I have a canonical tree in F#, i.e by declaring
type binaryTree =
| Leaf
| Node of binaryTree * float * binaryTree
and then using a recursive function to make the tree
let rec makeTree tree element =
match element, tree with
| x, Leaf -> Node(Leaf,x,Leaf)
| x, Node(l,y,r) -> Node(l,y, (makeTree r x))
This is all fine. Now I want to sort the tree so that at each node, the value of the node is smaller than the value of all its children. I can imagine doing this. However, I want to then take the first element of the tree. That is, I want to treat the tree like a queue. The only examples I have seen with trees use higher-order functions to do something with the tree, but this seems like a waste when I have already sorted it.
How can I access the root node of this tree?
How about this:
let rootValue (Node(_,v,_)) = v
This will throw an exception if the tree is empty. Alternatively:
let tryGetRootValue = function
| Node(_,v,_) -> Some v
| _ -> None
This will always succeed, but will return a float option rather than a float.
The question is a bit unclear. As I understand it, you'll have a tree where the value of node is smaller than the value of its children. (Which you can implement by sorthing the tree or by writing a different function that constructs it such that this is true.)
To implement a function that takes the first (smallest) element of the tree, you need to remove the root (which is smallest) and then merge the two trees you'll get. This can be done by taking the smaller of the two roots as the new root and recursively merging the new trees you'll get. The following snippet should do the trick:
let rec merge t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| Leaf, t | t, Leaf -> t // Merging a tree and a leaf gives the tree
| (Node(ll, x1, lr) as t1), (Node(rl, x2, rr) as t2) ->
// When merging two trees, take the smaller root as a new root
// This gives you three new trees, so two of them must be recursively merged
if x1 < x2 then Node(merge ll lr, x1, t2)
else Node(t1, x2, merge rl rr)
let rec tryTake tree =
match tree with
| Leaf -> None
| Node(t1, y, t2) -> Some(y, merge t1 t2)
My assignment is to write a function that will compute the size of a binary tree. This is the implementation of the tree structure:
datatype 'a bin_tree =
Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a bin_tree (* left tree *)
* int (* size of left tree *)
* int (* size of right tree *)
* 'a bin_tree (* right tree *)
I was given this template from my professor:
fun getSize Empty = 0
| getSize (Leaf _) = 1
| getSize (Node(t1,_,t2)) = getSize t1 + getSize t2;
I was wondering if I need to manipulate this to agree with my tree structure in order to get it to work?
The 'a bin_tree type memoizes the size of each sub-tree. So if you're allowed to assume that the size that is stored is correct, you can return the size of a tree without recursion.
The template given by your professor is not for this type, but for another tree type that does not memoize the size. It demonstrates how you can calculate the size for such a tree by pattern matching and recursion, both language features of which you need to also use.
So the task is for you to write an entirely different function for the 'a bin_tree type. You have to figure out what the right way to pattern match is. First off, the template for getSize does not add up: There are three cases with three constructors, Empty, Leaf x and Node (L, x, R). But the 'a bin_tree type only has two constructors, Leaf x and Node (L, sizeL, sizeR, R).
So you want to read up on how to perform pattern matching on data types.
I am reading this paper by Chris Okasaki; titled "Breadth-First Numbering: Lessons from a Small Exercise in Algorithm Design".
A question is - how is the magic happening in the algorithm? There are some figures (e.g. figure 7 titled "threading the output of one level into the input of next level")
Unfortunately, maybe it's only me, but that figure has completely baffled me. I don't understand how the threading happens at all?
Breadth first traversal means traversing levels of a tree one by one. So let's assume we already know what are the numbers at the beginning of each level - the number of traversed elements so far before each level. For the simple example in the paper
import Data.Monoid
data Tree a = Tree (Tree a) a (Tree a)
| Empty
deriving (Show)
example :: Tree Char
example = Tree (Tree Empty 'b' (Tree Empty 'c' Empty)) 'a' (Tree Empty 'd' Empty)
the sizes would be 0, 1, 3, 4. Knowing this, we can thread such a list of sizes through a give tree (sub-tree) left-to-right: We advance the first element of the list by one for the node, and thread the tail of the list first through the left and then through the right subtree (see thread below).
After doing so, we'll get again the same list of sizes, only shifted by one - now we have the total number of elements after each level. So the trick is: Assume we have such a list, use it for the computation, and then feed the output as the input - tie the knot.
A sample implementation:
tagBfs :: (Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> Tree a -> Tree m
tagBfs f t = let (ms, r) = thread (mempty : ms) t
in r
thread ms Empty = (ms, Empty)
thread (m : ms) (Tree l x r) =
let (ms1, l') = thread ms l
(ms2, r') = thread ms1 r
in ((m <> f x) : ms2, Tree l' m r')
generalized to Monoid (for numbering you'd give const $ Sum 1 as the function).
One way to view tree numbering is in terms of a traversal. Specifically, we want to traverse the tree in breadth-first order using State to count up. The necessary Traversable instance looks something like this. Note that you'd probably actually want to define this instance for a newtype like BFTree, but I'm just using the raw Tree type for simplicity. This code is strongly inspired by ideas in Cirdec's monadic rose tree unfolding code, but the situation here seems to be substantially simpler. Hopefully I haven't missed something horrible.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor,
LambdaCase #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module BFT where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Prelude hiding (foldr)
data Tree a = Tree (Tree a) a (Tree a)
| Empty
deriving (Show, Functor)
newtype Forest a = Forest {getForest :: [Tree a]}
deriving (Functor)
instance Foldable Forest where
foldMap = foldMapDefault
-- Given a forest, produce the forest consisting
-- of the children of the root nodes of non-empty
-- trees.
children :: Forest a -> Forest a
children (Forest xs) = Forest $ foldr go [] xs
go Empty c = c
go (Tree l _a r) c = l : r : c
-- Given a forest, produce a list of the root nodes
-- of the elements, with `Nothing` values in place of
-- empty trees.
parents :: Forest a -> [Maybe a]
parents (Forest xs) = foldr go [] xs
go Empty c = Nothing : c
go (Tree _l a _r) c = Just a : c
-- Given a list of values (mixed with blanks) and
-- a list of trees, attach the values to pairs of
-- trees to build trees; turn the blanks into `Empty`
-- trees.
zipForest :: [Maybe a] -> Forest a -> [Tree a]
zipForest [] _ts = []
zipForest (Nothing : ps) ts = Empty : zipForest ps ts
zipForest (Just p : ps) (Forest ~(t1 : ~(t2 : ts'))) =
Tree t1 p t2 : zipForest ps (Forest ts')
instance Traversable Forest where
-- Traversing an empty container always gets you
-- an empty one.
traverse _f (Forest []) = pure (Forest [])
-- First, traverse the parents. The `traverse.traverse`
-- gets us into the `Maybe`s. Then traverse the
-- children. Finally, zip them together, and turn the
-- result into a `Forest`. If the `Applicative` in play
-- is lazy enough, like lazy `State`, I believe
-- we avoid the double traversal Okasaki mentions as
-- a problem for strict implementations.
traverse f xs = (Forest .) . zipForest <$>
(traverse.traverse) f (parents xs) <*>
traverse f (children xs)
instance Foldable Tree where
foldMap = foldMapDefault
instance Traversable Tree where
traverse f t =
(\case {(Forest [r]) -> r;
_ -> error "Whoops!"}) <$>
traverse f (Forest [t])
Now we can write code to pair up each element of the tree with its breadth-first number like this:
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
numberTree :: Tree a -> Tree (Int, a)
numberTree tr = flip evalState 1 $ for tr $ \x ->
v <- get
put $! (v+1)
return (v,x)
We have a definition of binary tree:
type 'a tree =
| Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
| Null;;
And also a helpful function for traversing the tree"
let rec fold_tree f a t =
match t with
| Null -> a
| Node (l, x, r) -> f x (fold_tree f a l) (fold_tree f a r);;
And here is a "magic" function which, when given a binary tree, returns a list in which we have lists of elements on particular levels, for example, when given a tree:
(source: ernet.in)
the function returns [[1];[2;3];[4;5;6;7];[8;9]].
let levels tree =
let aux x fl fp =
fun l ->
match l with
| [] -> [x] :: (fl (fp []))
| h :: t -> (x :: h) :: (fl (fp t))
in fold_tree aux (fun x -> x) tree [];;
And apparently it works, but I can't wrap my mind around it. Could anyone explain in simple terms what is going on? Why does this function work?
How do you combine two layer lists of two subtrees and get a layer list of a bugger tree? Suppose you have this tree
/ \
x y
where x and y are arbitrary trees, and they have their layer lists as [[x00,x01,...],[x10,x11,...],...] and [[y00,y01,...],[y10,y11,...],...] respectively.
The layer list of the new tree will be [[a],[x00,x01,...]++[y00,y01,...],[x10,x11,...]++[y10,y11,...],...]. How does this function build it?
Let's look at this definition
let rec fold_tree f a t = ...
and see what kind of arguments we are passing to fold_tree in our definition of levels.
... in fold_tree aux (fun x -> x) tree []
So the first argument, aux, is some kind of long and complicated function. We will return to it later.
The second argument is also a function — the identity function. This means that fold_tree will also return a function, because fold_tree always returns the same type of value as its second argument. We will argue that the function fold_tree applied to this set of arguments takes a list of layers, and adds layers of a given tree to it.
The third argument is our tree.
Wait, what's the fourth argument? fold_tree is only supposed to get tree? Yes, but since it returns a function (see above), that function gets applied to that fourth argument, the empty list.
So let's return to aux. This aux function accepts three arguments. One is the element of the tree, and two others are the results of the folds of the subtrees, that is, whatever fold_tree returns. In our case, these two things are functions again.
So aux gets a tree element and two functions, and returns yet another function. Which function is that? It takes a list of layers, and adds layers of a given tree to it. How it does that? It prepends the root of the tree to the first element (which is the top layer) of the list, and then adds the layers of the right subtree to the tail of the list (which is all the layers below the top) by calling the right function on it, and then adds the layers of the left subtree to the result by calling the left function on it. Or, if the incoming list is empty, it just the layers list afresh by applying the above step to the empty list.
Ok, I have written a binary search tree in OCaml.
type 'a bstree =
|Node of 'a * 'a bstree * 'a bstree
let rec insert x = function
|Leaf -> Node (x, Leaf, Leaf)
|Node (y, left, right) as node ->
if x < y then
Node (y, insert x left, right)
else if x > y then
Node (y, left, insert x right)
I guess the above code does not have problems.
When using it, I write
let root = insert 4 Leaf
let root = insert 5 root
Is this the correct way to use/insert to the tree?
I mean, I guess I shouldn't declare the root and every time I again change the variable root's value, right?
If so, how can I always keep a root and can insert a value into the tree at any time?
This looks like good functional code for inserting into a tree. It doesn't mutate the tree during insertion, but instead it creates a new tree containing the value. The basic idea of immutable data is that you don't "keep" things. You calculate values and pass them along to new functions. For example, here's a function that creates a tree from a list:
let tree_of_list l = List.fold_right insert l Leaf
It works by passing the current tree along to each new call to insert.
It's worth learning to think this way, as many of the benefits of FP derive from the use of immutable data. However, OCaml is a mixed-paradigm language. If you want to, you can use a reference (or mutable record field) to "keep" a tree as it changes value, just as in ordinary imperative programming.
You might think the following session shows a modification of a variable x:
# let x = 2;;
val x : int = 2
# let x = 3;;
val x : int = 3
However, the way to look at this is that these are two different values that happen to both be named x. Because the names are the same, the old value of x is hidden. But if you had another way to access the old value, it would still be there. Maybe the following will show how things work:
# let x = 2;;
val x : int = 2
# let f () = x + 5;;
val f : unit -> int = <fun>
# f ();;
- : int = 7
# let x = 8;;
val x : int = 8
# f ();;
- : int = 7
Creating a new thing named x with the value 8 doesn't affect what f does. It's still using the same old x that existed when it was defined.
Edit 2:
Removing a value from a tree immutably is analogous to adding a value. I.e., you don't actually modify an existing tree. You create a new tree without the value that you don't want. Just as inserting doesn't copy the whole tree (it re-uses large parts of the previous tree), so deleting won't copy the whole tree either. Any parts of the tree that aren't changed can be re-used in the new tree.
Edit 3
Here's some code to remove a value from a tree. It uses a helper function that adjoins two trees that are known to be disjoint (furthermore all values in a are less than all values in b):
let rec adjoin a b =
match a, b with
| Leaf, _ -> b
| _, Leaf -> a
| Node (v, al, ar), _ -> Node (v, al, adjoin ar b)
let rec delete x = function
| Leaf -> Leaf
| Node (v, l, r) ->
if x = v then adjoin l r
else if x < v then Node (v, delete x l, r)
else Node (v, l, delete x r)
(Hope I didn't just spoil your homework!)
What is the standard way of inserting an element to a specific position in a list in OCaml. Only recursion is allowed. No assignment operation is permitted.
My goal is to compress a graph in ocaml by removing vertexes with in_degree=out_degree=1. For this reason I need to remove the adjacent edges to make a single edge. Now the edges are in a list [(6,7);(1,2);(2,3);(5,4)]. So I need to remove those edges from the list and add a single edge.
so the above list will now look like [(6,7);(1,3);(5,4)]. Here we see (1,2);(2,3) is removed and (1,3) is inserted in the second position. I have devised an algorithm for this. But to do this I need to know how can I remove the edges (1,2);(2,3) from position 2,3 and insert (1,3) in position 2 without any explicit variable and in a recursive manner.
OCaml list is immutable so there's no such thing like removing and inserting elements in list operations.
What you can do is creating a new list by reusing certain part of the old list. For example, to create a list (1, 3)::xs' from (1, 2)::(2, 3)::xs' you actually reuse xs' and make the new list using cons constructor.
And pattern matching is very handy to use:
let rec transform xs =
match xs with
| [] | [_] -> xs
| (x, y1)::(y2, z)::xs' when y1 = y2 -> (x, z)::transform xs'
| (x, y1)::(y2, z)::xs' -> (x, y1)::transform ((y2, z)::xs')
You can do something like that :
let rec compress l = match l with
[] -> []
| x :: [] -> [x]
| x1 :: x2 :: xs ->
if snd x1 = fst x2 then
(fst x1, snd x2) :: compress xs
else x1 :: compress (x2 :: xs)
You are using the wrong datastructure to store your edges and your question doesnt indicate that you can't choose a different datastructure. As other posters already said: lists are immutable so repeated deletion of elements deep within them is a relatively costly (O(n)) operation.
I also dont understand why you have to reinsert the new edge at position 2. A graph is defined by G=(V,E) where V and E are sets of vertices and edges. The order of them therefor doesnt matter. This definition of graphs also already tells you a better datastructure for your edges: sets.
In ocaml, sets are represented by balanced binary trees so the average complexity of insertion and deletion of members is O(log n). So you see that for deletion of members this complexity is definitely better than the one of lists (O(n)) on the other hand it is more costly to add members to a set than it is to prepend elements to a list using the cons operation.
An alternative datastructure would be a hashtable where insertion and deletion can be done in O(1) time. Let the keys in the hashtable be your edges and since you dont use the values, just use a constant like unit or 0.