Integration testing against an http server - junit? - maven

I want to to integration tests against an http server. So far I have only experiences with junit for unit testing.
I have two requirements: The framework must have a maven plugin and the tests cases code must be clean - so no dirty hacks and no boilerplate code.
Plain JUnit is good for unit testings, #Test methods are individual. But for integration testing I have to process several dependant steps which must exchange some kind of state (variables).
I already read:
Can we use JUNIT for Automated Integration Testing? and Passing JUnit data between tests and came to the conclusion that I don't like static fields in unit test and I don't want to use TestNG and add dependency annotations on tests and I don't want to put my test into one long unreadable test method.
I though more about some syntax like:
public class MyIntegrationTest() {
public void testCreate(Context context) {context.put("foo");}
public void testUpdate(Context context) {context.get();}
public void testDelete(Context context) {context.get()}
So I want to enhance/use ?Unit in a way that it executes #Step methods with a context instance as argument. The methods must be called by the framework in order and cannot be called individually. In a perfect world, all ?Unit guis would show the #Step like an #Test but this is optional...
Any hints how to do this?

The first point is to check the Maven Failsafe Plugin which is intended for doing integration tests with Maven. Second you have to name your Integration tests based on the conventions used by Maven FailSafe Plugin after that you should be able to run your integration tests simply with maven (by mvn clean verify).
So this means you have to name your integration test like define the order of executions you have to use a different framework than JUnit may be TestNG which supports this kind of needs, but you already excluded it. So the questions is what kind of tests would you like to do? Page-flows etc. may be a look at JWebUnit might be look worth...

You might also want to consider It's useful for checking to see if responses come back from the http server.
However, it doesn't do the #Step functionality. Normally I'd do that by :
public void MasterTest() {
public void step1(...){...}
public void step2(...){...}


How to force gradle continue build on failure of a test suite with junit 4 and junit 5

I have a project, with tests implemented by junit 4 and 5. Some of the tests require a database to be present, is there any way I can mark these specific tests (is TestSuite the answer?), so gradle continue the build even if those tests fail?
I don't want to skip other tests, but just these specific tests.
And I am using junit 5 vintage, so my test task runs both junit 4 and junit 5 tests together.
Honestly, I wouldn't do this. What is the point of a test if you ignore it when it fails? You might as well delete the test right away. Can't you delay test execution if setup is slow?
That said...
gradle --continue will continue execution when a task fails, collecting all the errors. You may still need to ignore Gradle's exit code (e.g., in a build pipeline).
You can also use the ignoreFailures test property to always ignore failing tests.
Both may be a bit too broad. Depending on your build script, you could add have a separate test target for database tests and add ignoreFailures only to that.
If you want to handle this in JUnit, you could look into the Assume class which lets you skip a test if a certain condition is (or is not) given:
import static org.junit.Assume.*;
public class SomeDatabaseTest {
public void someThing() {
// actual test goes here
Add this block of code to your module or project level build.gradle file:
project.gradle.teskGraph.whenReady {
connectedDebugAndroidTest {
ignoreFailures = true
You can use any of the test tasks instead of connectedDebugAndroidTest. You can also specify #Test for only those tests annotated as such. See Android documentation here for example of tests.

Prevent AOP(AspectJ) code to be triggered while running test

In my spring boot project, I am using MockMVC to test controller(web) layer. But I also have AOP(AspectJ) logic in my project, when I run unit test for controller with MockMVC, the test also triggers AOP code, how can I prevent AOP code to be triggered while running unit test for controller?
public void testMyControllerMethod() {
// myRequest hits an endpoint function of my controller, there is also AOP intercept the function call, how can I disable AOP to be triggered while running test?
Question is in my code comment :)
I have checked this answer, I understand to use the if() expression, but I don't get TestMode.ACTIVE, there is no such thing in Spring boot. If someone could let me know how to check whether code is running unit test or not at runtime, I would know how to prevent AOP logic run as well.
What I meant in the other answer, as Simon already tried to explain to you, is something like this:
public class TestMode {
public static boolean ACTIVE = false;
But actually there I also listed a few other options such as environment variables and system properties. If I were you I would use one of those because in your Maven or Gradle build it would be very easy to set properties or environment variables via configuration. Your if() pointcut could access those variables.
Especially in the context of Spring there is an even simpler option: a test application configuration. Just provide a configuration without aspects to your tests. That way you can have different configurations for
production environment,
unit tests (no aspects),
integration tests (e.g. with aspects but different from unit test and production).
et cetera.
The advantage here is that you don't need any if() pointcuts or build any other knowledge about test/production environments into your aspects, which is quite ugly. My other answer only shows what you can do, it does not say it is the best solution.

Intellij, cucumber test and two spring Context Configuration

My project has two different cucumber test and each one needs a different spring context configuration.
The problem I have is that when I run each test individually from Intellij, they load the right Spring Context and the tests are passing, but I press run all test, none of them are passing.
Running a maven test, both test are passing.
this is my code:
#Cucumber.Options(strict = true
// , tags = {"~#ignore"}
// , tags = {"#Only"}
, glue ="feature.scenario1"
, features = "src/test/resources/feature/scenario1/"
public class TesScenario1Features {
public class scenario1Steps {
#Cucumber.Options(strict = true
// , tags = {"~#ignore"}
// , tags = {"#Only"}
, glue ="feature.scenario2"
, features = "src/test/resources/feature/scenario2/"
public class TesScenario2Features {
public class scenario2Steps {
Thank you very much for your help
The issue is that the IntelliJ cucumber plugin is using the cucumber cli to run tests, without using the JUnit runner at all. This causes several limitations, like requiring the spring annotations on the step definition classes instead of the runner, or by default requiring the steps definitions to be in the same package as the scenario files.
In your example I would actually expect also running a single test to fail, unless the correct application properties are also referenced by the /cucumber-scenario{1,2}.xml files.
The only option I see with the standard cucumber implementation would be to extract the tests into separate projects.
I'm actually working on an alternative implementation of cucumber with an improved spring integration that you might want to try. It's not fully integrated with IntelliJ yet though.

Reset Spring-Boot During Integration Tests

I guess am trying to get a corner case to work here. In my current project there are about 20 integration tests. One new integration test requires #EnableAsync to make the test work:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.NONE)
public class MyITest {
When run alone, this test works fine.
Considering Maven and Eclipse' execution of tests in one project and knowing that the environment is only created once and reused (or soft-reset) for all integration tests, it's somewhat a requirement that this integration test runs first. However, that's (nearly?) never the case.
Therefore, this integration test (nearly?) always fails. One obvious solution is to add #EnableAsync to all integration tests. However, that's a bad dependency which I bet is broken once somebody adds another integration test and forgets this requirement.
I'm looking for a way to force the SpringRunner to completely reset the context and really start it from scratch also looking at #EnableAsync. Ideally that way includes to flag that SpringRunner has to reset the context (i.e., remove the #EnableAsync) after the test, too. That way any order of execution would ensure that only that very one test has the #EnableAsync.
Is there a way to do this? Or can I manually turn on/off the async-stuff by code in a #Before/#After method?
take a look at DirtiesContext
Not sure if this is what you're looking for.
Possible duplicate of: How do you reset Spring JUnit application context after a test class dirties it?
Whow, I think I just found out by accident... What I have now:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.NONE, classes = {
ClassWithAnAutowiredAsyncDependency.class // <=== difference!!! ===>
public class MyITest {
private ClassWithAnAutowiredAsyncDependency mine;
It seems as if the given classes are reset (specially?) or at least the autowiring happens in there again or something. I can't explain it any different.
I'm sure that this integration test is not the first integration test being run and still the asynchronous bit seems to be in place.
Well, test is green, it works...

Skip tests at runtime when using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner

In my project, I have acceptance tests which take a long time to run. When I add new features to the code and write new tests, I want to skip some existing test cases for the sake of time. I am using Spring 3 and junit 4 using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner. My idea is to create an annotation (#Skip or something) for the test class. I am guessing I would have to modify the runner to look for this annotation and determine from system properties if a test class should be included while testing. My question is, is this easily done? Or am I missing an existing functionality somewhere which will help me?
Annotate your class (or unit test methods) with #Ignore in Junit 4 and #Disabled in Junit 5 to prevent the annotated class or unit test from being executed.
Ignoring a test class:
public class MyTests {
public void test1() {
Ignoring a single unit test;
public class MyTests {
public void test1() {
#Ignore("Takes too long...")
public void longRunningTest() {
public void test2() {
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
so you can build your project without test,
mvn -Dtest=TestApp1 test
you can just add the name of your application and you can test it.
I use Spring profiles to do this. In your test, autowire in the Spring Environment:
private Environment environment;
In tests you don't want to run by default, check the active profiles and return immediately if the relevant profile isn't active:
public void whenSomeCondition_somethingHappensButReallySlowly() throws Exception{
if ( -> name.equalsIgnoreCase("acceptance"))) {
// Real body of your test goes here
Now you can run your everyday tests with something like:
> SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=default,test gradlew test
And when you want to run your acceptance tests, something like:
> SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=default,test,acceptance gradlew test
Of course that's just an example command line assuming you use Gradle wrapper to run your tests, and the set of active profiles you use may be different, but the point is you enable / disable the acceptance profile. You might do this in your IDE, your CI test launcher, etc...
Your test runner will report the tests as run, instead of ignored, which is misleading.
Rather than hard code profile names in individual tests, you probably want a central place where they're all defined... otherwise it's easy to lose track of all the available profiles.
