For example: I don't like the "prop" Live Template of R# and want to use the Visual Studio Snippet, like i did before I installed R#.
Go to ReSharper > Live Templates > C#, and deselect "prop"
Workaround by #gorohoroh:
Press TAB twice after specifying keywords in template placeholders.
I am using Visual Studio with Unity. When I copy and paste a code in Visual Studio. It automatically adds an unnecessary namespace on the top. It is pretty annoying to see if there have many unused namespaces over time. May I ask if is this a bug or how can I turn off the auto import namespace when copy paste?
From the suggested name, I think Visual Studio confuses the "length" and "Length"
Here are the steps to reproduce the problem
On the top of the page in Visual Studio, go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Advanced > Uncheck the option for "Add missing using directives on paste" then click OK on the bottom of the page. And then restart Visual Studio.
Might be useful to some to note that tab completion will still auto-add missing using directives.
Here is an example with the option checked (the example specifics are not relevant but in this case an attribute is being pasted to an ASP.Net Core Razor Page):
Here is an example with the option unchecked:
I have Visual Studio Code for Mac, and I want to use Emmet. I can't seem to figure out where to enable the 'tab' functionality. Any help would be appreciated!
Go to user settings.
Search for setting id emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab and enable it.
Install Visual Studio Code 0.10.1 or higher
List item Launch VS Code Launch the command palette by using Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd-Shift-P (OSX)
List item Type HTML5 Boilerplate Button click "Edit in setting.json
List item Append following code:
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"javascript": "javascriptreact",
"razor": "html",
"plaintext": "pug"
List item Reload Visual Studio Code
I have faced this issue in visual studio and resolved it.
if it's disabled enable it by going to preferences
if you are trying to code some html on visual studio and want to ide to help you use boilerplate
try below steps
if it worked : "cheers .!"
it could be issue with select language mode. on the bottom of Visual studio next to indents select language mode and change it to html or desired.
Thanks & Regards,
Surya kiran.
I am used to work with Sublime text and trying to switch for Visual Studio for bigger projects, one of the feature of sublime that I absolutely love is its multiple select feature. You can hit ctrl + d multiple times to select next instance of the same word and then rewrite them all at once. Is there anything like this in Visual studio? I tryed to find it, but with no success.
Btw I am using Visual Studio 2015.
Visual studio 2017-19
The default shortcut is Alt+Shift+.
But if you want to add Ctrl+D
Go to the menu Tools > Options then select the Keyboard tab on the left
At the top you'll find an option to add extra keybindings, select Visual Studio Code. Save and That's it!
This works because Visual Studio Code has Ctrl+D, and other shortcuts similar to SublimeText
Alternatively you can manually add shortcuts
In the image, you can find any command to customize in the middle section.
The particular command you are interested is the one selected Edit.InsertNextMatchingCaret
Ctr R, R, this is used to replace the name of the varibals, depronto can serve it.
and you are encouraged here are all the shortcuts of vs2015
Goto Tools / Options / Keyboard
Search for duplicate
Choose Edit.Duplicate
Remove the assignement for the current shortcut
Assign the shortcut you want
Ctrl + Shift + L seems to work.
Use Alt +leftClick and ctrl+F2 . For more reference you can go Official Website [link]
I decided to use this Visual Studio Extension:
Is there a way to set TAB button to work as 4 spaces in Visual Studio 2010 instead of going to Edit->Advanced->Untabify Selected Lines?
You can edit this behavior in:
Tools->Options->Text Editor->All Languages->Tabs
Change Tab to use "Insert Spaces" instead of "Keep Tabs".
Note you can also specify this per language if you wish to have different behavior in a specific language.
First set in the following path Tools->Options->Text Editor->All Languages->Tabs
if still didn't work modify as mentioned below
Go to Edit->Advanced->Set Indentation ->Spaces
For VS2010 and above (VS2010 needs a plugin).
If you have checked/set the options of the tab size in Visual Studio but it still won't work. Then check if you have a .editorconfig file in your project! This will override the Visual Studio settings. Edit the tab-size in that file.
This can happen if you install an Angular application in your project with the Angular-Cli.
See MSDN blog
None of these answer were working for me on my macbook pro. So what i had to do was go to:
Preferences -> Source Code -> Code Formatting -> C# source code.
From here I could change my style and spacing tabs etc. This is the only project i have where the lead developer has different formatting than i do. It was a pain in the butt that my IDE would format my code different than theirs.
If you don't see the formatting option, you can do Tools->Import and Export settings to import the missing one.
For Visual Studio 2019 users:
By the comment under accepted answer, link:
Well... This is "almost" still the same in VS 2019... if you already done that and seems not to work, go to: Tools > Options, and then Text Editor > Advanced > Uncheck "Use adaptive formatting" as seen here
From the hundreds of Visual Studio options, is there one to disable the way VS replace the IDs in markup when copy&paste from other control?
Almost always only need to change a few characters but VS thinks he is being smart replacing all the ID
Go into Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML > Miscellaneous and uncheck "Auto ID elements on paste in Source view"
How do you customize the copy/paste behavior in Visual Studio 2008?
but in 2010 it is the same