7.1
To run applications on your WP8 device you need the WP8 SDK and this requires VS2012. When you develop an XNA game you can only target WP 7.0 and 7.1 even when running on a WP8 device as the WP 8.0 OS uses C++ for games and no longer supports XNA. One final note, if you decide to develop your game using XNA/VS2012 you will need to use VS2010 to build your content as the content pipeline is not supported in VS2012.
You should select Device option in the standard toolbar of Visual Studio.

testing a website in windows phone 7 simulator

I'm trying to test a mobile website I'm building using Windows Phone 7, but I can't figure out how to do it. It seems that the SDK wants me to build an application first in order to use the emulator, but I'm not building an app, I simply want to test compatibility of my mobile site with windows phones. How do I do this?
If you install the free Windows Phone SDK you can run an emulator in standalone mode (i.e. without Visual Studio running).
Search for "Windows Phone Emulator" from the Start menu and just launch that directly.
Once in the emulator about the only thing you can do is launch IE Mobile.
(To enter URLs and other text using your real computer keyboard instead of the onscreen keyboard tap your "Pause/Break" to toggle keyboard mode)
You should be able to run emulator without building an app
try C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.0\Tools\XDE Launcher\XdeLauncher.exe
If now start visual studio and make an app f.e. Silverlight for Windows 7. Emulator will be loaded with debbuger attached. If you stop the app in VS, emulator should be still there. It has preinstalled IE which you can use to test.
Mind that it's better to test your web app on a real device.
