creating a dropdown list module in joomla - joomla

I am new to joomla and doing a project in joomla for the very first time so i need help from you. I want a drop down list in which there will be districts of my country Nepal, and when anybody selects any district then the description of that district will be displayed in the bottom of the drop down list. And I am confused that where can I get such module or if I have to make such module then how can I do it on my own.

You are in luck. This module does exactly what you need. The code is not packaged for distrbution yet, but you can register for the site and request a copy of the code -


How to add custom attribute in magento Registration

I am creating a sign up form for Magneto, I want to add few more information from customer like place of birth. How can I do this, I tried many ways but all are use less, please explain step by step.
you can go through this link Magento Module Creater
and create module with Need Add Customer Attribute : yes and it will give the field for your customer attribute. and create field as much as you.after creating field just click Create Magento Module (download) it will give you a ready module with your custom customer attribute. Note:- Selecte Forms to Use In in which your field will be populated for user input
Hope this will help you.

How to create rss feed from my category joomla 3.2.3?

Does Joomla 3.2 have an RSS feed creator in core as 2.5 had? I would like to create an RSS feed with articles from one of my joomla's category.
1.) Go to Extensions->Module Manager in the admin screen
2.) Create a new Module, the type of module is "Syndication."
3.) The only really important bit do here is to assign it to the menu item that displays the category you want to build the feed from (can either be a blog view or a list view). Assign it only to that item (choose "only selected items" from the dropdown, click select none to clear all the checks, then check only the category page you want to build the feed from).
4.) Fill in anything else the way you want. The module must be published, but technically it doesn't even need to be visible to do its work, though you might want it visible in order to let people click on the link to the feed. ;{>}
Caveat: It will create a feed in either RSS or Atom format. You want both, create two syndication modules.
You can specify the display format at the end of the category url in this way:<YOUR_CATEGORY_ID>&format=feed&type=rss
When you add &format=feed&type=rss string at the end of the URL you transform the classic page in an RSS feed. You can change type=rss with type=atom if you want.
1- Login to Joomla Admin
2-Go to Components>>Newsfeeds>Categories
--Create new category
3-Go to Compnents>>Newsfeeds>>Feeds
--Create a new Feed
4- Create a menu item linking to that RSS Feed. That is how easy it is! Hope that helps!

joomla using virtuemart i want the description to be placed under products

I have a joomla site using virtue mart in my products. I want my description to be placed under the products. Any help would be appreciated.
You will see here that the description is above the products.
I have had a look through the source files but was wondering the best way to go about this as I may just be missing something.
I hope you are using , VM2.x Versions.
The the Product Details Page Source file you can found on the following path.
The product description and short descriptions are included in the default.php layout.
If you want to change the description ordering simply change its position as per your requirement.
$this->product->product_s_desc and $this->product->product_desc;
If you are planning to change the default VM template style , I recommend to use Joomla Override Concept this way you can simply override the default template with your own.
Here you need to override productdetails view then simply like below.
copy all the files from components\com_virtuemart\views\productdetails\tmpl\ and paste this to , templates/your_template/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/ If you unable to find this path inside your template folder you have to create that.
This will simply load your new layouts from template folder rather than default path.
Hope it clear for you..
The VM Template system also lets you create additional view templates for categories and products. To override the default categories, category, or productdetails view, simple use the standard Joomla template override method. Copy /components/com_virtuemart/views/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php to /templates/[Your Template]/html/com_virtuemart/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php and make your changes to the template version of default.php.
To create additional views that can be set on a per category/product basis, simply copy /templates/[Your Template]/html/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php to a new file name like /templates/[Your Template]/html/[categories, category, or productdetails]/myView.php and make the desired changes. In the Virtuemart category or product configuration, you will find myView in the drop down list of alternatives views that can be used.

How to create a second frontpage in Joomla?

How to create a second (or more) front page in Joomla? (Joomla 3.1.5 here)?!
My dream website would be a website with several Homepages, but I haven't figured yet how to make it....
What I mean: for example if you have website on sports - you want a Homepage for: Hockey, Football and Basketball
- each with all 18 (or so) template positions, full page of Modules, etc....Exactly like it is on actual Front Page, but each on different topic....
How to do this?!
and how to get over 'question quality standarts' - everything is described above;
You need to create menu items, assign them to different templates, assign the modules et voilĂ .
Create the new featured menu items and filter them by category, assuming one is Hockey, Golf etc.
Then in the template manager, install your new template or create a new style for one of the templates based on your requirements, and assign the newly created menu item.
If you're looking for a howto, you might want to start from or google.
It's not a matter of quality, but of context. This is a developers site, not a Joomla usage forum.
Unless you have a total different requirements that what you have described, one way to achieve what you are after for in Joomla 3, is to create several featured articles menu-items with the category settings you want, and also configure your template to work the way you want, with the module positions and the module assignments.
There are also other custom content components, you may want to try, like k2, that offers a variety of options when creating blog layout pages.
And to add to Daniel Bottner's comment that under conditions, this was also possible even with J1.5.
similar simple example in J1.5:
'Riccardo Zorn' did answer this question pretty well.
What you basically wan't to do is to create a website with kind of a following structure.
1: category 1 (sport x)
2: category 2 (sport y)
2.1: subcategory to 2(sport y ~ men)
2.2: subcategory to 2(sport y ~ women)
While each category would be a seperate menu as well as very likely a different template.
It is up to you to filter for the templates and menues which modules are shown there.
But you will have one basic entry point for the website.
No offense but what you want to do is basically default in joomla since at least version 1.6

wishlist integration in joomla

I am somewhat of newbeeeee to the whole Joomla/Virtuemart world. I am trying to implement "my wishlist" module in my joomla 1.5.26 . I have searched in google also but its not free.
My logic is like:
I have a list of products, along with button "add to wish list". If a registered user click on that button then that product id and category id have been saved in jos_user table, where I have added one new field called "wishlist".
Now up to this is okay. Now problem is to fetch those product in one page(lets say page name is my wish list), which are only in that list. Is there any file where I can change the query for that particular page(my wish list). If so please help me. Its urgent.
Thanks in advance.
If your wish list is a module rather than a component, then finding the required file to change the code shouldn't be too hard. I'm not quite sure on the file structure, but it will most likely be in something like helper.php
