MVC wrap content with static content. UserControls? - model-view-controller

I'm trying to wrap content with some static HTML in MVC and I'm not having any luck figuring this out. There must be an obvious solution that I'm not seeing, as this would seem like a desired feature.
In my View, I need to wrap HTML content with something:
<p>Hello World!</p>
That will render like:
<div class="ribbon">
<div class="left"></div>
<p>Hello World!</p>
<div class="right"></div>
With a Template like:
<div class="ribbon">
<div class="left"></div>
<%= IncomingMarkupGoesHere %>
<div class="right"></div>
The idea is to reuse html that wraps around other html.
I'm currently using two User Controls to achieve this, one with everything before and the other with everything after. Something like this:
<% Html.RenderPartial("RightRibbon_Start"); %>
Target Content...
<% Html.RenderPartial("RightRibbon_End"); %>
But this seems sloppy and isn't conducive to passing parameters that apply to HTML before and after the target content.
It's important that the content to be wrapped be allow to be written as multiple lined markup and not just a string, otherwise I would just pass the content as the Model.

What about creating helpers and passing the HTML in as an argument?

Passing html markup into an ASP.NET User Control


How do I display content from a Wiki page in another page in redmine?

I'm trying to display content from one wiki page in redmine in my welcome/index file.
I've tried linking pages with [[foo]] (which I have found out only works in the wiki itself) and !{{include(projectname:stuff)}}, but when I try to use this, my redmine only displays it as plain text.
<div class="splitcontentright">
<div class="news box">
<%= call_hook(:view_welcome_index_right, :projects => #projects) %>
Is this the wrong method? Is there another way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
After skimming trough redmines code I found the solution.
Instead of writing
you'll have to write:
<%= textilizable "{{include(Project:Article)}}" %>
this calls the textilizable function which let's you use wiki macros from wherever you want.

Bind raw html in Aurelia

Using Aurelia, I want to fill an <div> with contents of viewmodel property (lets call it htmlText) which contains html text, and I was using
However, this encodes html so, instead of i.e. having paragraph or link, all tags are escaped so html can be seen as source.
Is there out of the box binder to do this?
You can accomplish this using the innerhtml binding like so:
<div innerhtml.bind="htmlText"></div>

thymeleaf spring standard dialect: using template

Hello I have some problems with templating pages.
I am returning from controller a view called list:
<html xmlns="" xmlns:layout="" layout:decorator="layout/template">
<div layout:fragment="pageContent">
And I would like to put this into template where I have a lot of html stuff and:
<div layout:fragment="pageContent">Demo static page content</div>
But I am getting in web browser only list view.
How to put one view returned from controller to template using SpringStandardDialect?
So if i understand correctly, you want to inject that fragment which is called pageContent into some other html page (lets call it main.html for sake of it.
First thing to do is change the div in list to the following:
<div th:fragment="pageContent">
then in your main.html you would call the fragment via:
<div th:include="list::pageContent"></div>
<div th:replace="list::pageContent"></div>
Btw "list::pageContent" indicates that its in base folder, if its located in folder called example then it would be "example/list:pageContent".
here is the great example on Thymeleaf website:
Hope this helps, if not let me know.

Jquery ui tabs with knockout using mvc 3 how to implement?

I am developing a web app using mvc 3. I have a main layout page which contains jquery ui tabs.
I am using knockout.js binding tool. My issue is from my tabs how can I go the relevant controller to return the view. Example is I click on tasks project so in the container for the view it should show the tasks page as rendered by the tasks controller
Any help would be good
The simplest solution is to us RenderPartial. Then you can either bind each tab via knockout, or bind the whole lot of them.
<div id="tabs">
<li>Nunc tincidunt</li>
<li>Proin dolor</li>
<li>Aenean lacinia</li>
<div id="tabs-1">
<% Html.RenderPartial("TabOne", Model);%>
<div id="tabs-2">
<% Html.RenderPartial("TabTwo", Model);%>
<div id="tabs-3">
<% Html.RenderPartial("TabThree", Model);%>
This assumes that the html content doesn't vary based off of the data, or at least not so much that knockout can't take care of it. If your html varies a lot you can use a routing system like Crossroads.js ( and fetch the data for the div using ajax.

Rails 3.1 Upload images and save them to the database and render them back when needed?

I'm building a Rails Application and i want to store some images to the database and render them back when i need them in the html.erb file.
Can someone point me at the right direction????
Also i have a side bar on my layout file and i want to render something in one controller and then something else in an other controller!
Is that possible?
This is the an exaple layout file but i don't want to render them on the layout
<div id="left_sidebar" class="column">
<div id="main_wrapper" class="column">
<%= yield %>
<div id="right_sidebar" class="column">
Thank you very much in advance!
You should not store image files in your database. I recommend you use gems like Carrierwave.
