EF 4.1 with DbContext-based POCO objects is not lazy-loading internal navigation properties - asp.net-mvc-3

I'm working on a CRM-style MVC web app, which has the following (simplified) schema:
Contacts Table
Tags Table
ContactTags Table
I've then generated POCO objects from the *.edmx file, interacting with a DbContext-based entities context, hiding the ContactTags table so that the relationship between Contact and Tag entities is modelled as a many-to-many association. I've then restricted access to the raw Contact.Tags navigation property, setting it to be internal rather than public, and exposed a ReadOnlyCollection that can be used outside the Domain layer for displaying tags, but restricting data operations on the collection to a Contact.EditTags() method.
Upon writing UI code to display the list of tags on a contact, I found that the Tags navigation property isn't being lazy-loaded. After scratching my head and googling about a bit, I found another question at EF CTP4 lazy loading not playing ball which matched my problem. The author of the question found that when he changed the internal property to be public, it started working, and sure enough this is what happened for me too - I've changed the Tags navigation property to be public, and it's now working.
I'm uncomfortable with this from an object modelling/data encapsulation point of view, since the UI shouldn't be given access to the raw Tags collection which would enable controller code to call Tags.Add(), Tags.Remove, etc.
Does anyone know if this is a bug, or a deliberate design decision by the EF team? Is it possible to get an internal navigation property to be lazy-loaded? I know we could eager-load, but we'd like to avoid that if at all possible.

Lazy loading on POCOs needs creation of POCO proxies. Proxies are only created when the model classes fulfill certain requirements. One of these requirements for proxies which enable lazy loading is this one:
Each navigation property must be
declared as public, virtual
(Overridable in Visual Basic), and not
sealed (NotOverridable in Visual
Basic) get accessor.
Quote from here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd468057.aspx


How to architect bean retrieval from DAO vs. User Entered Data bean

I am a total newb to Spring. Even though I understand the concepts of individual annotations (and dependency injection), I am having difficulty "seeing the forest for the trees." Here, in this example, I have a page that has a dropdown box. It also stores the user's selected option from that box. So there are three beans, only one of which is properly called a domain bean:
DropDownEntry *domain
SelectedOption (which could be String or a whole DropDownEntry type stored at Session Scope)
PageModel (containing a List of #1 above, and a single instance of #2)
Below is an image of my best guess as how to use Spring to:
1. Retrieve a List from the persistence layer via DAO
2. Retrieve/Store the user's selection
Is this design remotely near correct? Is there an alternate "best practices" way to architect this scenario?
I think Spring MVC Forms might be what you are looking for.
The model is a map of entries for the drop down box.
You can fetch these entries from a database using the DAO Pattern and turn it into a map in a controller class.
The drop down box is generated using a mix of HTML, a JSP tags and map of 'drop-down' entries.
Hard to tell. But from the looks of it, you've made things awfully complicated.
My advice: stop drawing UML, re-read the specification, and start coding. Start with a simple model class that represents the selectable entity. Don't name it DropDownEntry (unless you're creating software to model dropdowns), but something that actually describes the selectable entity. Don't worry about data access (DAOs) at this point.
Then create a controller class that allows you to render a view that contains the said dropdown UI element. Then pass the selectable entities (as reference data) to the view in the model. Then make the view render the selectable entities appropriately. Then allow the user to post the selection back to your controller.
Once you have this, you can think about saving the selected entity to persistent storage. At that point you will probably find out that you need to link the selected entity to a user etc.
Good luck.

Working with Breeze + ViewModels

In my app I have my domain layer and web interface (other layers I will not go into details).
My views, working with ViewModels objects, and the database persist domain objects.
To convert a ViewModel object to a domain object I use AutoMapper.
The problem with the working Breeze is that when I will create a new object var newCust = manager.createEntity('Customer', {name:'Beta'}) this is a domain object, and should be an ViewModel object.
Not all, but in some cases the ViewModel is not similar to the object domain. For example, collections of objects in the domain are: ICollection<Person> while in view model are ICollection<int> int is a PK of person.
How to working with breeze in these cases?
How to make the metadata also manages the structure of my viewmodels so I can create objects of type my ViewModel?
#ridermansb - Because you mentioned AutoMapper, I will assume that your mapping is taking place on the server. You want your server API to expose "ViewModels" (in this case you might call them DTOs) rather than the domain model objects. Sometimes your ViewModels mirror your domain objects exactly; sometimes they don't.
Your client only sees what your API exposes. If this is a BreezeJS client, you will likely treat the ViewModels as client-side entities. They are Breeze entities in the sense that you expect Breeze to query, cache, change-track, and validate them. BreezeJS doesn't know whether these "entities" correspond to server-side DTOs or server-side business objects.
Of course if you're using DTOs/ViewModels, your server code is responsible for translating between the DTO form and the domain object form. Presumably this logic lies somewhere in/between the server-side API layer and the domain layer.
If you have chosen this architecture, you have chosen to deal with the bi-directional translation between ViewModels and domain objects and have embraced all the complexity and hassle that entails. I have no words of advice for you on that score.
So let me rephrase and narrow your question: "How can I get metadata that describe the object model exposed by my server-side API?"
My favorite way (assuming a .NET server) is to let EF do it for me. I create a DbContext that references NOT my domain model classes but rather my ViewModel/DTO classes. Of course these classes would not actually map to a real database. No problem; they don't have to. You will never use this DbContext to access data. You will only use it to generate metadata. You are using EF as a design-time, metadata-generating tool ... and that's it. This is an efficient maintainable approach.
I hope to demonstrate this technique "soon" but I've been mighty busy recently so no promises.
Alternatively, you can write the metadata by hand as described here.

Entity Framework in detached mode with MVC application

I have started working out with Entity Framework (EF) for an MVC n-tier application. It would seem that very obvious that this being a web application (which is stateless), I would have to use detached object models. There is no ambiguity with doing an Add operation. However when doing an edit there are here are two ways
Fetch the original object in context, attach the updated object and
then save to database. Something like mentioned in answer to this
EF4 Context.ApplyCurrentValues does not update current values
Set individual modified properties explicitly using the IsModified property of individual fields of the object like
mentioned in this article
Method 1 has disadvantage of having to load object into memory from database each time an update needs to be performed.
Method 2 would require having to manually pass which fields to be set as IsModified to true from wherever the object an be updated. So for e.g. for each object, I may need to create a boolean collection object for each field of the object.
SaveEntity(EntityClass e, EntityStateClass ec)
context.Entry(e).Property("Name").IsModified = ec.NameState;
class EntityStateClass{ public bool NameState;}
I would prefer method 2 simply for the sake of performance but I am hindered by the n-tier architecture and repository pattern I am using. My Repository interface restricts save method for any object to be
SaveEntity(EntityClass e);
So I cannot pass the "state" object. Context class is not available and should not be available outside DAL. So I cannot set property outside. Is there any "proper" way to achieve this ?
Note: Self-Tracking Entity is also out of question since I cannot send entities with state to client (the browser) since I am intent on keeping the html lightweight.
EDIT: After a lot of thinking, I am trying to use following mechanism to keep track of modified state for each field in my domain class
Declare a partial class for entity class.
For each field that is updateable, declare a boolean property like "IsModified_FieldName"
Set the "IsModified_FieldName" property when the field is set.
However for this I need Entity Framework to generate explicit properties for me instead of implicit properties that it auto-generates. Does EF provide an handle to do this ?
Here is sample code of what I am trying to achieve
//Save Method for class EntityClass.
SaveEntity(EntityClass e)
context.Entry(e).Property("Name").IsModified = e.IsModified_Name;
//EntityClass is class autogenerated by EF
public partial class EntityClass
//This is auto-generated property by EF
public string Name {get; set;}
/* This is what I would like EF to do
private string name;
public string Name
get {return Name;}
set {
name = value;
//this is what I would like to do
this.IsModified_Name = true;
//This is another partial definition for EntityClass that I will provide
public partial class EntityClass
//This property will be set to true if "Name" is set
public bool IsModified_Name {get; set;}
PS: It seems the information I have provided is not sufficient and therefore there are no responses.
I am using DbContext (Database first model)
EF auto-generates the class files for me. So each time I update my database, the class files are regenerated.
To your concrete question: The entities are generated by a T4 template and it should be possible to modify this template (which is in text format) to generate the entities in a way you want to shape them.
But I have a few remarks about your concept:
In a web application data are usually changed by a user in a browser. To have a definite knowledge what really has been changed you need to track the changes in the browser (probably by some Javascript that sets flags in the data (a ViewModel for example) when a user edits a text box for instance).
If you don't track the changes in the browser what happens? The data get posted back to the server and you don't know at the server side (with MVC in a controller) which property has been changed. So, your only chance is to map all properties that has been posted back to your EntityClass and every property will be marked as Modified, no matter if the user really did a change or not. When you later call SaveChanges EF will write an UPDATE statement that involves all those properties and you have an unnecessary overhead that you you want to avoid.
So, what did you win by setting individual properties instead of setting the whole entity's state to Modified? In both cases you have marked all properties as Modified. Exceptions are partial changes of an entity, for example: You have a Customer entity that has a Name and City property and a view that only allows to edit the Name but not the City and a corresponding ViewModel that only contains a Name property. In this case your procedure would only mark the Name property of the Customer entity as Modified but not the City. You might save here a little bit because you don't save the City property value to the database. But you still save the Name even if it didn't change.
If you use solution 1 (ApplyCurrentValues) you have to load the entity first from the database, yes, but it would only mark the properties as Modified that really changed compared to their values in the database. If the user didn't change anything no UPDATE would be written at all.
Keep in mind that you are only at the beginning to implement your concept. There are other changes to the data that can happen in the browser than only scalar property changes, namely relationship changes. For example a user changes the relationship from an Order to a Customer or you have a view that has an Order and a collection of OrderItems and the user cannot only edit the Order header but also edit the OrderItems and remove and add new OrderItems. How do you want to recognize when the data come back from the browser to the server which collection item has been added and which has been removed - unless you track all those changes in the browser and send tracking information back to the server in addition to the actual data or unless you reload the Order and OrderItems from the database and merge the changes into the original entities from the database?
Personally I would vote for option 1 for these reasons:
You can use real POCOs that don't carry additional tracking information. (BTW: I have some doubt if you aren't reinventing the wheel by implementing your own tracking that EF change tracking proxies provide out of the box.)
You don't need to track changes in the browser which can become quite complex and will require Javascript in every Edit view to write change flags into hidden form fields or something.
You can use standard features of EF without having to implement your own tracking.
You are required to load entities from the database when you want to update an entity, that's true. But is this the real performance bottleneck in a web application where data have to run through the wire back and forth (and reflection (which isn't really known as to be fast) is involved by the model binder)? I have nothing said if your database is remote from the web server and connected by a 9600 baud modem. But otherwise, your plan is not only premature optimization, it is kind of premature architecture. You are starting to build a potentially complex architecture based on "it could be slow" to solve a performance problem that you actually don't know of whether it really exists.

How can I attach UI layer resource files to domain model data annotations?

This question really has larger architectural implications and I welcome any input or suggestions on this:
I'm more of the Martin Fowler school of thought when it comes to OOP. I believe you should be able to directly render domain entities in the UI. If I have a Car entity, I should be able to render it to a webpage. The domain model is a crosscutting concern and not a layer. Treating the domain model as a layer leads to an anemic domain model. I don't believe in DTOs in an OOP architecture.
A view model for me is a way of composing the domain entities required in your view. It's not a DTO. I don't understand what the reasoning behind using a view model like DTO is though it seems like a common thing to do using automapper?
So using the metadata approach I put data annotations on my domain model to give any UI implementation hints on how to render and validate the entities. I like to have a richER domain model.
In MVC3 how can you accomplish this (specifically using the Display data annotation) with a resource file that resides in the UI layer? Is there a native implementation for this or do I need to get creative myself? Or have I gone wrong somewhere in my approach?
I disagree.
For one thing, some of the attributes you will use to specify how an entity property should be displayed on a web page come from the System.Web namespace, not the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace. By putting these attributes on properties in your domain model, your domain model is taking a dependency on System.Web. For example, there is the [HiddenInput] attribute that tells MVC3 to render a field as input type="hidden". This is not in System.CompoenentModel.DataAnnotations.
Secondly, I don't believe you need data annotation attributes on your entity properties to have a rich domain model. A rich domain model comes from classes that wrap knowledge in a context. The client application should not need to know anything about the domain in order to use it. You achieve a rich domain model with classes, methods, and properties that describe knowledge using the ubiquitous language. DataAnnotations attributes don't lend themselves well to the ubiquitous language imo. And, your domain is more than just your entities. There are factories, services, and other patterns that you can use to build a rich domain model. A domain with only entities and metadata sounds anemic to me.
Thirdly, you may have an entity that should be rendered in different ways on your web site. When someone searches for a car, you may want to display just the make, model, year, and thumbnail photo. When someone clicks on the search result, you may want to display multiple photos, reviews, etc. If you were to use the UIHint attribute on an entity to tell the web ui how to render the car, you wouldn't be able to have different strategies for rendering the Car in different contexts.
Finally, yes, automapper is really great for DTOing your entities into viewmodels. It essentially lets you populate copies of the entity, disconnected from the domain, targeted for specific UI concerns. Here it is safe to use HiddenInput and UIHint attributes to tell MVC3 how to render data.
Response to comment 1
As far as UIHint, I mentioned it here because it has a special meaning with MVC3 EditorTemplates. In cases where a partial view involves receiving input, what is the composition of the view? Text fields, drop-down lists, and input elements that often correspond to entities and their properties in some aggregate root. You will therefore need some representation of the entities to encapsulate the data. Your DTO can be an aggregate root as well, with depth. You can have a root DTO with scalar properties (text/date/bool), navigation properties (drop-down list) and collection properties (ul/ol/table).
We create a corresponding viewmodels for many entities in an aggregate root, and implement them as views using EditorTemplates. If we ever want to switch to a different EditorTemplate, we can apply UIHint to a viewmodel property. Thus we can tell it to "render a location dto as a google map". Automapper can map navigational and collection properties to corresponding viewmodels, forming as complex a representation of your domain entities as you need for the user.
Forgive me if I misunderstand what you mean by flat dto.
Response to comment 2
A viewmodel dto can flatten out / denormalize some properties (using automapper), if your requirements call for it. For example, consider a University entity. It may have many names in many languages (translations), hinting at a UniversityName entity in the aggregate, with University having a collection of Names (1..n). Of those names, 1 may represent the OfficialName / NativeName, and another may represent the TranslatedName to the user's CurrentUICulture. Other entities in the collection may represent TranslatedNames that the user does not understand, and need not be bothered with.
If you have a view that is only interested in these 2 Names in the collection, you can promote them to first-class properties on the viewmodel:
public class UniversityViewModel
public string OfficialName { get; set; }
public string TranslatedName { get; set; }
// ...other properties
This is a case where denormalizing part of the entity when converting to a viewmodel dto can make sense. Notice how the viewmodel is anemic -- a bare container for data transfer from a controller to a view. This is perfectly fine, and in fact, encouraged.
Answer to original question
To answer your original question, it helps if you think of your domain model & entities as a layer -- more specifically, a bottom layer. Layered software is easier to understand if you think about the various concerns in an application as having dependencies on other concerns. MVC3 is a presentation / UI layer, and will have dependencies on the layers beneath it -- one of those being your domain layer.
If you want to access a resource file in the UI from the domain layer, you are going in the opposite direction. You would be making a low layer depend on a higher layer. If your domain lib depends on the UI lib for a resource, and the UI lib depends on the domain for entities, you end up with a circular dependency. I think you could probably accomplish it using reflection if you needed to, but in that case, you would be fighting against the framework. MVC and .NET in general may not be the best choice for you if that is the case.
I actually think of resource files as a cross-cutting concern. Our application has i18n sprinkled throughout, and often we find we need the same language text resources in both the domain and the UI.
There is nothing wrong with putting a Display attribute on an entity. But if you want to use resources for it, then either put that resource in the domain layer, or if you feel it doesn't belong there, in a lower layer. That way it can be accessed by both the domain and the UI.
So I ended up putting a resourse file in the domain model and added a custom HiddenFieldAttribute so that I don't have to reference the MVC assembly in the domain model.
I still fundamentally dissagree that a view model is really a DTO and that the domain model should be constructed as a layer. I feel that architecting the application in this way creates abstractions that really have no value. If the domain model was truly a layer then we would build a set of logical interfaces from which to access it, and this we don't do. It's a cross cutting concern.
Thanks to olivehour for an interesting discussion and suggesting that it's okay to place resource file(s) in to domain model assembly.

MVC: Data Models and View Models

I've read some MVC advice in the past regarding models stating that you should not reuse the same model objects for the domain and the view; but I haven't been able to find anyone willing to discuss why this is bad.
It is my opinion that creating two separate models - one for the domain, one for the view - and then mapping between them creates a lot of duplication, plus tedious mapping code (some of which might be alleviated by things like AutoMapper) that will likely be error prone.
What makes having a separate model for the two concerns worth the trouble of duplication and mapping code?
At its heart, two models is about Separation of Concerns. I want my View to work off of a single Model. I want my Domain Model to represent the conceptual model I build with the domain experts. ViewModel often has technical constraints. Domain Model is about POCO, and not being bound by technical constraints of either data shown (View) or persisted (in a DB or otherwise).
Suppose I have three entities shown on a screen. Does that mean I need to force a relationship between the three? Or just create a ViewModel component object that contains all three items. With a separate ViewModel, View concerns are separated from my domain.
why? 'cause the view shouldn't have the ability to use the model object!
Imagine you pass the project to a web designer to do the view layer. Suddenly he/she has the ability to mess around with your application's data through the model layer. That's not good.
So always only pass the data the view needs, instead of the object with methods.
J.P. Boodhoo's article Screen Bound DTOs will help you understand the design benefit.
There is also a security benefit that I have written about.
Having a presentation model simplifies your views. This is especially important because views are typically very hard to test. By having a presentation model you move a lot of work out of the view and into the domain->presentation model. Things like formatting, handling null values and flattening object graphs.
I agree that the extra mapping is a pain but I think you probably need to try both approaches in your specific context to see what works best for you.
There are even plainer concerns including the view model's ability to be specially formatted and certainly null-safe.
I guess the idea is that your domain models might extend to other implementations, not just your MVC application and that would break the seperations of concerns principle. If your View Model IS your domain model then your domain model has two reasons to change: a domain change requirement AND a view requirement change.
Seems I have duplication of rules as well.
ie. client object validation on the UI, then mapping to domain object that has to be validated.
What I tend to do however is map my set of domain objects to create a model - ie. a webpage that shows customer info, stock info, etc... my model becomes a structure that holds a Customer object and a Stock object.
public Customer Customer{get;}
public Stock Stock {get;}
then in my mvc project ViewData.Model.Customer.Name ViewData.Model.Stock.CurrentStocks
Separation 'seems' like more work, but later, it's good to have this division of UI/Domain model...sorta like writing tests :)
I have drunk the cool-aide finally, I do like being able to mark my viewmodel with display instructions and have that all auto wired up.
What I demand now is some kind of auto generator of viewmodels from poco entities. I always set some string as an int and it takes me forever to find it. Don't even think of doing this without automapper unless you like pain.
