how to bundle dependencies in exe - windows

Often my exe's have dll dependencies that I package with an installer like nsis or inno.
This makes sense for large programs but is overkill for small scripts.
Is there an alternative way to bundle dependencies, so that the user can just execute a single exe and not require a directory of dll's in the PATH?
I am hoping for a solution that won't depend on the type of dll's, and will work for other kinds of dependencies too.
Here are some potential options:
Does anyone have experience with a tool like this?

Ok, you didn't like either of my other two ideas... so here goes...
You ship and give your customers a "stub EXE". The stub EXE doesn't depend on anything else and just contains a ZIP file (or setup package or similar) as a resource in your stub EXE. The zip file embedded in the stub EXE just contains the actual program EXE and all its dependent DLLs. When the stub EXE runs, it just unpacks the ZIP file to a TEMP sub-directory and launches the application EXE.
You could optimize it such that if the app has already been installed in %TEMP%, then you skip the unpacking step and just launch the application EXE already present.
Personally, I wouldn't go this route. Just give the user an installer if the EXE has dependencies. But you know your users and customers better than I do.

You could statically link the executable.

One alternative is to install the DLL's in the GAC.

You didn't mention what the DLL dependencies are. Just straight up DLLs with a stub lib? Dynamically loaded via LoadLibrary? COM? Registration required? Is any of this .NET?
Several options to consider.
Put the all the required DLLs in the same directory as the EXE (so you don't have to muck with the PATH variable). Installation is just a "copy *.*" or just allowed to run from a file share. (YMMV if there is .NET code - as that has security restriction when run from a remote file share).
Statically link the EXE with the C-Runtime instead of the dynamic option (so you don't have to redist the MSVCRT on machines that don't already have it installed).
I have some crazier ideas if the above 2 items don't suffice. Let me know.

Apparently there exists software that can convert a DLL to a LIB, so that you can link against it statically, but that might be overkill in this case.


Few general questions about JavaFX capabilities

I'm using JavaFX to build a GUI for the software I'm working on. I call it software but it's actually a series of automated steps, compiled into a standalone .exe file. I have about 6 of these executable files, which is why I'm building a GUI to act as the front-end, main menu of sorts.
Ideally I'd have the entire package (GUI, exes) combined into one file Jar which I'd then send to clients, or wrap it with JSmooth or Launch4j.
1) Is it possible to combine all 6 .exe files into a package along with the GUI.? So if I click button 2 on the GUI, it runs .exe #2, etc. Which concepts should I understand?
2) Is this best practice, or is there a better method? I'm new to Java which is why I haven't built the entire software with it, just the GUI.
3) I've read that its best to extract the exe from the parent jar (or exe?) into a temp file on the users PC. Is this correct? Even for multiple wrapped exes?
Any answer is helpful. I'm trying to avoid building something only to realize I can't do what I needed. Thanks
It would be much easier to write an answer if you were a bit more specific regarding what those 6 .exe files do. Nevertheless, a few things can be pointed out. Answers are in the same order as questions.
Yes, you can package exe files into a jar. No, you can't run exe from within the jar. A common solution is to unpack exe either temporarily (while your application is active) or permanently, and then tell OS to execute it.
I'm not entirely sure what "best practice" refers to in your question. Ideally, your logic (back-end) code would be written in Java and all your 6 exe files would be a part of a single Java application. I respect that you are new to Java, so in your particular case having a front-end to your executables is perfectly fine. However, do keep in mind that your solution is Windows specific, unless you plan to provide other OS executables too.
Yes, you will need to extract the exe files. It doesn't really matter what parent executable you use (exe or jar). For the sake of simplicity, I'd go with the jar, because you won't need to use any 3rd party software to build such a jar.
Just to sum up, considering your situation, package your JavaFX app and the .exe files into a single executable jar. When the user needs to execute an ".exe", extract that ".exe" into the same directory where JavaFX is running from. When the app exits, delete all ".exe" files from that directory

How to fix 3rd party libraries that omit the required C runtime lib?

I'm writing an NSIS installer for a project that requires the PyOpenGL package, however installation of this package fails because my system doesn't contain mscvr71.dll (VS C runtime lib). According to KB326922, this library should have been packaged with PyOpenGL.
My question is, what is the safest way to correct this so I can install the PyOpenGL dep within my installer? I certainly don't want to have to drop the file into system32 during installation, and I'm not aware of any update that includes this file (other than VS itself).
I can't easily re-package PyOpenGL to include the missing dll. I don't have VS installed and am unsure how to rebuild the package and installer.
You can put the library in the same directory as the installer for PyOpenGL, which is first in the dll search path. mscvr71.dll is included with other applications, like the Java JRE, so you may have a safe copy to use in your Program Files directory (don't use dll's from untrusted sources).
Assuming that you have mscvr71.dll in your References, right-click on the mscvr71.dll file, select Properties, and change the Copy Local property to True.
See the py2exe tutorial, which I augmented last year to describe exactly which version of which DLL files you need for different versions of Python, where to get them from, and how to include them (especially for the tricky newer versions, which require manifest files and the like):

Loading multiple copies of a group of DLLs in the same process

I'm maintaining a plugin for an application. I'm Using Visual C++ 2003.
The plugin is composed of several DLLs - there's the main DLL, that's the one that the application loads using LoadLibrary, and there are several utility DLLs that are used by the main DLL and by each other.
Dependencies generally look like this:
plugin.dll -> utilA.dll, utilB.dll
utilA.dll -> utilB.dll
utilB.dll -> utilA.dll, utilC.dll
You get the picture.
Some of the dependencies between the DLLs are load-time and some run-time.
All the DLL files are stored in the executable's directory (not a requirement, just how it works now).
The problem
There's a new requirement - running multiple instances of the plugin within the application.
The application runs each instance of a plugin in its own thread, i.e. each thread calls functions exported by plugin.dll. The plugin's code, however, is anything but thread-safe - lots of global variables etc..
Unfortunately, fixing the whole thing isn't currently an option, so I need a way to load multiple (at most 3) copies of the plugin's DLLs in the same process.
Option 1: The distinct names approach
Creating 3 copies of each DLL file, so that each file has a distinct name. e.g. plugin1.dll, plugin2.dll, plugin3.dll, utilA1.dll, utilA2.dll, utilA3.dll, utilB1.dll, etc.. The application will load plugin1.dll, plugin2.dll and plugin3.dll. The files will be in the executable's directory.
For each group of DLLs to know each other by name (so the inter-dependencies work), the names need to be known at compilation time - meaning the DLLs need to be compiled multiple times, only each time with different output file names.
Not very complicated, but I'd hate having 3 copies of the VS project files, and don't like having to compile the same files over and over.
Option 2: The side-by-side assemblies approach
Creating 3 copies of the DLL files, each group in its own directory, and defining each group as an assembly by putting an assembly manifest file in the directory, listing the plugin's DLLs.
Each DLL will have an application manifest pointing to the assembly, so that the loader finds the copies of the utility DLLs that reside in the same directory. The manifest needs to be embedded for it to be found when a DLL is loaded using LoadLibrary. I'll use mt.exe from a later VS version for the job, since VS2003 has no built-in manifest embedding support.
I've tried this approach with partial success - dependencies are found during load-time of the DLLs, but not when a DLL function is called that loads another DLL.
This seems to be the expected behavior according to this article - A DLL's activation context is only used at the DLL's load-time, and afterwards it's deactivated and the process's activation context is used.
Edit: Works with ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED as expected - runtime loading of DLLs uses the original activation context of the loading DLL.
Got any other options? Any quick & dirty solution will do. :-)
Will ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED even work with VS2003? Edit: It does.
Comments will be greatly appreciated.
ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED is implemented by the Windows SDK header files and thus probably wont worth with VS2003 at all. However, it is possible to download the latest Windows 7 SDK and use that with VS2003.
You don't need to use MT to link in manifests. Manifests can be embedded as resources in environments that dont have explicit knowledge.
Add the following to a dll's .rc file to embed a manifest. (With a recent enough platform sdk RT_MANIFEST should already be defined):
#define RT_MANIFEST 24
#define APP_MANIFEST 1
#define DLL_MANIFEST 2
DLL_MANIFEST RT_MANIFEST dllName.dll.embed.manifest

Where to install shared DLLs on Windows

I have a driver which can be installed on Windows (XP/Vista/7). It's accessed via a native C++ DLL that 3rd-party applications link to, and which is also a Winsock Provider (WSP). It used to be installed under System32, but having seen advice not to, I changed it to install under ProgramFiles instead.
Now, the problem is that people are having to either copy it back into System32 or copy it into the application directory whenever they want to use it in their own applications, because Windows won't search the install directory under ProgramFiles when the application tries to load the DLL.
I've been unable to find any Microsoft documentation discussing this issue, so if System32 shouldn't be used then where should shared DLLs be installed?
The Windows side-by-side cache. Backgrounder info is here, technical reference is here.
I haven't seen anybody actually do this yet, other than Microsoft. Quite notable is that MSFT gave up on winsxs deployment for the C/C++ CRT and MFC runtime DLLs for VS2010, it was causing too many problems. They're back in c:\windows\system32. The managed equivalent of this (the GAC) is going strong though. Better tool support, probably.
I'm fairly sure that by a large margin everybody chooses app-local deployment.
Since it's a DLL linked to your driver maybe it's less of an issue, but I'd be wary of trying to share the DLL and would instead try to get all developers of client apps to keep their own version of the dll in their applications folders.
I've had too much fun in DLL Hell to want any more weird bugs because AppX overwrote the DLL with an old version that breaks AppY etc.
Anywhere on the path would work.
If this is only to be used with your set of apps (eg Qt4.dll) then in the root of "c:\program files\my company" would be good, or have a 'shared' folder below that.
If it's to be used by other apps that you don't know about (eg a video codec) then system32 makes sense (you will need admin rights when you install)
Fixed filesystem location
One possibility would be to install them in a sub-directory of Program Files, as already suggested by #Martin Beckett.
Variable filesystem location, fixed entry in Registry
If you don't want to install them at a fixed location, you could also store their location in the Windows Registry. You'd install some keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE that your applications could read to find out where the DLLs are located. Then the DLLs can be loaded at run-time.
P.S.: Preventing orphaned DLLs
You could go one step further and use the Registry, or some other storage (a file, say), to store information about which of your applications uses which of your DLLs. For example:
FooCommon.dll <- FooApp1, FooApp2, FooApp3
FooBar.dll <- FooApp1, FooApp3
FooBaz.dll <- FooApp2, FooApp3
Whenever one of your applications is un-installed, it removes itself from this map. Any uninstaller can then safely delete a DLL that is no longer in use by any application. That method is akin to reference-counting, and the idea is to prevent orphaned DLLs from accumulating on users' filesystem.
Native DLLs can be stored as side-by-side assemblies. See this reference for more information. This is separate from the .NET Global Assembly Cache, but it uses similar concepts. This blog post also has quite a few useful details about how DLLs get resolved as side-by-side assemblies.

Which Qt DLL's should I copy to make my program stand-alone?

I'm trying to make a distribution directory with my application. I've copied several Qt DLLs to that directory, and the program seems to be working, with one exception: it doesn't seem to find SQL plugin for SQLite. Copying qtsqlite.dll to the directory, doesn't allow my application to open or create SQLite files. What must be the direcotry structure or which additional files need to be copied so that the program can read the database?
you can use depends.exe to see exactly what the dependencies of your exe are and make sure they're all included.
Also, read this page about qt plugins. they are supposed to be in a specific directory called "plugins" and not in the main directory with all the other dlls.
Most probably, the qtsqlite.dll itself depends on original SQLite DLL's which you probably need to copy as well.
Don't forget to include an LGP license copy in your distribution as well as pointers to the original download ressources of the libs you include and their sources. To stay with the law :-)
Thanks to the link #shoosh provided, I was able to fix the problem. I needed to create sqldrivers subdirectory in the distribution dir with qsqlite.dll library inside. But that was just step one. Do you have any tips and resources on creating a full-blown Windows installer? I'm mainly a Linux programmer so this area is unknown to me.
