How to write a single Folder name with all the files in it in a text file in DOS? - dos

Suppose i have a folder structure which has a path like this..
I want to display the File name i.e Sample.xls in a separate text file along with the Last folder name. That is Fold3
Output in Text file should be like this..
Fold 3
Please need the code ASAP...

I would do a pure Dir /B in a temp file and then use some awk or grep solution to extract the part I need with regular expressions.
There are many free tools to allow this (GNU for Windows).


how do i combine txt file from a list of file emplacement

i have a problem, i used "everything" to extract every txt file from a specific directory so that i can merge them. But on emeditor i don't find a way to merge file from a list of localisation.
Here what the everything file look like:
E:\Main directory\subdirectory 1\file.txt
E:\Main directory\subdirectory 2\file.txt
E:\Main directory\subdirectory 3\file.txt
E:\Main directory\subdirectory 4\file.txt
The list goes over 40k location. is there a way to use a program to read all the location in the text file and combine them ?
Also, the subdirectory has other txt file that i don't want to so i can't just merge all txt file from the main. Another thing is that there are variation of the "file.txt" like "Files.txt" for example.

Combine CSV files with condition

I need to combine all the csv files in some directory (.csv), provided that there are other files with the same name in this directory, but with different expansion (.csv.done).
If a csv file doesn't have .done in this extension then I don't need it for combine process.
What is the best way to do it using Bash ?
This approach is a solution to your problem. I see you've commented that it "didn't work", but whatever the reason is for it not working, it's likely simple to fix e.g. if you forgot to include key details, or failed to adapt it appropriately to suit your specific situation. If you need further help troubleshooting, add more info to your question.
The approach:
for f in *.csv.done
cat "${f%.*}" >> combined_file.csv
How it works:
In your example, you have 3 files named 1.csv 2.csv 3.csv and two 'done' files named 1.csv.done 2.csv.done.
This script begins by making a list of all files that end in .csv.done (two files: 1.csv.done 2.csv.done).
It then uses a parameter expansion, specifically ${parameter%word}, to 'shorten' the name of the two files in the list to .csv (instead of .csv.done).
Then it 'prints' the content of the two 'shortened' filenames (1.csv and 2.csv) into a 'combined' file.
It doesn't 'print' the content of 1.csv.done or 2.csv.done, or 3.csv, because these files weren't in the original 'list'.
If you run this script multiple times, it will keep adding the contents of files 1.csv and 2.csv to the 'combined' file (only run it once, or delete the 'combined' file before running it again)

Shell script - replace a string in the all the files in a directory based on file name

I want to replace a constant string in multiple files based on the name of the file.
In a directory I have many files named like 'X-A01', 'X-B01', 'X-C01'.
In each file there is a string 'SS-S01'.
I want to replace string 'SS-S01' in the first file with 'X-A01', second file with 'X-B01' and third file with 'X-C01'.
Please help me how can we do it as I have hundreds of files like this and do not want to manually edit all files one by one.
Remember to back up your files(!) before running this command, since I have not actually tried it myself:
You could do something like:
for file in <DIR>/*; do sed -i "s/SS-S01/${file##*/}/" "$file"; done
This will loop over each file in <DIR> and for each loop iteration assign the file name to $file. For each file, sed will replace the first occurence of SS-S01 in that file by the file name.

Command prompt batch renaming results in syntax error

I need to rename 80k files in multiple folders & subfolders in the same directory. I have been trying to use ren but have been unsuccessful; I get an incorrect syntax error.
My old name looks like this:
c:/users/alice/BiDIR_DOCS_2017_Nov08020423\Company,LLC##NA##7967425.00##7967425.00\Company LLC A and A - Aug2017.pdf BiDIR_DOCS_2017_Nov08020423\Company, LLC##NA##7967425.00##7967425.00\document_# (x.y.z)-test~.pdf
and my new name looks like this:
c:/users/alice/BiDIR_DOCS_2017_Nov08020423\Company,LLC##NA##7967425.00##7967425.00\Company LLC A and A - Aug2017.pdf BiDIR_DOCS_2017_Nov08020423\Company, LLC##NA##7967425.00##7967425.00\system, a old name~ ` to # system b document (xyz)-test.pdf
I have the existing directory print in one column of Excel and in the next column what I want the directory print to be.
I'm not sure if I'm starting my ren command at the right hierarchy of my directory, or if I need quotation marks to keep the spaces and symbols in my new name.
I have tried improvising and testing on my own without success and I cannot find an article online on point.
Try FAR (find and replace) - it a free utility that works well.

Rename multiple values in file name

I have a lot of files like these:
I would like to rename all those files with onliner like so:
nsh_nyi.mp4 becomes nashville predators - new york islanders.mp4
ott_pit.mp4 becomes ottawa senators - pittsburgh penguins.mp4
Is it possible to with one command in linux, using awk,rename, sed etc?
I tried to bulk rename those files like so:
rename s/nsh/nashville\ predators/g
It will replace one part of the file, but not the second part: nyi
Of course i have all those club names in one file.
The result is:
Can't rename nsh_nyi.mp4 nsh_New-york-islanders.mp4: No such file or directory
Can't rename ott_pit.mp4 ott_Pittsburgh-penguins.mp4: No such file or directory
You can replace multiple patterns by listing them all separated by semi-colon as below.
rename 's/nsh/nashville\ predators/g;s/ott/ottawa\ senators/g'
