Maven modules - produce artifact with a mixture of sources from multiple modules - maven

We have a multi module maven project with the following layout
- common (contains DTOs and other utils)
- business (containes business services)
- presentation (presentation related)
Now, we have a webservice exposed from business module and we have to give a jar file with just service interface (from 'business' module) and DTOs (from 'common' module) to a dependent application which wants to consume the web service.
What is the best way to produce this artifact using maven?

Most elegant way I could find to solve the problem (without breaking Maven recommendation of one project, one artifact principle) is as below.
Create a maven module named web-services and use CXF-Maven plugin to generate the classes required for consuming the webservice. The artifact produced (jar) will have the required classes to be distributed to web service clients.

Removing the child module for webservice from parent project's POM xml should help (if i understood the question correctly).


Client Modules (DTOs) as a Multi-module or Separate Project Repo

Our project team had adopted Client Modules as a way to share DTOs with other Micro-Services (references: and
However, 1 question that we had in mind was whether to structure the client modules (DTOs) within the Microservice as a multi-module project, or to locate it separately in a different project repo.
In this case, we envision the client-module to be uploaded onto our internal Maven Repository, while the Microservice will be deployed in our Kubernetes clusters.
As such, would like to seek opinion on:
how would you structure your Spring Boot projects if you adopted Client Module to share DTOs and
the pros and cons to structuring the client modules (DTOs) in a multi-module project within the Microservice, or to locate it separately in a different project repo.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions. Thanks in advance! :)
Some of the enterprise projects that I worked on used multi module approaches to separate client and microservice modules. The broad idea is as follows.
Have 3 modules: Client, Integration testing and microservice.
In the client module, place all resources you wish to share with others: DTOs, exception, Feign managers, and enums etc. Package this module as a Jar
Place all service and data layer logic in the micro service modules. This module will be packaged as a boot jar which can be deployed to your targets.
Place integration tests in the integration testing modules. The packaging is optional here.
The pros of this approach is as follows:
There is clear separation of concern between client, service and testing modules.
There is a very tight security: you won't be exposing your service logic unless you would want to.
The cons(Purely my opinion):
Managing the artifacts is cumbersome.

Configure classpath in ear

I have an ear application which has 3 modules:
I worked with maven tutorial:tutorial
At the end author says about problems with in web module and suggesting some solutions. But this not worked for me. I think configuration is broken not only in that case. In my ear MANIFEST (classpath) i have also prefix "lib/" before services module(services are separated jar as ejb module in my app).
I saw i can use my specific prepared, but i don't know how to configure it manually. Could I duplicate jars in my app modules? For example add domain.jar in services and web? Is it correct?
I have specific structure:
1.sample-ear with web and services module
2.sample-web with sample servlet(without dependencies from other project in code).
3.sample-services with dao classes(using entities)
4.sample-domain with entity beans
I tried modify manifests in every package, but I didn't find a solution. When i want to run my application on WildFly10 i get NoDefClassError (Class from domain.jar used in service.jar). Could anyone help to configure it?
On the other hand maybe you have better maven configuration in project and manually configuring the is not needed.

When to use maven multi module project

I was going to couple of blogs to get the basics of maven, in the mean time I was confused when I can use the multi module project. It will be great if the answer includes example.
The main idea is that you have small modules that are dependent on each other and can be grouped together. Its not necessary that all sub-modules in a multi-module project be dependent on every other sub-module.
Lets consider you have multiple modules for an application (e.g a social networking application) that belong together. These modules can range from smaller modules like a client consumer module or a server module that will serve requests initiated by the client module, an ejb module that will hold your beans that are used by both the server and the client module and a deploy-able web module that would comprise of your front-end application etc.
This is usually handled via a multi-module build which means all modules have the same version number, are bound together under a similar platform (a social networking application in our example) but can be accessed and used by other separately.
Please check How to assemble multimodule maven project into one WAR? to know how to package a multi module project in a war file. also, you can check maven official site on Introduction to pom file

maven multi module project repeated build issue

I have created a multi module maven project as below
- root module(parent module. Building this will build the below children modules)
dao and service modules creates the jar file. web module creates the final war file to be deployed. service module has the dependency of dao module. web module has the dependency of service module.
Whenever I implement new functionality, I have to modify all the modules from dao to web. I have a maven jetty plugin configured in web module. To test any new implemented functionality in UI I end up building dao and service modules always. Are there anyway to avoid this process and reflect the changes from dao and service modules whenever I run mvn jetty:run in web module?
No, there is no way to da that, and this is the intended behavior.
If you have these 3 projects, this means the have their own lifecycle. If not, the best is to have only one project.
However, you could avoid mentioning a version number in the project, and rely on a parent version number (your root module could also be the parent).
So, you could rebuild everything from the multi-module project.
However, I don't really see the point.
Why do you have 3 projects ?

Maven depend specific classes

In the following senario
I'm wrapping an external jar file (read a dependency I've no control over) and wrapping this in a service to be exposed over RMI.
I'd like my service interface to also be exported as a maven dependency however as it will be returning classes defined in the dependency this means that the dependency itself will be used as a dependency of my service interface.
Unfortunatly the origional jar file contains many classes that are not relevant to my exposed service.
Is it possible to depend on just a few classes in that jar file in maven (possibly by extracting and repackaging the few classes that are relevant)?
com.uberbig.beans <-- Need this package or a few classes in it.
Service project includes all of uberbig jar. But exposes a service BeanService which has a call which returns an insance of com.uberbig.beans.IntrestingLightWeightSerialiasbleBean.
Service interface project needs to have a bean definition that looks like
interface BeanFetcher {
public IntrestingLightWeightSerialiasbleBean fetchBeanById(long beanId);
So ideally my serviceInterface jar file would only include the BeanFetcher interface. The definition of IntrestingLightWeightSerialiasbleBean and any direct dependencies of IntrestingLightWeightSerialiasbleBean.
The project is for use internally and won't be publically exposed so there should be no problems repackaging so long as the repackaged bean definitions are binary and searially compatable with the external jar file.
Any Suggestions?
Possibly related question Maven depend on project - no jar but classes
Maybe I could use something from the dependency:copy section of the maven-dependency-plugin but I haven't figured out how to do that.
I think you got the plugin right, but not the goal. You should use dependency:unpack instead.
You should be able to use an inclusion filter to extract only the classes you need, and then repack them into your own jar. (The service interface jar if you do it in the service interface project, but you can just as well set up a separate project.)
Create your own repackaged jar and put it in your local repo. And hope you've actually identified all dependencies, accounting for reflection, etc. IMO not really worth it.
You may be able to do it automatically (with the associated increased risk) by using ProGuard/etc. to pull out unused classes etc. That could be done on your own artifact as well, for example, by making an all-in-one jar via jarjar/onejar/etc.
