Zend Framework User Authentication (MVC question) - model-view-controller

I'm getting some trouble understanding the MVC concepts.
I'm building a User model, you know? Application_Model_Users. They say that the models should only contain the structure... and the business logic should be put in the controller.
So, consider a function called authenticate($user, $password). This function will return true if the username and password entered is valid or false otherwise. Where should I put this function? In the controller Authentication or in the model Users?
Thank you!

Related to the Model, whenever you need to retrieve data(from DB, Web service, filesystem) or save data, you need a model to do the job. In MVC, a model is not understood as a mapped table, maybe more like a mapper. Zend has some info about this at their site, it could help you understanding mvc a bit more.
When it comes to user authentication, you should certainly implement the authenticate function inside the Users model, I would think you will do a database check against a table or similar.
Just in case you are not already using it, Zend comes with a package for auhtentication: Zend_Auth (http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.auth.html) , it could speed up implementing the security at your application.

Although Model operations often include storage operations (DB, servicer, etc), it is not limited to that. Model, as far as I know, should countain Business logic entities, this is, classes that represent your business entities, like User, Person, Customer, etc. Each class should define its own operation methods, in example, a Person model class should allow you to get a person's name, calculate his/her age according to his/her birth date, etc.
Also, there should be specialized classes for Model storage and retrieval. With these classes you could fetch all your Customers, or only one, using certain conditions, etc, or save a modified Customer class instance (in example, a customer changed his/her address or phone number).
This separates the storage/retrieval operations from Business login operations.
So, according to your question, your model could have a class that allows you to find one user by its user name and password. If the user is found, you could return a Model_User class instance (in example). Then, using the standard Zend_Auth class, or extending it to create your own authentication class, you can use some Login form parameters to perform the user authentication.
Follow the Zend Framework quick start guide, there are the basics about MVC in Zend Framework. Also, there you will find some resources about Zend_Db and related classes, to allow DB interaction. There are also Zend_Db_Table, Zend_Db_Table_Rowset and Zend_Db_Table_Row classes, that you could extend to fit your model storage needs.
I have a personal solution where I extend Zend_Db_Table for my (in example) Model_UserTable class, used to store or query my Model_User entities. And my Model_User class extends Zend_Db_Table_Row.


Responsibilities of controller in MVC. How should view access model data through controller?

I am currently trying to implement my first MVC pet-project. I understand the theory of Model View Controller pattern but when it comes to implementing a real application I am facing several logic issues.
My program is a basic Payment service system (i.e. PayPal).
Here is a typical flow of the program which demonstrates an issue:
Client clicks sign in button in View
A sign in method of Controller is called
This method returns an instance of a current signed in client BACK TO VIEW! (It constructs a client window passing current client as a constructor parameter)
Now when View needs to display some data of that client in client form it just uses that member instance directly.
It seems wrong to me, I think the solution here may be keeping an instance of current logged in user an exclusive private property of controller. But then it may be difficult to display all the data related to that user in View. I think I'll have to crete many 'getter' methods in controller which are going to return strings/strings arrays to populate the UI. It also sounds wrong to me cause I think it's still best to populate the UI with the model data, not some strings received from some controller functions.
What may be the best solution here?
Also, you might be interested in how I implemented MVC pattern in my program in detail.
The model includes Client and Staff entities which inherit the base properties from their superclass BaseUser and the two possible accounts: DebitAccount and CreditAccount which are subclasses of BaseAccount. Then I have a singleton PaymentService which stores all the instances of actors and accounts.
Here is a UML of my model
Then I have a view which is represented by:
EntryForm class — You can register a new client; log in a client or a staff member.
StaffForm — Admin panel
I have sketched/commented what looks like severe design fuckups to me(Sorry for the handwritting).
Here is a UML of my view
And controller
Your help and guidance will be much appreciated!

Creational adapter

I have a lot of code like this
additional_params = {
date_issued: pending.present? ? pending.date_issued : Time.current,
gift_status: status,
date_played: status == "Opened" ? Chronic.parse("now") : (opened.present? ? opened.date_played : nil),
email_template: service&.email_template,
email_text: service&.email_text,
email_subject: service&.email_subject,
label: service&.label,
vendor_confirmation_code: service&.vendor_confirmation_code
SomeService.new(reward, employee: employee, **additional_params).create
The same pattern applies to many models and services.
What is the name of this pattern?
How to refactor the current solution?
Is there a gem to solve this kind of solution? Like draper or something else
To me, that looks a bit like a god object for every type of entity. You expect your service to take care of everything related to your entity. The entity itself just acts as a data container and isn't responsible for its data. That's called an anemic model.
First of all, you need to understand that there can be several representations of the same entity. You can have several different classes that represent a user. On the "List user" page, the class contains just a subset of the information, maybe combined with information from the account system (last login, login attempt etc). On the user registration page, you have another class as it's not valid to supply all information for the user.
Those classes are called data transfer objects. Their purpose is to provide the information required for a specific use case and to decouple the internal entity from the external API (i.e. the web page).
Once you have done that, your service classes will start to shrink and you need fewer custom parameters for every method call.
Now your service class has two responsibilities: To manage all entities and to be responsible for their business rules.
To solve that, you should start to only modify your entities through behaviors (methods) and never update the fields directly. When you do so, you will automatically move logic from your service class to your entity class.
Once that is done, your service classes will be even cleaner.
You can read about Domain Driven Design to get inspired (no need to use DDD, but get inspired by how the application layer is structured in it).
You can try the builder pattern. I am not familiar with a ruby gem, but you can find information here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Builder_pattern and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface

Treat Laravel multi auth users as a unique user class

I have been struggling with this problem for couple of days and I've searched everywhere but couldn't find a logical solution.
I need multiple types of users in my project(admin, customer) because I need completely different backend logic for each type. So I decided to use multi-auth method in laravel(which AFAIK is the best solution for these cases). So I have multiple user classes for each type(and multiple tables in DB) including Admin and User classes. AdminAuth and UserAuth classes manage the Login and Register logic and routes are handled using middlewares.
Up till now there is no problem. The problem is that I need to use a single user class in another classes. For example consider the messaging logic(and there are many many similar use cases):
a Message class Model should have:
protected $fillable = [
'from_id', 'to_id', 'content', 'state'
public function sender(){
return $this->belongsTo(**User::class**);
public function receiver(){
return $this->belongsTo(**User::class**);
In the above model, I need to specify the User::class for senders and receivers, which can be either admins or users. So how can I tell Eloquent to use both models. Is it even possible? If not, what is the solution here?
I thought of using a higher level class named Person, for example, to hold the Admin or User object instances, but this way ORM can't manage to retrieve or store users from/in the appropriate tables automatically.
Any Suggestion is greatly appreciated.
I would advise you to use the following guidelines to handle such functionality; create a model for each user type but all of them should have a relationship with Laravel's default user class by keeping the user's id. Also, keep general properties in the user class and specific properties in each sub class, like customer's can have addresses and admins can have phone numbers, while the common things like the username can be kept in the user model. Then you won't need multiply forms for login, when a user logs in, you redirectly accordingly to the user's type in the default user record. Now for your messaging problem, use user the default user model to establish the relationship in messages as you shown above. Then defenping on the user's type, grant him different priviledges or features in the chat.

Can one controller point to different models?

i am currently developing a login and registration system,
The login system(its own controller, model and view) includes function such as:
validate, if_uname_exists, if_email_exists, etc
registration system(its own controller, model and view) includes functions:
register,send_activation,send_email, etc
However i have a need to make a user controller, which has the username as a data member, and i need to call on functions such as is_admin(), update_profile(). So my doubt is, should those functions be included a user model, or rather can i have them in another model, for example: login model or maybe a profile model?
Are there any best practices to follow on the same?
Thanks alot
yes absolutely. one controller many models.
another thing to consider - and note not everyone will approve of this but lets say you have a User model and then you need other models that are related to User but different. you can create a user.php model and then create a folder also named user. your model directory structure will then show your app structure like
this allows you to have shorter model names - and it still all makes sense. typically you would then have abstract methods in the user model and call specifics from the models in the folder. even if emailnews only has one method - breaking it out like that helps to document your application.

What exactly is the model in MVC

I'm slightly confused about what exactly the Model is limited to. I understand that it works with data from a database and such. Can it be used for anything else though? Take for example an authentication system that sends out an activation email to a user when they register. Where would be the most suitable place to put the code for the email? Would a model be appropriate... or is it better put in a view, controller, etc?
Think of it like this. You're designing your application, and you know according to the roadmap that version 1 will have nothing but a text based command line interface. version 2 will have a web based interface, and version 3 will use some kind of gui api, such as the windows api, or cocoa, or some kind of cross platform toolkit. It doesn't matter.
The program will probably have to go across to different platforms too, so they will have different email subsystems they will need to work with.
The model is the portion of the program that does not change across these different versions. It forms the logical core that does the actual work of whatever special thing that the program does.
You can think of the controller as a message translator. it has interfaces on two sides, one faces towards the model, and one faces towards the view. When you make your different versions, the main activity will be rewriting the view, and altering one side of the controller to interface with the view.
You can put other platform/version specific things into the controller as well.
In essense, the job of the controller is to help you decouple the domain logic that's in the model, from whatever platform specific junk you dump into the view, or in other modules.
So to figure out whether something goes in the model or not, ask yourself the question "If I had to rewrite this application to work on platform X, would I have to rewrite that part?" If the answer is yes, keep it out of the model. If the answer is no, it may go into the model, if it's part of the essential logic of the program.
This answer might not be orthodox, but it's the only way I've ever found to think of the MVC paradigm that doesn't make my brain melt out of my ear from the meaningless theoretical mumbo jumbo that discussions about MVC are so full of.
Great question. I've asked this same question many times in my early MVC days. It's a difficult question to answer succintly, but I'll do my best.
The model does generally represent the "data" of your application. This does not limit you to a database however. Your data could be an XML file, a web resource, or many other things. The model is what encapsulates and provides access to this data. In an OOP language, this is typically represented as an object, or a collection of objects.
I'll use the following simple example throughout this answer, I will refer to this type of object as an Entity:
class Person
protected $_id;
protected $_firstName;
protected $_lastName;
protected $_phoneNumber;
In the simplest of applications, say a phone book application, this Entity would represent a Person in the phone book. Your View/Controller (VC) code would use this Entity, and collections of these Entities to represent entries in your phone book. You may be wondering, "OK. So, how do I go about creating/populating these Entities?". A common MVC newbie mistake is to simply start writing data access logic directly in their controller methods to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) these. This is rarely a good idea. The CRUD responsibilities for these Entities should reside in your Model. I must stress though: the Model is not just a representation of your data. All of the CRUD duties are part of your Model layer.
Data Access Logic
Two of the simpler patterns used to handle the CRUD are Table Data Gateway and Row Data Gateway. One common practice, which is generally "not a good idea", is to simply have your Entity objects extend your TDG or RDG directly. In simple cases, this works fine, but it bloats your Entities with unnecessary code that has nothing to do with the business logic of your application.
Another pattern, Active Record, puts all of this data access logic in the Entity by design. This is very convenient, and can help immensely with rapid development. This pattern is used extensively in Ruby on Rails.
My personal pattern of choice, and the most complex, is the Data Mapper. This provides a strict separation of data access logic and Entities. This makes for lean business-logic exclusive Entities. It's common for a Data Mapper implementation to use a TDG,RDG, or even Active Record pattern to provide the data access logic for the mapper object. It's a very good idea to implement an Identity Map to be used by your Data Mapper, to reduce the number of queries you are doing to your storage medium.
Domain Model
The Domain Model is an object model of your domain that incorporates behavior and data. In our simple phone book application this would be a very boring single Person class. We might need to add more objects to our domain though, such as Employer or Address Entities. These would become part of the Domain Model.
The Domain Model is perfect for pairing with the Data Mapper pattern. Your Controllers would simply use the Mapper(s) to CRUD the Entities needed by the View. This keeps your Controllers, Views, and Entities completely agnostic to the storage medium. This also allows for differing Mappers for the same Entity. For example, you could have a Person_Db_Mapper object and a Person_Xml_Mapper object; the Person_Db_Mapper would use your local DB as a data source to build Entities, and Person_Xml_Mapper could use an XML file that someone uploaded, or that you fetched with a remote SOAP/XML-RPC call.
Service Layer
The Service Layer pattern defines an application's boundary with a layer of services that establishes a set of available operations and coordinates the application's response in each operation. I think of it as an API to my Domain Model.
When using the Service Layer pattern, you're encapsulating the data access pattern (Active Record, TDG, RDG, Data Mapper) and the Domain Model into a convenient single access point. This Service Layer is used directly by your Controllers, and if well-implemented provides a convenient place to hook in other API interfaces such as XML-RPC/SOAP.
The Service Layer is also the appropriate place to put application logic. If you're wondering what the difference between application and business logic is, I will explain.
Business logic is your domain logic, the logic and behaviors required by your Domain Model to appropriately represent the domain. Here are some business logic examples:
Every Person must have an Address
No Person can have a phone number longer than 10 digits
When deleting a Person their Address should be deleted
Application logic is the logic that doesn't fit inside your Domain. It's typically things your application requires that don't make sense to put in the business logic. Some examples:
When a Person is deleted email the system administrator
Only show a maximum of 5 Persons per page
It doesn't make sense to add the logic to send email to our Domain Model. We'd end up coupling our Domain Model to whatever mailing class we're using. Nor would we want to limit our Data Mapper to fetch only 5 records at a time. Having this logic in the Service Layer allows our potentially different APIs to have their own logic. e.g. Web may only fetch 5, but XML-RPC may fetch 100.
In closing, a Service ayer is not always needed, and can be overkill for simple cases. Application logic would typically be put directly in your Controller or, less desirably, In your Domain Model (ew).
Every serious developer should have these books in his library:
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
The model is how you represent the data of the application. It is the state of the application, the data which would influence the output (edit: visual presentation) of the application, and variables that can be tweaked by the controller.
To answer your question specifically
The content of the email, the person to send the email to are the model.
The code that sends the email (and verify the email/registration in the first place) and determine the content of the email is in the controller. The controller could also generate the content of the email - perhaps you have an email template in the model, and the controller could replace placeholder with the correct values from its processing.
The view is basically "An authentication email has been sent to your account" or "Your email address is not valid". So the controller looks at the model and determine the output for the view.
Think of it like this
The model is the domain-specific representation of the data on which the application operates.
The Controller processes and responds to events (typically user actions) and may invoke changes on the model.
So, I would say you want to put the code for the e-mail in the controller.
MVC is typically meant for UI design. I think, in your case a simple Observer pattern would be ideal. Your model could notify a listener registerd with it that a user has been registered. This listener would then send out the email.
The model is the representation of your data-storage backend. This can be a database, a file-system, webservices, ...
Typically the model performs translation of the relational structures of your database to the object-oriented structure of your application.
In the example above: You would have a controller with a register action. The model holds the information the user enters during the registration process and takes care that the data is correctly saved in the data backend.
The activation email should be send as a result of a successful save operation by the controller.
Pseudo Code:
public class RegisterModel {
private String username;
private String email;
// ...
public class RegisterAction extends ApplicationController {
public void register(UserData data) {
// fill the model
RegisterModel model = new RegisterModel();
// fill properties ...
// save the model - a DAO approach would be better
boolean result = model.save();
More info to the MVC concept can be found here:
It should be noted that MVC is not a design pattern that fits well for every kind of application. In your case, sending the email is an operation that simply has no perfect place in the MVC pattern. If you are using a framework that forces you to use MVC, put it into the controller, as other people have said.
