Image Transformation - image

I've been reading a lot about information transformations/distortions on here and elsewhere, and they seem to fall into two categories: distortion of the pixels of the image while maintaining the original boundaries, or transformations like rotation, scaling, etc. What I would like to do is pretty different.
I would like to warp a rectangular image into a polygon. In particular, I want to warp an image into each one of the 50 United States. Simple mapping of the state and then cropping out parts of the image that don't fit in is not acceptable. These images have borders, and then someone's face contained inside of them. I did find this really cool paper on content-aware image resizing (paper), and while it would let me keep the focus of the images (the face) undistorted, it still maps to 4 corners. For my initial test, I don't care about warping the faces too.
Does anyone have suggestions? Research papers, code, Wikipedia pages, GIMP plugins, software tools, etc welcome.

See if multipoint distortion in ImageMagick can work for you.


detecting hyperbolic regions in an image matlab

I have grey scale images as shown (it is scanned profile of an actual construction bridge). I would like to identify or detect hyperbolic variations or regions in it (and preferably separate them in the form of boxes as shown in another image). I have tried canny edge detector, texture segmentation and other methods, but they are not as reliable ..i.e., they don't have high degree of accuracy. The problems associated with this are:
a) Sometimes the hyperbolic variations are too I have to stretch the image and adjust contrast.
b) Sometimes the region contrast is too light or heavily distorted.. but I still wanna detect them.. Please suggest a suitable method or code to identify it.. I have attached some sample images. Thank you very much for your suggestions.
sample image:
result needed - sample:

Pulling non-transparent areas to the center of the transparent areas in an image

I am making an image processing project which has a few steps and stuck in one of them. Here is the thing; I have segmented an image and subtract the foreground from background. Now, I need to fill the background.
So far, I have tried the inpainting algorithms. They don't work in my case because my background images haven't at least 40% of them. I mean they fail when they are trying the complete 40% of an image. (By the way, these images have given bad results even in the Photoshop with content-aware tool.)
Anyway, I've given up trying inpainting and decided something else. In my project, I don't need to complete 100% of my background. I want to illustrate my solution;
As you see in the image above, I want to pull the image to the black area (which is transparent) with minimum corruption. Any MATLAB code samples, technique, keyword and approach would be great. If you need further explanation, feel free to ask.
I can think of two crude ways to fill the hole:
use roifill: this fills gaps in 2d image preserving image smoothness.
Alteratively, you can use bwdist to compute the nearest neighbor of each black pixel and assign it to its nearest neighbor's color:
[~, nnIdx] = bwdist( bw );
fillImg(bw) = IMG(bw);
although this code snippet works only for gray images, it is quite trivial to extend it to RGB color images.

I need help drawing sunrays, glimmers, bursts, sparkles, etc in C

I am in the process of learning how to create a lens flare application. I've got most of the basic components figured out and now I'm moving on to the more complicated ones such as the glimmers / glints / spikeball as seen here:
Or these:
Some have suggested creating particles that emanate outwards from the center while fading out and either increasing or decreasing in size but I've tried this and there are just too many nested loops which makes performance awful.
Someone else suggested drawing a circular gradient from center white to radius black and using some algorithms to lighten and darken areas thus producing rays.
Does anyone have any ideas? I'm really stuck on this one.
I am using a limited compiler that is similar to C but I don't have any access to antialiasing, predefined shapes, etc. Everything has to be hand-coded.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I would create large circle selections, then use a radial gradient. Each side of the gradient is white, but one side has 100% alpha and the other 0%. Once you have used the gradient tool to draw that gradient inside the circle. Deselect it and use the transform tool to Skew or in a sense smash it. Then duplicate it several times and turn each one creating a spiral or circle holding Ctrl to constrain when needed. Then once those several layers are in the rotation or design that you want. Group them in a folder and then you can further effect them all at once with another transform or skew. WHen you use these real smal, they are like little stars. But you can do many different things when creating each one to make them different. Like making each one lower in opacity than the last etc...
I found a few examples of how to do lens-flare 'via code'. Ideally you'd want to do this as a post-process - meaning after you're done with your regular render, you process the image further.
Fragment shaders are apt for this step. The easiest version I found is this one. The basic idea is to
Identify really bright spots in your image and potentially down sample it.
Shoot rays from the fragment to the center of the image and sample some pixels along the way.
Accumalate the samples and apply further processing - chromatic distortion etc - on it.
And you get a whole range of options to play with.
Another more common alternative seems to be
Have a set of basic images (circles, hexes) and render them as a bunch of bright objects, along the path from the camera to the light(s).
Composite this image on top of the regular render of you scene.
The problem is in determining when to turn on lens flare, since it is dependant on whether a light is visible/occluded from a camera. GPU Gems comes to rescue, with better options.
A more serious, physically based implementation is listed in this paper. This is a real-time version of making lens-flares, but you need a hardware that can support both vertex and geometry shaders.

Using a TreeMap with images

For representing most popular artists from EchoNest API, I've been trying to set-up Silverlight Toolkit's TreeMap using images, their TreeItemDefinition.ValueBinding being defined as the area of the image.
While it mostly fills up the space when the image stretch is set to 'Fill' :
When setting image stretch to 'Uniform' a lot of blank spaces remain :
On this post, image carving is suggested : Treemapping with a given aspect ratio
How can I know which images should be carved and at what dimensions they should be carved if possible at all ?
Is this problem solvable without human intervention for a good result ?
I don't think there is a way to know which images should be carved and at what dimensions they should be carved. An ok-ish euristic might be to check if the mean energy of an image is > a certain threshold (this can be refined to check only blocks of every image, and combining the result later: if the image has blocks without details/energy, it can be carved, at least in that section).
What i think would be better is to apply seam carving to the already composed image: that will try to carve out the white outlines (adding "artificial" energy to the patches of images might lead to even better results, preserving more the shapes of each image). This paper might be of use to check out other image resizing methods too.

Advice on using OCR on an image of a blackboard

I'm trying to get an image of a blackboard readable by OCR. Naturally, most OCR software doesn't like dirty images. What image processing should I try to put the image through to clean the image up?
Have you tried the OCR software yet? It's likely that the OCR software is well suited to reading what's essentially already a black and white image.
However, if you were required to do so you could try to:
Threshold the image.
Essentially take a greyscale version of the image and turn it into black / white pixels
Perform Binary Dilation to grow the remaining objects
Perform Binary Erosion
The idea is by dilating then eroding you would remove any rough / noisy edges and then you can pass the skeletonized image to the OCR.
There are probably plenty of methods to achieve a similar result. Given that there are entire books devoted to computer vision this answer will hardly do them justice.
The only texts I have are from 1997, but surely there's been more written on the subject since.
Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision - J.R. Parker
Digital Image Processing - Gonzalez / Woods
Offhand, I'd say invert the image (reverse the colors, so that the writing is black on white) and increase the contrast a bit. You can try modifying the brightness to get the erased chalk fogginess to disappear into the background.
In Photoshop, the Levels dialog may be your most useful image adjustment. Mimicking this in code is another subject, entirely.
The basis of Levels is that you adjust the max, min and midpoints of the brightness levels. Usually shown on a histogram, you adjust the points such that you obtain the desired amount of contrast, but also move the midpoint such that text in the image is the most well-defined; critical for OCR applications. By moving the midpoint you can "eliminate" the grayscale fuzz that ordinarily surrounds handwriting by causing it to disappear into the light (or dark) areas of the image.
Also you might try converting the image to 1-bit after such an adjustment, forcing everything to black or white. Sometimes this speeds up the OCR process. But be careful, it also will discard detail.
Have you tried edge detection techniques such as Roberts Cross and Sobel operator to filter noise out of the image? Without seeing the quality of the image, can't say how effective that'd be.
Not sure how constrained you are in the choice of OCR solution, but the ABBYY OCR engine (and a web API based on it, ) includes automatic image cleanup / texture removal options.
There are commercial solutions but cleaning up board images appears to be an open problem. Add OCR to an unsolved problem, and you get... an unsolved problem.
