tricky linked list problem - algorithm

Given three lists: A, B and C of length n each. if any 3 three numbers (1 from each list), sum up to zero return true.I want to solve this with o(n)complexity.I have sorted the lists and I can think of creating either a hash map with sum of 2 linked lists or comparing 3 lists together[o(n*n*n)].Suggest some ways to improvise the methods to reduce complexity..I can't think of any...Thanks in adv

The lists are sorted, right? Build a sorted array C' out of C in O(n) time.
For each of the n² pairs x, y in A × B, check if -(x + y) is in C' with binary search. Total time complexity is O(n² lg n), space complexity is O(n).
Building a hash table out of C brings the time complexity down further to O(n²), at the expense of belief in O(1) hash tables.

I do not think it is possible in o(n²) (i.e. really better than n²), but it can be done in O(n²) (i.e. sth. like n²) as follows:
First of all, reverse list B to obtain B' (takes O(n) time), a list whose items are sorted in descending order. First, we consider the problem of finding two elements in the lists A and B' that sum to any given number:
We can do this like the following (Python code):
def getIndicesFromTwoArrays(A,B,t):
if b==len(B):
return (-1,-1)
if A[a]+B[b]<t:
if a==len(A):
return (-1,-1)
return (a,b)
Run time of the above is O(n). Additional space required is O(1) since we only have to store two pointers. Note that the above can be easily transformed such that it works with doubly linked lists.
Then, overall we just have to do the following:
def test(A,B,C):
for c in C:
if getIndicesFromTwoArrays(A, B, c) != (-1,-1):
return True
return False
That results in running time O(n²) and additional space O(1).

You can't do this with O(n) complexity since it's NP-complete problem (unless P=NP). Check out Wiki page about Subset Sum problem for possible solutions.


How to construct the order? How to sort tuples?

This question asks me to design a deterministic algorithm that would run in theta(n log n) time to do the following:
There was a race, and the order in which the racers finished will be decided by this info: each runner will report his own number,a, and the runner immediately ahead of him, b. <a,b> pairs. The winner will report b as null.
If the input of the algorithm is n such pairs of <a,b>s, how can we design an algorithm to decide the order in which the runners finished the race?
Hint says use sorting but if I sort based on the first values, a's, then finding out about the second value still makes the algorithm O(n^2). If I sort based on the b's, then searching for a's will cause the algorithm be O(n^2).
How can I do this in theta(n log n)?
Assuming that the racers' numbers are chosen from the set {1, ..., n} (where n is the total number of racers):
Instantiate a 0-based array arr of size n + 1.
For each pair (a,b), do arr[b] := a, interpreting null as 0.
Starting from i := 0, do n times: i := arr[i]. The assigned values of i are exactly the racers' numbers in the correct order.
This clearly has time complexity O(n). So in order to get Θ(n log n) (Theta, not O), just do an irrelevant task as Step 4 which takes Θ(n log n), like sorting n numbers using Heap Sort and ignoring the result.
If you cannot assume that the racers' numbers are chosen from {1, ..., n}, you first create an associative array from the racers' numbers to {1, ..., n} (and a normal array for the other direction) and then proceed as before, using the associative array for translating the racers' numbers into the array indices. A hash table won't do the job since it has Θ(n) (non-amortized) lookup time, which would result in Θ(n^2). Use a self-balancing binary search tree as associate array instead, which has Θ(log n) lookup time. The creation of the tree also takes Θ(n log n), so there you get your Θ(n log n) in total even without the dummy step 4 above.

Efficient algorithm to determine if two sets of numbers are disjoint

Practicing for software developer interviews and got stuck on an algorithm question.
Given two sets of unsorted integers with array of length m and other of
length n and where m < n find an efficient algorithm to determine if
the sets are disjoint. I've found solutions in O(nm) time, but haven't
found any that are more efficient than this, such as in O(n log m) time.
Using a datastructure that has O(1) lookup/insertion you can easily insert all elements of first set.
Then foreach element in second set, if it exists not disjoint, otherwise it is disjoint
function isDisjoint(list1, list2)
HashMap = new HashMap();
foreach( x in list1)
HashMap.put(x, true);
foreach(y in list2)
return false;
return true;
This will give you an O(n + m) solution
Fairly obvious approach - sort the array of length m - O(m log m).
For every element in the array of length n, use binary search to check if it exists in the array of length m - O(log m) per element = O(n log m). Since m<n, this adds up to O(n log m).
Here's a link to a post that I think answers your question.
3) Sort smaller O((m + n)logm)
Say, m < n, sort A
Binary search for each element of B into A
Disadvantage: Modifies the input
Looks like Cheruvian beat me to it, but you can use a hash table to get O(n+m) in average case:
*Insert all elements of m into the table, taking (probably) constant time for each, assuming there aren't a lot with the same hash. This step is O(m)
*For each element of n, check to see if it is in the table. If it is, return false. Otherwise, move on to the next. This takes O(n).
*If none are in the table, return true.
As I said before, this works because a hash table gives constant lookup time in average case. In the rare event that many unique elements in m have the same hash, it will take slightly longer. However, most people don't need to care about hypothetical worst cases. For example, quick sort is used more than merge sort because it gives better average performance, despite the O(n^2) upper bound.

Find pairs with given difference

Given n, k and n number of integers. How would you find the pairs of integers for which their difference is k?
There is a n*log n solution, but I cannot figure it out.
You can do it like this:
Sort the array
For each item data[i], determine its two target pairs, i.e. data[i]+k and data[i]-k
Run a binary search on the sorted array for these two targets; if found, add both data[i] and data[targetPos] to the output.
Sorting is done in O(n*log n). Each of the n search steps take 2 * log n time to look for the targets, for the overall time of O(n*log n)
For this problem exists the linear solution! Just ask yourself one question. If you have a what number should be in the array? Of course a+k or a-k (A special case: k = 0, required an alternative solution). So, what now?
You are creating a hash-set (for example unordered_set in C++11) with all values from the array. O(1) - Average complexity for each element, so it's O(n).
You are iterating through the array, and check for each element Is present in the array (x+k) or (x-k)?. You check it for each element, in set in O(1), You check each element once, so it's linear (O(n)).
If you found x with pair (x+k / x-k), it is what you are looking for.
So it's linear (O(n)). If you really want O(n lg n) you should use a set on tree, with checking is_exist in (lg n), then you have O(n lg n) algorithm.
Apposition: No need to check x+k and x-k, just x+k is sufficient. Cause if a and b are good pair then:
if a < b then
a + k == b
b + k == a
Improvement: If you know a range, you can guarantee linear complexity, by using bool table (set_tab[i] == true, when i is in table.).
Solution similar to one above:
Sort the array
set variables i = 0; j = 1;
check the difference between array[i] and array[j]
if the difference is too small, increase j
if the difference is too big, increase i
if the difference is the one you're looking for, add it to results and increase j
repeat 3 and 4 until the end of array
Sorting is O(n*lg n), the next step is, if I'm correct, O(n) (at most 2*n comparisons), so the whole algorithm is O(n*lg n)

What is the order of the run time for an algorithm with this desired output?

There are N sets Ai to An each with string entries. The average size of a set is K.
For each Ai we wish to return a list (or a better data structure?) of N-1 sets excluding Ai ordered by how many elements the sets have in common with Ai?
Please don't be shy to give a detailed response with nice mathematical arguments...:)
Also is this a standard problem and can I read more about it somewhere?
Basicly you generate each result list element by performing an intersections of 2 sets. You have N-1 intersections in your result list element, that boils down to N-1 * IntersectTime. For N list elements in the result this sums up to N(N-1) * IntersectTime. Afterwards you have to order N times N-1 sets, so just for ordering them you have O(N² log N).
IntersectTime depends on the implementation of the set, for a typical hashset this is for you O(k).
So finally we have O(N²k) + O(N² log N) = O(N² (k+log N)) = (if we assume k > log N) O(N²k).
EDIT: when you would really implemnt it, it is good to know that when you intersect two sets, you can use the result for 2 of the result list elements, that means, that for the first you have to intersect A_1 with N-1, for A_2 with N-2 (intersection with A_1 was already done at for first element), for A_3 with N-3 other sets and finally for A_N with none. BUT this does not modify the big-O time, it just halfs the runtime.
Here's my attempt -
I believe you can boil the process down into:
O(N * (C + S))
Where N is the number of sets, C is the amount of time it takes to compare N-1 sets to set Ai, and S is the amount of time it takes to sort the N-1 sets.
The comparison is K items to K items N-1 times, so (N-1)K^2 time to compare
Sorting should take log(n - 1) time with an efficient algorithm
For simplicity, we can shorten N-1 into just N
So, the whole thing should run in O(N(NK^2 + log(N)))
You should take this with a grain of salt, I haven't done anything with algorithms for quite a while. There may also be a more efficient way to compare the sets.

What shuffling algorithms exist besides Fisher-Yates and finding the "next permutation?"

Specifically in the domain of one-dimensional sets of items of the same type, such as a vector of integers.
Say, for example, you had a vector of size 32,768 containing the sorted integers 0 through 32,767.
What I mean by "next permutation" is performing the next permutation in a lexical ordering system.
Wikipedia lists two, and I'm wondering if there are any more (besides something bogo :P)
O(N) implementation
This is based on Eyal Schneider's mapping Zn! -> P(n)
def get_permutation(k, lst):
N = len(lst)
while N:
next_item = k/f(N-1)
lst[N-1], lst[next_item] = lst[next_item], lst[N-1]
k = k - next_item*f(N-1)
N = N-1
return lst
It reduces his O(N^2) algorithm by integrating the conversion step with finding the permutation. It essentially has the same form as Fisher-Yates but replaces a call to random with the next step of the mapping. If the mapping is in fact a bijection (which I'm working to prove) then this is a better algorithm than Fisher-Yates because it only calls out to pseudo random number generator once and so will be more efficient. Note also that this returns the action of permutation (N! - k) rather than permutation k but that's of little consequence because if k is uniform on [0, N!], then so is N! - k.
old answer
This is slightly related to the idea of "next" permutation. If the items can be well ordered, then one can construct lexicographical ordering on the permutations. This allows you to construct a map from the integers into the space of permutations.
Then finding a random permutation is equivalent to choosing a random integer between 0 and N! and constructing the corresponding permutation. This algorithm will be as efficient as (and as difficult to implement) as calculating the n'th permutation of the set in question. This trivially gives a uniform choice of permutation if our choice of n is uniform.
A little more detail about ordering the permutations. given a set S = {a b c d}, mathematicians view the set of permutations of S as a group with the operation of composition. if p is one permutation, lets say (b a c d), then p operates on S by taking b to a, a to c, c to d and d to b. if q is another permutation, lets say (d b c a) then pq is obtained by first applying q and then p which gives (d a b)(c). for example, q takes d to b and p takes b to a so that pq takes d to a. You'll see that pq has two cycles because it takes b to d and fixes c. It's customary to omit 1-cycles but I left it in for clarity.
We're going to use some facts from group theory.
disjoint cycles commute. (a b)(c d) is the same as (c d)(a b)
we can arrange elements in a cycle in any cyclic order. that is (a b c) = (b c a) = (c a b)
So given a permutation, order the cycles so that the largest cycles come first. When two cycles are the same length, arrange their items so that the largest (we can always order a denumerable set, even if arbitrarily so) item comes first. Then we just have a lexicographical ordering first on the length of the cycles, then on their contents. This is well ordered because two permutations that consist of the same cycles must be the same permutation so if p > q and q > p then p = q.
This algorithm can be trivially executed in O(N!logN! + N!) time. just construct all the permutations (EDIT: Just to be clear, I had my mathematician hat on when I proposed this and it was tongue in cheek anyway) , quicksort them and find the n'th. It is a different algorithm than the two you mention though.
Here is an idea on how to improve aaronasterling's answer. It avoids generating all N! permutations and sorting them according to their lexicographic order, and therefore has a much better time complexity.
Internally it uses an unusual permutation representation, that simulates a selection & removal process from a shrinking array. For example, the sequence <0,1,0> represents a permutation resulting from removing item #0 from [0,1,2], then removing item #1 from [1,2], and then removing item #0 from [1]. The resulting permutation is <0,2,1>. With this representation, the first permutation will always be <0,0,...0>, and the last one will always be <N-1,N-2,...0>. I will call this special representation the "array representation".
Clearly, an array representation of size N can be converted to a standard permutation representation in O(N^2) time, by using an array and shrinking it when necessary.
The following function can be used to return the Kth permutation on {0,1,2...,N-1}, in the array representation:
getPermutation(k, N) {
while(N > 0) {
nextItem = floor(k / (N-1)!)
output nextItem
k = k - nextItem * (N-1)!
N = N - 1
This algorithm works in O(N^2) time (due to the representation conversion), instead of O(N! log N) time.
getPermutation(4,3) returns <2,0,0>. This array representation corresponds to <C,A,B>, which is really the permutation at index 4 in the ordered list of permutations on {A,B,C}:
You can adapt merge sort such that it will shuffle the input randomly instead of sorting it.
In particular, when merging two lists, you choose the new head element at random instead of choosing it to be the smallest head element. The probability of choosing the element from the first list must be n/(n+m) where n is the length of the first and m the length of the second list for this to work.
I've written a detailed explanation here: Random Permutations and Sorting.
Another possibility is to build an LFSR or PRNG with a period equal to the number of items you want.
Start with a sorted array. Pick 2 random indexes, switch the elements at those indexes. Repeat O(n lg n) times.
You need to repeat O(n lg n) times to ensure that the distribution approaches uniform. (You need to make sure that each index is picked at least once, which is a balls-in-bins problem.)
