Whats the status of Prism integration in Autofac? - prism

Integration into Prism was talked about in the 2.1.x time frame, we are # 2.4.x, Prism 4 is out now and the RIStockTrader Example in /contrib is just a default XAML project.
Should it work? If so, anyone have a simple example of a Silverlight Shell + Bootstrapper + 1 Module they could point me to?

An updated Prism integration is currently in progress. I'm not sure what the status is exactly, but you can get the code and potentially contact the author here. You can also pass on feedback/suggestions/issues via the Autofac discussion group.


Is ReactiveUI.Blazor ready for use ? .. Are there any examples?

.. I'm new to ReactiveUI ..
trying to use ReactiveUI.Blazor .. in Blazor Server Side
.. it has been released but I can't see any examples in the solution
The only example I can find of Blazor with ReactiveUI
is https://github.com/Nethereum/NethereumBlazor and it's just using ReactiveUI .. not ReactiveUI.Blazor
Any one using ReactiveUI.Blazor ?
cheers in advance
ReactiveUI is never finished, but there are working samples for Blazor Server-Side (which is now released as of AspNetCore 3.1) and also working samples for Blazor Hosted and Blazor Client models in the ReactiveUI.Samples repository.
You can find the direct link here
TLDR: I had an amazing experience working with Reactive.Blazor in a WASM Blazor application and can absolutely recommend using it.
I used ReactiveUI.Blazor together with Blazorise in platform for managing offers in a more structured way to perform estimates based on the structured (meta)data of the offers.
I used the WASM version of Blazor and my experience was very good. Reactive functional programming (FRP) works well in React and Angular so it seemed like a good fit for Blazor as well.
My review:
The setup was pretty easy. I took a few notes from this arcticle and the code behind it.
I used DynamicData as well, which for me is somehow already part of the whole ReactiveUI stack. It fit very well into the whole application layout, although most of the components in Blazorise do not support the appropriate listeners for collection changes - there you need to support a bit with your code. I absolutely recommend using DynamicData as proxy/cache for your APIs though - state management has never been easier.
The easy form validation, which was a near natural fit for the Blazorise components was for me one of the major selling points - because I rely heavily on dynamic forms.
I am not too happy with the routing and IoC approaches yet. I am used to Autofac for most of my development, which I could easily use my services although for my views and viewmodels I had to rely on a service locator pattern (with Splat backed by Autofac).

YO .net core 2.x demo project with react/redux?

This is a "Veracity Platform" question - which I guess has a fairly small audience.
I'm using the veracity platform's application generator (based on Yeoman) to generate a sample application for .net core 2.x, using node.js.
yo #veracity/veracity:netcore-webapp
This creates a good basic .net core 2.x MVC project. Is there a way to further specify that I want to additionally include the "React/Redux" project template, like I would when creating a project in Visual Studio? That way the client app and the front-end webpack stack get started for me, which is nice.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
We do not have these configurations included in the generator yet. Uservoice will be added to Developer.veracity.com soon, but for now you may forward such feature requests also in the github project of the generator. Open an issue, and I will see when we can get it in to the backlog.
Brede Børhaug - Manager Veracity for Developers

ASP .NET 5 WEB API creating help page

I just got started working on ASP.NET 5. I want to have a help page for my methods, I have seen few examples for creating help pages but most of them are MVC specific. I have gone through Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.HelpPage package, it creates an Area for help page but I am not using MVC pattern.
Any suggestions how can I create help page other than this area approach?
I would suggest looking at Swagger and SwaggerUI. Swagger is an open standard, using JSON to document an API, used by the likes of PayPal and Microsoft (check out Logic apps in the azure portal).
There are some open source implementations for .Net (both of which I have used), which will self document your API, just by adding the NuGet packages to your project and a little bit of configuration:
Swashbuckle is the original project and Ahoy is the new version targeting ASPNET5. When downloading the package from NuGet you will still get Swashbuckle, just make sure you tick "include pre-release", and if you need any documentation look at the original GitHub project.
SwaggerUI (which is also included in Swashbuckle) adds an interface which you can use to navigate and test your API, by default this is available from "/swagger/ui" when your project is running.
Here is a sample repo in GitHub I put together showing how it can be used: https://github.com/mattridgway/ASPNET5-SwaggerUI

Xamarin Forms + Parse: PCL vs Shared Asset Project

I been set the mission to look at Xamarin and its cross plaform / code resuse ability, I come from a iOS/Android background.
I want to aim for the holy grail of one universal front end (basic) and one reusable service layer.
I created my first project as a Xamarin Forms PLC, hit the issue it can not support compiler directives, which seem to be something your going to need. Also I was unable to add Parse package to the PLC. You need to reference it per platform / write code per platform?
I have now created Shared Asset Project, the default setup (new project). This does not allow me to add parse to the shared layer. Some of the examples I see add a new project called service, what type of project is this?
So, my question is, forgetting how many members are in a dev team, which one (PCL, SAP) lets me have a universal backend (parse).
I found a Github sample project that could help you. It can be found here: Sample Parse Project
The link to the xamarin component can be found here: Parse component This Xamarin Component should be able to be added into your project and it should get you started immediately. Also when you add the component to you project you should be able to view sample projects that come along with it.
I would start with the sample project and see what I can do with it, but it should become a lot easier by just adding the Parse component in. This would make it so you could probably use either type of project with some Dependency Injection.

Effects of MVC SPA being removed

I am currently working on a tool and writing it in MVC SPA (single page application) and just now found out it was removed from the final release. What does that means to my project. do i have to stop working and move to MVC Internet application. I have not found much info in http://www.asp.net/single-page-application
Please let me know the effects and possible work around on this issue
You can download the SPA source code from the ASP.NET CodePlex page and compile it, then include the binaries in your application. The current version is not 'complete', but the code that you've been depending on should still be as supported as it was in the Mvc 4 Beta release if you do that.
