Javascript data structures library [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'd like to ask for recommendation of JavaScript library/libraries that supply an implementation of some basic data structures such as a priority queue, map with arbitrary keys, tries, graphs, etc. along with some algorithms that operate on them.
I'm mostly interested in:
The set of features covered,
Flexibility of the solution - this mostly applies to graphs. For example do I have to use a supplied graph implementation,
Use of functional features of the language - again it sometimes gives greater flexibility,
Performance of the implementation
I'd like to point out that I'm aware that it's possible to implement using JavaScript the following data structures:
A map, if key values are either strings or numbers,
A set, (using a map implementation),
A queue, although as was pointed out below, it's inefficient on some browsers,
At the moment I'm mostly interested in priority queues (not to confuse with regular queues), graph implementations that aren't very intrusive as to the format of the input graph. For example they could use callbacks to traverse the structure of the graph rather than access some concrete properties with fixed names.

I recommend to use Closure Library (especially with closure compiler).
Here you have a library with data structures goog.structs.
The library contains:
As example you can use unit test: goog.structs.PriorityQueueTest.
If you need to work on arrays, there's also an array lib: goog.array.
As noted in comments, the source has moved to and the documentation's new location is:

You can try Buckets is a very complete JavaScript data structure library that includes:
Linked List
Multi Dictionary
Binary Search Tree
Binary Heap
Priority Queue

Probably most of what you want is built-in to Javascript in one way or another, or easy to put together with built-in functionality (native Javascript data structures are incredibly flexible). You might like JSClass.
As for the functional features of the language, underscore.js is where it's at..

I can help you with the maps with arbitrary keys: my jshashtable does this, and there is also a hash set implementation built on top of it.

Efficient queue.
If you find more of these, could you please add them to jswiki. Thanks. :)

Especially for graph-like structures, i find graphlib very convenient:
It is very straight-forward, faster than other implementations I tried, has all the basic features, popular graph-algorithms and a JSON data export.

Adding a link to a custom javascript library which provides Priority Queues, Tries, Basic Graph processing and other implementation, for future reference of the visitors to this thread . Check out dsjslib

I don't believe it's as feature rich as you want but it has graphs, hashes and collections.
I would take this a lightweight start that you can extend on.
As for what it does offer, it's well written, efficient and documented.

Is your javascript in an application, or a web page? If it's for an application, why not outsource the data structures to Redis? There's a client for nodejs
Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets.


How To Use Classic Custom Data Structures As Java 8 Streams

I saw a SO question yesterday about implementing a classic linked list in Java. It was clearly an assignment from an undergraduate data structures class. It's easy to find questions and implementations for lists, trees, etc. in all languages.
I've been learning about Java lambdas and trying to use them at every opportunity to get the idiom under my fingers. This question made me wonder: How would I write a custom list or tree so I could use it in all the Java 8 lambda machinery?
All the examples I see use the built in collections. Those work for me. I'm more curious about how a professor teaching data structures ought to rethink their techniques to reflect lambdas and functional programming.
I started with an Iterator,but it doesn't appear to be fully featured.
Does anyone have any advice?
Exposing a stream view of arbitrary data structures is pretty easy. The key interface you have to implement is Spliterator, which, as the name suggests, combines two things -- sequential element access (iteration) and decomposition (splitting).
Once you have a Spliterator, you can turn that into a stream easily with In fact, here's the stream() method from AbstractCollection (which most collections just inherit):
default Stream<E> stream() {
return, false);
All the real work is in the spliterator() method -- and there's a broad range of spliterator quality (the absolute minimum you need to implement is tryAdvance, but if that's all you implement, it will work sequentially, but will lose out on most of the stream optimizations.) Look in the JDK sources, IntStream.range()) for examples of how to do better.)
I'd look at for inspiration, a library that does exactly what you want to do: Implement custom lists, trees, etc. in a Java 8 manner.
It specifically doesn't closely couple with the JDK collections outside of importing/exporting methods, but re-implements all the immutable collection semantics that a Scala (or other FP language) developer would expect.

MapReduce alternatives [closed]

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Closed 3 months ago.
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Are there any alternative paradigms to MapReduce (Google, Hadoop)? Is there any other reasonable way how to split & merge big problems?
Definitively. Check out, for example, Bulk Synchronous Parallel. Map/Reduce is in fact a very restricted way of reducing problems, however that restriction makes it manageable in a framework like Hadoop. The question is if it is less trouble to press your problem into a Map/Reduce setting, or if its easier to create a domain-specific parallelization scheme and having to take care of all the implementation details yourself. Pig, in fact, is only an abstraction layer on top of Hadoop which automates many standard problem transformations from not-Map-Reduce-y to Map-Reduce-compatible.
Edit 26.1.13: Found a nice up-to-date overview here
Phil Colella identified seven numerical methods for scientific computation based on the patterns of scattering and gathering of data between processing nodes, and called them 'dwarfs'. These have been added to by others, a list is available at the Dwarf Mine:
Dense Linear Algebra
Sparse Linear Algebra
Spectral Methods
N-Body Methods
Structured Grids
Unstructured Grids
Combinational Logic
Graph Traversal
Dynamic Programming
Backtrack and Branch-and-Bound
Graphical Models
Finite State Machines
Update (August 2014): Stratosphere is now called Apache Flink (incubating).
Have a look at Stratosphere. It is another Big Data runtime that offers more operators (map, reduce, join, union, cross, iterate, ...). It also allows to define advanced data flow graphs (with Hadoop MR, you would have to chain jobs).
Stratosphere also supports BSP with its graph processing abstraction (called Spargel).
If you like to read scientific papers, have a look at Nephele/PACTs: A Programming Model and Execution Framework for Web-Scale Analytical Processing, it explains the theoretical backgrounds of the system.
Another system in the field is Spark which has its own model (RDDs). Since BSP has been mentioned here, also have a look at GraphLab, the offer an alternative to BSP.
Microsoft's Dryad is claimed to be more general than MapReduce.
Best alternate for MapReduce is Spark, because its 10 to 100 times faster than the MapReduce.
And also very easy to maintain, less coding high performance.

Reimplementing data structures in the real world

The topic of algorithms class today was reimplementing data structures, specifically ArrayList in Java. The fact that you can customize a structure for in various ways definitely got me interested, particularly with variations of add() & iterator.remove() methods.
But is reimplementing and customizing a data structure something that is of more interest to the academics vs the real-world programmers? Has anyone reimplemented their own version of a data structure in a commercial application/program, and why did you pick that route over your particular language's implementation?
Knowing how data structures are implemented and can be implemented is definitely of interest to everyone, not just academics. While you will most likely not reimplement a datastructure if the language already provides an implementation with suitable functions and performance characteristics, it is very possible that you will have to create your own data structure by composing other data structures... or you may need to implement a data structure with slightly different behavior than a well-known data structure. In that case, you certainly will need to know how the original data structure is implemented. Alternatively, you may end up needing a data structure that does not exist or which provides similar behavior to an existing data structure, but the way in which it is used requires that it be optimized for a different set of functions. Again, such a situation would require you to know how to implement (and alter) the data structure, so yes it is of interest.
I am not advocating that you reimplement existing datastructures! Don't do that. What I'm saying is that the knowledge does have practical application. For example, you may need to create a bidirectional map data structure (which you can implement by composing two unidirectional map data structures), or you may need to create a stack that keeps track of a variety of statistics (such as min, max, mean) by using an existing stack data structure with an element type that contains the value as well as these various statistics. These are some trivial examples of things that you might need to implement in the real world.
I have re-implemented some of a language's built-in data structures, functions, and classes on a number of occasions. As an embedded developer, the main reason I would do that is for speed or efficiency. The standard libraries and types were designed to be useful in a variety of situations, but there are many instances where I can create a more specialized version that is custom-tailored to take advantage of the features and limitations of my current platform. If the language doesn't provide a way to open up and modify existing classes (like you can in Ruby, for instance), then re-implementing the class/function/structure can be the only way to go.
For example, one system I worked on used a MIPS CPU that was speedy when working with 32-bit numbers but slower when working with smaller ones. I re-wrote several data structures and functions to use 32-bit integers instead of 16-bit integers, and also specified that the fields be aligned to 32-bit boundaries. The result was a noticable speed boost in a section of code that was bottlenecking other parts of the software.
That being said, it was not a trivial process. I ended up having to modify every function that used that structure and I ended up having to re-write several standard library functions as well. In this particular instance, the benefits outweighed the work. In the general case, however, it's usually not worth the trouble. There's a big potential for hard-to-debug problems, and it's almost always more work than it looks like. Unless you have specific requirements or restrictions that the existing structures/classes don't meet, I would recommend against re-implementing them.
As Michael mentions, it is indeed useful to know how to re-implement structures even if you never do so. You may find a problem in the future that can be solved by applying the principles and techniques used in existing data structures.

Behavior Tree Implementations [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for behavior tree implementations in any language, I would like to learn more about how they are implemented and used so can roll my own but I could only find one
Owyl, unfortunately, it does not contain examples of how it is used.
Any one know any other open source ones that I can browse through the code see some examples of how they are used etc?
EDIT: Behavior tree is the name of the data structure.
Here's a few I've found:
C# - (free)
C++ - ($10)
C# - (free)
C# -
Java - DAG AI Code
C# -
This Q on GameDev could be helpful, too.
Take a look at this is a BehaviorTree code generator for unity. you can download source code and see if it is useful.
I did my own behavior tree implementation in C++ and used some modified code from the Protothreads Library. Coroutines in C is also a good read. Using this one can implement a coroutine system that allows one to run multiple behaviors concurrently without the use of multiple threads. Basically each tree node would have its own coroutine.
I don't know that I understand you right but I think to implement a tree you'r better choice is to use an formal language such as F# or Haskell. With Haskell you can use flexible and fast tree-structures and with F# you have an multiparadigm Language to parse and handle tree structures in oo Code.
I hope that helps you.
You can find behavior trees implemented in .NET in the YVision framework. We found them to be particularly suited for the development of Natural User Interface (NUI) applications.
It's not open-source but it's free to use and you can find information on how we implemented them in the tutorials:
EDIT: Let me add that we use behavior trees for a lot more than just AI. Even the synchronization of the subsystem in the game loop is define by them.
Check the cases page to find the range of applications we are using them: robotics, camera-based interaction, augmented reality, etc.
Download the framework, try the samples and please give us feedback on our implementation. is a really excellent one.
behaviac supports the behavior tree, finite state machine and hierarchical task network.
Behaviors can be designed and debugged in the designer, exported and executed by the game.
The C++ version is suitable for the client and server side.
and, it is open sourced!

Do you use linked lists, doubly linked lists and so on, in business programming?

Are data structures like linked lists something that are purely academic for real programming or do you really use them? Are they things that are covered by generics so that you don't need to build them (assuming your language has generics)? I'm not debating the importance of understanding what they are, just the usage of them outside of academia. I ask from a front end web, backend database perspective. I'm sure someone somewhere builds these. I'm asking from my context.
Thank you.
EDIT: Are Generics so that you don't have to build linked lists and the like?
It will depend on the language and frameworks you're using. Most modern languages and frameworks won't make you reinvent these wheels. Instead, they'll provide things like List<T> or HashTable.
We probably use linked lists all the time, but don't realize it. We don't have to write implementations of linked lists on our own, because the frameworks we use have already written them for us.
You may also be getting confused about "generics". You may be referring to generic list classes like List<T>. This is just the same as the non-generic class List, but where the element is always of type T. It is probably implemented as a linked list, but we don't have to care about that.
We also don't have to worry about allocation of physical memory, or how interrupts work, or how to create a file system. We have operating systems to do that for us. But we may be taught that information in school just the same.
Certainly. Many "List" implementations in modern languages are actually linked lists, sometimes in combination with arrays or hash tables for direct access (by index as opposed to iteration).
Linked lists (especially doubly linked lists) are very commonly used in "real-world" data structures.
I would dare to say every common language has a pre-built implementation of linked list, either as a language primitive, native template library (e.g. C++), native library (e.g. Java) or some 3rd party implementation (probably open-source).
That being said, several times in the past I wrote a linked list implementation from scratch myself when creating infrastructure code for complex data structures. Sometimes it's a good idea to have full control over the implementation, and sometimes you need to add a "twist" to the classic implementation for it to satisfy your specific requirement. There's no right or wrong when it comes to whether to code your own implementation, as long as you understand the alternatives and trade-offs. In most cases, and certainly in very modern languages like C# I would avoid it.
Another point is when you should use lists versus array/vectors or hash tables. From your question I understand you are aware of the trade-offs here so I won't go too much into it, but basically, if your main usage is traversing lists by-order, and the list size may vary significantly, a list may be a viable option. Another consideration is the type of insertion. If a common use case is "inserting in the middle", than lists have a significant advantage over arrays/vectors. I can go on but this information is in the classic CS books :)
Clarification: My answer is language agnostic and does not relate specifically to Generics which to my understanding have a linked list implementation.
A singly-linked list is the only way to have a memory efficient immutable list which can be composed to "mutate" it. Look at how Erlang does it. It may be slightly slower than an array-backed list but it has very useful properties in multithreaded and purely-functional implementations.
Yes, there are real world application that use linked list, I sometimes have to maintain a huge application that makes very have use of linked lists.
And yes, linked lists are included in just about any class library from C++/STL to .net.
And I wish it used arrays instead.
In the real world linked lists are SLOW because of things like paging and CPU cache size (linked lists tend to spread you data and that makes it more likely that you will need to access data from different areas of memory and that is much slower on todays computers than using arrays that store all the data in one sequence).
Google "locality of reference" for more info.
Never used hand-made lists except for homeworks at university.
Depending on usage a linked list could be the best option. Deletes from the front of the list are much faster with a linked list than an array list.
In a Java program that I maintain profiling showed that I could increase performance by moving from an ArrayList to a LinkedList for a List that had lots of deletes at the beginning.
I've been developing line of business applications (.NET) for years and I can only think of one instance where I've used linked list and even then I did not have to create the object.
This has just been my experience.
I would say it depends on the usage, in some cases they are quicker than typical random access containers.
Also I think they are used by some libraries as an underlying collection type, so what may look like a non-linked list might actually be one underneath.
In a C/C++ application I developed at my last company we used doubly linked lists all the time. They were essential to what we were doing, which was real-time 3D graphics.
Yes all sorts of data-structures are very useful in daily software development. In most languages that I know (C/C++/Python/Objective-C) there are frameworks that implement those data-structures so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
And yes, data-structures are not only for academics, they are very useful and you would not be able to write software without them (depends on what you do).
You use data-structures in message queues, data maps, hash tables, keeping data ordered, fast access/removal/insertion and so on depends what needs to be done.
Yes, I do. It all depends on the situation. If I won't be storing a lot of data in them, or if the specific application needs a FIFO structure, I'll use them without a second thought because they are fast to implement.
However, in applications for other developers I know, there are times that a linked list would fit perfectly except that poor locality causes a lot of cache misses.
I cannot imagine many programs that doesn't deal with lists.
The minute you need to deal with more than 1 thing of something, lists in all forms and shapes becomes needed, as you need somewhere to store these things. That list might be a singly/doubly linked list, an array, a set, a hashtable if you need to index your things based on a key, a priority queue if you need to sort it etc.
Typically you'd store these lists in a database system, but somewhere you need to fetch them from the db, store them in your application and manipulate them, even if it's as simple to retrieve a little list of things you populate into a drop-down combobox.
These days, in languages such as C#,Python,Java and many more, you're usually abstracted away from having to implement your own lists. These languages come with a great deal of abstractions of containers you can store stuff in. Either via standard libraries or built into the language.
You're still at an advantage of learning these topics, e.g. if you're working with C# you'd want to know how an ArrayList works, and wheter you'd choose ArrayList or something else depending on your need to add/insert/search/random index such a list.
