awk a huge logfile from behind until timestamp - bash

i want to get the last part since a given timestamp "t0" from a possible huge logfile (>50..1000mb):
|1 xxx xxx ... |
|2 xxx ... | uninteresting part
|4 ... |
|... |
___|423 ... | ___ timestamp t0
|425 xxx ... |
|437 ... |
|... | <-- i want this part ( from t0 to EOF)
and an additional constraint is that i want to do this using simple bash commands. a simple solution may be:
awk '$1 > 423' file.log
but this scans the whole file with all the unintresting lines. there's the command tail but i just can give him the number of last lines i want which i don't know - i just know the timestamp. is there a way "awking" from behind and stop processing when the first timestamp doesn't match?

tac is your friend here:
tac file.log | awk '{ if ($1 >= 423) print; else exit; }' | tac
tac will dump each line of a file starting with the last line, then working to the beginning of the file. do it once to get the lines you want, then do it again to fix their order.

If I understand right you just need to get n lines from a timestamp regexp to the end of the file.
Lest say your huge file is something like this:
~$ cat > file << EOF
n lines of rubish
more rubish
timestamp regexp
n interesting lines
end of file
If you are able to get a feasible regexp for the timestamp you are looking for, you can get the part you want with sed:
~$ sed -n '/timestamp regexp/,$ {p}' file
timestamp regexp
n interesting lines
end of file

Using standard Unix commands, there isn't much you can do other than scan the entire file. If you write your own program, you could do a binary search on the file:
seek to a point in the file,
read forwards to the next start of record,
check whether the timestamp is too big or too small,
and iterate until you find the right point in the file.
You might even do a search with linear interpolation rather than a pure binary search if the time stamps are pure numbers; it probably isn't worth the extra coding if the stamps are more complex, but it depends on how often you're going to need this.
Indeed, unless you are going to be doing this a lot and can demonstrate that the performance is a problem, I'd go with the simple awk solution.

you can poll until you hit "423". Just a hypothetical example (not tested)
n=100 # number of lines you want to go back
while true
if tail -$n file | grep -q "423" ;then
tail -$n file | awk '$1>423'
((n+=100)) # increment every 100 lines


How to rewrite a bad shell script to understand how to perform similar tasks? [closed]

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So, I wrote a bad shell script (according to several questions, one of which I asked) and now I am wondering which way to go to perform the same, or similar, task(s).
I honestly have no clue about which tool may be best for what I need to achieve and I hope that, by understanding how to rewrite this piece of code, it will be easier to understand which way to go.
There we go:
# read reference file line by line
while read -r linE;
# field 2 will be grepped
pSeq=`echo $linE | cut -f2 -d" "`
# field 1 will be used as filename to store the grepped things
fName=`echo $linE | cut -f1 -d" "`
# grep the thing in a very big file
grep -i -B1 -A2 "^"$pSeq a_very_big_file.txt | sed 's/^--$//g' | awk 'NF' > $dir$fName".txt"
# grep the same thing in another very big file and store it in the same file as abovr
grep -i -B1 -A2 "^"$pSeq another_very_big_file.txt | sed 's/^--$//g' | awk 'NF' >> $dir$fName".txt"
done < reference_file.csv
At this point I am to achieve the same result, whithout using a while loop to read into the reference_file.csv? What is the best way to go, to solve similar problems?
EDIT: when I mentioned the two very_big_files, I am talking > 5GB.
EDIT II: these should be the format of the files:
object pattern
oj1 ptt1
oj2 ptt2
... ...
ojN pttN
a_very_big_file and another_very_big_file:
Basically, I search for pattern in the two files, then I need to get the line above and the two below each match. Of course, not all the lines in the two files match with the patterns in the reference_file.csv.
Global Maxima
Efficient bash scripts are typically very creative and nothing you can achieve by incrementally improving a naive solution.
The most important part of finding efficient solutions is to know your data. Every restriction you can make allows optimizations. Some examples that can make a huge difference:
- The input is sorted or data in different files has the same order.
- The elements in a list are unique.
- One of the files to be processed is way bigger than the others.
- The symbol X never appears in the input or only appears at special places.
- The order of the output does not matter.
When I try to find an efficient solution, my first goal is to make it work without an explicit loop. For this, I need to know the available tools. Then comes the creative part of combining these tools. To me, this is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle without knowing the final picture. A typical mistake here is similar to the XY problem: After you assembled some pieces, you might be fooled into thinking you'd know the final picture and search for a piece Y that does not exist in your toolbox. Frustrated, you implement Y yourself (typically by using a loop) and ruin the solution.
If there is no right piece for your current approach, either use a different approach or give up on bash and use a better scripting/programming language.
Local Maxima
Even though you might not be able to get the best solution by improving a bad solution, you still can improve it. For this you don't need to be very creative if you know some basic anti-patterns and their better alternatives. Here are some typical examples from your script:
Some of these might seem very small, but starting a new process is way more expensive than one might suppose. Inside a loop, the cost of starting a process is multiplied by the number of iterations.
Extract multiple fields from a line
Instead of calling cut for each individual field, use read to read them all at once:
while read -r line; do
field1=$(echo "$line" | cut -f1 -d" ")
field2=$(echo "$line" | cut -f2 -d" ")
done < file
while read -r field1 field2 otherFields; do
done < file
Combinations of grep, sed, awk
Everything grep (in its basic form) can do, sed can do better. And everything sed can do, awk can do better. If you have a pipe of these tools you can combine them into a single call.
Some examples of (in your case) equivalent commands, one per line:
sed 's/^--$//g' | awk 'NF'
sed '/^--$/d'
grep -vFxe--
grep -i -B1 -A2 "^$pSeq" | sed 's/^--$//g' | awk 'NF'
awk "/^$pSeq/"' {print last; c=3} c>0; {last=$0; c--}'
Multiple grep on the same file
You want to read files at most once, especially if they are big. With grep -f you can search multiple patterns in a single run over one file. If you just wanted to get all matches, you would replace your entire loop with
grep -i -B1 -A2 -f <(cut -f2 -d' ' reference_file | sed 's/^/^/') \
a_very_big_file another_very_big_file
But since you have to store different matches in different files ... (see next point)
Know when to give up and switch to another language
Dynamic output files
Your loop generates multiple files. The typical command line utils like cut, grep and so on only generate one output. I know only one standard tool that generates a variable number of output files: split. But that does not filter based on values, but on position. Therefore, a non-loop solution for your problem seems unlikely. However, you can optimize the loop by rewriting it in a different language, e.g. awk.
Loops in awk are faster ...
time awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<1000000;++i) print i}' >/dev/null # takes 0.2s
time for ((i=0;i<1000000;++i)); do echo $i; done >/dev/null # takes 3.3s
seq 1000000 > 1M
time awk '{print}' 1M >/dev/null # takes 0.1s
time while read -r l; do echo "$l"; done <1M >/dev/null # takes 5.4s
... but the main speedup will come from something different. awk has everything you need built into it, so you don't have to start new processes. Also ... (see next point)
Iterate the biggest file
Reduce the number of times you have to read the biggest files. So instead of iterating reference_file and reading both big files over and over, iterate over the big files once while holding reference_file in memory.
Final script
To replace your script, you can try the following awk script. This assumes that ...
the filenames (first column) in reference_file are unique
the two big files do not contain > except for the header
the patterns (second column) in reference_file are not prefixes of each other.
If this is not the case, simply remove the break.
awk -v dir="$dir" '
FNR==NR {max++; file[max]=$1; pat[max]=$2; next}
for (i=1;i<=max;i++)
if ($2~"^"pat[i]) {
printf ">%s", $0 > dir"/"file[i]
}' reference_file RS=\> FS=\\n a_very_big_file another_very_big_file

Remove N lines to keep only 250 lines in a variable bash [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 3 years ago.
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I am devlopping a little bash script that permits me to extract lines from a log file.
Actually i want to print only 250 lines at the end, but i don't want to select how much i exactly need to remove.
So it means i have this output = $(tail -n1000 $filename | grep -v "RCON")
But in case it's more than 250 lines it cuts every "first lines" is there a way to do this witout knowing exactly the n lines ? I mean an easier way than do an if and a while just for it.
Your description is a bit unclear. Here are some ideas that might help you:
# Print (max) 250 lines that don't contain RCON
grep -m250 -v RCON file
# Print (max) 250 lines that don't contain RCON (from the end)
tac file | grep -m250 -v RCON | tac
# Print all lines that don't contain RCON only considering the first 250 lines
head -n250 file | grep -v RCON
# Print all lines that don't contain RCON only considering the last 250 lines
tail -n250 file | grep -v RCON
So you can create your own specific solution using these building blocks:
head -nx # consider first x lines from file or stdin
tail -nx # consider last x lines from file or stdin
grep -mx # select max. x matches
tac | ... | tac # read file from end (better performance for big files)

tail a log file from a specific line number

I know how to tail a text file with a specific number of lines,
tail -n50 /this/is/my.log
However, how do I make that line count a variable?
Let's say I have a large log file which is appended to daily by some program, all lines in the log file start with a datetime in this format:
Every day I want to output the tail of the log file but only for the previous days records. Let's say this output runs just after midnight, I'm not worried about the tail spilling over into the next day.
I just want to be able to work out how many rows to tail, based on the first occurrence of yesterdays date...
Is that possible?
Answering the question of the title, for anyone who comes here that way, head and tail can both accept a code for how much of the file to exclude.
For tail, use -n +num for the line number num to start at
For head, use -n -num for the number of lines not to print
This is relevant to the actual question if you have remembered the number of lines from the previous time you did the command, and then used that number for tail -n +$prevlines to get the next portion of the partial log, regardless of how often the log is checked.
Answering the actual question, one way to print everything after a certain line that you can grep is to use the -A option with a ridiculous count. This may be more useful than the other answers here as you can get a number of days of results. So to get everything from yesterday and so-far today:
grep "^`date -d yesterday '+%d %b %y'`" -A1000000 log_file.txt
You can combine 2 greps to print between 2 date ranges.
Note that this relies on the date actually occurring in the log file. It has the weakness that if no events were logged on a particular day used as the range marker, then it will fail to find anything.
To resolve that you could inject dummy records for the start and end dates and sort the file before grepping. This is probably overkill, though, and the sort may be expensive, so I won't example it.
I don't think tail has any functionality like this.
You could work out the beginning and ending line numbers using awk, but if you just want to exact those lines from the log file, the simplest way is probably to use grep combined with date to do it. Matching yesterday's date at beginning of line should work:
grep "^`date -d yesterday '+%d %b %y'`" < log_file.txt
You may need to adjust the date format to match exactly what you've got in the log file.
You can do it without tail, just grep rows with previous date:
cat my.log | grep "$( date -d "yesterday 13:00" '+%d %m %Y')"
And if you need line count you can add
| wc -l
I worked this out through trial and error by getting the line numbers for the first line containing the date and the total lines, as follows:
lines=$(wc -l < myfile.log)
start=$(cat myfile.log | grep -no $datestring | head -n1 | cut -f1 -d:)
and then a tail, based on that:
tail -n$n myfile.log

Reading millions of files (in a certain order) and putting them into one big file --- fast

In my bash script I have the following (for concreteness I preserve the original names;
sometimes people ask about the background etc., and then the original names make more sense):
tail -n +2 Data | while read count phi npa; do
cat Instances/$phi >> $nF
That is, the first line of file Data is skipped, and then all lines, which are of
the form "r c p n", are read, and the content of files Instances/p is appended
to file $nF (in the order given by Data).
In typical examples, Data has millions of lines. So perhaps I should write a
C++ application for that. However I wondered whether somebody knew a faster
solution just using bash?
Here I use cut instead of your while loop, but you could re-introduce that if it provides some utility to you. The loop would have to output the phy variable once per iteration.
tail -n +2 Data | cut -d' ' -f 2 | xargs -I{} cat Instances/{} >> $nF
This reduces the number of cat invocations to as few as possible, which should improve efficiency. I also believe that using cut here will improve things further.

Copying part of a large file using command line

I've a text file with 2 million lines. Each line has some transaction information.
23848923748, sample text, feild2 , 12/12/2008
What I want to do is create a new file from a certain unique transaction number onwards. So I want to split the file at the line where this number exists.
How can I do this form the command line?
I can find the line by doing this:
cat myfile.txt | grep 23423423423
use sed like this
sed '/23423423423/,$!d' myfile.txt
Just confirm that the unique transaction number cannot appear as a pattern in some other part of the line (especially, before the correctly matching line) in your file.
There is already a 'perl' answer here, so, i'll give one more AWK way :-)
awk '{BEGIN{skip=1} /number/ {skip=0} // {if (skip!=1) print $0}' myfile.txt
On a random file in my tmp directory, this is how I output everything from the line matching popd onwards in a file named
tail -n+`grep -n popd | cut -f 1 -d:`
tail -n+X matches from that line number onwards; grep -n outputs lineno:filename, and cut extracts just lineno from grep.
So for your case it would be:
tail -n+`grep -n 23423423423 myfile.txt | cut -f 1 -d:` myfile.txt
And it should indeed match from the first occurrence onwards.
It's not a pretty solution, but how about using -A parameter of grep?
Like this:
mc#zolty:/tmp$ cat a
mc#zolty:/tmp$ cat a | grep 3 -A1000000
The only problem I see in this solution is the 1000000 magic number. Probably someone will know the answer without using such a trick.
You can probably get the line number using Grep and then use Tail to print the file from that point into your output file.
Sorry I don't have actual code to show, but hopefully the idea is clear.
I would write a quick Perl script, frankly. It's invaluable for anything like this (relatively simple issues) and as soon as something more complex rears its head (as it will do!) then you'll need the extra power.
Something like:
my $out = 0;
while (<STDIN>) {
if /23423423423/ then $out = 1;
print $_ if $out;
and run it using:
$ perl < input > output
Not tested, I'm afraid.
