Before/After Suite when using Ruby MiniTest - ruby

Is there an alternative to RSpec's before(:suite) and after(:suite) in MiniTest?
I suspect that a custom test runner is in order, however I cannot imagine it is not a common requirement, so somebody has probably implemented in. :-)

There are setup() and teardown() methods available. The documentation also lists before() and after() as being available.
Edit: Are you looking to run something before each test or before or after the whole suite is finished?

As noted above in Caley's answer and comments, MiniTest::Unit contains the function after_tests. There is no before_tests or equivalent, but any code in your minitest_helper.rb file should be run before the test suite, so that will do the office of such a function.
Caveat: Still relatively new at Ruby, and very new at Minitest, so if I'm wrong, please correct me! :-)

To get this to work with the current version of Minitest (5.0.6) you need to require 'minitest' and use Minitest.after_run { ... }.
warn "MiniTest::Unit.after_tests is now Minitest.after_run. ..."

To run code before each test, use before. You're operating here in the context of an instance, possibly of a class generated implicitly by describe, so instance variables set in before are accessible in each test (e.g. inside an it block).
To run code before all tests, simply wrap the tests in a class, a subclass of MiniTest::Spec or whatever; now, before the tests themselves, you can create a class or module, set class variables, call a class method, etc., and all of that will be available in all tests.
require "minitest/autorun"
class MySpec < MiniTest::Spec
class MyClass
def self.prepare
puts "once"
##prepared = "prepared"
##count = 0
before do
puts "before each test"
#local_count = (##count += 1)
describe "whatever" do
it "first" do
p MyClass
p ##prepared
p #local_count
it "second" do
p MyClass
p ##prepared
p #local_count
Here's the output, along with my comments in braces explaining what each line of the output proves:
once [this code, a class method, runs once before all tests]
Run options: --seed 29618 [now the tests are about to run]
# Running tests:
before each test [the before block runs before each test]
MySpec::MyClass [the class we created earlier is visible in each test]
"prepared" [the class variable we set earlier is visible in each test]
1 [the instance variable from the before block is visible in each test]
before each test [the before block runs before each test]
MySpec::MyClass [the class we created earlier is visible in each test]
"prepared" [the class variable we set earlier is visible in each test]
2 [the instance variable from the before block is visible each test]
(Note that I do not mean this output to imply any guarantee about the order in which tests will run.)
Another approach is to use the existing before but wrap code to run only once in a class variable flag. Example:
class MySpec < MiniTest::Spec
##flag = nil
before do
unless ##flag
# do stuff here that is to be done only once
##flag = true
# do stuff here that is to be done every time
# ... tests go here

One simple way to do this is to write a guarded class method, and then call that in a begin.
A Minitest::Spec example:
describe "my stuff" do
def self.run_setup_code
if #before_flag.nil?
puts "Running the setup code"
#before_flag = true
before do
it "will only run the setup code once" do
assert_equal 1, 1
it "really only ran it once" do
assert_equal 1,1
end get
Run options: --seed 11380
# Running:
Running the setup code
Finished in 0.001334s, 1499.2504 runs/s, 1499.2504 assertions/s.
2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

You can just place the code outside of the class.
This is what I do to have a banner.
require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'minitest/test'
require 'minitest/autorun'
class InstanceTest < Minitest::Test
def setup
url = ARGV.first
#url = self.validate_instance(url)
#driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox

Nice thing about minitest is its flexibility. I've been using a custom MiniTest Runner with a +before_suite+ callback. Something like in this example - Ruby Minitest: Suite- or Class- level setup?
And then tell minitest to use the custom runner
MiniTest::Unit.runner =

You can also add an after test callback by updating your test_helper.rb (or spec_helper.rb) like this
# test_helper.rb
class MyTest < Minitest::Unit
after_tests do
# ... after test code


Spec Testing a Ruby CLI

I am trying to test the first ruby CLI i've written (n00b alert) and need some help. All my code is within 1 file, this includes a Class, OptionParser and some basic class execution methods. Here's an idea of what that looks like
The *rb. file
require 'optparse'
require 'fileutils'
class Foo
attr_accessor :arg, :opt
def initialize(p={})
#opt = p[:opt] || false
def do_something(arg)
#arg = arg
#more methods...
# Options
#opt_parser = do |opt|
opt.banner = "<{ FooBar }>"
opt.separator "------------"
opt.on("-o", "--opt", "An Option" do
#options[:opt] = true
#CLI Execution
#foo =
So here is the problem, i know would like to run some rspec tests rspec spec/ that i've wrote for the class, however the lines outside the class get executed of course and im left with an ARGV error.
What im looking for
Is there a better way to organize my code so i can test all the pieces, or how could i write a test to accommodate this file, Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
One posible solution is to wrap your option parsing code with a conditional that checks if the file is being run directly or loaded by some other file.
if __FILE__ == $0
# option parsing code
If you do that then all the code inside the if __FILE__ == $0 will not run with your test, but the rest of the code will run normally.

No error when running unit test with an expectation on method calls (Ruby/Test::Unit/Mocha)

I have a question regaring Mocha expectations running with the Ruby Test::Unit framework.
My purpose is to verify the methods called when I call a wrapping method.
This test always seem to pass, I don't understand why...
I am expecting an error stating that the method clean has only be called once (with can be verified in the Expectation object).
Why is the following Unit Test not raising an error when I run the following test:
require 'test/unit'
require 'mocha'
require 'mocha/test_unit'
class DoMe
def stop_and_clean
def clean
def stop
class DoMeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_stop_and_clean
d =
It seems to me that expects(:clean).times(5) will not be satisfied, but running the test shows no error. Do I need to make an assertion on the Expectation object ?
exp = d.expects(:clean).times(5)
assert(that exp is invoked only once)

Ruby minitest assert_output syntax

I am new to minitest and still new to ruby and really tired of trying to google this question without result. I would be really grateful for help:
What is the exact syntax of assert_output in ruby minitest?
All I find on github or elsewhere seems to use parentheses. Yet, I get an error message when I don't use a block with assert_output, which makes sense as the definition of this method contains a yield statement.
But I cannot make it work, whatever I try.
class TestClass
def output
puts 'hey'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'minitest/autorun'
require_relative 'testclass'
class TestTestClass < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
def setup
#test =
def output_produces_output
assert_output( stdout = 'hey' ) { #test.output}
What I get is:
Finished tests in 0.000000s, NaN tests/s, NaN assertions
0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
What am I doing wrong?
It must be something totally obvious, but I cannot figure it out.
Thanks for your help.
In order for your test method to run, the method name needs to start with test_. Also, the way assert_output works is that the block will write to stdout/stderr, and the arguments will be checked if they match stdout/stderr. The easiest way to check this IMO is to pass in a regexp. So this is how I would write that test:
class TestTestClass < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
def setup
#test =
def test_output_produces_output
assert_output(/hey/) { #test.output}

How do I effectively force Minitest to run my tests in order?

I know. This is discouraged. For reasons I won't get into, I need to run my tests in the order they are written. According to the documentation, if my test class (we'll call it TestClass) extends Minitest::Unit::TestCase, then I should be able to call the public method i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! (Gee - do you think the guy who created Minitest had an opinion on that one?). Additionally, there is also the option of calling a method called test_order and specifying :alpha to override the default behavior of :random. Neither of these are working for me.
Here's an example:
class TestClass < Minitest::Unit::TestCase
#override random test run ordering
def setup
...setup code
def teardown
...teardown code
def test_1
test_1 code....
assert(stuff to assert here, etc...)
puts 'test_1'
def test_2
assert(stuff to assert here, etc...)
puts 'test_2'
When I run this, I get:
undefined method `i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent!' for TestClass:Class (NoMethodError)
If I replace the i_suck method call with a method at the top a la:
def test_order
My test runs, but I can tell from the puts for each method that things are still running in random order each time I run the tests.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
If you just add test_order: alpha to your test class, the tests will run in order:
class TestHomePage
def self.test_order
def test_a
puts "a"
def test_b
puts "b"
Note that, as of minitest 5.10.1, the i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! method/directive is completely nonfunctional in test suites using MiniTest::Spec syntax. The Minitest.test_order method is apparently not being called at all.
EDIT: This has been a known issue since Minitest 5.3.4: see seattlerb/minitest#514 for the blow-by-blow wailing and preening.
You and I aren't the ones who "suck". What's needed is a BDD specification tool for Ruby without the bloat of RSpec and without the frat-boy attitude and contempt for wider community practices of MiniTest. Does anyone have any pointers?
i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! may be a later addition to minitest & not available as a Ruby core method. In that case, you'd want to force use of your gem version:
require 'rubygems'
gem 'minitest'
I think that the method *test_order* should be a class method and not a instance method like so:
# tests are order dependent
def self.test_order
The best way to interfere in this chain may be to override a class method runnable_methods:
def self.runnable_methods
['run_first'] | super | ['run_last']
#Minitest version:
def self.runnable_methods
methods = methods_matching(/^test_/)
case self.test_order
when :random, :parallel then
max = methods.size
methods.sort.sort_by { rand max }
when :alpha, :sorted then
raise "Unknown test_order: #{self.test_order.inspect}"
You can reorder test any suitable way around. If you define your special ordered tests with
test 'some special ordered test' do
, don't forget to remove them from the results of super call.
In my example I need to be sure only in one particular test to run last, so I keep random order on whole suite and place 'run_last' at the end of it.

With Test::Unit, how can I run a bit of code before all tests (but not each test)?

In my test app, which uses test::unit, I need to start by pulling a bunch of data from various sources. I'd like to only do this once - the data is only read, not written, and doesn't change between tests, and the loading (and error checking for the loading), takes some time.
There are values that I DO want reset every time, and those are easy enough, but what if I want persistant accessible values? What's the best way to do this?
I'm especially interested in solutions that would let my push those assignments to some module that can be included in all my tests, since they all need access to this data.
Why do you need it inside the test? You could define it gloabl:
gem 'test-unit'#, '>= 2.1.1' #startup
require 'test/unit'
class My_Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_1()
puts "Testing startup 1"
assert_equal(11, GLOBAL_DATA)
GLOBAL_DATA could be a (singleton)-class (respective an instance).
If you have only one testclass, you may use TestCase.startup:
gem 'test-unit'#, '>= 2.1.1' #startup
require 'test/unit'
class My_Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
def self.startup
puts "Define global_data "
##global_data = 11
def test_1()
puts "Testing 1"
assert_equal(11, ##global_data = 11)
def test_2()
puts "Testing 2"
assert_equal(11, ##global_data = 11)
You can just put them at the top of the class. They will get executed, and then your tests will get executed.
You could do this in the setup method:
def setup
if !defined?(##initial_data)
# Whatever you need to do to get your initial data
##initial_data = foo
#other_data = bar
