Sitecore Caching for SSL + non-SSL sublayout - caching

I have a little issue with a sublayout outputting data which should differ between SSL and non-SSL requests.
To replicate if you create a sublayout and in code behind render out the URL. If you then add this sublayout to a page through the sitecore interface, eg: presentation>details etc and set caching on and set all caching variable to on. Do you publish etc so the page is now viewable (also behaves the same if your doing it directly calling the the control by sublayout control in code).
If you execute this page in non-ssl mode (http://URL) you will get a URL such as; http://URL...
Then if you execute this page in ssl mode (https://URL) your output will still be http://URL...
So does anyone know of a way to get this so we an cache both instances.

You can use the existing VaryByParm functionality to create a VaryByUrl behaviour by programatically setting the cache key for the sublayout with the complete request url, including the scheme. I believe this would be the same process as described in Mark Ursino's response here: Customizing sublayout caching in Sitecore
As a side note, if in a multilanguage site with language prefixes be aware that using Sitecore.Context.RawUrl will give you the request url with language prefixes stripped out by the actions of the StripLanguage preProcessRequest pipeline step.

I think I see your issue -- you are outputting absolute URLs for your images, and based on whether or not SSL is used on the first request, the SSL URL of your images may or may not be included in the cached output.
My first suggestion is to disable absolute URLs, if possible. Is there a reason you need them?
My backup would be to point you at the renderingControls configuration in Web.config. If we're talking about sublayouts here, you could potentially subclass sublayout, and create a new factory for sublayout rendering. When you subclass sublayout, override its GetCacheKey method to add a flag if the request is ssl...
//if request is ssl
return base.GetCacheKey()+"#ssl";
Fair warning that I've never done this, just making an educated suggestion based on available Sitecore config and APIs.
Good luck.


How to use http-proxy-middleware / node-http-proxy as a reverse proxy?

I'm investigating the use of http-proxy-middleware / node-http-proxy as a reverse proxy. Does anyone know if this is really possible?
I've already setup http-proxy-middleware so that I can proxy a request through it (the results are displayed in an iframe), and I'm also able to modify the request headers and html results. Specifically, I'm setting the host/origin headers and rewriting the result to change embedded links so that they go through the proxy as well.
But, some links are generated by js, and rewriting javascript responses seems to be very difficult to do correctly.
Is there a way to do this without rewriting links? I.e., is there any method to configure the iframe to automatically send all requests through the proxy?
Or maybe this is not really possible, and I'd need to use a full proxy like Squid?
This does seem to be possible, to a limited extent. http-proxy-middleware can be configured to edit response headers and to also rewrite the response body, so that links can be rewritten to use the proxy URL. XmlHttpRequest and fetch() requests can also be intercepted to rewrite the requests to use the proxy URL.
Use of a reverse proxy should be 100% transparent to clients and your application code, with zero code changes. So perhaps it is a design problem where I can clarify requirements for you.
As an API example, I might design URLs as follows for an API:
Public URL:
Internal URL:
Note that the public URL of the API is actually that of a route within the reverse proxy.
An internet client would only ever use the public URL. If the internal API ever returns URLs to internet clients, it needs to be configured to use the public URL.
The most mature options are probably the nginx based ones, which provide both declarative routing and also the ability to write any logic you like via plugins. There are plenty of examples in Curity guides, which may make you aware of some use cases
A mainstream option is to use the proxy-pass directive to route to an internal URL. The same pattern should work for the node RP you mention, though for simple tasks no custom logic should be needed.
Header configuration is a common thing to do in the RP, eg to ensure that the component receives the original client's IP address, rather than that of the RP, but that is often optional.
Perhaps this is the root of the problem - if a website returns the internal URL, eg in redirects or image URLs, then it is wrong. Many tech stacks will have a property such as BaseUrl that fixes this.

How can I exclude pages created from a specific template from the CQ5 dispatcher cache?

I have a specific Adobe CQ5 (5.5) content template that authors will use to create pages. I want to exclude any page that is created from this template from the dispatcher cache. As I understand it currently, the only way I know to prevent caching is to configure dispatcher.any to not cache a particular URL. But in this case, the URL isn't known until a web author uses the template to create a page. I don't want to have to go back and modify dispatcher.any every time a page is created--or at least I want to automate this if there is no other way. I am using IIS for the dispatcher. The reason I don't want to cache the pages is because the underlying JSPs that render the content for these pages produce dynamic content, and the pages don't use querystrings and won't carry authentication headers. The pages will be created in unpredictable directories, so I don't know the URL pattern ahead of time.
How can I configure things so that any page that is created from a certain template will be automatically excluded from the dispatcher cache?
It seems like CQ ought to have some mechanism to respect HTTP response/caching headers. If the HTTP response headers specify that the response shouldn't be cached, it seems like the dispatcher shouldn't cache it--regardless of what dispatcher.any says. This is the CQ5 documentation I have been referencing.
I don't know about the IIS verson of the Dispatcher, but certainly with the Apache module if you add a custom HTTP header "dispatcher: nocache" it will not cache the page in the Dispatcher. You would need to change the code to add this, which would be something like:
request.setHeader("Dispatcher", "nocache");
It might also work as meta tags in the html, but I've not tried this.
This is documented here:
You might use cache control tags in the template's head. See info on PRAGMA and Cache-Control meta tags here: HTTP Cache- Control.

Clearing IIS Cache from MVC3 App

I need to clear the IIS cache on my server. The exact reason is detailed below; but the reason doesn't matter. I'm 100% sure that this is the solution I need; as detailed below, I have used the process of elimination to determine that this is, indeed, the problem I'm facing, and the solution I need.
I have an MVC3 app that's themeable (skinnable architecture). Think of it as Wordpress; users can develop a theme, download it, and activate it on their site. The theme controls exactly the final HTML output. This is an over-simplification, since I provide an API with useful functions to be consumed by themes.
Anyway, users can change the theme of the site. The theme is currently stored in a static variable. When a view page is rendered, the name of the theme determines the location of the layout file (which contains references to the CSS files, etc.) and the view files. The theme is a setting that persists in the DB.
For example, if I have a theme called "Foo", then when requesting the /Admin page, I might use /Themes/Foo/Admin.cshtml. If I have another theme called "Bar" which does not have that file, then for /Admin it might request /Themes/Bar/Generic.cshtml as the layout.
The problem is that changing a theme means that every single page on the site is outdated. This means that any sites cached on IIS7 will show the old theme; this is incorrect. I need them to show the new theme.
Anyway, IIS7 uses caching by default. I need essentially a way to clear the cache when a user changes the theme. Currently, this is not happening, and users continue to see the old theme until the cache (somehow) expires itself.
I am not using output caching, or any other form of explicit caching; this is a "vanilla" ASP.NET MVC3 application from a caching perspective (i.e. I didn't add/configure any caching). IIS7 has its own default caching. I know this, because if I disable output caching in IIS7 for my Site, I will always see the correct theme after a change.
How can I flush the cache? Other SO questions point to using Cache.blah, and I tried using HttpContext.Current but that is null during tests (using VS test tool) -- because the ASP.NET pipeline is not used in full.
To explain, in an integration test, I basically:
Go to localhost/Test/
Log in (submit values into the forms)
Change the theme by browsing to the right page and clicking the right link
Request another page
See if the theme changed (based on the layout/css file name).
This is all done by code; I use a C# port of HtmlUnit, and along with deploying my app to /Test in IIS, I can essentially browse it like an end user.
Currently, this test passes around 50% of the time. The problem is that IIS is caching the results, and I can't cleanly reliably reset the cache on the server-side.
Again, I'm not talking about clearing the session or the user-side cache; IIS itself is the culprit guilty of caching my application. Nor do I want to completely disable the cache via the IIS settings, a) because I can't force people who install my application to do that, and b) because caching is good.
So how can I force flushing the cache on the server?
For example, I tried programatically touching web.config; this works, but recycles my application pool, and so, kills my static variables; every request means reloading all the static vars from the DB, which kills my performance.
As you requested I have amended this post:
You can use output cache, you say that the selected theme is stored in the database ( like settings for the site ) Well I would add another column with say a GUID and then use this as the varybycustom value.
Your global.asax file will be able to run code:
void Page_Init() {
///code here to get the GUIDforthissitestheme
var outputCacheSettings = new OutputCacheParameters() {
Duration = Int32.MaxValue, //think its maxvalue
VaryByCustom = GUIDforthissitestheme
At least here you will have output cache, but also every change of theme, changes the GUID so therefore changes the cache and then your page should be new.
I did something like this on a site that listed products, and when the products database was updated the key would be changed, however I can't find what site I implemented it and I work on a hell of a lot of sites.
hope this helps
Set up 'Cache Rule' in 'Output caching' feature with 'File Cache Monitoring' set to 'Using file change notification'. Then 'touch' the files theme change affects, from .net code you could do:
System.IO.File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(fileName, DateTime.UtcNow);
The issues you are describing sound a lot like a client side caching issue. Have you checked this with a HTTP Proxy like Fiddler to verify if this is getting cached on the client?
If you are seeing HTTP 304's after a template change you may want to try configuring IIS (or your site template) to disable client side caching.
I dont think the approach mentioned for themes is correct.
If we are using STATIC variables , then it will affect all the users and all the pages.(Which is certainly not required.)
We can think of two approaches,
Use theme name in url and make it as a prat if RouteData. So the url "http://myHost/BLUE/.." will return in BLUE theme and "http://myHost/RED/.." will return in RED theme. If user will change theme then url will be updated.
The problem with above approach is next time user browse, it will load default theme.
So better approach will be save theme as a part of user preference. Once user logged in read the theme from DB and set the RouteData value.
Just touch web.config. That's the easiest and most reliable way. Flushing the application pool programmatically is overkill.
If you have a problem finding out where web.config is in a test environment (since System.Web.HttpRequest.Current is null, and similar for Server), you can always use an app.config file to point out the location.
Again, there's no other easy way to do it; even disabling output caching, as mentioned in the question, is hard to do through web.config alone.

get feedburner feed on httpS

We are grabbing our feed at feedburner by using the jquery jGFeed plugin.
this works great until the moment our users are on a httpS:// page.
When we try to load the feed on that page the user gets the message that there is mixed conteent, protected and unprotected on the page.
A solution would be to load the feed on https, but google doesn't allow that, the certificate isn't working.
Does anyone know a workaround for this. The way it functions now, we simply cannot server the feed in our pages when on httpS
At this time Feedburner does not offer feeds over SSL (https scheme). The message that you're getting regarding mixed content is by design; in fact, any and all content that is not being loaded from a secured connection will trigger that message, so making sure that all content is loaded over SSL is really your only alternative to avoid that popup.
As I mentioned, Feedburner doesn't offer feeds over SSL, so realistically you'll need to look into porting your feed to another service that DOES offer feeds over SSL. Keep in mind what I said above, however, with respect to your feed's content as well. If you have any embedded content that is not delivered via SSL then that content will also trigger the popup that you're trying to avoid.
This comes up from time to time with other services that don't have an SSL cert (Twitter's API is a bit of a mess that way too.) Brian's comment is correct about the nature of the message, so you've got a few options:
If this is on your server, and the core data is on your server too, then you've got end to end SSL capabilities; just point jGFeed to the local RSS feed that FeedBurner's already importing.
Code up a proxy on your server to marshall the call to Feedburner and return the response over SSL.
Find another feed service that supports SSL, and either pass it the original feed or the Feedburner one.
i have started using WordPress paid theme Schema for my several blogs. In general, it is a nice theme, fast and SEO friendly. However, since my blogs are all on HTTPS, then I noticed that if I had a widget of (Google Feedburner) in the sitebar. The chrome will show a security error for any secure page with an insecure form call on the page.
To fix this, it is really simple,
you would just need to change the file widget-subscribe.php located at /wp-content/themes/schema/functions/ and replace all “” to “”.
Save the file, and clear the cache, then your browser will show a green padlock.
and i fix this in my this blog

Cross site scripting(XSS)

I am loading content from another page and depending on the content of page, changing content of my page and this is giving me cross site scripting issues.
When i use iframe, since the content is from other domain, content of iframe becomes inaccessible.
When i use ajax and try to inject the content as plain html code, XmlHttpRequest object throws permission denied exception due to cross site scripting.
When i use JSONP, such as getJSON in JQuery, it only supports GET protocol and it is not adequate for further processing.
I wonder what other options i can try. Heard that DOJO, GWT,Adobe Air do some XSS, but dont know which one is the best.
Without JSON-P, your only option is to run a proxy script on your own server that fetches the content from the external site and pipes it back to the browser.
The browser fetches the content from the script on your server, hence no cross-domain issues, but the script on your server dynamically fetches it from the external site.
There's an example of such a script in PHP here: (NB. I haven't personally used it).
If you have control over both domains, take a look at EasyXDM. It's a library which wraps cross-browser quirks and provides an easy-to-use API for communicating in client script between different domains using the best available mechanism for that browser (e.g. postMessage if available, other mechanisms if not).
Caveat: you need to have control over both domains in order to make it work (where "control" means you can place static files on both of them). But you don't need any server-side code changes.
To add to what RichieHindle says, there are some good script (Python+Cron) that you can plonk on your server and it will check for changes to a POST/GET location and cache the changes on your server.
Either set your triggers low (once every 10 mins/ 1 per day) or you might get blacklisted from the target.
This way, a local cache won't incur the HTTP overhead on every AJAX call from the client.
