iTunes or Xcode style information box at top of window - cocoa

What are my options to recreate the box at the top of iTunes in Cocoa, or like Apple uses in XCode 4?
Is this just a plain image, with control on top? Or is it an NSBox with some custom style magic?

I had to code up something similar for one of my projects. For my solution, you will need the two categories available from the sample code in this tutorial. This code will draw the background gradient and the necessary shadows, it would be up to you to add additional content inside the control. Currently, the code will draw the Xcode style gradient as the background, but you could comment that out and uncomment the iTunes style one if that is what you need. Hope this helps.
#import "NSShadow+MCAdditions.h" // from the tutorial linked to above
#import "NSBezierPath+MCAdditions.h" // from the same tutorial
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
static NSShadow *kDropShadow = nil;
static NSShadow *kInnerShadow = nil;
static NSGradient *kBackgroundGradient = nil;
static NSColor *kBorderColor = nil;
if (kDropShadow == nil) {
kDropShadow = [[NSShadow alloc] initWithColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:.863 alpha:.75] offset:NSMakeSize(0, -1.0) blurRadius:1.0];
kInnerShadow = [[NSShadow alloc] initWithColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.0 alpha:.52] offset:NSMakeSize(0.0, -1.0) blurRadius:4.0];
kBorderColor = [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.569 alpha:1.0] retain];
// iTunes style
kBackgroundGradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithColorsAndLocations:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.929 green:0.945 blue:0.882 alpha:1.0],0.0,[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.902 green:0.922 blue:0.835 alpha:1.0],0.5,[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.871 green:0.894 blue:0.78 alpha:1.0],0.5,[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.949 green:0.961 blue:0.878 alpha:1.0],1.0, nil];
// Xcode style
kBackgroundGradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithColorsAndLocations:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.957 green:0.976 blue:1.0 alpha:1.0],0.0,[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.871 green:0.894 blue:0.918 alpha:1.0],0.5,[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.831 green:0.851 blue:0.867 alpha:1.0],0.5,[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.82 green:0.847 blue:0.89 alpha:1.0],1.0, nil];
NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
bounds.size.height -= 1.0;
bounds.origin.y += 1.0;
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:bounds xRadius:3.5 yRadius:3.5];
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[kDropShadow set];
[path fill];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
[kBackgroundGradient drawInBezierPath:path angle:-90.0];
[kBorderColor setStroke];
[path strokeInside];
[path fillWithInnerShadow:kInnerShadow];

I'd write a custom NSView. Draw the background and border yourself in drawRect:. You can use NSGradient to draw the filled background, or alternatively you could save it as an image and draw that. You could probably use a white NSShadow to get the embossed effect for the border.
Finally, to get your text on there, you could just add text fields as subviews of your new custom view.


NSScrollView background image in Lion

I'm working on a Mac application with an NSScrollView, and I want the NSScrollView to have a custom background image. I used this code in the custom documentView NSView subclass:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {
[[NSColor colorWithPatternImage:[NSImage imageNamed:#"wood.jpg"]] set];
That displays a pattern image as a background for the documentView.
But now in Mac OS X Lion, the NSScrollView bounces when scrolling further than possible, showing ugly white space. How can I make the white space also being covered by the background image?
Instead of overriding drawRect:, use the scroll view's setBackgroundColor: method, passing the NSColor you created with the pattern image.
You should subclass use NSScrollView setBackgroundColor, but then you should subclass NSClipView like this to pin the texture origin to the top:
#implementation MYClipView
- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code here.
return self;
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
if (self.drawsBackground)
NSGraphicsContext* theContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
[theContext saveGraphicsState];
float xOffset = NSMinX([self convertRect:[self frame] toView:nil]);
float yOffset = NSMaxY([self convertRect:[self frame] toView:nil]);
[theContext setPatternPhase:NSMakePoint(xOffset, yOffset)];
NSColor* color = self.backgroundColor;
[color set];
NSRectFill([self bounds]);
[theContext restoreGraphicsState];
// Note: We don't call [super drawRect:dirtyRect] because we don't need it to draw over our background.
+ (void)replaceClipViewInScrollView:(NSScrollView*)scrollView
NSView* docView = [scrollView documentView]; //[[scrollView documentView] retain];
MYClipView* newClipView = nil;
newClipView = [[[self class] alloc] initWithFrame:[[scrollView contentView] frame]];
[newClipView setBackgroundColor:[[scrollView contentView] backgroundColor]];
[scrollView setContentView:(NSClipView*)newClipView]; [scrollView setDocumentView:docView];
// [newClipView release];
// [docView release];
And call + (void)replaceClipViewInScrollView:(NSScrollView*)scrollView with the NSScrollView instance.
Put your drawRect code in an NSScrollView subclass. In IB, change the NSScrollView to use your custom subclass instead of NSScrollView. Also make sure to uncheck Draw Background in the scroll view's attributes inspector.

NSString *text to NSString *icon?

I am making an app that is a standalone menu item and the basis for the code is sample code I found on a website. The sample code uses a number as the menu icon, but I want to change it to an image.
I want it to be like other apps where it shows icon.png when not clicked and icon-active.png when clicked.
The current code is this:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {
// Draw background if appropriate.
if (clicked) {
[[NSColor selectedMenuItemColor] set];
// Draw some text, just to show how it's done.
NSString *text = #"3"; // whatever you want
NSColor *textColor = [NSColor controlTextColor];
if (clicked) {
textColor = [NSColor selectedMenuItemTextColor];
NSFont *msgFont = [NSFont menuBarFontOfSize:15.0];
NSMutableParagraphStyle *paraStyle = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc] init];
[paraStyle setParagraphStyle:[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle]];
[paraStyle setAlignment:NSCenterTextAlignment];
[paraStyle setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail];
NSMutableDictionary *msgAttrs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
msgFont, NSFontAttributeName,
textColor, NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
paraStyle, NSParagraphStyleAttributeName,
[paraStyle release];
NSSize msgSize = [text sizeWithAttributes:msgAttrs];
NSRect msgRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, msgSize.width, msgSize.height);
msgRect.origin.x = ([self frame].size.width - msgSize.width) / 2.0;
msgRect.origin.y = ([self frame].size.height - msgSize.height) / 2.0;
[text drawInRect:msgRect withAttributes:msgAttrs];
Also, I found a post describing a method on how to do this, but it did not work for me. The url to that is this:
Use an NSImage and draw it where desired. For example:
NSString *name = clicked? #"icon-active" : #"icon";
NSImage *image = [NSImage imageNamed:name];
NSPoint p = [self bounds].origin;
[image drawAtPoint:p fromRect:NSZeroRect
operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0];
If this is for a status item and you just want an icon with no programmatic drawing, drop the view and set the status item's image and alternateImage. The former is what the status item uses normally; the status item switches to the alternate image (if it has one) when the user opens its menu.

How to draw a blurred shape?

How do I draw a blurred shape in Cocoa? Think of a shadow with a blurRadius accompanying a filled path, but without sharp-edged foreground path shape.
What I tried is using a filled path with a shadow, and setting the fill color to transparent (alpha 0.0). But that makes the shadow invisible as well, as it is apparently taking the shadow casting "object's" alpha into account.
This is actually reasonably tricky. I struggled with this for a while until I came up with this category on NSShadow:
#implementation NSShadow (Extras)
//draw a shadow using a bezier path but do not draw the bezier path
- (void)drawUsingBezierPath:(NSBezierPath*) path alpha:(CGFloat) alpha
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
//get the bounds of the path
NSRect bounds = [path bounds];
//create a rectangle that outsets the size of the path bounds by the blur radius amount
CGFloat blurRadius = [self shadowBlurRadius];
NSRect shadowBounds = NSInsetRect(bounds, -blurRadius, -blurRadius);
//create an image to hold the shadow
NSImage* shadowImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:shadowBounds.size];
//make a copy of the shadow and set its offset so that when the path is drawn, the shadow is drawn in the middle of the image
NSShadow* aShadow = [self copy];
[aShadow setShadowOffset:NSMakeSize(0, -NSHeight(shadowBounds))];
//lock focus on the image
[shadowImage lockFocus];
//we want to draw the path directly above the shadow image and offset the shadow so it is drawn in the image rect
//to do this we must translate the drawing into the correct location
NSAffineTransform* transform=[NSAffineTransform transform];
//first get it to the zero point
[transform translateXBy:-shadowBounds.origin.x yBy:-shadowBounds.origin.y];
//now translate it by the height of the image so that it draws outside the image bounds
[transform translateXBy:0.0 yBy:NSHeight(shadowBounds)];
NSBezierPath* translatedPath = [transform transformBezierPath:path];
//apply the shadow
[aShadow set];
//fill the path with an arbitrary black color
[[NSColor blackColor] set];
[translatedPath fill];
[aShadow release];
[shadowImage unlockFocus];
//draw the image at the correct location relative to the original path
NSPoint imageOrigin = bounds.origin;
imageOrigin.x = (imageOrigin.x - blurRadius) + [self shadowOffset].width;
imageOrigin.y = (imageOrigin.y - blurRadius) - [self shadowOffset].height;
[shadowImage drawAtPoint:imageOrigin fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:alpha];
[shadowImage release];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
I found one implementation which does exactly what I meant online. Written by Sean Patrick O'Brien. It is a category on NSBezierPath, like so:
#interface NSBezierPath (MCAdditions)
- (void)drawBlurWithColor:(NSColor *)color radius:(CGFloat)radius;
#implementation NSBezierPath (MCAdditions)
- (void)drawBlurWithColor:(NSColor *)color radius:(CGFloat)radius
NSRect bounds = NSInsetRect(self.bounds, -radius, -radius);
NSShadow *shadow = [[NSShadow alloc] init];
shadow.shadowOffset = NSMakeSize(0, bounds.size.height);
shadow.shadowBlurRadius = radius;
shadow.shadowColor = color;
NSBezierPath *path = [self copy];
NSAffineTransform *transform = [NSAffineTransform transform];
if ([[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] isFlipped])
[transform translateXBy:0 yBy:bounds.size.height];
[transform translateXBy:0 yBy:-bounds.size.height];
[path transformUsingAffineTransform:transform];
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[shadow set];
[[NSColor blackColor] set];
[path fill];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
[path release];
[shadow release];
This code is downloadable from this blog post. I didn't find it separately as code anywhere online.

Prevent NSButtonCell image from drawing outside of its containing NSScrollView

I have asked (and answered) a very similar question before. That question was able to be solved because I knew the dirtyRect, and thus, knew where I should draw the image. Now, I am seeing the same behavior with an subclassed NSButtonCell:
In my subclass, I am simply overriding the drawImage:withFrame:inView method to add a shadow.
- (void)drawImage:(NSImage *)image withFrame:(NSRect)frame inView:(NSView *)controlView {
NSGraphicsContext *ctx = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
[ctx saveGraphicsState];
// Rounded Rect
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:frame cornerRadius:kDefaultCornerRadius];
NSBezierPath *shadowPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:NSInsetRect(frame, 0.5, 0.5) cornerRadius:kDefaultCornerRadius]; // prevents the baground showing through the image corner
// Shadow
NSColor *shadowColor = [UAColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0 alpha:0.8];
[NSShadow setShadowWithColor:shadowColor
offset:NSMakeSize(0, -1)];
[[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.635 alpha:1.0] set];
[shadowPath fill];
[NSShadow clearShadow];
// Background Gradient in case image is nil
NSGradient *gradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:[UAColor grayColor] endingColor:[UAColor lightGrayColor]];
[gradient drawInBezierPath:shadowPath angle:90.0];
[gradient release];
// Image
if (image) {
[path setClip];
[image drawInRect:frame fromRect:CGRectZero operation:NSCompositeSourceAtop fraction:1.0];
[ctx restoreGraphicsState];
It seems all pretty standard, but the image is still drawing outside of the containing scrollview bounds. How can I avoid this?
You shouldn't call -setClip on an NSBezierPath unless you really mean it. Generally you want ‑addClip, which adds your clipping path to the set of current clipping regions.
NSScrollView works by using its own clipping path and you're blowing that path away before drawing your image.
This tripped me up for a long time too.

Image inside NSScrollView drawing on top of other views

I have a custom NSView that lives inside of a NSScrollView that is in a NSSplitView. The custom view uses the following drawing code:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
NSGraphicsContext *ctx = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
[ctx saveGraphicsState];
// Rounded Rect
NSRect rect = [self bounds];
NSRect pathRect = NSMakeRect(rect.origin.x + 3, rect.origin.y + 6, rect.size.width - 6, rect.size.height - 6);
NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:pathRect cornerRadius:kDefaultCornerRadius];
// Shadow
[NSShadow setShadowWithColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0 alpha:0.66]
offset:NSMakeSize(0, -3)];
[[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.196 alpha:1.0] set];
[path fill];
[NSShadow clearShadow];
// Background Gradient
NSGradient *gradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:[UAColor darkBlackColor] endingColor:[UAColor lightBlackColor]];
[gradient drawInBezierPath:path angle:90.0];
[gradient release];
// Image
[path setClip];
NSRect imageRect = NSMakeRect(pathRect.origin.x, pathRect.origin.y, pathRect.size.height * kLargeImageRatio, pathRect.size.height);
[self.image drawInRect:imageRect
[ctx restoreGraphicsState];
[super drawRect:dirtyRect];
I have tried every different type of operation but the image still draws on top of the other half of the NSSplitView like so:
…instead of drawing under the NSScrollView. I think this has to do with drawing everything instead of the dirtyRect only, but I don't know how I could edit the image drawing code to only draw the part of it that lies in the dirtyRect. How can I either prevent it from drawing on top, or only draw the dirty rect for this NSImage?
I finally got it. I don't know if it is optimal yet, but I will find out when doing performance testing. I just had to figure out the intersection of the image rect and the dirty rect using NSIntersectionRect, then figuring out which subpart of the NSImage to draw for the drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction: call.
Here is the important part:
NSRect imageRect = NSMakeRect(pathRect.origin.x, pathRect.origin.y, pathRect.size.height * kLargeImageRatio, pathRect.size.height);
[self.image setSize:imageRect.size];
NSRect intersectionRect = NSIntersectionRect(dirtyRect, imageRect);
NSRect fromRect = NSMakeRect(intersectionRect.origin.x - imageRect.origin.x,
intersectionRect.origin.y - imageRect.origin.y,
[self.image drawInRect:intersectionRect
