What browsers currently support the 'range' input? - validation

I can't seem to find anything on google about this. I know you can pretty much rule out IE. I know webkit supports it but what else do you know?

Ok, this question has been here quite a while, but I wanted to add this anyway.
Regarding a question about browser support, a good source is always the caniuse.com website.
In this case, you can find the current, past and expected future support for the range input here:

At the time of writing, apparently (Desktop) Safari, Chrome and Opera support range inputs, according to Dive Into HTML5.


[Cobalt]Does cobalt can support the YUVNV12 format?

From the Cobalt 10.55341, there defined the SbDecodeTargetFormat2PlaneYUVNV12 format in SbDecodeTargetFormat in starboard/decode_target.h, but after searching through cobalt source code, there is no place to use the SbDecodeTargetFormat2PlaneYUVNV12, so does cobalt support SbDecodeTargetFormat2PlaneYUVNV12 at present? If not supported yet, when does it can be supported?
Unfortunately you are correct, Cobalt does not yet support rendering SbDecodeTargets with the SbDecodeTargetFormat2PlaneYUVNV12 format.
That said, we can add support for it. I've created https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/38428106 to track this issue, please follow that bug for updates on progress, and also let me know if there is a particularly urgent need to have this support available sooner rather than later, otherwise I'm planning to work on this within a month.

Firefox API equivalence for Browser.management.onInstalled

I am porting over a Chrome plugin to Firefox as a Webextension. I have gotten almost all the way through my rather large codebase and switched things that were incompatible, however a management.onInstalled and .onUninstalled, onEnabled and onDisabled are the last few functions I can't seem to find a Firefox equivalent for. Any suggestions?
These events are not currently implemented in Firefox. If you have a compelling use case for them you can add a comment at:

Is there an if Firefox that is similar to the if IE hack

As I have been learning, I have developed a bad habit of only doing things in chrome. More recently I have started looking at stuff I make in other browsers; it sucks. I have noticed that the positioning in firefox is a little different, safari is basically the same, and IE is a hot mess. For now I am just going to focus on getting things to work correctly in firefox. Is there a sort of if Firefox conditional statement?
There is no equivalent to IE Conditional Comments in Mozilla based browsers like Firefox.
Depending on your server-side platform (if any), you could elect to sniff the browser type and conditionally include different style-sheets. Of course, you want to avoid this as much as possible. Usually by fixing things to work consistently across all browsers, you end up with better, more robust, site that will probably save you time in the long run.
Regarding CSS differences, you might consider starting with a reset CSS, such as the one suggested in Joe's answer, to provide a uniform baseline.
Regarding standardization of HTML and other features between the browsers, you might want to check out modernizer.
I find this script will solve a lot of quirks (minus IE of course) reset.css

Developing for multiple versions of Firefox

Lately, we have noticed that not all Firefox versions are playing the same game when it comes to layout and I wanted to find out if there is a definitive guideline when it comes to developing for Firefox.
What we're having to do is use Portable Versions of FF and then test across these versions but this is becoming a major headache! If someone knows of a script that will fix these issues across different versions of Firefox, I would appreciate it. Else, if there is some guidelines I can follow, I would appreciate that too!
The behavior you see might be an intentional change (e.g. to comply with the HTML5 spec) or a bug (a regression). If it is the former it should be listed on https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Firefox_4_for_developers or https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Firefox_5_for_developers. These pages are usually created in advance of a major release (e.g. https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Firefox_6_for_developers exists already) so that you can see if something affecting you is coming up. If a change breaks backwards compatibility there should be hints on how web developers can deal with it.
If it is a bug then it should be reported on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/ along with a minimized testcase, marked with the "regression" keyword. Regressions that are reproducible and that affect web applications usually get looked at pretty quickly.
That's a very broad answer to a very broad question. For more useful answers you should really provide some details with your question.

How do I develop an addon for Safari?

I want some personally developed JavaScript code to execute whenever I load a page in Safari. Seems like addblock for Safari does this. Anyone know how to do this?
Safari is not extensible. There's no addon framework for it. But yet there's adblock and verious other addons available for it, although Apple's Webkit and Safari developers discourage users from using them, calling them 'binary hacks'. Seems though some of these addons use InputManager, which isn't documented at all anywhere, at least for not for how people are using it to load scripts in Safari. I guess I'm going to have to backwards engineer to see how addblock does it, but before I do, I thought I'd ask around here. Anyone know?
Input managers are a commonly (ab)used way of injecting arbitrary code into another application's runtime. Once you are there, you have to reverse-engineer enough of the application itself to figure out how to get the behavior you want; usually that involves method swizzling to replace parts of the application you are hacking. It's not documented because there's no API to document, but you can learn about the individual pieces (how to write an input manager in general, how method swizzling in Objective C works, how to use tools like class-dump) and then put it all together.
What you are describing sounds like Greasemonkey though, and there are least one or two hacks already out there to enable Greasemonkey-like behavior in Safari. I'd suggest seeing if one of them meets your needs first.
