Yahoo Pipe: How to parse sub DIVs - yahoo-pipes

For a page which has multiple DIVs, how to just fetch content from DIVs that contain useful text and avoid other DIVs that are for ads, etc.
For example, a page structure like this:
<div id="articlecopy">
<div class="advertising 1">Ads I do not want to fetch.</div>
<p>Useful texts go here</p>
<div class="advertising 2">Ads I do not want to fetch.</div>
<div class="related_articles_list">I do not want to read related articles so parse this part too</div>
In this fictional example, I want get rid of the two DIVs for advertising and the DIV for related articles. All I want is to fetch the useful content in inside the parent DIV.
Can Pipe do this?
Thank you.

Try the YQL module with xpath. Something along these lines:
SELECT * from html where url="" and xpath='//div/p'
The above query will retrieve the part of the html inside the <p> tag under the parent <div> tag. You can get fancy with xpath if your DIVs have attributes.
Say for example you had a page with several DIVs, but the one you wanted looked like this:
<div>Stuff I don't want</div>
<div class="main_content">Stuff I want to add to my feed</div>
<div>Other stuff I don't want</div>
You would change the YQL string above to this:
SELECT * from html where url=""
and xpath='//div/div[contains(#class,"main_content")]'
I've only recently discovered YQL myself, and am fairly new to using xpaths, but it has worked for me so far.


Extracting links (get href values) with certain text with Xpath under a div tag with certain class

SO contributors. I am fully aware of the following question How to obtain href values from a div using xpath?, which basically deals with one part of my problem yet for some reason the solution posted there does not work in my case, so I would kindly ask for help in resolving two related issues. In the example below, I would like to get the href value of the "more" hyperlink (, which is under the div tag with content class.
<div class="content">
<h3>Against the Renting of Persons: A conversation with David Ellerman</h3>
<p>More here.</p>
In theory I should be able to extract the links under a div tag with
xidel website -e //div[#class="content"]//a/#href
but for some reason it does not work. How can I resolve this and (2nd part) how can I extract the href value of only the "here" hyperlink?

Bind raw html in Aurelia

Using Aurelia, I want to fill an <div> with contents of viewmodel property (lets call it htmlText) which contains html text, and I was using
However, this encodes html so, instead of i.e. having paragraph or link, all tags are escaped so html can be seen as source.
Is there out of the box binder to do this?
You can accomplish this using the innerhtml binding like so:
<div innerhtml.bind="htmlText"></div>

Tumblr like button with ajax fetched posts

I've removed all post centered markup from my Tumblr theme and instead I'm using ajax to fetch the data. So far, so good. Now I want to add a like button to each post, but I can't seem to find any documents on how to do this (without resorting to their api, which needs oauth to work).
Are there no way to include like buttons when you use ajax to fetch the posts and you rather not go full fledge api with oauth?
Tumblr's new implementation of the "Like button" for individual posts uses an <iframe> element to function. The URL for this iframe is obtainable only through your Theme code.
For example:
<div class="like-button">{LikeButton}{/div>
What is rendered for the {LikeButton} will look something like this:
<iframe id="like_iframe_84714330251" src="" scrolling="no" width="20" height="20" frameborder="0" class="like_toggle" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
There does not seem to be any way to obtain this without including {LikeButton} inside of a {Block:Posts}
For using ajax, you could include a hidden element on the page that loads this information and parse it out when loading each page of posts using ajax.
So if in your theme you included something like:
<div id="posts-info" style="display: none;">
<div class="post-info" data-postid="{PostID}">{LikeButton}</div>
When you load your posts with AJAX, you would also have to load the correct page of your Tumblr (with this code in the Theme).
You could then parse this information by matching the Post ID's to the posts you fetched with AJAX and insert that <ifame> code.
This is a really round-about solution but it should work.

Drupal - embedding/updating View pages with AJAX

I've been scratching my head like crazy over this all day, there seems to be a hundred different ways to get what I want done but I want it done a certain way - which I can't find.
Here's what I'm working on:
My setup is one view with four different pages, each filtered by category. Default page above lists all three categories at once, and the Category sublinks in the menu take you to the three other view pages that are filtered by a single category. What I need is each of the category sublinks to load their respective view pages with AJAX instead of page by page refresh like it is now. I realize I can effectively achieve the same thing with an exposed filter on the categories but I want these specific menu sublinks to load the view pages, not filter one view on it's own with an exposed form. This really doesn't seem to be that difficult and I don't know why I haven't been able to figure it out yet but I don't have much experience with Drupal+AJAX integration. Help please!
From what I've read it sounds like you should be able to put each of the views within a jQuery tab container. So for example:
<div id="tabs">
<div class="tab">
<?php views_embed_view('viewname', 'block_1')?>
<div class="tab">
<?php views_embed_view('viewname', 'block_2')?>
<div class="tab">
<?php views_embed_view('viewname', 'block_3')?>
This would allow you to cycle through each content piece without refreshing the page.

JQuery UI Tabs - Load AJAX Tab content

I am using JQuery UI Nested tabs. Consider the structure like this: There are 2 Main tabs: Animals, Birds. Under Animals, there are two tabs "Cats", "Dogs". Both the tabs "Cats" and "Dogs" should be loaded via AJAX when selected.. So, the code for them is something like this:
<div id="fragment-1">
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#fragment-1').tabs({cache:false, spinner:''});
The issue is, I want to maintain a common div to load the AJAX urls. Ex: When you click on Cats or Dogs, the content for those tabs, should go into "<div id='commonDiv'></div> instead of going into "cats" div and "dogs" div.
The loading should be reusable, in the sense, if call reload("Dogs") from anywhere inside "dogs" tab, it should reload the "dogs" tab content.
How can I achieve this?
Just looking at the docs, nothings pops out as to how to do that. It's easy enough to not use the tabs widget though, and define your own click events for basic tab functionality.
<div id="fragment-1">
<div id="commonDiv"></div>
$('#fragment-1 a').click(function(){
You would need to define your own css styles though, as it looks like the tabs widget does that for you.
Not sure if I understtod you well; as far as I know if you give all your tabs the same tittle atribute, the UI will rehuse the same DIV to load the content, instead of creating a new one for every tab and hide or show as required. Is a good thing since the browser doesn't get so heavy weighted with a lot of DIVS loaded but hidden ...
