How to inspect/export/serialize a (guile) Scheme environment - scheme

I'd like to export or replicate a scheme environment in another guile process. The algorithm I'm imagining would do something like this to serialize:
(map (lambda (var val) (display (quasiquote (define ,var ,val))
And then I'd read/eval that on the other end.
However, while there are functions that return the current environment, they are in some internal format that I can't just map across. How can I "walk" the environment as the above? Alternatively, how else can I replicate an environment into another process?

you may decompose the so-called "current-environment" like this:
(define (get-current-binding-list)
(let* ((e (current-module)) ;; assume checking current-module
(h (struct-ref e 0)) ;; index 0 is current vars hashtable
(hash-map->list cons h) ;; return a vars binding list
and you can call (get-current-binding-list) to get variables binding list in current-module.
Please note that each element in this list is a pair of symbol and variable type, say, (symbol-name . variable-type). So you may print it like this:
for a instance ,you got a var binding:
(define abc 5)
(let ((vl (get-current-binding-list)))
(assoc-ref vl 'abc)
==> #<variable 9bb5108 value: 5>
This result is a "variable type" of variable "abc". You can get it's value with variable-ref procedure.
So you can trace all the bindings and do something ,in your code ,it's simply print var-name and var-value.
I know my answer is too brief, but I think there's enough information to help you to find more details in the manual.
Hope this will help you.

You can't really serialize Scheme environment. I don't known even it's possible to (portably) serialize continuations. Oh, and don't forget about FFIs. Ports and threads are unserializable too.


Racket: What does it mean to bind names to the index?

I'm writing code where the user picks from a list of choices. I have defined my list in the following:
;contains the options the user can pick
(define choices (list "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "choice4" "choice5" "choice6" "OPENING VALUE" "HIGHEST VALUE" "LOWEST VALUE" "CLOSING VALUE" "VOLUME OF SHARES" "ADJUSTED CLOSING VALUE"))
My button gets the name from the list from the following code(only showing one example). In this case it takes the third item from the list:
[label (list-ref choices 2)]
and when I want to change the name then I use the line of code:
(send choice-4-9 set-label (list-ref choices 9))
My prof commented that I should bind names to 6 7 etc so your code would be readable. I'm still a little confused on what he meant by that and how I would do so.
He means for each index, define an identifier bound to that index, ideally named after what it means, e.g.:
(define choice1 0)
(define choice2 1)
(define choice3 2)
So now you can write [label (list-ref choices choice3)] instead of [label (list-ref choices 2)]. The code is more readable, and easier to change if necessary because you can change the binding of the identifier rather than every place where the number appears in code.
Incidentally, what you're doing now is called using "magic numbers."
The previous answer is good and I have upvoted it. I only want to mention that a common data structure for something like this is an association list, where you associate something like a symbol or number to a value, and then look it up using assq, assv, or assoc depending on the whether your lookup name requires eq?, eqv?, or equal? respectively. Consider:
(define choices
'((shoot . "Shoot!")
(run . "Run away!")
(reload . "Reload")
(appraise . "Search your surroundings")))
(define (get-label choice)
(let ((result (assq choice choices)))
(if (not result)
(error "???") ; handle as you see fit
(cdr result))))
Welcome to DrRacket, version 6.4 [3m].
Language: racket/base [custom]; memory limit: 8192 MB.
> (get-label 'shoot)

cons to empty list of type not working

I'm working through the Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation book chapter 6
I've applied a fix as described in the book but the cons is not adding the type to the empty list refered to in the source.
I think it's a pass-by-value/pass-by-ref thing, any clues on how to set the mt-env when it's not being passed in as a parameter?
#lang plai-typed
;; Binding types
(define-type Binding
[bind (name : symbol) (val : number)])
;; some helper functions:
(define-type-alias Env (listof Binding))
(define mt-env empty)
(define extend-env cons)
;; testing function
(define (addBinding [b : Binding] [env : Env])
(extend-env b env)
(addBinding (bind 'x 5) mt-env) ;; returns (list (bind x 5))
(display mt-env) ;; returns empty list
Below is a link to the complete code for context if required, the interp function's appC case is the specific location of my problem area, thanks.
After re-reading the last part of this chapter a few times I don't think there is a simple solution to this problem. The 'change' only makes the revised interpreter behave the same as the previous 'substitution' interpreter but highlights the problem of scope with a special test case.
This is eluded to in the next part '6.4 Scope' where the author writes:
"The broken environment interpreter above implements what is known as dynamic scope."
I'm sure this will be addressed in future chapters, thanks for looking anyway.

Temporary Variable Assistance (Scheme)

I'm making a random sentence generator using Scheme (Pretty Big), and I'm having trouble defining temporary variables. I want to make something like this:
<NOUN1> <VERB1> <NOUN2> <but> <NOUN2> <VERB1> <NOUN2> <also>
Example: Sharks eat fish, but fish eat fish also.
I have word lists, and functions to choose a word from said list. Then, I use append to create a function. I am able to do:
(define (sentence)
(append (getNoun) '(and) (getNoun) (getVerb)))
However, I am unable to figure out a way to temporarily define a variable.
I have this so far:
(define (sentence1)
(append (getNoun)
(lambda (verb getVerb)
(noun getNoun))
(verb) (noun) '(but) (noun) (verb) (noun)))
Hints/Help please?
You are looking for let.
Here is an example usage:
(define (my-proc age)
(let ([age-plus-10 (+ age 10)])
(printf "age is ~a" age)
(printf "age-plus-10 is ~a" age-plus-10)))
Notice how we can temporarily define age-plus-10 and then use it later.

Should the behaviour of a function depend on the name of its variable?

Here is a short elisp code which shows that the behaviour of a function depends on the name of its variable. Is this a bug?
A function is declared using a variable x. When that function is called with a variable named anything other than x, it works as expected. But if it is called with a variable named x, it fails!
My system is GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (powerpc-apple-darwin8.11.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0) of 2008-04-05 on
Paste this on an emacs buffer, put the cursor after the last parehthesis and press \C-x\C-e to see that the function make-zero does now work correctly when called the second time.
(defun make-zero (x)
"Simple function to make a variable zero."
(set x 0))
(setq x 10)
(insert "\n Variable x is now equal to " (number-to-string x))
(setq y 20)
(insert "\n Variable y is now equal to " (number-to-string y))
(insert "\n\n Let us apply make-zero to y")
(make-zero 'y)
(insert "\n Variable y is now equal to " (number-to-string y))
(insert "\n\n Let us apply make-zero to x")
(make-zero 'x)
(insert "\n Variable x is now equal to " (number-to-string x))
(insert "\n\n Why make-zero had no effect on x? Is it because the name of the
variable in the definition of make-zero, namely 'x', is the same as the name of
the variable when make-zero was called? If you change the name of the variable
in the definition of make-zero from x to z, this strange behaviour will
disappear. This seems to be a bug in elisp."))
It's not a bug so much as the nature of Elisp's (and Lisp in general) dynamic binding. ' doesn't pass a reference (that is, it's not like & in C/C++), it passes an unevaluated symbol; what it then evaluates to depends on the scope in which it's evaluated, which means it gets the x that's in scope inside the function.
In Lisp-think, the normal way around this would be to use a macro.
(defmacro make-zero (x) (list 'set x 0))
(require 'cl)
(defmacro make-zero (x) `(set ,x 0))
It's not a bug. It'd be worth your while reading the manual entry for Scoping Rules For Variable Bindings.
The function you wrote calls set, which takes a symbol (the value of the first argument) and changes its value to the value of the 2nd argument. The make-zero you wrote binds x locally to its input argument, so when you pass in the symbol x, set changes the first binding for x it finds, which happens to be the local binding.
Here's a different example, let's say you just had the following:
(defun print-something (something)
(set 'something "NEW VALUE")
(insert something))
(print-something "OLD") ; inserts "NEW VALUE"
Looking at that snippet of code, does it make sense that the set line changes the local value of something?
It doesn't matter whether or not there's a global setting for the symbol something.
Another example is the following:
(defvar x "some global value") ;# could have used setq here
(let ((x "local binding"))
(set 'x "new value"))
Which binding would you expect the set line to change? The one created by the let or the global one created by defvar?
The function you wrote is (pretty much) doing exactly the same thing as the let, you're creating a local binding for a variable which is seen before the global one.
If you want to pass around a reference to a variable then the only safe way to do that is via macros, which I recommend, but not until you've grasped the basics of lisp (b/c macros are definitely more complicated). That said, don't let me stop you from diving into macros if that's your passion.
A good introduction to programming Emacs lisp can be found here.
geekosaur's answer does a nice job of showing how you'd achieve what you want.

How do I disable warnings in lisp (sbcl)

How do I disable all warnings in sbcl? The extra output is rather annoying.
After much faffing about
and slogging through documentation written by people who are apparently allergic to simple concrete examples
(which seems to be most documentation for most things)
I think all you need to do to disable all warnings
is add this line in your .sbclrc file:
(declaim (sb-ext:muffle-conditions cl:warning))
To disable only style-warnings, it's:
(declaim (sb-ext:muffle-conditions cl:style-warning))
I tried to disable specifically the warning that comes up if you enter eg (setq x 1) at a fresh REPL
; in: SETQ X
; (SETQ X 1)
; caught WARNING:
; undefined variable: X
; compilation unit finished
; Undefined variable:
; X
; caught 1 WARNING condition
By using this:
(declaim (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-kernel:redefinition-warning))
but it didn't work,
(apparently redefinition-warning means something else)
and I can't find what it should be.
I guessed sb-kernel:undefined-warning
but that doesn't exist.
Using a macro
in regards #Bogatyr's answer
(using a macro to automatically run defvar)
and #spacebat's comment
(that the macro evaluated the value twice)
I have this to say:
As another newb coming across this,
I wanted to make demo showing that the macro evals twice,
and showing a version that evaluates only once.
I originally edited it in at the end of the question
but it was rejected because:
"This edit was intended to address the author of the post and makes no sense as an edit. It should have been written as a comment or an answer."
Well, you can't answer an answer,
but comments can't take blocks of code,
so I guess I should put it here instead?
(defmacro sq (var value)
(defvar ,var ,value)
(setq ,var ,value)))
(sq v (princ "hi"))
side-effects: prints hihi
return value: "hi"
rewrite 2 - only evals once, always runs defvar
(defmacro sq2 (var value)
((value-to-set value))
(defvar ,var)
(setq ,var ,value-to-set))))
(sq2 v (princ "hi"))
side-effects: prints hi
return value: "hi"
rewrite 3 - same as above, but trickier to read
I used value-to-set for clarity,
but you could just use value again with no problems:
(defmacro sq3 (var value)
((value value))
(defvar ,var)
(setq ,var ,value))))
(sq3 v (princ "hi"))
rewrite 4 - only runs defvar if the variable is unbound
Running those macros will always define the variable before setting it,
so if v was already "bound" but not "defined"
(ie you had introduced it with setq)
then won't get any more error messages when you use the variable,
or reset it with setq.
Here's a version of the macro
that only runs defvar if the variable is not already bound:
(defmacro sq4 (var value)
((value-to-set value))
(if (boundp var)
`(setq ,var ,value-to-set)
(defvar ,var)
(setq ,var ,value-to-set)))))
(sq4 v (princ "hi"))
So if you use it to set a variable that is bound but not defined
it will keep giving you error messages.
(Which is maybe a good thing?
Like, for the same reason-I-don't-actually-know-why the error message exists in the first place.)
I tested the macro on these:
(sq4 value 1 )
(sq4 value 'value )
(sq4 value 'value-to-set )
(sq4 value 'var )
(sq4 value-to-set 1 )
(sq4 value-to-set 'value )
(sq4 value-to-set 'value-to-set )
(sq4 value-to-set 'var )
(sq4 var 1 )
(sq4 var 'value )
(sq4 var 'value-to-set )
(sq4 var 'var )
(You know, checking I hadn't screwed up and... done something weird.)
The ones where I tried to use var as a variable spewed errors.
At first I thought I had messed something up,
but it's actually just reserved for something special in SBCL(?) itself.
(defvar var) gets:
; debugger invoked on a SYMBOL-PACKAGE-LOCKED-ERROR in thread
; #<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {AB5D0A1}>:
; Lock on package SB-DEBUG violated when globally declaring VAR SPECIAL while
; in package COMMON-LISP-USER.
; See also:
; The SBCL Manual, Node "Package Locks"
So... when in doubt, avoid using the symbol var, I guess.
this is what i use to muffle both compile-time and runtime (load-time) redefinition warnings:
(declare #+sbcl(sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-kernel:redefinition-warning))
(#+sbcl(sb-kernel:redefinition-warning #'muffle-warning))
;; stuff that emits redefinition-warning's
following this pattern you can install these handlers on superclasses like cl:style-warning to muffle all style warnings.
You can either use SB-EXT:MUFFLE-CONDITIONS as Pillsy said, the other alternative is to read through the warnings and use them to modify your code to remove the warnings. Especially if they're actually warnings (rather than, say, optimization notes).
I couldn't get SB-EXT:MUFFLE-CONDITIONS to work for the highly annoying undefined variable warning even after much googling. That warning drives me nuts when experimenting at the REPL, so I did what all the books suggest we should do: extend lisp to suit my needs/preferences!
I wrote my own setq that shut up the sbcl warnings, my first macro ever :). I'm sure there are better ways to do it but this works great for me, and it's going right into my ~/.sbclrc!
(defmacro sq (var value)
(defvar ,var ,value)
(setq ,var ,value)))
You probably want to look at SB-EXT:MUFFLE-CONDITIONS.
If warnings are all you care about you can set:
(setf sb-ext:*muffled-warnings* 'style-warning)
This will only apply to style warnings and allow other warnings and conditions to print out. Any warning that shares the same parent will be automatically muffled.
For me (and probably others), most of the warnings were actually being piped to stdErr.
So this silenced the annoying output:
sbcl 2>/dev/null/
Alternatively, you can pipe to a file.
sbcl 2>myTempLog.txt
When starting sbcl, the problem is that at least in my configuration, alexandria spews out a tonne of method warnings and redifining warnings because of asdf, alexandria and readline, regardless of the mute solutions.
User theoski's solutions (sbcl 2>/dev/null ...) totally work to get rid of those, but at the expense of warnings that might actually be useful.
Still, I always have a repl open in a terminal as a scratch for quick hacks and experimenting, and it's a LOT nicer not seeing that avalanche when loading it up.
