what is the command for ./configure to buil gegl. i need gtk+ and babl and i have that.i have also installed msys/mingw. but which argument i should give to run ./configure in msys?
do i need to save all the libraries (gegl, gtk, babl) in C:\msys\1.0?
I tried to install Rust on Cygwin but failed to be able link with mingw. Now I am trying to install it with Msys2. I already installed Msys2 and Mingw. I tried to follow this wiki page but I got lost at number 2:
Download and install Rust+Cargo using the installer but be sure to disable the Linker and platform libraries option.
Is it referring to the "rustup-init.exe" on the install page? Should I double click to run this file or run it from Msys2? I tried to run from Msys2 and got the options:
1) Proceed with installation (default)
2) Customize installation
3) Cancel installation
I don't know what to do next.
The Using Rust on Windows page you linked to dates from before rustup replaced the installer as the default option to install Rust. Installers are still available, but you should use rustup if possible, because it makes it easy to update and to use multiple toolchains at once (e.g. stable, beta and nightly). If you must use the installer, just select the x86_64-pc-windows-gnu installer and follow the step from the Using Rust on Windows page. If you're using rustup, read on.
By default, rustup on Windows installs the compiler and tools targeting the MSVC toolchain, rather than the GNU/MinGW-w64 toolchain. At the initial menu, select 2) Customize installation. When asked for a host triple, enter x86_64-pc-windows-gnu. Then make a choice for the other questions, then proceed with the installation.
Note: If rustup is already installed, then rerunning rustup-init won't actually install the requested toolchain. Instead, run rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu if you already have the MSVC-based toolchain. Then run rustup default stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu to set the GNU-based toolchain as the default.
Rustup will install the MinGW linker and platform libraries automatically (as part of the rust-mingw component) and refuses to let you remove them. If you prefer to use the MinGW linker and libraries you installed with MSYS2, you'll need to create a .cargo/config file (either in your profile directory, i.e. C:\Users\you\.cargo\config, or in your project's directory if this configuration is specific to a project). The contents of that file might look like this:
linker = "C:\\msys2\\mingw64\\bin\\gcc.exe"
ar = "C:\\msys2\\mingw64\\bin\\ar.exe"
Rustup will modify the PATH environment variable unless you told it not to. However, MSYS2 resets PATH by default when you launch, so when you try to invoke cargo or rustc from your MSYS2 shell, it might not find it. You'll need to edit your .profile/.bash_profile script to set the PATH correctly (you need to prepend /c/Users/yourname/.cargo/bin: to PATH).
my problem resolved by following way
Run rustup toolchain install stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
Second open .rustup folder
Open settings.toml file
Change first line with: default_toolchain = "stable-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu"
I wrote a complete guide on how to
install Rust on windows with Visual Studio Code and MSYS2 MinGW
on the page found here:
I'm new for the c++ programming. I installed OpenSSL for my visual studio. I would like to install GMP for visual studio. How should I do that? There is no file such as gmp.exe. I dont know how to install this. Any help would be appreciated.
It isn't that hard to install GMP on windows.
First, download the GMP tar file. You have to install cygwin on windows with gcc, make and m4.
You can then run linux command using cygwin. Decompress the tar file, then (RECOMMEND to check out the INSTALL file).
Do ./configure, if you need anything special like running c++ gmp code, you have to add flags.
Do./configure --help to check it out.
Then run make, make check, and finally run make install.
You will have to add the path back to your project properties. Enjoy !
i'm trying to make fltk 1.3.x r9678 after using cmake to generate mingw makefiles. upon running make, windows version and copyright info are displayed instead of compiling fltk. i'm using the latest version of mingw
I just went through building FLTK 1.3.2 using MinGW and there was no need to create your own makefiles. Here are my notes with some comments in parenthesis:
Start Menu - All Programs - MinGW folder - MinGW shell (start MinGW
cd to fltk-1.3.2 (in the MinGW shell change directory to the root
folder of FLTK)
make clean (clean out previous bad build if any)
LDFLAGS="-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++" ./configure
--enable-threads --enable-localjpeg --enable-localpng --enable-localzlib (configure it to build for MinGW)
make install
Hope this helps others in the future.
I need to install the gcc suite on an OS/X box using the command line. As far as I can tell, the only way to do this is to install Xcode, which appears to only have a GUI install. Surely, this can be done.
You can install any package using command line with installer - the GUI is merely a convenience, you don't need to use it. For example
sudo install -pkg Xcode.mpkg -target /
You can also pick individual packages from the Xcode installation if you wish, for example Packages/llvm-gcc4.2.pkg contains just the compiler.
I believe you are looking for this:
Mind you this is compiling the latest from source.
You can download pre-built binaries from: https://github.com/kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer
I'm working on a FORTRAN project and I would like to build all of the binaries that I want to maintain on a linux machine that is dedicated for automated builds. I have successfully used mingw to build 32-bit and 64-bit binaries from C source for windows machines on the linux machine with the following packages on Ubuntu.
apt-get install mingw32
apt-get install mingw-w64
Then I run the following commands to actually compile:
gcc -b amd64-mingw32msvc -V 4.4.4 -o <...other options>
However, the mingw packages that I've obtained via apt-get do not include FORTRAN compilers.
Anybody got any ideas on what I can do?
if you got mingw32 and the Gnu C cross compiler is working for you ... when why not just get the Gnu Fortran cross compiler, too?
EXAMPLE apt-get install mingw32-gcc-fortran
I know this is an old thread but a few things seem to have changed and people might still be interested in the topic.
Problem: I want to use my linux machine to compile some code and create a .exe that I can send to people using Windows.
Solution: Essentially here: http ://mxe.cc/
What I did:
Check to see if your system has all the software you need here
git clone -b stable https://github.com/mxe/mxe.git
It will download a few small things and create the directory "mxe" (probably in your home folder)
cd into that mxe directory and run "make". HOWEVER: this would take hours and take up a few GB on your hard drive so instead run something like
make mpfr eigen opencsg cgal qt
For more ideas on how to shorten that all see this or the mxe tutorial or somewhere else ;)
The easiest way to compile stuff then seems to be something like:
~/mxe/usr/bin/i686-pc-mingw32-gfortran -c main.f95
~/mxe/usr/bin/i686-pc-mingw32-gfortran main.o -o outfile.exe
Of course you can chose something other than fortran, just consult the mxe/usr/bin to see what its called.
You can always download and install a prebuilt compiler from the MinGW(-w64) project itself:
Windows 64-bit: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/Personal%20Builds/rubenvb/4.6.2-1/
Windows 32-bit: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Personal%20Builds/rubenvb/4.6.2-1/
Just unpack somewhere and add the cross*/bin directory to PATH.
I include (obj)c(++) and fortran.
On Ubuntu 18.04 I use
apt install gfortran-mingw-w64
Then use the compiler x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran in place of gfortran. If you're using cmake, you can configure the compiler from the build directory like so:
FC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran cmake ..