Maven clean plugin exclude .cvsignore - maven

In my project I originally made a mistake and committed the target directory in the cvs repository; I know there is no safe way to remove a directory from CVS, so I put a .cvsignore file there to basically ignore everything (I don't want developers who aren't able to even merge properly to commit their classes...).
The problem raises with my Jenkins CI, because I run clean and test goals; basically clean is run before CVS update, so it always finds a file to update (the .cvsignore that has been wiped by clean) and triggers an often useless build.
I think the way to go is to use exclusions but I tried and did not work:
[INFO] [clean:clean {execution: default-clean}]
[INFO] Deleting file set: **************************/target (included: [**], excluded: [])
The exclusion is configured as:

You could try setting <excludeDefaultDirectories> to true, Otherwise, I believe target folder would always get deleted.
The following code snippet works for me. Note that I have used default-clean as the id.


Maven clean not deleting files

I have two files in my directory like this:
I want to delete only
So here is my Maven clean plugin entry in my pom.xml file:
Just for some backgorund of this, file gets downloaded as a dependency then it gets renamed into just before i execute the above entry. I copy file using maven depedency plugin. I don't know whether this affects the not deletion of
In turn it always delete Even I tried including **/*, but it deletes every time.
It never deletes
For this particular example, you can try to replace this part:

Remove or delete resource files from target directory using pom file

I have two profiles in pom.xml, and I have some resource files which I have added into target resource directory: ${}/resources during execution of the first profile. What I need to do is remove those resource files during execution of the second profile.
Is there any way to remove or delete existing files from target directory?
I do agree with Matthew's observations, but I got the impression that the original poster was asking how to automate execution of clean during (normal) "execution" of a profile.
You can define a plugin execution for the Maven Clean Plugin. It is normally only bound to clean, but by defining a plugin execution you can bind clean:clean (that is the clean goal of the clean plugin) to whichever lifecycle phase you want. The documentation of the Maven Clean Plugin has an example of how to do this. The documentation also has an example of deleting additional files. Merged the two looks like this:
I got the solution..!!
<fileset dir="${}/resources" includes="*.xml" />
for reference -
mvn clean will remove the target directory (and therefore all the files in it). If you want to remove only certain files from the target directory, a combination of:
excludeDefaultDirectories to stop it from deleting the whole directory, and
filesets to tell it what to delete
Solution with Apache Maven AntRun Plugin 1.8:
I needed only a couple of files deleted from the output directory, the following worked fine for me.
<delete file="${}/appContextLocal.xml" />
file="${}/appContextServer.xml" />
I also figured that you can run any ant commands here replace what ever task you need in between the <tasks> .... </tasks> and it will work.
List of ant tasks that you can perform are here
thanks to above answers. finally i came to something like:
if you want to just delete some directories in target folder, you have to create some construct like this.
this for instance deletes just all contents of folders:
excludeDefaultDirectories allows to not delete complete target folder.
i used it to clean up target folder before lint analysis.
<id>Deleting all unnecessary files before lint analysis</id>

clean a folder contents during pre-integration-test phase

I have parent pom where I'm trying to unpack some scripts, execute them inside and in "pre-integration-test" phase, so it runs by default for all child modules.
My problem here is I need to delete the contents of certain directory each time it runs. I tried using ant-plugin which never runs in the pre-integration-phase. Also to note I'm calling several profiles while building the project.
mvn clean install -Pprofile1,profile2,integration
<fileset dir="checkout\myproject\specific_directory\**.*"/>
Overall I have four plugins including ant clean all running in pre-integration-phase. Except ant clean up task all others run correctly.
Based on the documentation and on my personal experience i assume you configured the plugin in the wrong area. Furthermore have you called mvn via:
mvn verify
to execute integration-test phase.

Maven clean ignore single file

I have a Maven project that is an aggregation of a number of sub-projects. This project uses the maven javadoc plugin to aggregate all sub-project javadocs into a single directory in the target/ folder. I have an additional file in the target/ folder that I would like to remain in with the javadoc pages. However, every time I run a clean, this file would be deleted. I was wondering if there was a way to delete the whole target directory and leave only a single file. My plugin is currently configured like so:
I saw a similar question here, but the solution doesn't seem to work for me.
I had the same need and after playing a while with the plugin I found a working solution for avoiding to delete specific files inside the target folder.
Let's suppose that you don't want to delete the file do_not_delete in the target folder, this configuration works for me:
Put that static file in a resources folder and let the maven-resources-plugin copy it to the specific target folder.
As you stated, it is possible to explicitly exclude or include files form your project. Are you positive about the exclude path you provided?

delete the 'target' directory after build

i know this is probably frowned upon by maven lovers, but the whole 'target' directory is a waste of space in the context of our program and it's deployment. we have other build processes responsible for creating the actual deployment and i currently manually delete the target dir after every maven build, so that its contents don't interfere with my file searches etc...
is there a way to delete this dir automatically at the end of a maven build/install?
thanks, p.
Use the maven-clean-plugin as here
You should simply add the clean goal to your maven goals at the end.
mvn install clean
The problem with the clean-plugin is that if you like to run the clean at the end of the build it depends which goal you called at the beginning. For example you called mvn package you need to have a phase post-package which does not exist or if you called mvn install you have to have phase post-install which does not exist either.
The easiest way is simply to add "clean" to the end of the normal build command. eg. mvn clean install clean.
if you want to just delete some directories in target folder, you have to create some construct like this.
this for instance deletes just all contents of folders:
excludeDefaultDirectories allows to not delete complete target folder.
i used it to clean up target folder before lint analysis.
<id>Deleting all unnecessary files before lint analysis</id>
