I am using CGPathAddEllipseInRect to draw a circle and then using that in CAKeyframeAnimation. My issue is that the animation always starts in the same spot. I thought that I could do the following with a CGAffineTransform to make it start in a different point:
CGAffineTransform temp = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(M_PI / 2);
CGPathAddEllipseInRect(animationPath , &temp, rect);
I do not know what this is doing. When it runs, I don't even see this portion of the animation. It is doing something offscreen. Any help understanding this would be great.
The rotation happens around the origin (0,0) by default, but you want to rotate around the center of the circle, so you have to do additional transformations:
float midX = CGRectGetMidX(rect);
float midY = CGRectGetMidY(rect);
CGAffineTransform t =
CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(-midX, -midY),
CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(midX, midY));
CGPathAddEllipseInRect(animationPath, &t, rect);
Essentially, this chains three transformations: First, the circle is moved to the origin (0,0), then the rotation is applied and afterwards it is moved back to its original position. I've made a little visualization to illustrate the effect:
I chose a square instead of a circle and 45° instead of 90° to make the rotation easier to see, but the principle is the same.
I am trying to build a rotation controller for my threejs objects. My rotation method is the following:
function rotate(axis, angle) {
rotMat = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationAxis(axis, angle);
rotQuat = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromRotationMatrix(rotMat);
I need to do it this way in order to have a rotation around the world axes and not the local axes (related to this post -> I also cannot use the Euler rotation member here because of a problem i describe here)
Getting to my problem:
I made this JSFiddle which shows the issue pretty good.
How to recreate:
1) Open the fiddle link.
2) Press X, Y or Z on your keyboard to enter the rotation mode for the desired axis.
3) Hold 'Arrow Up' key and rotate as long as the 'strange' scaling occurs. Should happen at an angle of 90-100 degrees. Note that the scaling continues if you keep rotating
Also note that i decrease the rotation step size (rotation speed) when getting to the specific angle area. The scaling only occurs when the rotation step size is quite small.
My question is:
Does somebody know why a rotation is causing a scale?
The reason why this is happening is because you need to feed a 'pure' rotation matrix to the Quaternion.setFromRotationMatrix method. So changing the rotate function to the following will work:
function rotate (axis, angle) {
rotMat = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationAxis(axis, angle);
var rotMat2 = new THREE.Matrix4().extractRotation(rotMat);
rotQuat = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromRotationMatrix(rotMat2);
I have a background pixmap, basically a canvas, which I draw a bunch of
rectangles on and I need to rotate the pixmap and rectangles.
However rotating the background pixmap and the rectangles needs to be done
seperately, that is the rotation of the background pixmap gets handled via an
external library routine and I need to rotate and redraw the rectangles
on top manually.
So far I am actually able to rotate the rectangles by applying a
transformation matrix I got from Wikipedia
to each vertex. What I don't know is how to translate them that each rectangle retains its position relative to the canvas.
Here is a quick drawing for illustration of what I want to achieve:
I need to do this with C and Xlib, but I'm not necessarily looking for code but would appreciate some general hints/algorithms.
To get the translated position for the child object, you need to rotate the relative position vector for the child object, and then add it to the origin:
Pseudocode would be:
public static Vector2 OffsetByRotation(Vector2 childPos, Vector2 parentPos, float angle)
var relativeVector = childPos - parentPos;
relativeVector = Rotate(relativeVector, angle);
return parentPos + relativeVector;
Note that your example image not only rotates the parent object, but also translates it: your left image is rotated around (0, 300), but this point is then translated to (0, 0).
The requested transformation is
X' = 300 - Y
Y' = X
So according to the Unity documentation RectTransform.anchoredPosition will return the screen coordinates of a UI element if the anchors are touching at the pivot point of the RectTransform. However, if they are separated (in my case positioned at the corners of the rect) they will give you the position of the anchors relative to the pivot point. This is wonderful unless you want to keep appropriate dimensions of a UI object through multiple resolutions and position a different object based on that position at the same time.
Let's break this down. I have object1 and object2. object1 is positioned at (322.5, -600) and when the anchor points meet at the center (pivot) of the object anchoredPosition returns just that and object2 is positioned just fine. On the other hand once I have placed the anchors at the 4 corners of object1 anchoredPosition returns (45.6, -21). Thats just no good. I've even tried using Transform.position and then Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(), but that does just about as much to getting me to my goal.
I was hoping that you might be able to help me find a way to get the actual screen coordinates of this object. If anyone has any insight into this subject it would be greatly appreciated.
Notes: I've already attempted to use RectTranfrom.rect.center and it returned (0, 0)
I've also looked into RectTransformUtility and those helper functions have done all of squat.
anchoredPosition returns "The position of the pivot of this RectTransform relative to the anchor reference point." It has nothing to do with screen coordinates or world space.
If you're looking for the screen coordinates of a UI element in Unity, you can either use rectTransform.TransformPoint or rectTransform.GetWorldCorners to get any of the Vector3s you'd need in world space. Which ever you decide to go with, you can then pass them into Camera.WorldToScreenPoint()
Here's a glimpse on how finding world space coordinates of UI elements works if your stuck and need to roll your own transformations from view-space to world-space.
This may be beneficial if say you need something more than rectTransform.TransformPoint or want to know how this works.
Ok, so you want to do a transformation from normalised UI coordinates in the range [-1, 1], and de-project them back into world space coordinates.
To do this you could use something like Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint or Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint, or even rectTransform.position if your a lacker.
This is how to do it with just the camera's projection matrix.
/// <summary>
/// Get the world position of an anchor/normalised device coordinate in the range [-1, 1]
/// </summary>
private Vector3 GetAnchor(Vector2 ndcSpace)
Vector3 worldPosition;
Vector4 viewSpace = new Vector4(ndcSpace.x, ndcSpace.y, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// Transform to projection coordinate.
Vector4 projectionToWorld = (_mainCamera.projectionMatrix.inverse * viewSpace);
// Perspective divide.
projectionToWorld /= projectionToWorld.w;
// Z-component is backwards in Unity.
projectionToWorld.z = -projectionToWorld.z;
// Transform from camera space to world space.
worldPosition = _mainCamera.transform.position + _mainCamera.transform.TransformVector(projectionToWorld);
return worldPosition;
I've found out that you can multiply your coordinate by the 2 times the camera size and divide it to screen height.
I have a panel placed at (0, 1080) on a fullHD screen (1920 x 1080), camera size is 7. So the Y coordinate in world space will be 1080 * 7 * 2 / 1080 = 14 -> (0, 14).
ScreenToWorldPoint convert canvas position to world position :
I am working on my own deffered rendering engine. I am rendering the scene to the g-buffer containing diffuse color, view space normals and depth (for now). I have implemented directional light for the second rendering stage and it works great. Now I want to render a point light, which is a bit harder.
I need the point light position for the shader in view space because I have only depth in the g-buffer and I can't afford a matrix multiplication in every pixel. I took the light position and transformed it by the same matrix, by which I transform every vertex in shader, so it should align with verices in the scene (using D3DXVec3Transform). But that isn't the case: transformed position doesn't represent viewspace position nearly at all. It's x,y coordinates are off the charts, they are often way out of the (-1,1) range. The transformed position respects the camera orientation somewhat, but the light moves too quick and the y-axis is inverted. Only if the camera is at (0,0,0), the light stands at (0,0) in the center of the screen. Here is my relevant rendering code executed every frame:
D3DXMATRIX matView; // the view transform matrix
D3DXMATRIX matProjection; // the projection transform matrix
&D3DXVECTOR3 (x,y,z), // the camera position
&D3DXVECTOR3 (xt,yt,zt), // the look-at position
&D3DXVECTOR3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); // the up direction
fov, // the horizontal field of view
asp, // aspect ratio
znear, // the near view-plane
zfar); // the far view-plane
D3DXMATRIX vysl=matView*matProjection;
eff->SetMatrix("worldViewProj",&vysl); //vertices are transformed ok ín shader
//render g-buffer
D3DXVECTOR4 lpos; D3DXVECTOR3 lpos2(0,0,0);
D3DXVec3Transform(&lpos,&lpos2,&vysl); //transforming lpos into lpos2 using vysl, still the same matrix
eff->SetVector("poslight",&lpos); //but there is already a mess in lpos at this time
//render the fullscreen quad with wrong lighting
Not that relevant shader code, but still, I see the light position this way (passing IN.texture is just me being lazy):
float dist=length(float2(IN.texture0*2-1)-float2(poslight.xy));
I have tried to transform a light only by matView without projection, but the problem is still the same. If I transform the light in a shader, it's the same result, so the problem is the matrix itself. But it is the same matrix as is transforming the vertices! How differently are vertices treated?
Can you please take a look at the code and tell me where the mistake is? It seems to me it should work ok, but it doesn't. Thanks in advance.
You don't need a matrix multiplication to reconstruct view position, here is a code snippet (from andrew lauritzen deffered light example)
tP is the projection transform, position screen is -1/1 pixel coordinate and viewspaceZ is linear depth that you sample from your texture.
float3 ViewPosFromDepth(float2 positionScreen,
float viewSpaceZ)
float2 screenSpaceRay = float2(positionScreen.x / tP._11,
positionScreen.y / tP._22);
float3 positionView;
positionView.z = viewSpaceZ;
positionView.xy = screenSpaceRay.xy * positionView.z;
return positionView;
Result of this transform D3DXVec3Transform(&lpos,&lpos2,&vysl); is a vector in homogeneous space(i.e. projected vector but not divided by w). But in you shader you use it's xy components without respecting this(w). This is (quite probably) the problem. You could divide vector by its w yourself or use D3DXVec3Project instead of D3DXVec3Transform.
It's working fine for vertices as (I suppose) you mul them by the same viewproj matrix in the vertex shader and pass transformed values to interpolator where hardware eventually divides it's xyz by interpolated 'w'.
I'm making a game in 3D. Everything is correct in my code, although I'm confused about one thing.
When I setting up my perspective (gluPerspective) I set it to zNear = 0.1f and zFar = 100.0f. So far so good. Now, I also wanna move things just in the x or y direction via glTranslate.... But, the origo starts in the absolute centrum of my screen. Like I have zFar and zNear, why isn't that properly to the x and y coordinates? Now it is like if I move my sprite -2.0f to left on x-axis and make glTranslate... to handle that, it almost out of screen. And the z-axis is not behave like that. That's make it a lot more difficult to handle calculations in all directions. It's quite hard to add an unique float value to an object and for now I just add these randomly to just make them stay inside screen.
So, I have problem calculate corrects value to each object. Have I missed something? Should I change or thinkig of something? The reason that this is important is because I need to know the absolute left and right of my screen to make these calculations.
This is my onSurfaceChanged:
public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) {
gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height);
GLU.gluPerspective(gl, 45.0f, (float)width / (float)height,
0.1f, 100.0f);
Thanks in advance!
When you use gluPerspective you are transforming your coordinates from 3D world space into 2D screen space, using a matrix which looks at (0,0,0) by default (i.e. x= 0, y = 0 is in the center of the screen). When you set your object coordinates you are doing it in world space, NOT screen space.
If you want to effectively do 2D graphics (where things are given coordinates respective to their position on the screen you want to use gluOrtho2D instead.