mac osx Database access/crash - debugging

i have an app that when i run on xcode connects with the database and retrieves the required values PERFECTLY.
But when i run the actual application in the Debug folder, it not only does not access the database , it also does not go into any of the functions in my code.
Why can an application show this type of behaviour? It never happened before to me. I have an old copy of the code which works fine. I have clear the targets and built it like 10 times but still runs perfectly on xcode but the app individually isnt quite working..
Thanks in advance for any help .
I am out of ideas and i have no direction to go to as from a programming perspective the code does its work.

memory management issues... be sure to remember [database release] instead of autorelease which works fine on the xcode but crashes the app in mac os


Why is my project working fine when released or debugged in one system and not working in another system?

Currently I am working in a Xamarin native project which is well developed and in between when we introduced the image view with auto scroll with dot indicators the problem arrived.
The actual problem is when we release or debug from one system only the app is working fine or else if we do that from another system the app is unexpectedly stopped, if the testing phone is connected to the system and if that is in debug state it is working when we remove it from debug it is not working correctly.
I don't know the reason why it is happening.
Initially I thought that there is a problem with the SDK versions JDK Versions and all, I checked by almost equalizing the SDK, JDK and Xamarin versions but unable to detect the problem and correct it for reference of what we added into the project please refer the following links.
How to implement ViewPagers with Dot Sliders in Xamarin.Android?
How to Set auto sliders in pageviewers in
I am unable to detect the actual problem causing the problem can any one please let me know the solution of the problem.
When You get this type of issue then follow the steps below
1. Try to make a exact copy of SDk from the working system and copy in some other drive and map the reference in VS.
2.If that does not work then also, make sure all the versions in systems are equal.
If then also it does not work it is an internal issue so uninstall the complete VS and make a fresh installation this should work at any cost.

XCode 5 hangs loading a project

I'm working on an iPad app and I need to try a few things, for which I usually have a small sample app that I use. While my primary app project opens just fine, the sample app doesn't. Xcode (Version 5.0) just sits there, the wait cursor spinning. The other odd thing is that when trying to make a new project, I get the same behavior.
What's going on here? Various other threads on Stack and other forums suggest removing various files, in ~/Local/... and in the .xcodeproject directory. However this doesn't seem to help. Any ideas as to what's going on?
I restarted my macbook and XCode behaves now. There goes my 200 day uptime...

Break points are not active in VS2005

I have a windows mobile project in VS2005. Initially I could not get any breakpoints to enable on windows mobile 6 device but they worked on PocketPC2003 Emulator. It's a new computer at work and after a while I realised I had no installed any SDK's beyond 2003. Having now installed SDK's for windows mobile 5.0 6.0 and 6.5.3 I now have SOME of my breakpoints active.
My solution consists of a main application under which there are a few screens and associated code. There are also a series of other classes each of which compiles to a separate DLL. It seems the issue I have is that any breakpoints in these separate classes
work perfectly now. However any breakpoints in the main application class give an error "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document." I've tried a number of things including deleting the bin\debug and obj folders to clear old debug information. The PBD files appear to be created ok for the exe files as well as the class DLL's but only the Dll's work correctly in debug.
Any ideas guys. I really have to get this working as it needs to work on a device not just an emulator. I have an external DLL I need to use as part of testing that is very specific to a brand and model range of hardware. I wont explain why here, just suffice it to say I really need to get this sorted.
I'm still learning VS2005 So please be specific with suggestions as I might not yet know where to locate certain functionality.
I should probably add it works fine in windows mobile 5.0 emulator but I don't have a windows mobile 5 device to test with
Thanks in anticipation.
Well I don't know exactly what I did but it is now working. I read an article on here about enabling the module tab in the debug menu and after doing that it worked however I had done a couple of other things prior to doing that and hadn't tested it so not sure which it was that fixed it.

Upgrading project to Xcode 3.2 under Snow Leopard won't debug

I have an Xcode project that has been upgraded to Xcode 3.2, and whilst it builds fine (and produces an executable that runs fine), when I try to debug it the debugger doesn't start.
When I look in the debugging window, it says that the build was fine. When I look in the console, I get a 'Session started ', but the application never begins.
I've had a wander through the build settings, and can't see anything that appears to be turned off when it should be turned on. I thought it may be a new setting that I need to turn on, but I can't see anything of interest that may help.
Any advice would be grateful accepted!
Cheers and thanks.
Have you tried a full Clean of the project?
I was having the same problem and just discovered that my app launches on the iPhone correctly when I've started Xcode from the finder, but not when I've launched Xcode from my shell. For example, I start Xcode by typing "open project.xcodeproj" into my bash terminal, and device debugging is broken, but if I start Xcode via spotlight or by double-clicking on my project, or from the Applications folder, device debugging works fine. I'm not certain, but it appears to be a problem with my shell environment variables.
Thanks to Rob for the advice. I tried rebuilding everything a couple of times and still to no avail.
However, after turning on my machine this morning, trying the project out it now debugs quite happily. I'm guessing that after installing Xcode I should have rebooted the machine (it didn't require one according to the installer).
Thanks all.

How do I set up my environment to debug on a Blackberry device?

I'm sorry if I'm asking the wrong thing in stackoverflow, but I've come to my wits end dealing with Blackberry. Documentation, site organization, general levels of support have all come together to the point that I haven't been able to do a whole lot of actual work in this environment.
I currently have the Eclipse environment downloaded from the blackberry developer's area website. I can run the simulator and everything else without issue. What I'm trying to do now is to move from debugging on the simulator to debugging on the device itself. This is an important step for me, but I haven't found a satisfactory way to do it...
What I've found are some posts saying that I should package an ALX (of which I'm still not sure on how to do), and using the BDM to install it. This, however, means I won't be able to use the debugger...
If someone could direct me to a resource that will give me step by step instructions from coding to release of blackberry development, this would be awfully helpful.
Thanks so much!
Yes, please test your code on a device. Basic stuff works the same between both, but especially when you get into networking, media, etc. the devices are different.
You can debug on your device through Eclipse. I can't provide you with an end-to-end guide on SO, but here's the quick debug guide.
Build (sign if necessary) and load your app onto the device. You can do this with the desktop manager, or with the command-line javaloader tool that comes with the JDE (look in the bin directory), or even OTA (over the air)
After loading, make sure the Desktop Manager is NOT running (it'll interfere with on-device debugging)
From Eclipse, create a new debug configuration, in the Debug Configurations dialog click on BlackBerry Device, and then click on the new configuration icon. Default settings should be fine.
Make sure your device is plugged into your USB port and start your new debug configuration. You'll probably get a lot of prompts about things missing (because actual devices don't have debug info for any built-in stuff, generally) but click through those and you should be fine to debug.
This is something we struggled with a lot at my old company. I don't think it's possible to do with Eclipse, you have to use the BB JDE, creating the necessary project files against the same code base. I could be wrong on that one as we weren't using the RIM Eclipse plugin, just building it all with Ant.
Personally I never managed to get passed "debugger attaching..." on the device, although I believe a colleague got it to connect but found it too slow to be usable (if you think how slow the emulator can be sometimes...). I know our ant build file had a target for building a version specifically for the JDE profiler, although that was only against the emulator.
In the end we resorted to using our own function debugging code that manually logged entries, exits, parameters and run times, sending the result to a special server.
Sorry if that doesn't help much, but that was our experience.
Never needed to debug on the device itself, I've always found that the apps i've written work on the device, same as on the handset.
As for generating an ALX, in eclipse right click on the project inside the Package Explorer and select "Generate ALX File".
