`EnumDisplaySettings` repeating same Resolution Multiple Times - winapi

Here goes my code
int index = 0;
while(0 != EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, index++, &dm)){
qDebug() << index-1 << dm.dmPelsWidth << dm.dmPelsHeight;
Resolution* resolution = new Resolution(dm.dmPelsWidth, dm.dmPelsHeight);
0 320 200
1 320 200
2 320 200
3 320 240
4 320 240
5 320 240
6 400 300
7 400 300
8 400 300
9 512 384
10 512 384
11 512 384
12 640 400
13 640 400
14 640 400
15 640 480
25 640 480
26 640 480
27 800 600
41 800 600
42 1024 768
50 1024 768
51 1152 864
62 1152 864
63 1280 600
I get only one thing in return that is 320x200 not even the 1600x900 which is my current Resolution.

EnumDisplaySettings gives you every possible combination of screen parameters.
The trick is knowing which fields of the DEVMODE structure to pay attention to.
These significant fields are:
For example, here are the first 14 legitimate settings for my monitor:
dmPelsWidth dmPelsHeight dmBitsPerPixel dmDisplayFrequence dmDisplayFixedOutput
640 480 8 59 Default
640 480 8 59 Stretch
640           480            8              59                  Center
640 480 8 60 Default
640 480 8 60 Stretch
640           480            8              60                  Center
640 480 8 75 Default
640 480 16 59 Default
640 480 16 59 Stretch
640           480            16             59                  Center
640 480 16 60 Default
640 480 16 60 Stretch
640           480            16             60                  Center
640 480 16 75 Default
(... etc ...)

You need to call it in a loop. My feeling is that replacing the if with a while will instantly solve this.


Transposing Data Variable names in Stata

Hello I want to use National Science Foundation dataset but the raw excel file variable names does not transpose the data properly. Does anyone have any sample code on how to transpose the dataset so that it fit the stata format for analysis. Here is the raw excel file so you can understand the problem.
Raw Excel File from NSF website
*EDITED to add view of import
Keeping in mind Nick's apt point about the nature of SO, I do have some example code that may be helpful here. Without knowing what you mean by "transpose" I cannot give an exact answer, but you can adapt the reshape commands below to your purposes.
Import and view
// Import Excel File defining TL and BR of table
import excel "nsb20197-tabs02-012.xlsx", cellrange(A6:K177) clear
list in 1/15
| A B C D E F G H I J K |
1. | Associate's level |
2. | American Indian or Alaska Native                     |
3. | All fields 6282 4131 2151 65.8 34.2 8935 5697 3238 63.8 36.2 |
4. | S&E 608 386 222 63.5 36.5 942 495 447 52.5 47.5 |
5. | Engineering 17 4 13 23.5 76.5 50 8 42 16 84 |
6. | Natural sciences 384 220 164 57.3 42.7 453 174 279 38.4 61.6 |
7. | Social and behavioral sciences 207 162 45 78.3 21.7 439 313 126 71.3 28.7 |
8. | Non-S&E 5674 3745 1929 66 34 7993 5202 2791 65.09999999999999 34.9 |
9. | Asian or Pacific Islander                     |
10. | All fields 27313 15522 11791 56.8 43.2 54809 30916 23893 56.4 43.6 |
11. | S&E 2649 1284 1365 48.5 51.5 7862 3492 4370 44.4 55.6 |
12. | Engineering 160 23 137 14.4 85.59999999999999 574 111 463 19.3 80.7 |
13. | Natural sciences 2010 939 1071 46.7 53.3 4419 1562 2857 35.3 64.7 |
14. | Social and behavioral sciences 479 322 157 67.2 32.8 2869 1819 1050 63.4 36.6 |
15. | Non-S&E 24664 14238 10426 57.7 42.3 46947 27424 19523 58.4 41.6 |
Structuring the data
// Create supercategories
* level = Column A if column A contains the word level (ignoring case)
gen level = word(A,1) if ustrregexm(A, "level", 1), before(A)
* demographic = Column A if next ob in column A contains the word all fields (ignoring case)
gen demographic = A if ustrregexm(A[_n+1], "all fields", 1), before(A)
* fill down demographic and level, and drop blank rows
foreach v of varlist level demographic {
replace `v' = `v'[_n-1] if missing(`v')
drop if mi(demographic) | demographic == A | regexm(A, level)
// rename variables
* rename A
rename A field
* rename count columns
local list "B C D E F"
local year = 2000
rename (`list') (all_`year' female_`year' male_`year' perc_female_`year' perc_male_`year' )
local list "G H I J K"
local year = 2017
rename (`list') (all_`year' female_`year' male_`year' perc_female_`year' perc_male_`year' )
* destring
destring *_2000 *_2017, replace
Reshaping to long
* reshape long
drop perc*
reshape long all_ male_ female_, i(level demographic field) j(year)
rename *_ degrees*
reshape long degrees, i(level demographic field year) j(gender) string
An example of how one might reshape wide by field
* test reshape wide by field + ensure the variable name is less than 32 characters post reshape
replace field = lower(strtoname(field))
replace field = substr(field, 1, 32 - strlen("degrees") - 1)
reshape wide degrees, i(level demographic year gender) j(field) string

What is the time Complexity

count = 0
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i*=2){
for(int j = 1; j <= i; j++){
What will be the time complexity of the above code?
With my calculation, it will be log base 2 n.
Please help me with it
The inner loop will do the following number of iterations:
...where each line represents one iteration of the outer loop.
The total number of times that the body of the inner loop runs is therefore:
        20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + ... + 2log2𝑛
This is equal to:
        21+log2𝑛 − 1 = 2𝑛 − 1
...which is O(𝑛)

recursion big o with log n

What would be the Big O of this function:
def foo(n):
if (n <= 1):
return 0
return n + foo(n/2) + foo(n/2)
I think it might O(2^logn) because in each call, there are two other calls and n is divided by 2 until it gets to 1, thus the logn.
Yes, it is O(2logn), which really is equivalent to O(n).
You can analyse it as follows:
T(n) = 1 + 2T(n/2)
        = 1 + 2(1 + 2T(n/4)) = (2²-1) + 2²T(n/4)
        = (2²-1) + 2²(1 + 2T(n/8)) = (2³-1) + 2³T(n/8)
        = (2logn - 1) + 2logn
        = (n-1) + 2n
        = O(n)
This may be a surprising result, but a snippet measuring the fraction between n and the number of calls of foo, illustrates this time complexity:
let counter;
function foo(n) {
if (n <= 1)
return 0;
return n + foo(n/2) + foo(n/2);
for (let n = 1; n < 100000; n*=2) {
counter = 0;
Moreover, you can use the master theorem as well (the first case). In your case as the recursive relation is T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 1, if we want to write the relation in the form of T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n), we will have:
a = 2, b = 2, f(n) = 1
=> c_crit = log2(2) = 1
As f(n) = 1 = O(n^c) for all c > 0, we can find a 0 < c < 1 that c < c_crit = 1. Hence, the first case of the master theorem is satisfied. Therefore, T(n) = \Theta(n).

Verilog testbench outputs are x and z on a 16-bit carry adder

I've been trying to reproduce a 16-bit Adder, but I can't seem to get any results on my testbench. Any leads?
module adder(a,b,c,s,cout);
input a,b,c;
output s,cout;
xor #1
and #1
or #1
module sixteenbitAdder(x,y,s,cout,cin);
input [15:0] x,y;
output [15:0] s;
input cin;
output cout;
wire [15:0] c;
 adder f0 (x[0],y[0],cin,s[0],c[0]);
 adder f1 (x[1],y[1],c[0],s[0],c[1]);
 adder f2 (x[2],y[2],c[1],s[2],c[2]);
 adder f3 (x[3],y[3],c[2],s[3],c[3]);
 adder f4 (x[4],y[4],c[3],s[4],c[4]);
 adder f5 (x[5],y[5],c[4],s[5],c[5]);
 adder f6 (x[6],y[6],c[5],s[6],c[6]);
 adder f7 (x[7],y[7],c[6],s[7],c[7]);
 adder f8 (x[8],y[8],c[7],s[8],c[8]);
 adder f9 (x[9],y[9],c[8],s[9],c[9]);
 adder f10 (x[10],y[10],c[9],s[10],c[10]);
 adder f11 (x[11],y[11],c[10],s[11],c[11]);
 adder f12 (x[12],y[12],c[11],s[12],c[12]);
 adder f13 (x[13],y[13],c[12],s[13],c[13]);
 adder f14 (x[14],y[14],c[13],s[14],c[14]);
 adder f15 (x[15],y[15],c[14],s[15],cout);
And here is my testbench. I don't know how wrong it is.
module test();
wire [15:0] x,y,s;
wire cin, cout;
 testAdder testt (x,y,s,cout,cin);
 sixteenbitAdder adderr (x,y,s,cout,cin);
module testAdder(a,b,s,cout,cin);
input [15:0] s;
input cout;
output [15:0] a,b;
output cin;
reg [15:0] a,b;
reg cin;
     $monitor($time,,"a=%d, b=%d, cin=%b, s=%d, cout=%b",a,b,cin,s,cout);
     $display($time,,"a=%d, b=%d, cin=%b, s=%d, cout=%b",a,b,cin,s,cout);
     #50  a=1; b=2; cin=0;
This is what I'm given back
                   0 a=    x, b=    x, cin=x, s=    z, cout=z
                   0 a=    x, b=    x, cin=x, s=    X, cout=x
                  50 a=    1, b=    2, cin=0, s=    X, cout=x
                  52 a=    1, b=    2, cin=0, s=    X, cout=0
                  53 a=    1, b=    2, cin=0, s=    X, cout=0
                  55 a=    1, b=    2, cin=0, s=    Z, cout=0
Your design has a bug. Change:
adder f1 (x[1],y[1],c[0],s[0],c[1]);
adder f1 (x[1],y[1],c[0],s[1],c[1]);
0 a= x, b= x, cin=x, s= x, cout=x
50 a= 1, b= 2, cin=0, s= x, cout=x
52 a= 1, b= 2, cin=0, s= X, cout=0
53 a= 1, b= 2, cin=0, s= X, cout=0
55 a= 1, b= 2, cin=0, s= 3, cout=0
There is no need for $display

Does Spark support subqqueries? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Does SparkSQL support subquery?
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
When I am running this query i got this type of error
select * from raw_2 where ip NOT IN (select * from raw_1);
Unsupported language features in query:
select * from raw_2 where ip NOT IN (select * from raw_1)
TOK_QUERY 1, 0,24, 14
TOK_FROM 1, 4,6, 14
TOK_TABREF 1, 6,6, 14
TOK_TABNAME 1, 6,6, 14
raw_2 1, 6,6, 14
TOK_INSERT 0, -1,24, 0
TOK_DIR 0, -1,-1, 0
TOK_TMP_FILE 0, -1,-1, 0
TOK_SELECT 0, 0,2, 0
TOK_SELEXPR 0, 2,2, 0
TOK_WHERE 1, 8,24, 29
NOT 1, 10,24, 29
TOK_SUBQUERY_EXPR 1, 14,10, 33
TOK_SUBQUERY_OP 1, 14,14, 33
IN 1, 14,14, 33
TOK_QUERY 1, 16,24, 51
TOK_FROM 1, 21,23, 51
TOK_TABREF 1, 23,23, 51
TOK_TABNAME 1, 23,23, 51
raw_1 1, 23,23, 51
TOK_INSERT 0, -1,19, 0
TOK_DIR 0, -1,-1, 0
TOK_TMP_FILE 0, -1,-1, 0
TOK_SELECT 0, 17,19, 0
TOK_SELEXPR 0, 19,19, 0
TOK_ALLCOLREF 0, 19,19, 0
TOK_TABLE_OR_COL 1, 10,10, 26
ip 1, 10,10, 26
scala.NotImplementedError: No parse rules for ASTNode type: 817, text:
TOK_SUBQUERY_EXPR 1, 14,10, 33
TOK_SUBQUERY_OP 1, 14,14, 33
IN 1, 14,14, 33
TOK_QUERY 1, 16,24, 51
TOK_FROM 1, 21,23, 51
Spark 2.0.0+:
since 2.0.0 Spark supports a full range of subqueries. See Does SparkSQL support subquery? for details.
Spark < 2.0.0
Does Spark support subqqueries?
Generally speaking it does. Constructs like SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = 1) as tmp perfectly valid queries in the Spark SQL.
As far as I can tell from the Catalyst parser source it doesn't support inner queries in a NOT IN clause:
| termExpression ~ (NOT ~ IN ~ "(" ~> rep1sep(termExpression, ",")) <~ ")" ^^ {
case e1 ~ e2 => Not(In(e1, e2))
It is still possible to use outer join followed by filter to obtain the same effect.
