Visual Studio 2010 Reset Default Web Browser Everytime I (Un)Install An Extension - visual-studio-2010

Why does Visual Studio 2010 change the default "View In Browser" setting back to the default browser every time I add or remove an Extension from the Extension Gallery? My default browser in Visual Studio (for use with "View in Browser") is not the same as the one I use in Windows.
The two actions seem like they should be completely unrelated.

This seems to be a known bug: . And it should be fixed in "the next version of Visual Studio" (whatever that means), as stated in other duplicates of the same bug.
In the 'alternatives' section there are some workarounds. I haven't tried them though.
There is a nice extension that can help to overcome this problem - WoVS Default Browser Switcher - you can look for it in VS gallery. That one always helps me with this issue.


Visual Studio 2019 - can't change profile settings, opens FolderProfile.pubxml instead

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2019.
From what I have seen in tutorials, during publishing an application, I should be able to change profile settings, by clicking a small pencil (I included a screenshot, it's a little pencil next to "false" and other settings.) However, every time i click it, it opens FolderProfile.pubxml file in Visual Studio instead! Is this indended behaviour, am I doing something completely wrong? How to change that? Screenshot
My problem fixed when I updated visual studio.
Also go to extensions and update all.
Now show UI options.

Disabled "Generate Local Resource" in Visual Studio 2010 Premium

Can anyone please help me understand why the "Generate Local Resource" option is disabled in my Visual Studio 2010 (premium version)? I have a simple Website and first of all I couldn't find the option in the menu, then I figured how to show it in the menu but is's always disabled... I'm going crazy with this.
Make sure that your page is open in Page Design View.
This option is a designer-based command, and will always be disabled unless you are in the design view with your page fully loaded.
In my case (using Visual studio 2012), the option is sometimes greyed out even when in design view. To fix it, just switch to source view and back to design view again.

Visual studio does not show content of files

Picture says it all, it should currently be showing a file but as you can see its having issues drawing the content of the file.
I have unloaded all addons and restart visual studio.
If it mathers the previus project was a VS 2k8.
New Info:
If i wait a good 5min ( I have a Quad core I7 with 6gb ram, 295gtx. VS is running from a SSD).
It will load the text, but im unable to "edit", as it will have loaded some document (.cs ) but when i select the one i want to edit it not realy open that file.
It can best be described as visual studio having a 5min lag.
I had this precise bug. I would open files from the solution explorer but the editor window would either not appear, only 1-2 lines of 100+ line files would display, or the file would display but I could not scroll or otherwise edit the file. Some parts of VS were working, i.e. little tooltips would appear if I moused over the right part of the (invisible) text but I obviously couldn't do much in this state.
I have a lot of VS stuff installed so I thought it was some sort of plugin or extension that was causing things to go screwy. These installed items include:
Visual Studio 2010 10.0.30319.1
ReSharper 5.1.3000.12 (JetBrains)
DevExpress DXCore 10.1.5 (free community edition)
DX Source Outliner (reason for DXCore, from sbohlen)
Tabs Studio 2.0.6 (
Productivity Power Tools 10.0.11019.3 (Microsoft)
Snippet Designer 1.3.0 (Matt Manela)
I solved it (2/18/2011) by Tools... Extension Manager... disabling the Productivity Power Tools and Snippet Designer. No idea what was going on but this fixed it for me and I was back to work. Probably something in the system drawing and/or display options.
The issue continues. Unfortunately it is intermittent and I have not be able to reproduce it reliably. Now the suspects are the BugShooting and CaptureWiz screen capture tools. I've had the behavior show up and then disappear in and around the time of logging bugs with them.
2nd EDIT
The issue continually continues. I have not yet been able to determine the cause but usually quitting VS and restarting resolves the issue(s). Other parts of the behavior includes the menu options (File, Edit, View, etc.) not operating properly as they show only the highlight but not the actual menu items. The solution will build and run just fine, but things still won't show up properly.
I had a similar issue whereby VS2012 was telling me that I had active (open) files, but the text editor was not displaying them. Clicking on the file(s) in the solution explorer seemingly did nothing. Alt + Tab just cycled through the open files, but still, nothing rendered on screen.
I solved it by clicking on the "WINDOW" menu item and then"Close All Documents". Visual Studio then behaved as expected and opened (and rendered) the files correctly.
This bug was created by mumble 1.2.x, but is fixed in the snapshot versions of 1.3.x. YOu can likely get simular bugs by other software that does DirectX overlay.
I had the same issue in Visual Studio 2012. It was fixed by running a repair of Visual Studio 2012 via Add/ Remove Programs.
The following had no effect:
Closing and reopening a solution
Opening different file types
Restarting Visual Studio
Adding and removing plugins
Resetting options via the 'Reset all Settings' option in Visual Studio's 'Import and Export Settings'
Rebooting windows
I had this problem in Visual Studio 2013. Problem was: extension "Regex Tester". I had to uninstall this extension.

Is there a visual studio automatic save configuration setting?

I use the java IDE IntelliJ IDEA and one of the features I like is that there's no saving. Everything's always saved and you just use history navigation. I tend to have both editors open and I'm always forgetting to save in VS.
I'm running vs 2008 with resharper 4.5 but as far as I can tell this isn't achievable or configurable.
Any suggestions?
For VS 2019, the Auto Save File extension seems to work as expected.
It saves individual files on lost focus, can save all files when VS loses focus and can also save all after an inactivity delay.
In VS 2015, I used to use NoMorePanicSave2015.
It does an equivalent of Ctrl+Shift+S when Visual Studio loses focus, which saves all your files, including solution and projects.
Another plugin: CBAutoSave
This extension can automatically save modified documents, projects, and the solution whenever Visual Studio loses focus.
Saving of modified documents is on by default, while automatically saving projects and the solution is not. All options are configurable through the Visual Studio options dialog.
In VS2017/19 Community there is Auto-Recover option under tools->options->autorecover. It will not autosave unless there is a crash, so it may be a good compromise.
In VS2019 its under tools->Options->Environment-AutoRecover.
Visual Studio 2008 will probably be the same:
However, it's not "no saving" but you can set it down to 1 minute.
Visual Studio 17.2 can now automatically save code documents whenever the application loses focus. This feature can be accessed via Tools > Options > Environment > Document.
There is an autosave, but I must admit that it doesn't seem to always work for me - notably I suspect that it only saves files, but not projects/solutions, or the .user and .suo files. I don't have any links to prove this mind you.
Visual Studio 2022 (Enterprise) has auto save option. But you have to enable it.
Navigate from Tools > Options > Environment > Preview Features and Enable the autosave.
here is a screenshot

Visual Studio Editor does not underline errors anymore

My Visual Studio (2008) Editor has stopped to underline Errors (this nifty wavy red lines). I can't really tell when, but it can be related to the installation of .Net Framework 3.5 SP 1 or the MVC Beta (which I guess is unlikely). Furthermore have I installed and uninstalled both CodeRush and Resharper for evaluation purposes (decided not to keep either one of them).
Does anyone know the problem and how to restore this functionality again?
Have you checked Tools→Options...→Text Editor→C#→Advanced→Underline errors in the editor?
I usually like to reset my settings after messing around with plugins, as they tend to mess with settings: Tools→Import and Export Settings...→Reset all settings.
About possible causes.
For VS 2012 and 2013 if you have more than one instance of Visual Studio on different machines binded to one "live" account and have installed ReSharper on one of them, it disables the native IntelliSense and error underlines (to replace by it's own rules) that will be synchronised through your account to another machine without ReSharper.
Found it in Visual Studio 2019 as: Tools > Options > Text Editor > General > Show error squiggles
This is generally called Disable Squiggly or Wavy lines in Visual Studio.
How you will do in Visual studio 2013?
TOOLS -> Options... -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable Squiggles: True/False (Under IntelliSense) -> Press OK
I know its an old question, and with various solutions, but I have fixed it in different way. I'm working with Unity3D on my C# code using VS2017, when suddenly VS decides to stop underlining error while im typing. However, if I close the file tab and reopen, it suddenly undelines the error.
For example:
class A {
public int x;
should obvsiouly give an error for that lonely 's' symbol. But, VS doesn't underline it until I close and reopen this file tab.
Copied the entire Unity Project folder (which is like a regular VS Solution folder basically) and worked with the new folder, which issue was gone there.
For visual studio 2017 act according to HeeJae's comments in:
Hi. you are probably hitting a known issue. can you try this?
1.Update to latest release If that doesn’t solve it
2.Go to Tools\Options\Projects and Solutions\General and uncheck “Allow parallel project initialization”.
3.Close VS.
4.Delete the “.vs” directory beside their solution file.
5.Reopen VS.
thank you
You can re-enable the "Allow parallel project initialization" option after the issue was solved.
I tried to upgrade VS, reset VS settings, clear VS cache and everything people do conventionally but none of them solved this issue! At the end the mentioned solution worked for me magically.
Good luck
Unloading and loading same project again from the solution does the trick. Just right click on the project and click "Unload Project". Once unloaded, again right click the same project and click "Reload Project". Error highlighting will return.
I had the same issue with 2017. There was a 'disable intelisense' option, make sure that is set to false.
For everyone wondering in 2021..
search for "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles" in the settings.
Make sure to have it active for the user, as well as the workspace.
No need to restart Visual Studio.
For me (VS 2019) , after trying the other answers also, setting the scope of analysis from "Current document" to Open document" brought back the missing error markers
Just go to settings and search for errors and Image in Error Squiggles. You can see the Error squiggles (Modified: Workspace - Right now you can't see it because I modified it). Just click on modified and you will see the disabled option. If by mistake you disabled it, just enable it and you can see the red line errors again in your code.
In latest edition, check for .vscode folder in same project folder. There will be a setting.json file in that. Delete the key value pair of "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": "Disabled". Restart the vs code.
