How can I do fuzzy substring matching in Ruby? - ruby

I found lots of links about fuzzy matching, comparing one string to another and seeing which gets the highest similarity score.
I have one very long string, which is a document, and a substring. The substring came from the original document, but has been converted several times, so weird artifacts might have been introduced, such as a space here, a dash there. The substring will match a section of the text in the original document 99% or more. I am not matching to see from which document this string is, I am trying to find the index in the document where the string starts.
If the string was identical because no random error was introduced, I would use document.index(substring), however this fails if there is even one character difference.
I thought the difference would be accounted for by removing all characters except a-z in both the string and the substring, compare, and then use the index I generated when compressing the string to translate the index in the compressed string to the index in the real document. This worked well where the difference was whitespace and punctuation, but as soon as one letter is different it failed.
The document is typically a few pages to a hundred pages, and the substring from a few sentences to a few pages.

You could try amatch. It's available as a ruby gem and, although I haven't worked with fuzzy logic for a long time, it looks to have what you need. The homepage for amatch is:
Just bored and messing around with the idea, a completely non-optimized and untested hack of a solution follows:
include 'amatch'
module FuzzyFinder
def scanner( input )
out = [] unless block_given?
pos = 0
input.scan(/(\w+)(\W*)/) do |word, white|
startpos = pos
pos = word.length + white.length
if block_given?
yield startpos, word
out << [startpos, word]
def find( text, doc )
index = scanner(doc)
sstr = text.gsub(/\W/,'')
levenshtein =
minlen = sstr.length
maxndx = index.length
possibles = []
minscore = minlen*2
index.each_with_index do |x, i|
spos = x[0]
str = x[1]
si = i
while (str.length < minlen)
i += 1
break unless i < maxndx
str += index[i][1]
str = str.slice(0,minlen) if (str.length > minlen)
score =
if score < minscore
possibles = [spos]
minscore = score
elsif score == minscore
possibles << spos
[minscore, possibles]
Obviously there are numerous improvements possible and probably necessary! A few off the top:
Process the document once and store
the results, possibly in a database.
Determine a usable length of string
for an initial check, process
against that initial substring first
before trying to match the entire
Following up on the previous,
precalculate starting fragments of
that length.

A simple one is fuzzy_match
require 'fuzzy_match'['seamus', 'andy', 'ben']).find('Shamus') #=> seamus
A more elaborated one (you wouldn't say it from this example though) is levenshein, which computes the number of differences.
require 'levenshtein'
Levenshtein.distance('test', 'test') # => 0
Levenshtein.distance('test', 'tent') # => 1

You should look at the StrikeAMatch implementation detailed here:
A better similarity ranking algorithm for variable length strings
Instead of relying on some kind of string distance (i.e. number of changes between two strings), this one looks at the character pairs patterns. The more character pairs occur in each string, the better the match. It has worked wonderfully for our application, where we search for mistyped/variable length headings in a plain text file.
There's also a gem which combines StrikeAMatch (an implementation of Dice's coefficient on character-level bigrams) and Levenshtein distance to find matches:

It depends on the artifacts that can end up in the substring. In the simpler case where they are not part of [a-z] you can use parse the substring and then use Regexp#match on the document:
document = 'Ulputat non nullandigna tortor dolessi illam sectem laor acipsus.'
substr = "tortor - dolessi _%&# +illam"
re =[^a-z]/i).select{|e| !e.empty?}.join(".*"))
md = document.match re
puts document[md.begin(0) ... md.end(0)]
# => tortor dolessi illam
(Here, as we do not set any parenthesis in the Regexp, we use begin and end on the first (full match) element 0 of MatchData.
If you are only interested in the start position, you can use =~ operator:
start_pos = document =~ re

I have used none of them, but I found some libraries just by doing a search for 'diff' in All of them can be installed by gem. You might want to try them. I myself is interested, so if you already know these or if you try them out, it would be helpful if you leave your comment.


How to find text across HTML tag boundaries?

I have HTML like this:
<div>Lorem ipsum <b>dolor sit</b> amet.</div>
How can I find a plain text based match for my search string ipsum dolor in this HTML? I need the start and end XPath node pointers for the match, plus character indexes to point inside these start and stop nodes. I use Nokogiri to work with the DOM, but any solution for Ruby is fine.
I can't node.traverse {|node| … } through the DOM and do a plain text search whenever a text node comes across, because my search string can cross tag boundaries.
I can't do a plain text search after converting the HTML to plain text, because I need the XPath indexes as result.
I could implement it myself with basic tree traversal, but before I do I'm asking if there is a Nokogiri function or trick to do it more comfortably.
You could do something like:'div').find{|div| div.text[/ipsum dolor/]}
In the end, we used code as follows. It is shown for the example given in the question, but also works in the generic case of arbitrary-depth HTML tag nesting. (Which is what we need.)
In addition, we implemented it in a way that can ignore excess (≥2) whitespace characters in a row. Which is why we have to search for the end of the match and can't just use the length of the search string / quote and the start of the match position: the number of whitespace characters in the search string and search match might differ.
doc = Nokogiri::HTML.fragment("<div>Lorem ipsum <b>dolor sit</b> amet.</div>")
quote = 'ipsum dolor'
# (1) Find search string in document text, "plain text in plain text".
quote_query =
quote.split(/[[:space:]]+/).map { |w| Regexp.quote(w) }.join('[[:space:]]+')
start_index = doc.text.index(/#{quote_query}/i)
end_index = start_index+doc.text[/#{quote_query}/i].size
# (2) Find XPath values and character indexes for our search match.
# To do this, walk through all text nodes and count characters until
# encountering both the start_index and end_index character counts
# of our search match.
start_xpath, start_offset, end_xpath, end_offset = nil
i = 0
doc.xpath('.//text() | text()').each do |x|
 offset = 0
 x.text.split('').each do
   if i == start_index
     e = x.previous
     sum = 0
     while e
       sum+= e.text.size
       e = e.previous
     start_xpath = x.path.gsub(/^\?/, '').gsub(
/#{Regexp.quote('/text()')}.*$/, ''
     start_offset = offset+sum
   elsif i+1 == end_index
     e = x.previous
     sum = 0
     while e
       sum+= e.text.size
       e = e.previous
     end_xpath = x.path.gsub(/^\?/, '').gsub(
/#{Regexp.quote('/text()')}.*$/, ''
     end_offset = offset+1+sum
At this point, we can retrieve the desired XPath values for the start and stop of the search match (and in addition, character offsets pointing to the exact character inside the XPath designated element for the start and stop of the search match). We get:
puts start_xpath
puts start_offset
puts end_xpath
puts end_offset

Regex to match a specific sequence of strings

Assuming I have 2 array of strings
position1 = ['word1', 'word2', 'word3']
position2 = ['word4', 'word1']
and I want inside a text/string to check if the substring #{target} which exists in text is followed by either one of the words of position1 or following one of the words of the position2 or even both at the same time. Similarly as if I am looking left and right of #{target}.
For example in the sentence "Writing reports and inputting data onto internal systems, with regards to enforcement and immigration papers" if the target word is data I would like to check if the word left (inputting) and right (onto) are included in the arrays or if one of the words in the arrays return true for the regex match. Any suggestions? I am using Ruby and I have tried some regex but I can't make it work yet. I also have to ignore any potential special characters in between.
One of them:
I figured out this way with regex to capture the word left and right:
However what could I change if I would like to capture more than one words left and right?
If you have two arrays of strings, what you can do is something like this:
matches = /^.+ (\S+) #{target} (\S+) .+$/.match(text)
if matches and (position1.include?(matches[1]) or position2.include?(matches[2]))
What this regex does is match the target word in your text and extract the words next to it using capture groups. The code then compares those words against your arrays, and does something if they're in the right places. A more general version of this might look like:
def checkWords(target, text, leftArray, rightArray, numLeft = 1, numRight = 1)
# Build the regex
regex = "^.+"
regex += " (\S+)" * numLeft
regex += " #{target}"
regex += " (\S+)" * numRight
regex += " .+$"
pattern =
matches = pattern.match(text)
return false if !matches
for i in 1..numLeft
return false if (!leftArray.include?(matches[i]))
for i in 1..numRight
return false if (!rightArray.include?(matches[numLeft + i]))
return true
Which can then be invoked like this:
do_something() if checkWords("data", text, position1, position2, 2, 2)
I'm pretty sure it's not terribly idiomatic, but it gives you a general sense of how you would do what you in a more general way.

Regex: text before multiple matches

Idea. Given the string, return all the matches (with overlaps) and the text before these matches.
Example. For the text atatgcgcatatat and the query atat there are three matches, and the desired output is atat, atatgcgcatat and atatgcgcatatat.
Problem. I use Ruby 2.2 and String#scan method to get multiple matches. I've tried to use lookahead, but the regex /(?=(.*?atat))/ returns every substring that ends with atat. There must be some regex magic to solve this problem, but I can't figure out the right spell.
I believe this is at least better than the OP's answer:
text = "atatgcgcatatat"
query = "atat"
res = []
text.scan(/(?=#{query})/){res.push($` + query)} #`
res # => ["atat", "atatgcgcatat", "atatgcgcatatat"]
Given the nature and purpose of regex, there is no way to do that. When a regex matches text, there is no way to include the same text in another match. Therefore, the best option that I can think of is to use a look-behind to find the ending position of each match:
With your example input of atatgcgcatatat, that would return the following three matches:
Position 4, Length 0
Position 12, Length 0
Position 14, Length 0
You could then loop through those results, get the position for each one, and then get the sub-string that starts at the beginning of the input string and ends at that position. If you don't know how to get the positions of each match, you may find the answers to this question helpful.
You could do this:
str = 'atatgcgcatatat'
target = 'atat'
[].tap do |a|
str.gsub(/(?=#{target})/) { a << str[0, $~.end(0)+target.size] }
#=> ["atat", "atatgcgcatat", "atatgcgcatatat"]
Notice that the string returned by gsub is discarded.
It seems, there's no way to solve the problem in just one go.
One possible solution is to use this knowledge to get indices of matches when using String#scan, and then return the array of sliced strings:
def find_by_end text, query
res = []
n = query.length
text.scan( /(?=(#{query}))/ ) do |m|
res << text.slice(0, $~.offset(0).first + n)
find_by_end "atatgcgcatatat", "atat" #=> ["atat", "atatgcgcatat", "atatgcgcatatat"]
A slightly different solution was proposed by #StevenDoggart. Here's a nice and short code which uses this hack to solve the problem:
"atatgcatatat".to_enum(:scan, /(?<=atat)/).map { $` } #`
#=> ["atat", "atatgcatat", "atatgcatatat"]
As #CasimiretHippolyte notes, reversing the string might help to solve the problem. It actually does, but it's hardly the prettiest solution:
#=> ["atat", "atatgcatat", "atatgcatatat"]

Ruby Delete From Array On Criteria

I'm just learning Ruby and have been tackling small code projects to accelerate the process.
What I'm trying to do here is read only the alphabetic words from a text file into an array, then delete the words from the array that are less than 5 characters long. Then where the stdout is at the bottom, I'm intending to use the array. My code currently works, but is very very slow since it has to read the entire file, then individually check each element and delete the appropriate ones. This seems like it's doing too much work.
goal ='big.txt').split(/\s/).map do |word|
goal.each { |word|
if word.length < 5
puts goal.sample
Is there a way to apply the criteria to my block to keep it from mapping the short words to begin with? I'm open to anything that would help me speed this up.
You might want to change your regex instead to catch only words longer than 5 characters to begin with:
goal ='C:\Users\bkuhar\Documents\php\big.txt').split(/\s/).flat_map do |word|
Further optimization might be to maintain a Set instead of an Array, to avoid re-scanning for uniqueness:
goal ='C:\Users\bkuhar\Documents\php\big.txt').scan(/\b[[:alpha:]]{6,}\b/).each do |w|
goal << w
In this case, use the delete_if method
goal => your array
goal.delete_if{|w|w.length < 5}
This will return a new array with the words of length lower than 5 deleted.
Hope this helps.
I really don't understand what a lot of the stuff you are doing in the first loop is for.
You take every chunk of text separated by white space, and map it to a unique value in an array generated by chunking together groups of letter characters, and plug that into an array.
This is way too complicated for what you want. Try this:
goal = File.readlines('big.txt').select do |word|
word =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ &&
word.length >= 5
This makes it easy to add new conditions, too. If the word can't contain 'q' or 'Q', for example:
goal = File.readlines('big.txt').select do |word|
word =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ &&
word.length >= 5 &&
! word.upcase.include? 'Q'
This assumes that each word in your dictionary is on its own line. You could go back to splitting it on white space, but it makes me wonder if the file you are reading in is written, human-readable text; a.k.a, it has 'words' ending in periods or commas, like this sentence. In that case, splitting on whitespace will not work.
Another note - map is the wrong array function to use. It modifies the values in one array and creates another out of those values. You want to select certain values from an array, but not modify them. The Array#select method is what you want.
Also, feel free to modify the Regex back to using the :alpha: tag if you are expecting non-standard letter characters.
Edit: Second version
goal = /([a-z][a-z']{4,})/gi.match(File.readlines('big.txt').join(" "))[1..-1]
Explanation: Load a file, and join all the lines in the file together with a space. Capture all occurences of a group of letters, at least 5 long and possibly containing but not starting with a '. Put all those occurences into an array. the [1..-1] discards "full match" returned by the MatchData object, which would be all the words appended together.
This works well, and it's only one line for your whole task, but it'll match
I'd like some 'sugar', if you know what I mean
Like above, if your word can't contain q or Q, you could change the regex to
/[a-pr-z][a-pr-z']{4,})[ .'",]/i
And an idea - do another select on goal, removing all those entries that end with a '. This overcomes the limitations of my Regex

Ruby Truncate Words + Long Text

I have the following function which accepts text and a word count and if the number of words in the text exceeded the word-count it gets truncated with an ellipsis.
#Truncate the passed text. Used for headlines and such
def snippet(thought, wordcount)
thought.split[0..(wordcount-1)].join(" ") + (thought.split.size > wordcount ? "..." : "")
However what this function doesn't take into account is extremely long words, for instance...
I was wondering if there's a better way to approach what I'm trying to do so it takes both word count and text size into consideration in an efficient way.
Is this a Rails project?
Why not use the following helper:
truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away", :length => 17)
If not, just reuse the code.
This is probably a two step process:
Truncate the string to a max length (no need for regex for this)
Using regex, find a max words quantity from the truncated string.
Another approach is to split the string into words, loop through the array adding up
the lengths. When you find the overrun, join 0 .. index just before the overrun.
Hint: regex ^(\s*.+?\b){5} will match first 5 "words"
The logic for checking both word and char limits becomes too convoluted to clearly express as one expression. I would suggest something like this:
def snippet str, max_words, max_chars, omission='...'
max_chars = 1+omision.size if max_chars <= omission.size # need at least one char plus ellipses
words = str.split
omit = words.size > max_words || str.length > max_chars ? omission : ''
snip = words[0...max_words].join ' '
snip = snip[0...(max_chars-3)] if snip.length > max_chars
snip + omit
As other have pointed out Rails String#truncate offers almost the functionality you want (truncate to fit in length at a natural boundary), but it doesn't let you independently state max char length and word count.
First 20 characters:
>> "hello world this is the world".gsub(/.+/) { |m| m[0..20] + (m.size > 20 ? '...' : '') }
=> "hello world this is t..."
First 5 words:
>> "hello world this is the world".gsub(/.+/) { |m| m.split[0..5].join(' ') + (m.split.size > 5 ? '...' : '') }
=> "hello world this is the world..."
