System DLLs address space - windows

I wonder what is the range of address space of the system DLLs in the Microsoft Windows operating systems. Also, if a DLL is reallocated, does that mean, that the applications using it would crash?

DLL relocation is a common occurrence and simply means that the DLL is loaded in to memory at a location that is not the preferred base location specified by the DLL (typically because another DLL already occupies the part of the address space that the DLL would "like" to use). Unless the DLL is making some seriously flawed assumptions about where it will be loaded, all should be well and no crashes will occur.
Use ProcExp or similar to see the address spaces used by the various DLLs of a process.


If there is a single copy of a DLL in memory, how can it be loaded into an application's memory space?

The page Create C/C++ DLLs in Visual Studio says the following in its second paragraph:
A DLL isn't a stand-alone executable. DLLs run in the context of the
applications that call them. The operating system loads the DLL into
an application's memory space. It's done either when the application
is loaded (implicit linking), or on demand at runtime (explicit
linking). DLLs also make it easy to share functions and resources
across executables. Multiple applications can access the contents of a
single copy of a DLL in memory at the same time.
Is the sentence highlighted above correct? How can this statement be reconciled with the first bullet point in Advantages of Dynamic Linking, whose contents I reproduce below:
Multiple processes that load the same DLL at the same base address share a single copy of the DLL in physical memory. Doing this saves
system memory and reduces swapping.
In summary, if there is a single copy of a DLL in memory, how can it be loaded into an application's memory space?

Is the same DLL guaranteed to be mapped to the same virtual address in every process using it?

I'm studying Windows system internals and the question is just a guess.
I learn that DLL is a form of shared libraries, so at least the code section of the same DLL is shared between processes using it. (By adding the same page entries into the page table of these processes) The code section usually has something like jump tables, which need to be relocated (i.e. write the run-time virtual address to fix the pointer) before it's ready to be executed.
Assume that the same DLL aa.dll is mapped in two different processes at different virtual addresses. (e.g. a.exe 0x00400000 b.exe 0x00410000) The same pointer (at .text+0x100) will be fixed into different addresses. (e.g. a.exe 0x00400100 b.exe 0x004100100). So we have to make a copy of the code section and change it to adapt one process. Then how can the code section be shared?
Am I right?
Answering my own question. The first time a DLL is loaded, Windows would try to load it at the Preferred address which would not require relocation (i.e. fixing addresses due to the fact that code segment is located at x). If it cannot be loaded at the preferred address, it would be allocated virtual pages at a free address backed up by the DLL file itself (not swap file) but marked as Copy-On-Write. Now Windows has to go and fix up the assembly code using the relocation table. Hopefully only a small percentage of code needs to be fixed up and each code segment that is changed would be copied on write and put into physical memory somewhere.
Each time a process cannot load a DLL at the preferred address, I believe this process would happen. This is why sometimes popular DLLs need to be rebased so that their preferred addresses don't conflict.

ASLR and Windows System DLLs for non-aware executables?

From a Microsoft article:
Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
ASLR moves executable images into random locations when a system
boots, making it harder for exploit
code to operate predictably. For a
component to support ASLR, all
components that it loads must also
support ASLR. For example, if A.exe
consumes B.dll and C.dll, all three
must support ASLR. By default, Windows
Vista and later will randomize system
DLLs and EXEs, but DLLs and EXEs
created by ISVs must opt in to support
ASLR using the /DYNAMICBASE linker
I don't quite get it. Take the base system DLLs loaded by every process on WIndows: NtDll.dll and kernel32.dll.
If a have a non-aware executable, will these system DLLs use ASLR? That is, will they load at a different base address after every system reboot on Win 7 for this executable or will they always load at the same base address after system reboot like they do on Win XP?
To make it more clear what I mean: My typical dummy program's startup stack will look like this:
write_cons.exe!wmain() Line 8 C++
write_cons.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 583 + 0x19 bytes C
write_cons.exe!wmainCRTStartup() Line 403 C
> kernel32.dll!_BaseProcessStart#4() + 0x23 bytes
Looking at the asm of BaseProcessStart, I see on my XP box here:
7C817054 push 0Ch
7C817056 push 7C817080h
7C81705B call __SEH_prolog (7C8024D6h)
7C817060 and dword ptr [ebp-4],0
Now what interests me is the following:
On Windows XP, the address will always be 0x7C817054, regardless of how many times I reboot this machine. If I were on Win7 with ASLR, will this address change between reboots if the executable that loads kernel32.dll is not enabled for ASLR?
(Note: For me, atm., there is only one minor use-case this address would be useful for: In Visual Studio, I can only set a "Data Breakpoint" for assembly level functions, that is a breakpoint # 0x7... - If I want to break in a specific ntdll.dll or kernel32.dll function, in Windows XP I do not have to adjust my breakpoints between reboots. With ASLR kicking in (the scope of this question) I would have to change the Data Breakpoints between reboots.)
Technically whether the system dlls get relocated or not, it shouldn't matter, as the linker will bind to symbols, not addresses. These symbols are resolved by the runtime loader into to addresses for the instanced system dlls, thus your binary should be none the wiser. From what i've seen however, windows 7 will reset the base randomization every reboot, including system dlls(note: this is from debuging WOW64 apps on widows server 2008 R2). You can also do a system wide disabling of ASLR via some registery edits, but thats not really relevant...
the section on ASLR in this article explains what gets relocated and when.
it doesn't mention if the base will reset every reboot, but for system dlls, its never going to be guaranteed to load at the same address twice, reboot or no reboot.
the important thing is according to article, everything needs to opt-in to ASLR for system dll's to be relocated.
Your program will resolve calls into system DLLs wherever they happen to be loaded. But, unless your executable is linked with /DYNAMICBASE, it will not be given a randomized base address. In other words, your exe will always load at the same base address.
If you want your exe to load at a randomized address, then you have to link it with /DYNAMICBASE, and every DLL that it references must also have been linked with /DYANMICBASE. The system DLLs (starting in Vista) are all linked with /DYNAMICBASE.

Does windows ensure that memory will contain only one copy the same dll as in linux?

I always thought .dll is working the same way as .so in linux,
but some article says not.
Does windows ensure that memory will contain only one copy the same dll as in linux?
I don't have a clue to check it myself in windows,so I can only ask here.
Anyone knows how do verify this manually?
Here's a short description: DLL Hell, basically in modern Windows it use a technique called Memory Mapping where the DLL is loaded once, if both processes try to load the DLL from the same directory. So to answer your question, it is working the same was as in Linux.
If the DLL can be loaded at the same base virtual address in two processes then there will only be one copy of the DLL in physical memory.
Since Windows does not use position independent code, if a DLL cannot load at its preferred base address it will be rebased and thus not be able to share physical memory with other instances.

Microsoft's ASLR is weird

I watched a ASLRed dll images's based address for 32bit Process.
It's not a fully randomization. It just randomizated 1/2 probability.
For example, once I load a dll then the image is loaded on 0x12345678.
And I load the image again, the image is loaded on 0x23456789.(Base address is changed!)
But I load the image again
Why they did implement like this?
Is it for a crash report's frequency?(For getting same crash addresses of re-deployed dlls)
This is by design. Normally, Windows selects a preferred base address for an ASLR DLL when the DLL is first loaded, and then it keeps using that address until the system is rebooted. That way the DLL will be mapped at the same address in every process that loads it, allowing code pages to be shared.
However, if a DLL has been unloaded from every process, the system may sometimes select a different base address the next time the DLL is loaded. It does this to reduce virtual address space fragmentation, not for security reasons. This is what seems to be happening in your case.
It's documented as being at one of 1 of 256 possible starting addresses.
But i didn't think it even applied to a process, but to shared DLL's.
ASLR: is not on by default for process images. It's an opt-in thing, for compatiblity.(3)
Address Space Layout Randomization
ASLR moves executable images into
random locations when a system boots,
making it harder for exploit code to
operate predictably. For a component
to support ASLR, all components that
it loads must also support ASLR. For
example, if A.exe consumes B.dll and
C.dll, all three must support ASLR. By
default, Windows Vista and later will
randomize system DLLs and EXEs, but
DLLs and EXEs created by ISVs must opt
in to support ASLR using the
/DYNAMICBASE linker option.
ASLR also randomizes heap and stack
When an application creates a heap in
Windows Vista and later, the heap
manager will create that heap at a
random location to help reduce the
chance that an attempt to exploit a
heap-based buffer overrun succeeds.
Heap randomization is enabled by
default for all applications running
on Windows Vista and later.
When a
thread starts in a process linked with
/DYNAMICBASE, Windows Vista and later
moves the thread's stack to a random
location to help reduce the chance
that a stack-based buffer overrun
exploit will succeed.
Had installed new Win8 RC x64 yesterday.
Watch out!
Kernel32.dll (64-bit version) have different base address in different processes (in single session, of course). Only ntdll.dll base address remains constant. I had to change the code, you can no longer rely on the permanent address Loadlibrary.
