Exhaustive Search Big-O - algorithm

I am working on some revision at the moment and specifically going over Big-O notation. I have asked a similar question (which dealt with a different algorithm) but am still unsure if I am going the right way about it or not.
The algorithm that I am looking at is Exhaustive Search (aka Brute Force, I believe) and looks like this:
Input: G- the graph
n- the current node
p– the path so far
1) For every edge nm (from n to m) in G do
2) If m ∉ p then
3) p = p ∪ {m}
4) Exhaustive(G, m, p)
5) End If
6) End For
So far I have come to the result that this algorithm is O(n) - is this correct? I doubt that it is, and would love to know exactly how to go about working it out; what to look for, what exactly it is that I 'count' each time, etc. I understand that the number of operations taking place need to be counted, but is that all that I need to take note of/count?
EDIT: I have learned that this algorithm is, in fact, O((n-1)!) - is this correct and if so, how did this solution come about as I cannot work it out?

Usually (but not always) with graphs, the input size n is the number of nodes in the graph. It's fairly easy to prove to ourselves that the function (let alone the runtime) is called at least n times - a single path through a graph (assuming it's connected, that is, every node is reachable from every other node via some path) will take `n' calls.
To compute running time of recursive functions, an upper bound on the running time will be the number of times the recursive function is called multiplied by the runtime of the function in a single call.
To see that the worst case runtime is O((n-1)!), consider how many paths are in a fully connected graph - you can visit any node directly from any node. Another way of phrasing this is that you can visit the nodes in any order, save the starting state. This is the same as the number of permutations of (n-1) elements. I believe it's actually going to be O(n!), since we are iterating over all edges which takes O(n) for each state on the path (n*(n-1)!). EDIT: More precisely, we can say it's big-omega(N!). See comments for more details.
Sometimes, it's easier to look at what the algorithm computes than the actual code - that is, the cardinality of all the states (more specificity here, paths).


Cost of building a "connected matrix"

I'm sure there is an abundance of information on how to do exactly what I'm after, but it's a matter of not knowing the technical term for it. Basically what I want to create is an adjacency matrix for a directed graph, however rather than simply storing whether or not each vertex pair has a direct adjacency, for every vertex pair in the matrix I want to store if there is ANY path connecting the two (and what those paths are).
This would give me constant time complexity for lookups which is desirable, however what's not immediately clear to me is what the expected optimal time complexity of building this matrix will be.
Also, is there a formal name for such a matrix?
Playing this out in my head, it seems like a dynamic programming problem. If I want to know if A is connected to Z, I should be able to ask each of A's neighbors, B, C and D if they are (in some way) connected to Z, and if so, then I know A is. And if B doesn't have this answer stored, then he would ask the same question of his direct neighbors, and so on. I would memoize the results along the way, so subsequent lookups would be constant.
I haven't spent time to implement this yet, because it feels like ϴ(n^n) to build a complete matrix, so my question is whether or not I'm going about this the right way, and if indeed there is a lower-cost way to build such a matrix?
The transitive closure of a graph (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transitive_closure#In_graph_theory) can indeed be computed by dynamic programming with a variation of Floyd Warshall algorithm: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd%E2%80%93Warshall_algorithm.
Using |V| DFS (or BFS) is more efficient, though.
Using networkx connected components
G = nx.path_graph(4)
G.add_path([10, 11, 12])
d = {}
for group in idx, group in enumerate(nx.connected_components(G)):
for node in group:
d[node] = idx
def connected(node1, node2):
return d[node1]==d[node2]
Generation should be O(N) lookup should be O(1)

Proving breadth-first traversal on graphs

I am trying to prove the following algorithm to see if a there exists a path from u to v in a graph G = (V,E).
I know that to finish up the proof, I need to prove termination, the invariants, and correctness but I have no idea how. I think I need to use induction on the while loop but I am not exactly sure how.
How do I prove those three characteristics about an algorithm?
Disclaimer: I don't know how much formal you want your proof to be and I'm not familiar with formal proofs.
induction on the while loop: Is it true at the beginning? Does it remain true after a step (quite simple path property)?
same idea, induction on k (why k+1???): Is it true at the beginning? Does it remain true after a step (quite simple path property)?
Think Reach as a strictly increasing set.
Termination: maybe you can use a quite simple property linked to the diameter of the graph?
(This question could probably be better answered elsewhere, on https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/ maybe?)
There is a lot of possibilities. For example, for a Breadth First Search, we note that:
(1) The algorithm never visits the same node twice.(as any path back must be >= the length that put it in the discovered pile already.
(2) At every step, it adds exactly one node.
Thus, it clearly must terminate on any finite graph, as the set of nodes which are discoverable cannot be larger than the set of nodes which are in the graph.
Finally, since, give a start node, it will only terminate when it has reached every node which is connected by any path to the start node, it will always find a path between the start and target if it exists.
You can rewrite these logical steps above in deeper rigour if you like, for example, by showing that the list of visited nodes is strictly increasing, and non convergent (i.e. adding one to something repeatedly tends to infinity) and the termination condition must be met at at most some finite value, and a non convergent increasing function always intersects a given bound exactly once.
BFS is an easy example because it has such simple logic, but proving these things for a given algorithm may be extremely tricky.

Finding fastest path at a cost, less or equal to a specified

Here's visualisation of my problem.
I've been trying to use djikstra on that however, It haven't worked.
The complication, as I see it, is that Dijkstra's algorithm throws away information that you need to keep around: if you are trying to get from A to E in
/ \
A D - E
\ /
And ABD is shorter than ACD, Dijkstra's will forget that ACD was ever a possibility (it uses ACD as the canonical route from A to D). But if ABD has a higher cost than ACD, and ABDE is above the quota while ACDE is below, the now eliminated ACD was correct. The problem is that Dijkstra's algorithm assumes that if one path is at least as long as another, it is weakly dominated: there is no reason to prefer it. And in one dimension of comparison, paths are weakly ordered: given any two paths, one weakly dominates the other.
But here we have two dimensions of comparison, and so ordering does not hold: one path can be shorter, the other cheaper. Since we can only discard dominated paths, we must keep all paths that do not already exceed the budget and are not dominated. I have put a bit of work into implementing this approach; it looks doable but cannot find an argument for a worst-case bound below exponential complexity (although normal performance should be much better, since in a sane graphs most paths are dominated).
You can also, as Billiska notes, use k-th shortest routes algorithms and then proceed through their results until you find one below the budget. That uses time O(m+ K*n*log(m/n)); but unless someone sees an upper bound on K such that K is guaranteed to include a path under the budget (if one exists), we need to set K to be the total number of paths, again yielding exponential complexity (although again a strategy of incrementally increasing K would likely yield a reasonable average runtime, at least if length and cost are reasonably correlated).
Complicating (perhaps fatally) the implementation of my proposed modification is that Dijkstra's algorithm relies on an ordering of the accessibility of nodes, such that we know that if we take the unexplored node to which we have the shortest path, we will never find a better route to it (since all other routes are already known to be longer). If that shortest route is also expensive, that need not hold; even after exploring a node, we must be prepared to update paths out of it on the basis of longer but cheaper routes into it. I suspect that this will prevent it from reaching polynomial time in the worst case.
Basically you need to find the first shortest-path, check if it works, then find the second shortest-path, check if it works, and so on...
Dijkstra's algorithm isn't designed to work with such task.
And just a Google search on this new definition of the problem,
I arrive at Stack Overflow question on finding kth-shortest-paths.
I haven't read into it yet, so don't ask me.
I hope this helps.
I think you can do it with Dijkstra, but you have to change the way you are calculating the tentative distance in each step. Instead of just taking into account the distance, consider also the cost. the new distance should be 2-d number (dist, cost), when you will choose what is the minimal distance you should take the one with minimal dist AND cost <= 6, that's it.
I hope this is correct.

How can you compute a shortest addition chain for an arbitrary n <= 600 within one second?

How can you compute a shortest addition chain (sac) for an arbitrary n <= 600 within one second?
This is the programming competition on codility for this month.
Addition chains are numerically very important, since they are the most economical way to compute x^n (by consecutive multiplications).
Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2, Seminumerical Algorithms has a nice introduction to addition chains and some interesting properties, but I didn't find anything that enabled me to fulfill the strict performance requirements.
What I've tried (spoiler alert)
Firstly, I constructed a (highly branching) tree (with the start 1-> 2 -> ( 3 -> ..., 4 -> ...)) such that for each node n, the path from the root to n is a sac for n. But for values >400, the runtime is about the same as for making a coffee.
Then I used that program to find some useful properties for reducing the search space. With that, I'm able to build all solutions up to 600 while making a coffee. But for n, I need to compute all solutions up to n. Unfortunately, codility measures the class initialization's runtime, too...
Since the problem is probably NP-hard, I ended up hard-coding a lookup table. But since codility asked to construct the sac, I don't know if they had a lookup table in mind, so I feel dirty and like a cheater. Hence this question.
If you think a hard-coded, full lookup table is the way to go, can you give an argument why you think a full computation/partly computed solutions/heuristics won't work?
I have just got my Golden Certificate for this problem. I will not provide a full solution because the problem is still available on the site.I will instead give you some hints:
You might consider doing a deep-first search.
There exists a minimal star-chain for each n < 12509
You need to know how prune your search space.
You need a good lower bound for the length of the chain you are looking for.
Remember that you need just one solution, not all.
Good luck.
Addition chains are numerically very important, since they are the
most economical way to compute x^n (by consecutive multiplications).
This is not true. They are not always the most economical way to compute x^n. Graham et. all proved that:
If each step in addition chain is assigned a cost equal to the product
of the numbers at that step, "binary" addition chains are shown to
minimize the cost.
Situation changes dramatically when we compute x^n (mod m), which is a common case, for example in cryptography.
Now, to answer your question. Apart from hard-coding a table with answers, you could try a Brauer chain.
A Brauer chain (aka star-chain) is an addition chain where each new element is formed as the sum of the previous element and some element (possibly the same). Brauer chain is a sac for n < 12509. Quoting Daniel. J. Bernstein:
Brauer's algorithm is often called "the left-to-right 2^k-ary method",
or simply "2^k-ary method". It is extremely popular. It is easy to
implement; constructing the chain for n is a simple matter of
inspecting the bits of n. It does not require much storage.
BTW. Does anybody know a decent C/C++ implementation of Brauer's chain computation? I'm working partially on a comparison of exponentiation times using binary and Brauer's chains for both cases: x^n and x^n (mod m).

solving the Longest-Path-Length. Is my solution correct?

This is the question [From CLRS]:
Define the optimization problem LONGEST-PATH-LENGTH as the relation that
associates each instance of an undirected graph and two vertices with the number
of edges in a longest simple path between the two vertices. Define the decision
problem LONGEST-PATH = {: G=(V,E) is an undirected
graph, u,v contained in V, k >= 0 is an integer, and there exists a simple path
from u to v in G consisting of at least k edges}. Show that the optimization problem
LONGEST-PATH-LENGTH can be solved in polynomial time if and only if
LONGEST-PATH is contained in P.
My solution:
Given an algorith A, that can solve G(u,v) in polytime, so we run the A on G(u,v) if it returns 'YES" and k' such that k' is the longest path in G(u,v), now all we have to do it compare if
k =< k'
if then the longest path length is solved. If we recieve "NO" or k>=k', then there exists no solution.
so polytime to run A + constant for comparsion, then to find the longest path length it takes poly time. Also this is only possible since G(u,v) runs in Polytime (in P), thus G(u,v,k) runs also in polytime (in P), therefore since longest path can be reduced to longest-path-length, then longest-path-length is in P.
we can solve it the oposite way, what we do is, run G(u,v,k') for k'=0 to n, every time check if the k==k', is so we solved it.
run time analysis for this:
n*polytime+ n*(constant comparsion)=polytime
Can someone tell me if my answer is reasonable? if not please tell me where i've gone wrong
Also can you give me some advice to how to study algorithms ,and what approch i should take to solve a algorith question (or a graph question)
please and thankyou
Your answer is reasonable but I would try to shore it up a little bit formally (format the cases separately in a clear manner, be more precise about what polynomial time means, that kind of stuff...)
The only thing that I would like to point out is that in your second reduction (showing the decision problem solves the optimization problem) the for k=0 to N solution is not general. Polynomial time is determined in relation to the length of input so in problems where N is a general number (such as weight or something) instead of a number of a count of items from the input (as in this case) you need to use a more advanced binary search to be sure.
