I am trying to upgrade a Visual C++ 2008 project to a Visual C++ 2010 project. when the upgrade is finished and I compelled it, I got this error:
fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'mfc90d.lib'
I think it should reference to "mfc100d.lib", I tried many ways to fix it but failed.
does anyone meet the same problem?
Possible causes include
a) You are not rebuilding all source files - try deleting all output obj and lib to be sure
b) You are linking a 3rd party static lib that was built with VC9 - you will need the VC10 version
c) Your header paths are pointing at VC9 headers (check your solution's path options)
d) Your project includes an explicit reference to mfc90d for some other reason.
Next diagnosis step: set the /verbose option on the linker and work out exactly which obj is dragging in mfc90d.lib.
I found the problem to my missing MFC100.dll by doing a global search of all my source files for the definition "_MFC_FILENAME_VER". I found following definition in one of my header files:
#define _MFC_FILENAME_VER 100
which was used in this block:
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment(lib, "mfc" _MFC_FILENAME_VER "d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "mfcs" _MFC_FILENAME_VER "d.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "mfc" _MFC_FILENAME_VER ".lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "mfcs" _MFC_FILENAME_VER ".lib")
I changed it to:
#define _MFC_FILENAME_VER 110
so it would compile with VS 2012's version of MFC (mfc110d.lib).
With QMake, the setup for QtScript is as simple as adding this to your .pro file:
QT += script
But we'e using MS Visual Studio for the project. What do I change to make Visual Studio recognize includes for QtScript? Currently, it reports that the files were not found:
#include <QScriptEngine>
#include <QScriptValue>
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'QScriptValue': No such file or directory
I use the Qt add-in for visual studio. I have checked the script option there - well actually it was checked already - but that didn't solve the problem:
I tried like you, same error. Then I tried to include like this:
#include <QtScript/QScriptValue>
And it worked. I tried this again :
#include <QScriptValue>
And now it works.
I guess it is something similar to what is explained in this link,
To summarize,
Configuration properties: General
Character Set: Use Unicode Character Set
C/C++: General
Additional Include Directories: "QT include directory here".
Linker: General
Additional Library Directories: "QT Lib directory here".
Linker: Input
Additional Dependencies: Qt5Core.lib Qt5Gui.lib Qt5Widgets.lib (the import libraries for the required Qt DLLs)
(Add subscript d for debug mode ...)
I have an OpenGL file called wglew.h which I downloaded from http://glew.sourceforge.net/. Using the wglew.h as I downloaded it, I receive the following error when compiling a program that I have (I am using MacOSX):
/Users/Downloads/glew-1.11.0/include/GL/wglew.h:70:10: fatal error:'windows.h' file not found
I am trying to go back into the source code of that file and change its dependency from windows.h to something that my Mac could recognize. The source code snippet in the wglew.h file is:
#if !defined(WINAPI)
# ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
# endif
#include <windows.h>
Is it possible to work around this windows.h dependency so that my program does not error out at this step? I asked a similar, but not identical question about a parallel concept at: Where can I get windows.h for Mac? Perhaps instead of looking for an equivalent windows.h file (if such exists for the Mac), I can try to devise a more subtle approach of changing the source code within the wglew.h file to get my program to work and accommodate the windows dependency that I am experiencing?
Here we go again: GLEW is not part of OpenGL. It's a third party library.
You don't need GLEW on MacOS X !
You're barking up the wrong tree!
Instead of trying to fix GLEW (which you don't have to). Just fix your program to not use GLEW when being compiled for MacOS X.
Everywhere in your program where you find a
#include <glew.h>
#include <GL/glew.h>
Change it into
#ifndef __APPLE__
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
Put any occurance where a GLEW function is called between a
#ifndef __APPLE__
block as well.
You don't need GLEW on MacOS X ! Don't use it there.
I cannot compile any MATLAB MEX code due to the following error:
In file included from /Applications/MATLAB_R2013a.app/extern/include/mex.h:58:
In file included from /Applications/MATLAB_R2013a.app/extern/include/matrix.h:294:
/Applications/MATLAB_R2013a.app/extern/include/tmwtypes.h:819:9: error: unknown type name 'char16_t'
typedef char16_t CHAR16_T;
The only thing that has changed on my machine as far as I can remember is that Xcode was updated to version 5.1 (5B130a).
Any fix for the time being to compile MEX code in MATLAB?
[Running on OS 10.9.2 with Apple LLVM version 5.1 (clang-503.0.38) (based on LLVM 3.4svn)]
By default, the upgraded Clang doesn't set char16_t, which is required by MATLAB.
Quick fix
This works for C or C++ code but needs to be done on each mex command line.
>> mex -Dchar16_t=uint16_t ...
Other solutions below put this definition into the mex configuration or enable C++11.
Permanent solution
Add -std=c++11 to CXXFLAGS in your mex configuration file AND compile .cpp files instead of .c. The mex config file is mexopts.sh (pre-R2014a) or the .xml file indicated by mex -setup (R2014a+). This is what worked for OP, but the next option works too. Be sure to edit the active/installed config, not the system-wide reference. Try the next solution if you can't tell.
Use a #define or typedef to create char16_t before including mex.h (see "other workaround" below).
In some future version of MATLAB, this will have been fixed. Re-run mex -setup to have MATLAB reconfigure it for you and it works. As of R2014a, this doesn't do the trick.
As a last resort, you can always modify the MATLAB installation, hacking MATLAB's tmwtypes.h as Dennis suggests, but I strongly suggest NOT modifying the MATLAB installation.
Note: If you are using C and cannot or don't want to change to C++, follow the solution in this other answer, OR see the alternative workaround below.
The other workaround
If for some reason you are not able to enable the C++11 standard, you can use the preprocessor to define char16_t. Either put #define char16_t uint16_t before #include "mex.h", or set it with the compiler command line:
Alternatively, use a typedef, again before including mex.h:
typedef uint16_t char16_t;
If these solutions don't work, try changing uint16_t to UINT16_T. Further yet, others have reported that simply including uchar.h brings in the type, but others don't have that header.
I experienced the same error, also directly after upgrading to Xcode 5.1.
The relevant lines (818-824) in the file tmwtypes.h, which causes the error, are:
#if defined(__STDC_UTF_16__) || (defined(_HAS_CHAR16_T_LANGUAGE_SUPPORT) && _HAS_CHAR16_T_LANGUAGE_SUPPORT)
typedef char16_t CHAR16_T;
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
typedef wchar_t CHAR16_T;
typedef UINT16_T CHAR16_T;
A solution is to simply change the line
typedef char16_t CHAR16_T;
typedef UINT16_T CHAR16_T;
A must admit that I don't know if this affects any function or behaviour of mex files but at least I'm able to compile my c files again using mex.
Please see other answers if this method doesn't work.
I upgraded my gcc/g++ compilers using homebrew to version 4.8 --> gcc-4.8 and g++-4.8.
After that I changed the following lines in the mexopts.sh file:
CXXFLAGS="-fno-common -fexceptions -arch $ARCHS -isysroot $MW_SDKROOT -mmacosx-version-min=$MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET -std=c++11"
In my mexopts.sh, this is line 150. I only added the -std=c++11 flag which is what I guess chappjc meant.
EDIT: This is covered in the update by chappjc!
I just add my own experiment (C++ only). The
#define char16_t uint16_t
was causing some problem in the other parts of the mex file. In fact, subsequently to my mex file, char16_t was properly defined. By tracking the chain of includes, the proper type char16_t is set in a file named __config :
typedef __char16_t char16_t;
which is also the first file included from <algorithm>. So the hack consists in including algorithm before mex.h.
#include <algorithm>
#include "mex.h"
and the proper settings are performed, still in a multiplatform manner and without changing anything in the build configuration.
Include uchar.h before including mex.h...works fine. Also, the answer above (adding -std=c++11) only works for c++, not c.
#include <uchar.h>
#include "mex.h"
As part of XCode 5.1.1 char16_t is defined in __config, which is called from typeinfo.
You can add
#include <typeinfo>
#include "mex.h"
to have char16_t defined.
This post might help: http://www.seaandsailor.com/matlab-xcode6.html
It was easier than I thought. Just replace all 10.x with your OS X version and add -Dchar16_t=UINT16_T to CLIBS in mexopts.sh file.
It worked on OS X 10.9 Mavericks with Xcode 6 installed.
I am trying to compile a Cocoa app in xcode 4.0 and I'm getting this error...
fatal error: 'string' file not found
...when trying to compile to .pch file on this line:
#include <string>
I have another xcode project that does the same thing, but does not get the error. I have scoured the build settings for some different, but I can't find one. The only difference is that the project that compiles OK was started as a command line project, not a Cocoa project, but the build setting are the same.
The target OS is Mac OS X 10.6
The error happens when compiling the precompiled header and doesn't get to any of the other files. The only framework that the compiling version has is Foundation.framework and the non-compiling one has it as well.
Why is it not finding in one project and not the other? Any advice?
What is the extension of your source files? If it is ".m", try to change it to obj-cpp ".mm", so that Xcode will deduce correct language.
Or just put c++-specific headers inside "#ifdef __cplusplus" block
The guard must exist for each language compiled in the project because this specific include is in the pch. IOW, if it were all c++ and/or objc++ there would be no error. Evidently, there is at least one file that does not recognize C++ (e.g. C or ObjC sources are also compiled in the target). Therefore, you simply guard it like so:
// MONPrefix.pch
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <string>
// same for objc, so your C and C++ sources compile with no error:
#ifdef __OBJC__
#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
string is a C++ header (for std::string). If you are looking for stuff like strcpy you need to include string.h
I want to use FreeType in a c# project. I found this binding, but I still need a freetype.dll. I usually use a static library in my c++ projects, so I never compiled one. Opening the freetype-solution (VS2010) I noticed that there is no configuration for a dynamic library - just static ones. I tried to make my own configuration and got it to generate a freetype.dll. If I use it with the c#-binding I get an exception, that the FT_Init_FreeType-entry point was not found. Any idea how I must adjust the freetype-project in order to export those functions?
If you're ok with an old version (march 2008), you can go to FreeType for Windows page, download the latest Binaries package, open the .ZIP, and extract FreeType6.dll from the bin directory. Just rename it appropriately.
If you need a more recent version, here is how you can compile the latest:
download the latest source (2.4.6 as of today) from http://sourceforge.net/projects/freetype/files/freetype2/
open Visual Studio 2010, and load freetype.sln from the builds\win32\vc2010 directory.
open the project config, and in the General tab, change Configuration Type to Dynamic Library (.dll)
open the ftoption.h file, and add these lines (near the "DLL export compilation" remarks section for example):
#define FT_EXPORT(x) __declspec(dllexport) x
#define FT_BASE(x) __declspec(dllexport) x
change the project compilation configuration to "Release".
compile the project. You should now have a freetype246.dll in the objs\win32\vc2010 directory.
I'm going to bet that the problem is that your DLL project does not export any symbols, so while all the code is in there the addresses of the symbols are not in the exports table so nobody can get to them from the outside.
This question has a nice solution to export all the symbols in a .dll without having to manually list them.
The future here. This is to future readers of this thread.
FT2 supports creating a static and dynamic library. They have solutions premade and can be found in the builds directory.
If you are forced to use CMAKE, you will have to do what the accepted answer does. However, it is no longer current. I was not able to find said file which references dll (near the "DLL export compilation" remarks section for example):. It is now located at freetype-x.x.x\include\freetype\config\ftconfig.h around line 424. I am using MSVS 2017, so try to follow along.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..
Open freetype-x.x.x\include\freetype\config\ftconfig.h and around line 424, patch the __declspec(dllexport)'s in:
/* You can provide your own implementation of `FT_EXPORT` and */
/* `FT_EXPORT_DEF` here if you want. */
/* */
/* To export a variable, use `FT_EXPORT_VAR`. */
/* */
// This is due to FT_EXPORT and FT_BASE not generating a .lib file, just a .dll
#ifdef FT_EXPORT
#undef FT_EXPORT
#define FT_EXPORT(x) __declspec(dllexport) x
#ifdef FT_BASE
#undef FT_BASE
#define FT_BASE(x) __declspec(dllexport) x
#ifndef FT_EXPORT
Open the solution generated by CMAKE called freetype.sln . Select freetype in the Class View. Project -> Properties -> General -> Target Extension -> set to .dll and under Project Defaults -> Configuration Type -> set to Dynamic Library (.dll)
Make sure Release is select and Build -> Build freetype. In the 'build' directory that has the solutions, in Release you will have your freetype.dll and freetype.lib files for use. You will need those and all of freetype-.x.x.x\include.
Good luck :)