How to update a Ruby nested hash inside a loop? - ruby

I'm creating a nested hash in ruby rexml and want to update the hash when i enter a loop.
My code is like:
hash = {}
doc.elements.each(//address) do |n|
a = # ...
b = # ...
hash = { "NAME" => { a => { "ADDRESS" => b } } }
When I execute the above code the hash gets overwritten and I get only the info in the last iteration of the loop.
I don't want to use the following way as it makes my code verbose
hash["NAME"] = {}
hash["NAME"][a] = {}
and so on...
So could someone help me out on how to make this work...

Assuming the names are unique:
hash.merge!({"NAME" => { a => { "ADDRESS" => b } } })

You always create a new hash in each iteration, which gets saved in hash.
Just assign the key directly in the existing hash:
hash["NAME"] = { a => { "ADDRESS" => b } }

hash = {"NAME" => {}}
doc.elements.each('//address') do |n|
a = ...
b = ...
hash['NAME'][a] = {'ADDRESS' => b, 'PLACE' => ...}

blk = proc { |hash, key| hash[key] = }
hash =
doc.elements.each('//address').each do |n|
a = # ...
b = # ...
hash["NAME"][a]["ADDRESS"] = b
Basically creates a lazily instantiated infinitely recurring hash of hashes.
EDIT: Just thought of something that could work, this is only tested with a couple of very simple hashes so may have some problems.
class Hash
def can_recursively_merge? other
Hash === other
def recursive_merge! other
other.each do |key, value|
if self.include? key and self[key].can_recursively_merge? value
self[key].recursive_merge! value
self[key] = value
Then use hash.recursive_merge! { "NAME" => { a => { "ADDRESS" => b } } } in your code block.
This simply recursively merges a heirachy of hashes, and any other types if you define the recursive_merge! and can_recusively_merge? methods on them.


Ruby - Safely navigated hash when a key could be a string or further hash

I'm stuck trying to safely navigate a hash from json.
The json could have a string, eg:
or it could be further nested:
h1 = { location: { formatted: 'Australia', code: 'AU' } }
h2 = { location: 'Australia' }
h2.dig('location', 'formatted')
Then String does not have #dig method
Basically I'm trying to load the JSON then populate the rails model with the data available which may be optional. It seems backwards to check every nested step with an if.
Hash#dig has no magic. It reduces the arguments recursively calling Hash#[] on what was returned from the previous call.
h1 = { location: { formatted: 'Australia', code: 'AU' } }
h1.dig :location, :code
#⇒ "AU"
It works, because h1[:location] had returned a hash.
h2 = { location: 'Australia' }
h2.dig :location, :code
It raises, because h2[:location] had returned a String.
That said, the solution would be to reimplement Hash#dig, as usually :)
Explicitly taking into account that it’s extremely trivial. Just take a list of keys to dig and (surprise) reduce, returning either the value, or nil.
%i|location code|.reduce(h2) do |acc, e|
acc.is_a?(Hash) ? acc[e] : nil
#⇒ nil
%i|location code|.reduce(h1) do |acc, e|
acc.is_a?(Hash) ? acc[e] : nil
#⇒ "AU"
Shameless plug. You might find the gem iteraptor I had created for this exact purpose useful.
You can use a simple piece of code like that:
def nested_value(hash, key)
return hash if key == ''
keys = key.split('.')
value = hash[keys.first] || hash[keys.first.to_sym]
return value unless value.is_a?(Hash)
nested_value(value, keys[1..-1].join('.'))
h1 = { location: { formatted: 'Australia', code: 'AU' } }
h2 = { 'location' => 'Australia' }
p nested_value(h1, 'location.formatted') # => Australia
p nested_value(h2, 'location.formatted') # => Australia
You can also use that method for getting any nested value of a hash by providing key in format Also the method doesn't worry whether a hash has string keys or symbol keys.
I don't know if this lead to the expected behaviour (see examples below) but you can define a patch for the Hash class as follow:
module MyHashPatch
def safe_dig(params) # ok, call as you like..
tmp = self
res = nil
params.each do |param|
if (tmp.is_a? Hash) && (tmp.has_key? param)
tmp = tmp[param]
res = tmp
Hash.include MyHashPatch
Then test on your hashes:
h1 = { location: { formatted: 'Australia', code: 'AU' } }
h2 = { location: 'Australia' }
h1.safe_dig([:location, :formatted]) #=> "Australia"
h2.safe_dig([:location, :formatted]) #=> "Australia"
h1.safe_dig([:location, :code]) #=> "AU"
h2.safe_dig([:location, :code]) #=> "Australia"

Safely assign value to nested hash using Hash#dig or Lonely operator(&.)

h = {
data: {
user: {
value: "John Doe"
To assign value to the nested hash, we can use
h[:data][:user][:value] = "Bob"
However if any part in the middle is missing, it will cause error.
Something like
h.dig(:data, :user, :value) = "Bob"
won't work, since there's no Hash#dig= available yet.
To safely assign value, we can do
h.dig(:data, :user)&.[]=(:value, "Bob") # or equivalently
h.dig(:data, :user)&.store(:value, "Bob")
But is there better way to do that?
It's not without its caveats (and doesn't work if you're receiving the hash from elsewhere), but a common solution is this:
hash = {|h,k| h[k] = }
hash[:data][:user][:value] = "Bob"
p hash
# => { :data => { :user => { :value => "Bob" } } }
And building on #rellampec's answer, ones that does not throw errors:
def dig_set(obj, keys, value)
key = keys.first
if keys.length == 1
obj[key] = value
obj[key] = {} unless obj[key]
dig_set(obj[key], keys.slice(1..-1), value)
obj = {d: 'hey'}
dig_set(obj, [:a, :b, :c], 'val')
obj #=> {d: 'hey', a: {b: {c: 'val'}}}
interesting one:
def dig_set(obj, keys, value)
if keys.length == 1
obj[keys.first] = value
dig_set(obj[keys.first], keys.slice(1..-1), value)
will raise an exception anyways if there's no [] or []= methods.
I found a simple solution to set the value of a nested hash, even if a parent key is missing, even if the hash already exists. Given:
x = { gojira: { guitar: { joe: 'charvel' } } }
Suppose you wanted to include mario's drum to result in:
x = { gojira: { guitar: { joe: 'charvel' }, drum: { mario: 'tama' } } }
I ended up monkey-patching Hash:
class Hash
# ensures nested hash from keys, and sets final key to value
# keys: Array of Symbol|String
# value: any
def nested_set(keys, value)
raise "DEBUG: nested_set keys must be an Array" unless keys.is_a?(Array)
final_key = keys.pop
return unless valid_key?(final_key)
position = self
for key in keys
return unless valid_key?(key)
position[key] = {} unless position[key].is_a?(Hash)
position = position[key]
position[final_key] = value
# returns true if key is valid
def valid_key?(key)
return true if key.is_a?(Symbol) || key.is_a?(String)
raise "DEBUG: nested_set invalid key: #{key} (#{key.class})"
x.nested_set([:instrument, :drum, :mario], 'tama')
usage for your example:
h.nested_set([:data, :user, :value], 'Bob')
any caveats i missed? any better way to write the code without sacrificing readability?
Searching for an answer to a similar question I developmentally stumbled upon an interface similar to #niels-kristian's answer, but wanted to also support a namespace definition parameter, like an xpath.
def deep_merge(memo, source)
# From:
# Author: Stefan Rusterholz
merger = proc { |key, v1, v2| Hash === v1 && Hash === v2 ? v1.merge(v2, &merger) : v2 }
memo.merge!(source, &merger)
# Like Hash#dig, but for setting a value at an xpath
def bury(memo, xpath, value, delimiter=%r{\.})
xpath = xpath.split(delimiter) if xpath.respond_to?(:split)!{|x|x.to_s.to_sym}.push(value)
deep_merge(memo, xpath.reverse.inject { |memo, field| {field.to_sym => memo} })
Nested hashes are sort of like xpaths, and the opposite of dig is bury.
irb(main):014:0> memo = {:test=>"value"}
=> {:test=>"value"}
irb(main):015:0> bury(memo, 'test.this.long.path', 'value')
=> {:test=>{:this=>{:long=>{:path=>"value"}}}}
irb(main):016:0> bury(memo, [:test, 'this', 2, 4.0], 'value')
=> {:test=>{:this=>{:long=>{:path=>"value"}, :"2"=>{:"4.0"=>"value"}}}}
irb(main):017:0> bury(memo, 'test.this.long.path.even.longer', 'value')
=> {:test=>{:this=>{:long=>{:path=>{:even=>{:longer=>"value"}}}, :"2"=>{:"4.0"=>"value"}}}}
irb(main):018:0> bury(memo, 'test.this.long.other.even.longer', 'other')
=> {:test=>{:this=>{:long=>{:path=>{:even=>{:longer=>"value"}}, :other=>{:even=>{:longer=>"other"}}}, :"2"=>{:"4.0"=>"value"}}}}
A more ruby-helper-like version of #niels-kristian answer
You can use it like:
a = {}
a.bury!([:a, :b], "foo")
a # => {:a => { :b => "foo" }}
class Hash
def bury!(keys, value)
key = keys.first
if keys.length == 1
self[key] = value
self[key] = {} unless self[key]
self[key].bury!(keys.slice(1..-1), value)

Dump YAML-like key names of Hash

What's a convenient way to get a list of all Hash keys (with nesting) separated by dots?
Given I have a hash:
{ level1: { level21: { level31: 'val1',
level32: 'val2' },
level22: 'val3' }
Desired output (array of strings) which represents all key paths in a hash:
My current solution:
class HashKeysDumper
def self.dump(hash) do |k, v|
if v.is_a? Hash
keys = dump(v) { |k1| [k, k1].join('.') }
It also available as gist (with specs).
Well, it depends on what you mean by cleaner, but here's a smaller version that…
Will work on subclasses Hashes or Hash-alikes
Extends Hash, making it look cleaner in your code.
class Hash
def keydump
map{|k,v|{|a|"#{k}.#{a}"} rescue k.to_s}.flatten
{ level1: { level21: { level31: 'val1',
level32: 'val2' },
level22: 'val3' }
=> ["level1.level21.level31", "level1.level21.level32", "level1.level22"]
Here is my vision of this:
h = { 'level1' => { 'level2' => { 'level31' => 'val1', 'level32' => 'val2' } } }
class Hash
def nested_keys
self.inject([]) { |f, (k,v)| f += [k, v.is_a?(Hash) ? v.nested_keys : []] }.flatten
keys = h.nested_keys
p keys
#=> ["level1", "level2", "level31", "level32"]
k1, k2 = keys.shift, keys.shift
puts [k1, k2, keys.shift].join('.')
#=> level1.level2.level31
puts [k1, k2, keys.shift].join('.')
#=> level1.level2.level32
Here is a Working Demo
I just committed some code to RubyTree that adds from_hash() which would allow you to do this:
require 'rubytree'
Tree::TreeNode.from_hash(hash){|n| "#{}.#{'.')}" }
=> ["level1.level21.level31", "level1.level21.level32", "level1.level22"]
Aside from the gem require, it's a one-liner :)

String to array to multidimensional hash in ruby

I don't really know if the title is correct, but the question is quite simple:
I have a value and a key.
The key is as follows:
Now, how can I set this hash:
params['one']['two']['three'] = value
You can try to do it with this code:
keys = "one.two.three".split '.' # => ["one", "two", "three"]
params = {}; value = 1; i = 0; # i is an index of processed keys array element
keys.reduce(params) { |hash, key|
hash[key] = if (i += 1) == keys.length
value # assign value to the last key in keys array
hash[key] || {} # initialize hash if it is not initialized yet (won't loose already initialized hashes)
puts params # {"one"=>{"two"=>{"three"=>1}}}
Use recursion:
def make_hash(keys)
keys.empty? ? 1 : { keys.shift => make_hash(keys) }
puts make_hash("one.two.three".split '.')
# => {"one"=>{"two"=>{"three"=>1}}}
You can use the inject method:
key = "one.two.three"
value = 5
arr = key.split(".").reverse
arr[1..-1].inject({arr[0] => value}){ |memo, i| {i => memo} }
# => {"one"=>{"two"=>{"three"=>5}}}

Building a hash out of hash

I'm trying to write my code more compact. I have three hashes. The first hash (#hash) is a collection of sub-hashes (value_1, value_2)
#hash = {
"Key" => ["value_1", "value_2"]
#value_1 = {
"Foo" => ["bar_1", "bar_2"]
#value_2 = {
"Foo2" => ["bar2_1", "bar2_2"]
Now, in my haml-view i'm trying to make something like this:
- i = 0
- #hash.each_value do |value|
- #value_[i].each_pair do |k, v|
= k
= v[0]
- i = i +1
I don't want to write one hash after the other. It's a bit similar to making a symbol out of a string, where you can write somthing like "value_#{i}".to_sym. I hope, somebody can follow and help me.
#hashes = [
"Foo" => ["bar_1", "bar_2"]
"Foo2" => ["bar2_1", "bar2_2"]
#hashes.each do |v|
v.each_pair do |k,v|
= k
= v[0]
And if you need the index use each_with_index.
Try this:
- #hash.each_value do |value|
- value.each do |v|
- instance_variable_get(:"##{v}").each_pair do |k, val|
= k
= val[0]
