Do procedures need separate access Rights on Tables? - oracle

I have access on tables but when I run the same query in Anonymous block it fails with
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

The Oracle security model means that we cannot build database objects (views, stored procedures, etc) using privileges granted to our account through a role. The privileges have to be explicitly granted to our named account.
This applies to anonymous blocks as well.
So, if you want to build PL/SQL which runs against database objects in other schemas you will have to ask the schema owner - or the DBA - to grant you the privileges you need.


How to revoke alter session privilege in Oracle

I granted the CREATE SESSION privilege to a recently created database user, and I granted him the SELECT privilege on some objects for different database schemas.
I find an apps schema (SCHEMA#) in v$session that is different from the database USERNAME recently created, and I would like to understand the phenomenon.
I think that he executes alter session set current schema and I would like to know if is it possible to revoke alter session privilege in Oracle 11g.
The documentation for the alter session statement says:
To enable and disable the SQL trace facility, you must have ALTER SESSION system privilege.
To enable or disable resumable space allocation, you must have the RESUMABLE system privilege.
You do not need any privileges to perform the other operations of this statement unless otherwise indicated.
As you don't need any privileges to perform alter session set current_schema, there is nothing you can revoke to prevent that being done. If you had actually granted alter session - which you haven't, from what you said - then you could of course still revoke that, but it would make no difference to the ability to change the current schema.
But this isn't really a problem, and is mentioned in the security guide as a good thing:
For example, a given schema might own the schema objects for a specific application. If application users have the privileges to do so, then they can connect to the database using typical database user names and use the application and the corresponding objects. However, no user can connect to the database using the schema set up for the application. This configuration prevents access to the associated objects through the schema, and provides another layer of protection for schema objects. In this case, the application could issue an ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA statement to connect the user to the correct application schema.
Your recently-created user does not have any additional privileges or abilities simply by changing their current schema. They have not 'become' that schema; they can still only do the things you specified by granting select privileges on objects. They can't see anything else, and can't do any more to the objects they can see. They haven't inherited any of the privileges that schema has - so they can't create or drop objects under that schema, for instance. (You would have to explicitly grant them additional any privileges, which presumably you have no intention of doing.)
What they can do is reference those objects without having to prefix them with the schema name, and without having to create synonyms. But they can still only select from them (if that is the only privilege you granted).

Privileges needed to create schema (Oracle)

I want to import schema to my new host. First I had created new user account:
What kind of privileges I need to grant to have super role?
(create schema, tables, packages, triggers...etc)
It's one privilege to grant me access to all of them?
You should grant only those privileges that are required for a newly created user to work. One by one.
CREATE SESSION is the first one; without it, user can't even connect to the database.
CREATE TABLE is most probably also required, if user TEST is going to create his own tables.
That's enough to get it started. Once it appears that user needs to create a procedure, you'll grant CREATE PROCEDURE. And so forth.
There are/were roles named CONNECT and RESOURCE which contained the "most frequent" privileges one needed, but their use is - as far as I can tell & in my opinion - discouraged.

Difference Between DBA and All privileges

I want to know what is the difference between the following two statements in oracle:
I advise you not to try providing dba and NEVER provide ALL PRIVILEDGES to any user, because such thing should be done only by experienced developers.
Usually there is only ONE user who is provided DBA role.
As per oracle documentation:
When oracle database is installed, there are two admin roles created:
An SYS role can access internal data dictionary tables of oracle database.
All of the base tables and views for the database data dictionary are stored in the schema SYS. These base tables and views are critical for the operation of Oracle Database. To maintain the integrity of the data dictionary, tables in the SYS schema are manipulated only by the database.
If you flirted with any internal sys tables, you may face license cancellation
The SYSTEM username is used to create additional tables and views that display administrative information, and internal tables and views used by various Oracle Database options and tools. Never use the SYSTEM schema to store tables of interest to non-administrative users.
The DBA role does not include the SYSDBA or SYSOPER system privileges. These are special administrative privileges that allow an administrator to perform basic database administration tasks, such as creating the database and instance startup and shutdown.
Here GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES are provided to user on particular object, even system object, and this does not includes sys and system privilege, you can do any action on such object, this is why you should avoid using ALL PRIVILEGES.

Oracle how to "hide" table for other users

I'm using Oracle's 10g version.
In the database, I would like to create a configuration table and fill it with data.
Then the other users can not change anything in it, and even better that it was not at all visible to other users. Is it possible to somehow hide the table?
Create a separate schema for that table. Create a package that provides an API to your configuration data (e.g. to get a value that is needed by another program).
Revoke CREATE SESSION privilege from that schema (i.e. just don't grant any privileges to the schema at all). Don't grant any privileges on the table. The only users who will be able to see the table are those with DBA privileges.
The only thing that database sessions will be able to do is execute the package, IF they have been granted EXECUTE privilege on it.
If you do not grant enough privileges to other users, they could not see your objects.

Create user in oracle database

I have below requirement in oracle database
Create User and grant to all objects in schema "abc"
If i add any tables to schema "abc", then the user should have access by default without executing individual Grant
Current we are executing Grant statements for every objects created in schema, is there any onetime configuration available? Please help
Note: Here user is not a schema owner, for ex. some one who having access to read-only access.
In current versions of Oracle, you could create a DDL Trigger and have this automatically execute a grant on the newly created object to your other user.
See the excellent PSOUG site for an overview:
