Returning a list in prolog - prolog

i wanna ask a question about returning a list...
team (milan,allegri,italy, 8.5).
team (inter,benitez,italy,7.6).
team (barcelona,guardiola,spain,7.8).
team (realmadrid,mourinho,spain,7.2).
and i want to create a predicate:
find(T,N,G) : T is name of team, N is nationality of team and this team's overallgoal must be greater than G. and outputs must be like these:
find([], spain,9). returns true
find(X, spain,6). returns X=[barcelona, realmadrid]
i tried to do this with:
it gives results but not like output above...
if my goal is find([],spain,9). then give false...
if my goal is find(X,spain,6). then give first X=barcelona and wait for ";" after that give X=realmadrid... but i want to a list like above...
Thanks a lot...

To extract a list of items satisfying a predicate from a database of clauses, one should use findall predicate. For example, your code could be rewritten as follows:
find(T, N, G) :- findall(X, (team(X, _, N, G0), G0 > G), T).


How to create condition for functor's argument in a rule - PROLOG

I'm currently learning Prolog and I want to create a specific rule which will check if a person can watch a film. The condition for true should be age of person equal of higher than required age for film.
So I have something like that:
film("Little Agents",13,"Family").
And if I ask i.e.
?- can_borrow(film("Shining",18,"Horror"),person("John",19)).
It works and returns true.
But when I ask to show me all possible combinations (all films which every person can watch)
?- can_borrow(X,Y).
I have an error:
ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
How to write the rule properly, so it would work as I've written above?
Thanks in advance.
The film(_, Age1, _) and person(_, Age2) in can_borrow(film(_, Age1, _), person(_, Age2)) are just terms with a functor that happens to be the same as a predicate. But Prolog does not attach special meanings to it. You should here call predicates to unify the terms. For example:
can_borrow(film(Title, Age1, Genre), person(Name, Age2)) :-
film(Title, Age1, Genre),
person(Name, Age2),
Age1 =< Age2.

use operator as constructor in prolog

I'm writing a function called leagalCourse, it takes just one parameter, a course list. A course like, for example, john+mary+94 would represent a project done by John and Mary with a mark of 94.
It should be true if the course data is “legal”, which means that it must not have a project with the same name twice such as john+john+70.
There also must not be two projects in the list containing the same pair of students. So if there’s a project harry+ron+82 in the list, it would be illegal for the list also to contain harry+ron+90 or ron+harry+63.
There is a sample output:
?- legalCourse([one+two+3,four+five+6,one+six+7]).
?- legalCourse([one+two+3,four+four+6,one+six+7]).
?- legalCourse([one+two+3,four+five+6,one+two+7]).
?- legalCourse([one+two+3,two+one+6,one+six+7]).
This is what I tried:
legalCourse(X) :-
diffName(Name1+Name2+_) :-
Name1 \= Name2.
/*can not have duplicated group*/
samePair([Name1+Name2+_|More]) :-
The function partially worked before I added the samePair predicate.
I think this works, you need to switch the vars and check both are different in check_no_dups/1.
H =X+Y,
H2 =Y+X,

Prolog (Sicstus) - nonmember and setof issues

Given following facts:
route(TubeLine, ListOfStations).
route(green, [a,b,c,d,e,f]).
route(blue, [g,b,c,h,i,j]).
I am required to find all the pairs of tube Lines that do not have any stations in common, producing the following:
| ?- disjointed_lines(Ls).
Ls = [(yellow,blue),(yellow,green),(yellow,red),(yellow,silver)] ? ;
I came up with the below answer, however it does not only give me incorrect answer, but it also does not apply my X^ condition - i.e. it still prints results per member of Stations lists separately:
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),
(member(X, Stations1),nonmember(X, Stations2)),
This is the output that the definition produces:
| ?- disjointed_lines(L).
L = [(green,green)] ? ;
L = [(green,blue)] ? ;
L = [(green,silver)] ? ;
I believe that my logic relating to membership is incorrect, however I cannot figure out what is wrong. Can anyone see where am I failing?
I also read Learn Prolog Now chapter 11 on results gathering as suggested here, however it seems that I am still unable to use the ^ operator correctly. Any help would be appreciated!
As suggested by user CapelliC, I changed the code into the following:
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
(W,Z),(Stations1, Stations2)^
((route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),notMembers(Stations1,Stations2))),
notMembers([H|T],L):- notMembers(T,L), nonmember(H,L).
The following, however, gives me duplicates of (X,Y) and (Y,X), but the next step will be to remove those in a separate rule. Thank you for the help!
I think you should put route/2 calls inside setof' goal, and express disjointness more clearly, so you can test it separately. About the ^ operator, it requests a variable to be universally quantified in goal scope. Maybe a concise explanation like that found at bagof/3 manual page will help...
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
setof((W,Z), Stations1^Stations2^(
route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),
disjoint(Stations1, Stations2)
), Ls).
disjoint(Stations1, Stations2) :-
... % could be easy as intersection(Stations1, Stations2, [])
% or something more efficient: early fail at first shared 'station'
setof/3 is easier to use if you create an auxiliary predicate that expresses the relationship you are interested in:
disjoint_routes(W, Z) :-
route(W, Stations1),
route(Z, Stations2),
disjoint(Stations1, Stations2).
With this, the definition of disjointed_lines/1 becomes shorter and simpler and no longer needs any ^ operators:
disjointed_lines(Ls) :-
setof((W, Z), disjoint_routes(W, Z), Ls).
The variables you don't want in the result of setof/3 are automatically hidden inside the auxiliary predicate definition.

Prolog dict predicate matching

Given this program, why am I forced to define every atom in the predicate, even if they're anonymous. Why is it that undefined variables in a dict predicate aren't thought of as anonymous?
funt2(X) :-
X = point{x:5, y:6}.
evalfunt(point{x:5, y : 6}) :-
write('hello world!').
evalfunt(point{x:_, y : _} ) :-
write('GoodBye world!').
Why can't I just say
evalfunt(point{x:5}) :-
write('GoodBye world!').
^that won't match, by the way.
I may as well just use a structure if I have to define every possible value in the dict to use dicts.
What's the motivation here? Can I do something to make my predicate terse? I'm trying to define a dict with 30 variables and this is a huge roadblock. It's going to increase my program size by a magnitude if I'm forced to define each variables (anonymous or not).
Dict is just a complex data type, like tuple, which has data AND structure. If you have, for example two facts:
fact(point{x:5, y:6}).
Then the query
will match the second one, but not the first one.
And the query
fact(point{x:_, y:_}).
Will match the first one, but not the second.
Now, if you want to match facts of the form fact(point{x:_, y:_, z:_}) only by one specific field, you can always write a helper rule:
matchByX(X, P) :- fact(P), P=point{x:X, y:_, z:_}.
So having facts:
fact(point{x:5, y:6, z:1}).
fact(point{x:1, y:2, z:3}).
fact(point{x:2, y:65, z:4}).
and quering
matchByX(1, P).
will return:
P = point{x:1, y:2, z:3}
Moreover, in SWI-Prolog 7 version the field names can be matched as well, so it can be written in much more generic way, even for facts with different structures:
fact(point{x:5, y:6, z:1}).
fact(point{x:1, y:2}).
fact(point{x:2, y:2}).
matchByField(F, X, P) :- fact(P), P.F = X.
So query:
?- matchByField(x, 2, P).
P = point{x:2} ;
P = point{x:2, y:2}.
I was able to accomplish what I needed by doing the following
checkiffive(Y) :-
get_dict(x, Y, V), V=5.
You need to use the built in methods for unifying values from a dict.
Described in chapter 5.4 of the SWI prolog reference

Prolog, how to show multiple output in write()

go :- match(Mn,Fn),
write('--Matching Result--'),
write(' match with '),
Hi,this is my code...but it's only can show the 1 output...but there are 3 pair of matching in match(X,Y).how to show them all in my go function.
Thank you
You get all your matches if you force backtracking, usually by entering ; (e.g. in SWI Prolog). But you also see that you are getting unnecessary outputs true. This is because the last clause in go is match(Mn1,Fn1). This clause succeeds three times and binds the variables Mn1,Fn1 but then only true is output, because you do not write() after that clause. The fourth time match(Mn1,Fn1) fails and by backtracking you come back to the first clause match(Mn,Fn) that matches, the match is output, etc.
You surely do not want to have this behavior. You should remove the last clause match(Mn1,Fn1) in go. Now by pressing ; you get the 3 matches without any output true in between.
But what you likely want is that the program does the backtracking. To achieve this, you just need to force backtracking by adding false as the last clause. To get proper formatting of the output, use the following program. The last clause go2. is added to get true at the very end.
go2 :- write('--Matching Result--'), nl,
write(Mn), write(' match with '), write(Fn), nl,
This technique is called failure driven loop.
If you have any predicate that has multiple results and want to to find all of them, you should use findall/3
For example, in your case, you could do something like:
findall([X,Y], match(X,Y),L).
L will be a list that will contain all the X,Y that satisfy match(X,Y) in the format [X,Y].
for example, assuming that:
the result will be L = [ [m1,f1], [m2,f2] ]
note that you can define the format as you wish, for example you could write:
findall(pair(X,Y), match(X,Y), L).
L = [ pair(m1,f1), pair(m2,f2) ]
findall( X, match(X,Y), L).
L = [ m1, m2]
findall( 42, match(X,Y), L).
L = [42, 42]
then you have to recurse on the list to print them.
However, if you wish to find one result, run some code and then continue you could use forall/2:
forall(match(X,Y), my_print(X,Y).
Prolog is a lazy language. Which means that it will stop once it has found a condition that made your problem true. This will be the very first match alone.
IF your code is working (I haven't tried it), then you should try and run the match-statement like this in your prolog inspector: match(X,Y)
The prolog inspector will return all states and print them for you.
