how to record popup window using Jmeter? - jmeter

Is there any way to record the popup window using jmeter? My requirement is to record the authentication window which contains username and password. Is this possible?

Yes, while recording your script, Jmeter will capture all HTTP requests that use the port specified in the HTTP Proxy Server. In this case, since the pop-up window is in the browser, Jmeter will capture it.

Its a huge limitation of Jmeter. We can overcome the same by recording the popup separately and attaching them with the next forthcoming pages. The URL for the popup can be obtained from the developers

There is one more way in which without record the popup window you can create a popup window request & with the help of you can login. Please follow the below link


Open slack dialog by external app

The slack docs state that dialog's can be invoked using slash commands and buttons.
Is there however a way to not use either ? I would want my app to prompt user with a dialog. One option I found possible is to send a button via incoming web hooks or postMessage attachment than user clicks the button and opens a dialog but this seems like a needless step.
Another was to invoke the dialog via slash command but i cant find a way to invoke a slash comma d ia web api.
No. At least at the moment it is only possible in two ways:
With a slash commmand
With an interactive message
Both generate a trigger ID for the user, which is required to start your dialog and only valid for 3 seconds.

Not able to create user when executing jmeter script

My test plan consist of http request and then parameters are passed into using REST.Even though my test executes scuccessfully and shows me confirmation page with order receipt still it is not creating user in the database.Can anyone let me what i will be doing wrong.
This is usually due to some correlation error.
From what you write , you say you see confirmation page, is it when you replay in JMeter or when you record with JMeter using your browser.
Also in title you speak about "create user" while in description you speak about "order".

How to retrieve the default email (sender) of the default mail client?

When one selects a file in windows file explorer and right click, there is a context menu "Send To/Mail Recipient". If you click it, your default mail client is launched. In the "From" field, you see your email address is filled by default.
My goal is to retrieve this email address using C# or some other language (silently, without invoking the web client).
Please give me some advice. Thanks.

Track button views and clicks as events in google analytics

I am trying to place a button that will be inside email and I want to track button views and clicks (Google Analytics events). Can you tell me if that is possible and how to do that?
You can't technically track a button click from an email, but what you can do is control where the button links to.
If you set the button's URL to point to your servers, you can intercept the link, send a hit to Google Analytics using the Measurement Protocol, and then redirect the user to where the button was originally pointing.
Alternatively, you could append custom campaign parameters to the end of the URL (utm_medium, utm_source, etc.). This would allow you to know what source the hit came from. Here's some information on custom campaigns:
This is able to track button views by using Measurement protocol, and using UTM tagging to track sessions come from this button (but not actual clicks).

Force Close forge.request.ajax

I am writing an app that allows file upload to our server. I would like to give users the option to stop the file upload once it has started.
Since the file is being sent via forge.request.ajax, the process runs in the background even if the user leaves the upload screen.
Is there a native way of closing an active forge.request.ajax connection??
My Application allows users to send a file to our server via forge.request - I need to be able to cancel the request - do you have any suggestions as to how to go about this??
Currently, no: although "cancel" messages could be passed through the JS / Native communication bridge, we haven't got logic in the native code to abort partially-sent requests.
I don't think there's anything in* that would support that sort of interaction either...
