Session End Event - session

I am working in 3.5 C#. What i am trying to do is when Session_End event gets called, I want to update the logged in User's status in database that the current User has logged out by any means (Logged out manually, Session time out etc. It calls Session_End Event). The problem is i am not bale to maintain the UserID. I can't access Session variable as session has already expired cookies also dint work for me.
Please suggest a solution.
Thanks a lot

Try pushing the UserID to ViewState, if you have a BasePage from which all your pages inherit or if you use MasterPage then it should be quite easy to push the UserID to viewstate on each page. Cookies should be alive beyond session life. Are you setting Expiry time to your cookie?

You should be able to access session variables in Session_End event. All data stored in a session are deleted after the Session_End event finished. But you should be careful, because sessions are created for all visitors. If you store UserID in a session then it can be null inside Session_End if someone viewed the login page, but did not log in. It is not recommended to set the session timeout to days, because these sessions may fill all server memory.


How do I design my Java Web App such that the session gets terminated when browser is closed?

I wish to record the login and the logout timestamp for users.
I understand that as soon as a user hits the login page a new browser specific session is created & sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) is executed. When the session is invalidated that session gets destroyed & the sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) is executed. In this scenario recording the login and logout timestamps will work perfectly.
However, say, the user is logged in but closes the browser window. The next time when the browser is opened a new session id will be generated and the user needs to login again. Hence, the previous login-logout record for that user will be incomplete and a new record with the current session id will be inserted in the database.
How do I tackle this design issue? I read some answers where AJAX polling & JS onunload were discussed but those did not seem to be a reliable solution.
Also, on the other hand, is there a way to keep the session alive even on browser close?
Thanks in advance.
Session can be kept recorded on users browser via Cookies.
It basically allow use to re login to the system without having to authenticate itself. In this case you can store the bare minimum state information you need to restore when the client open the browser again.
But the session id's is definitely going to change.

CakePHP Session Timeout

In CakePHP a the Session times out it, not unreasonably, trashes any custom data in the stored Session.
However it also sets up an Auth.redirect so after the user has been forced back to the login screen and completes the login, they are then (by default) redirected back to the page they were on before the session expired. This is problematic if that page relies on some of the custom data that was stored in the Session but is now no longer available.
My simple solution has been to force the user back to the home page for authenticated users by deleting the Auth.session key in the Session. But this isn't a particularly desirable behaviour. It would be preferable if I could return the user to the place they were before the Session timed out.
Nevertheless, I like the idea of a user having to re-authenticate if they abandon their Session for too long.
So, what seems to be needed is for CakePHP to require a re-authentication of the user but to not actually expire the underlying Session and this leads to a couple of questions:
Is there any way to have CakePHP require a re-authentication of the Session, as described, without timing out the session (i.e. setting a long timeout on the Session)?
Is there actually a better way to store the information required for page transitions (e.g. the ID of the parent record for a given model so that saveAssociated can be used) other than to store these in the Session?
Thank you for any guidance.

Authorize attribute says I am authorized, but my session is empty

Ok, so on a completely vanilla MVC5 template, I am finding that if I Login, tick Remember Me, close the browser and open it again, and then go back to the website I am showing as logged in.
Request.IsAuthenticated returns true, and I can access pages protected by the Authorize attribute, but my Session is empty.
My question is, is there any way to retain the users Session at this point also, as long as the application pool hasn't been recycled etc.
Session state (which is what i assume you're referring to) is unrelated to authentication.

Joomla Auto Logout

I am using joomla 1.5.My login is with standar joomla module , I am having the request to automatically logoff users once thy close their browser, I dont know how Joomla handles the session or if is there any trick I can do to make this.. Thanks in advance
You could turn off cookies, I suppose - Check the Global Configuration.
For anyone else looking at this.
You can't clear a session when somebody closes the browser as the server doesn't know this has happened and the session data is stored on the server.
You can't disable cookies as then no one would be able to log in.
In global configuration you can set the session lifetime value to something like 15 minutes and if there is no activity in that period of time the user is automatically logged out.

MVC User log in and sessions

My web application requires a user to be logged in to view any webpage on it.
When a user logs in I store, in sessions, their username and password for retrieval later on. This all works fine but, if I rerun my project it seems to skip past authentication and go straight to the controller for that action.
What I presume is happening is that FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, createPersistentCookie); is remembering that the user is logged in but my sessions aren't updated.
How can I trap this scenario and update my sessions accordingly?
There are many ways of going about it.
First, you can choose, not to persist the cookie. But this will still cause the exception if the session has not expired and you recompile your project. Recompiling the project destroys the session state.
Though putting the password in session state is not the preferred way of going about it, I am sure you would have a valid reason of doing it that way.
However, if you want to do it that way, you can override the Application_AuthenticateRequest event in Global.asax. This event fires every time a request comes in and you can check if the request is authenticated (using HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) and repopulate the session state.
By the way, can you elaborate why you need to store the user password in session state?
If I am correctly understood the issue,you can have base action class so and move the authentication mechanism there.So for every request this base will be invoked so you can make sure that the authentication mechanism is not skipped.
