Get theme properties of Group Box lines - windows

My goal is to draw a Group Box that is not rectangular but instead has the corners cut away. I do not mean just clipping the corners, but rather have a continuous closed path where the corners are "indented." I want this to match the colors/style of the current theme.
I noticed on Windows XP that the Group Box has 1-pixel gray lines, but on Windows 7 there is a 3D effect created by having a gray line next to a white line (the white line on the interior except on the bottom where it's below the gray line).
You can get the color of the text label of a Group Box using something like this:
So, I'm trying to figure out how to get the color(s) and/or properties of the lines used in a Group Box, then (I hope to) be able to draw the lines I want matching the Group Box style by separately drawing each piece of the shape I want. I'm not sure what properties are used to describe the lines or if functions line DrawRect will draw the 3D effect with a suitable Pen. Is there a way to set a Pen to draw these 3D effects (2-shade parallel lines)?

The thing I always find unexpected about groupboxes is that they are really a style of buttons. (BS_GROUPBOX).
Themed groupboxes (XP and later with classic mode off) use theme part BP_GROUPBOX in VSCLASS_BUTTON. You can use the usual theme APIs to get and draw. If your Group box needs text you can use DrawThemeText.
There are APIs for drawing non-themed group boxes too (e.g. DrawEdge), but I don't remember the details and it's unlikely that you need them.
As usual, I will point out that reproducing the behaviour of controls is always harder than you think it is going to be.


XCODE 11, SWIFT 5. Drawing Lines, Boxes etc

I have recently switched to Xcode 11 and Swift 5. Also switched my entire project from UISwift to Storyboard as I read it has many advantages.
Now I’m finding disadvantages, I can’t draw boxes/lines on my storyboard, I can do it using the code but that creates further problems with making changes to my project in storyboard and element constrains.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to draw background boxes/lines between text? In some instances I have 6 labels that would all go under one box, so I can’t use label background feature.
See the online example below, of grey boxes
Now I’m finding disadvantages, I can’t draw boxes/lines on my storyboard
The storyboard editor isn't a drawing program -- it's mainly for laying out views and connecting them to each other and to other objects e.g. view controllers. If you're trying to use it to draw lines and boxes, you're barking up the wrong tree.
The storyboard editor does let you configure the views you create, so for example you can set the image displayed by a UIImageView, or the text displayed in a label, or the background color of any view. The gray boxes in your example are easy to do by just setting the background color of a view to gray. Or better, use a table to display those views, and programmatically set the background color of the cells depending on their row.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to draw background boxes/lines between text?
There are some hacky options. For example, you could very easily create a view class that draws a horizontal or vertical line through it's center point, or a view class that draws a line around its perimeter for a box. (You can actually use key-value coding to set properties on the view's layer to do this even without creating a subclass, but it's not something you want to have to do every time you need a box.) Those are fine for occasional use, but if you have any complex drawing to do, it's probably time to write a view class that draws the necessary content in code.
In some instances I have 6 labels that would all go under one box, so I can’t use label background feature.
Those 6 labels should all be contained inside another view, so you'd just set the background color for the view that contains them. Again, from your example, it looks like those are rows in a table. Each row in a table is its own view (or "cell"), and it's easy to set the background color in the same code that configures the rest of the subviews in that cell.

Transparent Circle inside a White Rectangle

I'm working on a report project and would like to avoid making a separate image for each indicator color. Ideally, I like to put a transparent circle in a white rectangle. I have Snag-It available and general Windows tools.
My plan is to put the Image in a table cell and change the color of the circle by dynamically assigning the background color of the cell. I think it would be much easier to embed this one image, rather than creating a bunch of different colored circles that all have to be embedded.
Any suggestions on how I can do this in Snag-It or Paint, or any tools that are free for commercial use that you can recommended for this?
This sounds like a good workaround to get an indicator with whatever color you want. is a free image editor that you could create this in. Start with a white square. Use the Ellipse Select tool to select a circle in the middle. Press the Delete key to make it transparent. Save it as a .PNG file and embed it in the report.

Draw themed combobox on windows

I try to emulate the look of a themed noneditable combobox (CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) using DrawThemeBackground. I supply the part CP_READONLY, which apparently draws the background of a themed combobox:
DrawThemeBackground(theme, dc, CP_READONLY, CBRO_NORMAL, &rectangle, nullptr);
However, it does not contain the dropdown arrow. So, I tried to paint the arrow myself the following way:
rectangle.left = rectangle.right - 20;
DrawThemeBackground(theme, dc, CP_DROPDOWNBUTTONRIGHT, CBXSR_NORMAL, &rectangle, nullptr);
But the above draws the arrow centered within the rectangle on a combobox background including the border, so I cannot use this without having a border within the combobox (which itself already has a border). I used theme-explorer to verify that the arrow is always on a background with borders.
In essence, my question is: How can I draw the background and the arrow at the appropriate position to emulate the look of a plain windows combobox?
What I have found out so far:
I can specify a clipping rectangle to clip away the aforementioned borders. But this poses the question of determining the exact position rectangle and the clipping rectangle: It seems that I can use GetThemeMargins to determine the margins, but that does not tell me how large the arrow is as a whole.
GetThemeBitmap might be useful in determining the exact size of the arrow, but as I read here and confirmed on my machine, using it with TMT_GLYPHDIBDATA does not work as advertised, and I would like to go without any workarounds, if possible.

how to make a single line text used as a glyph(mac develop)

Effect like the mac mail app,this image is a screenshot
how can i get effect like that. I try the cocoa text system,and don't find some useful things.
and I use the nstextattachment with textatttachmentcell initImageCell,obtain some effect like that,but it is not good,it is not very nature.
please some one give directions to me.
Those objects are not glyphs, they are controls, such as a subclass of a button. Custom controls have a drawing routine, which you override to draw a blue rectangle with round corners (a bezier path is the most flexible way to do so), then you draw the text (including the caret character) centered in the blue rectangle. Finally, handle the mouse events to do what you need to do when the control is clicked, such as popping up a menu in the right location.

Multiple arcs in canvas with click events

Problem :
Trying to create a layout looking like this one below where each portion is clickable and has separate entity.
Tried solution and problems with it :
create arc with canvas. Have to add the arc with stroke. Stroke is not clickable. Tried hacks from other answers but they don't seem to work.
Click Event on a Stroke of the Shape(arc) doesn't work
Instead of drawing with arcs, how about this:
use Wedges instead of Arcs
Draw the 3 outside shapes as Wedges and put them on a layer#1.
Draw the 10 inside shapes as Wedges and put them on another layer#2 above layer#1.
Draw the center circle as a Circle and put it on another layer#3 above layer#1 & layer#2.
Attach on.(“click”) to each individual wedge.
Layering will give you the visual "nesting" effect your looking for.
Layering will give you proper click control over each wedge-piece.
