Adding POM type dependency using m2eclipse, unable to resolve - maven

I am trying to add Hector dependencies to my POM. My IDE is Eclipse, and I am also using m2eclipse. Adding dependencies of JAR type is not a problem, but this dependency is of type POM. I have tried almost everything usual including cleaning, building, and using import scope but nothing seem to have helped. When I try to add import me.prettyprint.hector.api.Serializer;
I get the error "The import cannot be resolved".
Is there anything else I need to do to use POM type dependencies or is there a better way of using dependencies of POM types in the project?

I believe his question is not as obvious as simply including the necessary dependency. I have experienced this problem too and am looking for a solution. The problem can be clearer stated as the following:
Let's say I have two maven projects (project A and project B). Project A is a simple web-app which wants to include dependencies as stated in project B. However, project B packaging type is "pom". This should allow all of project B's dependencies to be included into project A. Here is an example:
Project A (packaging is "war"):
Project B (packaging is "pom")
What we'd like to see in Eclipse is when you run maven eclipse:eclipse on Project A, that you can see the commons-lang-2.4.jar file as a dependency under project A such that you can resolve it in your code when imported. This is not happening and I'm still looking for such a solution.

The error indicates that the relevant class is missing in your classpath. A search of this class indicates, it is available in hector-core
This discussion indicates how this dependency can be imported, viz. adding the following entry to your project pom (or choosing this appropriately in m2eclipse).


How to figure out in what pom a dependency from effective pom is defined in IntelliJ Idea?

I have a big project that has parent pom, this one has another parent; in the project's pom file another project with bom file is included as a dependency, etc.
I click on pom and generate effective pom. Inside I see a dependency, for example this one
Is there an easy way in IntelliJ to find the pom where this dependency is defined?
In Ultimate version it's possible to generate a diagram for all maven dependencies:
Or you can execute mvn dependency:tree to build full dependency tree.

Transitive Dependency doesn't work properly

I am trying to configure a general POM that will contain some basic dependencies that probably all my projects are going to use.
I made a project with POM.xml,with packaging set to pom and added some basic dependencies.
Then i am trying to add this project as a dependencies using this code in my project:
I expected that NetBeans would automatically start downloading the depedencies of the dependency(transitive depedencies),but it doesn't.This whole thing works fine with inheritance,but i wanna try it without inheritance — just to see it works...What could be the problem?I run install on the general-deps project so that it's available in my local repository.

Maven: The type cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

I changed some existing projects from ant to maven projects.
So far so good.
All projects do have the same groupId.
Theres a project with name "ServerBase" and artifactId "server-base".
Within this project theres an abstract class "BaseService" which defines a logger via:
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
protected Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
Theres another project with name "Server" and artifactId "server".
Within this project theres a class ConfigurationDAOImpl extending the BaseService-Class above.
Within ConfigurationDAOImpl the logger log is used for creating some outputs.
Within the "Server"'s POM file I have declared:
Under BuildPath the dependency is shown very nice under MavenDependencies. I removed the old dirct/natural/ant-dependency from build path before.
If I remove it I am getting very much errors about missing classes etc.
But although I do have this dependency I am getting the followin error in eclipse (under tab markers):
The type org.apache.commons.logging.Log cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
Path: /Server/src/main/...
Location: Line 24
Type: Java Problem
I tried removing the dependency and add it again but without any luck.
Both projects do refer to JAVA 1.8.
Both projects have been build with targets clean an package multiple times.
Both projects have been updated by Righclick or pressing F5.
I am using Eclipse Version: Neon.1a Release (4.6.1)
I am using apache-maven-3.3.9
I am using m2e Plugin.
Any further help would be grateful.
Thanks in advance.
There are two ways to 'solve' this:
explicitly add the required dependency within the server-projects pom-file:
change the scop of the required dependency within the server-base-projects pom file from up to now 'provide' to 'compile' or erase the scope tag at all such that the default scope is used by maven (which I guess is 'compile')
Some background to this from documentation:
provided This is much like compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide the dependency at runtime. For example,
when building a web application for the Java Enterprise Edition, you
would set the dependency on the Servlet API and related Java EE APIs
to scope provided because the web container provides those classes.
This scope is only available on the compilation and test classpath,
and is not transitive.
Thanks all.
It looks like apache logging library is not brought transitively from your server-base project. Check if in project server under MavenDependencies you see commons-logging (apache logging) jar. If not, then add this as your maven dependency in server-base project.
Repeat the above for all jars that server-base depends on.

Maven not importing External Library into project after adding to .pom file in Intellij

I'm having trouble correctly importing a library into a project that I'm running. I have added the library as a dependency in the .pom, refreshed the pom, run mvn clean install, and I have set auto-import up so that the project gets updated correctly, but the project does not get added as an External Library, and I can't use it in my project. I get no errors. What am I doing wrong?
Here is the relevant part of my pom
.. end properties
Here is the question I was following to debug my error:
Import Maven dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA
I think you missed the point of dependency management; read more in official docs. This is a feature that you can centralize common dependency information that is then shared been different projects. All by itself, this definioition will not import the dependency.
What you probably want is just a plain dependency: drop the dependencyManagement tags, and move you dependency into the correct block in the pom.

Importing org.quartz and org.slf4j in Netbeans Maven Project

I'm looking to import support for org.slf4j and org.quartz in a maven project in Netbeans. However, I'm not able to figure out the exact steps. I'm unclear as to how should I configure these two packages (through their jar files) as artifacts.
My present Netbeans structure looks like this :
Rightclick on the dependency node, select Add dependency. In the query field, type org.quartz-scheduler. In the list that appears in Search Results fold open the node org.quartz-scheduler : quartz and click on the version you want (I'd go with 2.1.6 for now).
For org.slf4j the sequence is comparable.
Why don't you want to add them as maven dependencies in pom.xml?
Netbeans has excellent integration with Ant and Maven and will pick the dependencies up by itself.
