Windows Phone Map control has unresponsive pinch zoom - windows-phone-7

I'm seeing very spotty/unresponsive behavior with the silverlight map control on Windows Phone 7 (Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Map). The map control doesn't seem to pick up a lot of my pinch gestures. Is anyone else seeing this? Is there a way a workaround?
Just as an experiment I hooked up custom gesture listeners to PinchStarted, PinchDelta and PinchCompleted. My event handlers are getting fired every time I pinch, but the Silverlight map control doesn't pick them "most" of the times.
PS. I'm using the most up to date SDK/Toolkits.

After talking to our Microsoft contact we have no answers for the pinch performance problems. The official side stepped our question but and recommend putting a +/- buttons on the map for zooming in and out of the Map. To show the +/- buttons use the ZoomBarVisible property.


How can I detect 2 button pressed at the same time?

I have a winphone app with several buttons on a page. I want to be able to press them two (or more) at a time. Unfortunately when I press two buttons (with 2 fingers), only one of them gets the click or tap events and the other one does not. How can I know that 2 buttons are pressed?
According to the post below, you could achieve this by using Touch.FrameReported event.
Pressing multiple buttons simultaneously
What underlying framework are you using ? Is it C++ or C# ? XNA or WPF/XAML ? WP7 or WP8?
As Kulasangar pointed Touch.FrameReported should be the way to do it in C#.
For XNA you will have to enable the MultiTouch and then use the TouchCollection class. That will give you access to multiple touches.
In DirectX you might have to use managed C++ and listen to one of the system events.
Things might change based on the platform ( WP7 or WP8 )

google map and bing map Pan, Zoom not working on Windows Phone 7.5(Mango) for web application

I am creating a web application targeted for windows phone 7.5(Mango) with a map(Google or Bing which one will work best for me). It seems panning through swap and zoom through pinch is not working for google map and bing map. Pan and zoom works through buttons provided on the map. I need to know that there is work around to provide zoom through pinch or it is the mango limitation.
This isn't going to work I'm afraid. When you pinch or pan within the WP7 browser, these interactions are translated into pinch / pan on the browser 'surface'. As a result, the JavaScript within the page does not receive these events. The only way to support this would be to 'intercept' the manipulation events, then feed that to the JavaScript code on the web-page (as described in this blog post). However, this requires native code - so isn't much good for a purely web-app.

How i can NOT handle the selectionchange event in Panoramic View in WP7?

i have developed my own map control (similar Bing Maps control), but when i move this map to right or left, Panorama changes view, but when i move the same bing map, view doesn't change. How i can do the behaviour of my control similarly as in Bing maps
The issue is that your control is trying to handle gestures and so is the Panorama. This was a big issue for a lot of people in the early version of the tools. The standard response was always to avoid this situation as it has implications for usability. Unfortunately there are some situations where you really need this.
The NoDo update (March 2011) included a "fix" to work around this issue for the built in controls. That doesn't help you though.
Fortunately there is a work around.
When contact is made with your control you disable the "IsHitTestVisible" property on the container so that it doesn't also receive the gestures you are capturing. Be sure to set it abck afterwards though.
See for more details.

Using Windows Phone 7 pinching in XNA

I'm trying to figure out how to implement pinch-to-zoom functionality. My problem is I'm not sure how to do it algorithmically.
I have the pinch positions of both fingers and the amount they've moved since the last frame. At first I tried making the pinch amount the delta of the distance between the two fingers however every way I've done it around this concept has been unyieldly.
Even if I manage to get the pinching working semi-decently I still have the problem of the zoom direction and how to make the image zoom in on the center of the pinch area...
Is there a proper way of implementing such functionality?
I also recommend reading this, a really well implemented "gold standard" pinch:
It also makes reference to a pinch to zoom add-in so you can test pinching on the emulator with just a mouse.
What you want to do is use the built-in gesture API (specifically Pinch and PinchComplete). That way, you can take advantage of the heuristics that the xna/wp7 team has already built in. Your app will feel "more native" this way because it will react like the rest of the OS in reaction to a pinch gesture.
Nick Gravelyn has a great intro to the gesture API here:
I found few links of 3rd-party solution...
1) Dual-Touch SDK for Resistive Screens V1.0 Beta, Rotation Alpha
2) SciLor's HD2 / Leo Multitouch .NET CF DLL
I tried using Dual-Touch SDKs which were working fine for Resistive screen mobiles but not for Capacitive Screen mobiles.

Panning and zooming over a large image just like in Bing Map control

I am looking for a solution where I am able to do all the gestures (flick, pinch, drag) with a local picture in my Windows Phone 7 application with acceptable performance. The Silverlight Bing Map control for WP7 does all of this perfectly, but it cannot do this with a local image.
I started to write my own control, but I was wondering if there is anything out there written by someone else. Is there anything out there?
Is it possible to reuse the Map control, but with my own image?
Laurent Bugnion's Multitouch Behaviour from beta might also be worth a look for this purpose.
MultiTouch Behavior for Windows Phone 7
MultiTouch Behavior: Update for Windows Phone 7 tools beta
You need a MultiScaleImage. You can use this with DeepZoom.
There's an (old) example here.
