HowTo on default page animation - animation

Can someone give an example on how to animation page navigation in WP7?
I actually only just want to use the flip animation used in most default installed application i.e. the Settings application.

Maybe this can be something of use?
Page Transition Animations and Windows Phone 7


Create Page custom animations in Windows Phone 8.1 (Windows Runtime)

I would like to develop some animations for my pages or my page content. The approach of which one I should follow is unclear to me at the moment and I'll try to explain why.
What I'd like to achieve is to create a page (or page content) animation with a slide-in from right when navigating to the page and slide-out to left when leaving the page.
The slide-in part can be achieved with ContentThemeTransition from TransitionCollection. But what about the slide-out part?
I can't seem to know or find any good timing regarding when to fire a slide-out animation just before the page is about to be left.
I'dlike not to apply any animation to the page in such way that WP does by default (with some jump-out, jump-in effect). I'd like to be like BasicPage from templates with no animation but with custom animated content upon page enter and page leave.
How could this be achieved?
Thanks in advance.
I assume you are navigating from the page via tapping a button or something similar. Why don't you create a storyboard animation, start that from the Click event handler of the button, and call Frame.Navigate() when the animation has finished playing?

How to make panorama start-up animation like default windows phone panorama app

I just wondering how to make panorama start-up animation like music+video or picture app. Notice the sliding 3d animation when we open music+video/picture/marketplace app.
When I create panorama project using VS 2010 Express, the animation is just from right to left.
How do i make that animation?
If I understand you correctly - take a look to Wp7 silverlight toolkit - page transitions
The animations are there, but if you have too many things running on the UI thread, the animation will be hard to see since loading will be choppy. To test this, just make a new page with a default panorama inside it and observe the animation while its empty. Zune app will always be faster, its run on native code from my understanding.

Changing the Application Icon, Splash Screen etc through code in Windows Phone

Is it possible to change Application Icon, Splash screen etc through code, My requirement is i need to change these items after reaching a specific date say (jan-21-2012). Is there any provision present change these contents through code?
No, you cannot change these through code. These components of your application are specified via the manifest file. Regarding the Application Icon, you can have a 'live tile' for your application which is dynamic and can be changed. See MSDN:
How to: Create, Delete, and Update Tiles for Windows Phone
Maybe this blogpost about the dynamic splashscreen can help you?
I don't think you can change the application icon this way. Do you have to change the icons multiple times through the year? Or is it one rebranding action? In that case i would suggest submit it with the new icons/splashscreen to the marketplace when you want it to change.
Here there are couple of articles about changing Splash screen:
Creating Animated Splash screen in Windows Phone7
Windows Phone 7 better Splash screen
You can extend techincs from articles above and implement your functionality.
Regarding to "Icon" use well known WP feature - Live Tiles (nice links in answers above).

WP7 Loading animation for content

I tried to find an example for content loading animation (to learn how to implement one in my app). But I couldn't find one.
What I want is: There are 4 listboxes in my mainpage and I want to show a loading animation until the listboxes have completed loading their data.
For example,IMDB application has a loading animation like I want. (You can watch it here
Any ideas on how to create this?
Please refer to these links, as they seem to provide the exact solution to coding this standard loading animation:
Creating a Splash Screen with a progress bar for WP7 applications
High Performance ProgressBar for Windows Phone 7

Is there a way to display HTML in an XNA game on WP7

Is there a way to display a browser control over the top of an XNA game on Windows Phone 7?
Basically I need to display some HTML, and then allow the user to return to the game.
So it can be full-screen if need be. It could even involve switching to Internet Explorer, if there's a way to return to the game from IE?
Is this possible?
It was announced that XNA and Silverlight would be available together in the same app starting with Mango update.
That might allow you to get what you're after.
I am not certain It would be nice if we could pop an html screen like we do on the iPhone. I know if you embed an url you can open ie. but as far as I know you can only get back to your game via the hardware back button.
You are not able to directly display HTML content in your XNA application due to the differences in the UI core. You are able, however, to invoke the WebBrowserTask. All you need to do is add a reference to Microsoft.Phone and then add a using statement for Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.
